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甘地的非暴力反抗楊嘉慧, YANG, JIA-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
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商業化新聞操作下的自主空間:記者的反抗策略吳佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
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病入高原 / "Disease" in City L張岸, Zhang, An Unknown Date (has links)
而在LJ村拍攝的民族誌影片中,顯示出了村中年輕人與老一輩在地方文化傳承上的斷裂。相較於民俗治療儀式,他們更願意相信西方醫療體系,更加傾向於去現代醫院中進行診斷與治療。 / This paper is mainly based on two guidelines: the photography creation aiming at photo collection, and the discussion and field research for research achievements. Theses two guidelines work as supplement for each other. Through the record by photography and related discussion in L City, Yunnan, I hope that the real current situation for mental patients could be showed to readers.
Indeed, there is a great “power gap” between the staff and patients in psychiatric hospital, in which the way the staff use their power almost complies with Foucault’s description: “Space, Knowledge and Power”. All the rules and daily activities in the area indicate the control of the staff to patients in different degree. The doctors don’t completely rely on western medical for healing, instead they add traditional knowledge, for which patients sometimes make small fight for. Although these small fights are effective, they don’t make effect on the normal operation of the hospital.
In terms of the ethnography film recorded in L Village, it indicates a disruption between the young and the old on the inheritance for traditional culture. The young generation is more likely to choose modern hospital for disease, rather than relying on traditional method.
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活在「幻想」的女性―樋口一葉後期文學中女性的反抗表現 / Women living in “fantasy” in the Meiji Era:The woman's resistance in the works of Higuchi Ichiyo’s later years蕭毓親 Unknown Date (has links)
關於研究方法,本研究以樋口一葉後期作品中生活在家庭空間內部的少女與人妻,以及生活在家庭空間外部的娼婦對象,以從家族關係成立的「家族幻想」(共同幻想),以及由戀愛的關係所成立的「戀愛幻想」(對幻想)的觀點來作思考,考察女性的自我意識與行為表現。此外,從作品論衍伸到作家論,藉由作者在日記中記述,或同時代的評論、作品,來論及作家的思想及作品表現之特性。 / Women were still confined to traditional social norms while the Meiji Era (1868-1912) started its modernization and industrialization, and rose to world power status. Higuchi Ichiyo, considered as the first major woman writer of Japan's Meiji period, examines and argues gender issue, social class and feudalism from the perspectives of humanism, especially women's roles. Her literary focuses on women’s self-awakening and liberation, exploring women’s autonomy and the way of how women live in the society. Compared with her own early works, her writing mechanism and thinking become more delicate and sophisticated with time passing by, and she, at the end, deeply realizes the ill-fated destiny of being a woman in the self-exploration process of I-am-a-woman.
This research aims to examine how women oppose the paternalism and gender discrimination by looking at the novels of Higuchi Ichiyo’s later years in which women have no choice but to be housewives to meet social expectations. From the standpoint of female, this research also tends to review how women express and identify themselves, and how they find their own way to live physically and consciously at that time. At last, the study investigates other woman writers of the same period to re-define and re-position Higuchi Ichiyo in the Japan Meiji Era’s literature.
The methodology employed in the study is to analyze women’s self-awareness and behaviors by using two types of “fantasy” concept: (1) family fantasy, also called co-fantasy, formed by family relationships and (2) romance fantasy created by love relationships. Two kinds of women are analyzed in this study. One is the ladies and housewives in the household, and the other is the prostitutes outside the socially-expected family life. In addition, contemporary criticism, literary theory, authorship theory, and author’s journals are reviewed to analyze Higuchi Ichiyo’s writing mechanism and thinking.
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佛瑞爾斯《美麗壞東西》中的監控、人權,與聯合策略 / Surveillance, Human Rights, and Solidarity in Stephen Frears’s Dirty Pretty Things曾尹璽, Tseng,Yin Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文企圖探討史蒂芬‧佛瑞爾斯 ( Stephen Frears ) 的電影《美麗壞東西》( Dirty Pretty Things ) 中的公民權與人權之議題。片中描述從奈及利亞非法入境的奧奎 (Okwe) 與來自土耳其申請政治庇護的桑娜 (Senay) 因其游移的身分,遭逢英國政府監控與資本主義社會剝削,並揭露倫敦城市中非法難民販賣器官以求生存的黑暗面。本篇論文著重分析政治庇護者的矛盾身分如何擾亂民族國家的監視、暴露僅以公民權利保障境內人民的缺失,並主張唯有透過跨種族、階級,與性別的聯合 ( solidarity ) 才能對抗國家機制裡的矛盾與全球資本主義的剝削。論文第二章以德希達 ( Jacques Derrida ) 的制約款待 ( conditional hospitality ),與傅柯 ( Michel Foucault ) 的監視 ( Panopticon ) 概念,探討片中監控 ( surveillance ) 機制的形成。第三章引進布斯克與夏弗 (Alison Brysk and Gershon Shafir ) 提出公民權 (citizenship) 與人權 ( human rights ) 的差距,來揭發片中政治庇護者與外籍勞工在地主國 ( host countries ) 因為缺乏公民權而導致人權被忽視的困境。第四章從傅柯 ( Michel Foucault ) 的反抗 ( resistance ) 與拉克勞 ( Ernesto Laclau ) 與穆芙 ( Chantal Mouffe ) 的激進多元民主 ( radical plural democracy ) 的概念,探討以跨種族、階級,與性別的聯合 ( solidarity ) 來對抗國家制度本身的裂縫與經濟全球化的無情剝削。最後總結在全球化時代,唯有檢視國家制度的缺失,並揚棄封閉排他的意識形態,才能體現種族與文化的差異與多元性,並促進跨界聯合之實現。 / This thesis aims to explore the issue of citizenship and human rights in Stephen Frears’s Dirty Pretty Things. Dirty Pretty Things describes the British government’s surveillance on asylum seekers, such as Okwe, an illegal refugee from Nigeria, and Senay, the Turkish asylum applicant, and unveils illegal refugees’ organ trade in exchange for passports in London. The thesis attempts to decipher how the ambivalent status of asylum seekers disturbs the surveillance of nation-states, exposes the defect of the citizenship gap and argues only through solidarity among different ethnicity, class and gender, could the subordinated fight against deficiencies in the mechanism of nation-states and exploitation of global capitalism. Through the perspectives of Derrida’s conditional hospitality and Foucault’s Panopticon, Chapter Two examines the surveillance of nation-states on asylum seekers in Dirty Pretty Things. In Chapter Three, I adopt Brysk and Shafir’s analysis to explore the citizenship gap between citizenship and human rights in the film, which reflects the difficulty in handling the cases of legal and illegal asylum seekers in nation-states on the basis of citizenship in the era of globalization. In Chapter Four, I will utilize the perceptive of Foucault’s resistance and Laclau and Mouffe’s radical plural democracy to suggest how counter strategies and solidarity could rebel against fissures in nation-states’ apparatuses and reveal a new possibility of alliance beyond borders in the era of globalization. The last chapter concludes by summing up the gaps in the system of nation-states and rejecting any enclosed ideology so as to articulate multiplicities and differences beyond limitations of ethnicity, class and gender across borders in the era of globalization.
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