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幻想與消費行為:幻想量表之建製 / Fantasy and Consumption Behaviors: Developing the Fantasy Scale黃依婷, Huang, I-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
消費者為了滿足或接近幻想而產生的消費行為稱之「消費幻想」,雖然這個消費新趨勢已受到消費者行為研究者的注目,但是由於缺乏一般化的量化分析工具,過去只能以深入訪談等質化方式,討論特定類型的消費幻想 (Belk and Costa, 1998; Martin, 2004; 李德儀,2005),無法全面瞭解此一構念,因此本研究之主要目的便是建製一個可穩定有效衡量幻想程度的量表,預測其消費幻想程度。
參考多位學者建製量表之過程 (Zaichkowsky, 1985; Lichtenstein et al., 1990; Churchill, 1979),本研究利用上述幻想面向發展題項題庫,經過四次專家評估修正題項題庫,設計出幻想量表初稿,再利用兩階段表面效度分析發展第一版幻想量表後,針對18歲至26歲學生進行四次小規模施測,並以內部一致性信度分析結果純化量表,建製出正式量表。最後收集新資料,進行信度分析、驗證性因素分析與效標關連效度分析,建製出一套19題李克特形式五點尺度的幻想量表,量表的內部一致性Cronbach’s Alpha值為0.93,再測信度為0.93,涵蓋「脫離現實的愉悅感」、「非現實」、「個人感受細膩度」與「外顯具體化程度」四大構面。透過分析敘述統計量,本研究認為量表總分超過75分之年輕學生,屬高度幻想者且高消費幻想潛力;量表總分低於50分之年經學生,則為低度幻想者且消費幻想潛力也低。
此外,從文獻中發現消費幻想程度高者,易出現不理性消費與固著式消費傾向,認為可以作為消費幻想之效標,且因為沒有這兩種消費傾向之量表,本研究經由上述建製流程,同步發展出不理性消費與固著式消費傾向兩個量表,最後透過效標關連效度分析,確認固著式消費傾向較適合做為幻想之效標。 / Consumption fantasy means a fantasy-driven consumption behavior. Although Consumer Behavior researchers have paid great attention to this new consumption trend, researchers could only discuss some specific consumption fantasy behaviors by qualitative methods due to the lack of quantitative analysis tools (Belk and Costa, 1998; Martin, 2004; Julia Lee, 2005). Therefore, this construct cannot be explored comprehensively so far. This study aims at developing a scale that can not only measure fantasy stably and effectively but predict consumption fantasy level.
Through literature review, fantasy is originated from unmet demand or imperfection, containing four factors which are “Personal Perception”, “Unreality”, “Unrealization”, and “Expectative Feeling”. The content of fantasy covers five dimensions that are the probability of “Perceptive Realization”, the degree of “Pass Experience Relatedness”, “Embodiment”, “Fineness”, and “Persistency”.
Referring to some researchers about scale development (Zaichkowsky, 1985; Lichtenstein et al., 1990; Churchill, 1979), these factors and dimensions mentioned above had come into use in generating items pool. Four panel discussions were held on the revision of items pool and the first draft of fantasy scale was developed. The first edition of this scale was created by means of two-staged face validity analysis. Four small-scale surveys were executed and respondents are students, ranging from 18 to 26 years old. The first edition scale is purified and become formal fantasy scale through assessing internal consistency reliability. The last new data is collected by formal scale and internal consistency reliability, confirmatory factor analysis and criterion-related validity, which are measured for assessing the quality of formal fantasy scale. Moreover, two groups of another new data are collected for assessing test-retest reliability.
Through the process mentioned above, fantasy scale, which contains 19 Likert-type items, is developed. And Cronbach’s Alpha of this scale is 0.93; test-retest reliability is 0.93. This scale covers four dimensions, which are “Delight of Fleeing from Reality”, “Unreality”, the degree of “Fineness” and “Embodiment”. The young students whose scale score is over 75 are grouped into high degree of fantasy and easily transform their fantasy into consumption behaviors,on the other hand, the young students whose scale score is below 50 are categorized in low degree of fantasy and hardly transform their fantasy into consumption behaviors.
Besides, irrational consumption tendency and fixated consumption tendency are discovered to be the criterion of consumption fantasy from literature review. For the lack of measure tools for these two consumption tendencies, the similar development process is adopted for developing another two scales. By assessing criterion-related validity, fixated consumption tendency is confirmed to be fitter for criterion of fantasy.
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消費幻想量表的修建與評估 / The Revision and Evaluation of Consumer Fantasy謝易儒 Unknown Date (has links)
消費幻想的概念在近年來受相關研究者的注目而持續發展,但常僅止於概念探討 (Belk et al., 2003;李德儀, 2005) 或特定的高幻想族群之研究 (Martin, 2004),究其背後成因是缺乏幻想衡量工具。在國內研究學者黃依婷 (2006) 建製了第一份幻想量表,終使後續相關研究得以展開,但其幻想量表的建製流程、再測信度、效標關聯效度和幻想量表之構面,皆仍有可改善之處。故本研究的目的,是評估舊有之幻想量表,進而修正成一份具有良好信度與效度的幻想量表。
本研究選擇黃依婷 (2006) 在建製量表時第二次施測的問卷版本,接續評估幻想量表構面,並進行量表純化與信度效度分析,以改善量表之品質。卻發現量表的構面相當不穩定,而進行一次表面效度鑑定後,發現構面之設計確實存在部份構面之間的題項易混淆與部份題項和其所在之構面定義不符。故確定舊有之幻想量表施測版本有重新整理構面之必要,經回顧文獻與重新檢視量表之目的後,確認了「構面-要素」矩陣設計概念的幻想量表構面,並在經過兩次專家評估修正以融合舊版幻想量表部分題項與新設計之題項,組成新幻想量表之初稿。構面整理後之幻想量表初稿經確認構面與題項設計具表面效度後,便利用校園樣本進行三次小規模施測,以內部一致性信度分析和探索性因素分析結果純化量表,建製出正式研究之幻想量表。最後再於200位一般消費者施測,進行信度分析、驗證性因素分析與效標關聯效度後,建製出一套19題李克特形式五點尺度之幻想量表,整體之內部一致性Cronbach’s Alpha值為0.90,再測信度為0.81,涵蓋「取得距離」、「過去經驗」、「細膩程度」、「持續程度」四大構面。
另外,本研究回顧文獻發現幻想程度較高者,在想像力生動程度可能較佳,而可利用Marks (1972, 1973a, 1973b) 所建立之想像力生動程度量表作為幻想量表之效標,透過效標關聯效度分析,確認幻想程度越高,想像力生動程度也越高,而證明本研究修建之幻想量表具有效標關聯效度。最後利用幻想量表驗證幻想相關推論與命題,發現年齡越高,幻想程度越低;在幻想構面「過去經驗」與「細膩程度」間,並無顯著之負相關。 / The concept of consumption fantasy has continually been receiving attention and kept developing by researchers in relevant fields, but relevant research could only focus on concept development (Belk et al., 2003; Julia Lee, 2005) or specific groups with higher degree of fantasy (Martin, 2004) due to lack of instruments to measure fantasy. Research about consumption fantasy through quantitative method has been commenced after the first fantasy inventory was built by domestic researcher Huang I-tin (2006). Nevertheless, there is still room for further revision and improvement in the development process, test-retest reliability, criterion-related validity and the dimensions of fantasy inventory build by Huang I-tin. This study is aimed to access the traditional fantasy inventory and rebuild it into an inventory with better quality on reliability and validity.
The second edition of pretest questionnaire used by Huang I-tin was chosen to conduct subsequent development of dimension assessment, inventory purification, reliability and validity analysis to increase the quality of fantasy inventory. The face validity analysis was executed due to the discovery of unstable of inventory dimensions, the result unveiled that some items in some dimensions are hard to distinguish and some items do not satisfy the definitions of their dimensions. Referring to literatures and reassessing the purpose of fantasy inventory due to the need of rearrangement of dimensions in this inventory, “dimension-factor” matrix of design concept was initiated, and the first draft of revised fantasy inventory was developed after two panel discussions held on the revision and integration of old items extract from old fantasy inventory with new designed items. Once the fantasy inventory had been proved to have face validity via dimensional assessment, three small-scale surveys, in which the respondents are composed of students, were executed to develop the formal fantasy inventory through internal consistency reliability and exploratory factor analysis aimed to purify the draft of fantasy inventory. After the small-scale surveys, 200 general consumers were chosen to conduct formal questionnaire survey, which included reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and criterion-related validity analysis, to build a fantasy inventory containing 19 Likert-type items. Overall, the Cronbach’s Alpha of this inventory is 0.90; test-retest reliability is 0.81. This inventory covers four dimensions: the distance of “Accessibility”, ”Pass Experience Relatedness”, the degree of “Fineness ”, and the degree of “Continuity”.
In addition, the degree of vividness of visual imagery is discovered to be the criterion of fantasy from literature review. By assessing criterion validity, the degree of vividness of visual imagery is confirmed to be fit for criterion of fantasy. Finally, for the test of thesis that older people have lower degree of fantasy; the result indicated that there’s no negative relation existing between the dimension of “experience-relativity” and the dimension of “the degree of fineness”.
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年輕人的幻想與消費幻想之初探與架構建立 / Initial Research and Framework-Building of Young Person’s Fantasy and Consumption Fantasy李德儀, Lee,Teh Yi Unknown Date (has links)
完整的消費幻想循環過程,起源於消費者內心未獲滿足的六大心因性需求(Murray, 1959) :與非生命相關事物、抱負權力相關、與人性能力相關、施虐受虐、與人際情感相關、及與社會交往相關等。當需求產生,消費者會因為緊張感而產生一股驅力,促使幻想產生,當單純幻想已無法滿足消費者內心的需求時,此時消費者就會進一步尋求能滿足幻想的消費行為,此時產生的消費行為便是消費幻想。此外,媒介或自我的誘發 (Belk, 2003),除了可以直接刺激幻想的產生,同時也具有提升幻想轉化成消費的能力。
本研究最後提出與幻想及消費幻想相關的19個命題,並建構出幻想與消費行為間之完整循環模型與分析架構。研究結果將可提供給行銷人員,一個運用消費幻想的觀念架構及應用觀念,並可供後續相關學術進一步發展消費幻想量表之參考。 / The study aims to investigate a special and unique consumption motivation – “Consumption Fantasy”, which is a fantasy-driven consumption behavior. Even though having been applied to a few product promotions or advertisements, the concept has rarely been explored in Consumer Behavior related researches so far.
Complete process of consumption fantasy starts at six unfulfilled psychogenic needs: “Needs Associated with Inanimate Objects”, “Needs that Reflect Ambition, Power, Accomplishment, and Prestige”, “Needs Concerned with Human Power”, “Sado-masochistic Needs”, “Needs Concerned with Affection Between People”, and “Needs Concerned With Social Intercourse” (Murray, 1959). Then anxiety caused by unfulfilled needs will drive consumers to produce fantasies. When simply fantasizing cannot satisfy needs, consumers will even transform fantasy into real consumption. Besides, media seduction or self-seduction, the same as needs, have abilities to arouse fantasies and to encourage consumption fantasies.
Twenty in-depth interviews were conducted. Fourteen female and six male interviewees whose ages range from 21 to 28 years old provided separately 137 and 47 fantasies. The results reveal that “Corresponding Role” and “Corresponding Scene” within three major fantasy contents: “Characters”, “Scenes”, and “Abstract Feelings” will stimulate corresponding consumption while “Specific Identity” and “Developing Scene” encourage non-corresponding consumption mostly. However, whatever the content is, fantasy can be segmented into different points of view by four dimensions: degree of “Distance and Inaccessibility”, degree of “Experience Relatedness”, degree of “Fineness”, and degree of “Persistency”. Fantasy is therefore can be divided into 8 viewpoints: “Accessible”, “Inaccessible”, “Experience-Based”, “Imagination-Based”, “Sophisticated”, “Intuitional”, “Persistent”, and “Situational”.
Moreover, in consumption fantasy loop, no matter the former and current unfulfilled needs are the same or not, as long as they are satisfied by the same fantasy content, the fantasy strength will get stronger, and its capability of driving consumption will be enhanced, too. So far, we can be sure about how powerful fantasy is towards consumption.
Nineteen propositions are stated. Complete model of fantasy and consumption is built, and analyzing framework of consumption fantasy is established firmly by the study. And the results will not only be useful for marketers in consumer-exploration, but offer valuable reference material for the academia.
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アンドレ・ピエール・ド・マンディアルグにおける「幻想」のイタリア ―1950年代における創作美学をめぐって―松原, 冬二 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第20830号 / 文博第760号 / 新制||文||656(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科文献文化学専攻 / (主査)准教授 永盛 克也, 教授 田口 紀子, 教授 増田 眞, 教授 塩塚 秀一郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM
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消費幻想在虛擬媒介上的初探:以愛情公寓為例 / The exploration of the consumer fantasy on the virtual channel: take i-part as an example游凱鈺, Yu, Kai Yu Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於本研究探討的媒介與往常的研究不同,因此發現了許多關於幻想的另一層面,研究結果可供後續的學術研究在虛擬媒介上作一步探討時提供基礎,並可供運用幻想消費為行銷手法的人員作執行上及思維上的參考依據。 / The study aims to investigate the theme- consumer fantasy, on a new channel. Consumer fantasy defines as a special consumption motivation, it originates from the limits that prevent people to achieve the goal and intern arises an uncomfortable feelings. In order to subside these negative feelings, people then achieve the goal in an indirect manner, which is the fantasy- driven consumer behavior. This was often been studies on a physical channel, however, due to the internet era, people have more close relation with internet than before, this study will have the theme- consumer fantasy, research on the virtual channel, using I-Part as the example.
The research method of the study is grounded theory in qualitative research, interviewing 7 female inhabitants, age range from 14- 40 years old, via online instant messenger. The study results 4 typical stories and a model that constructs by 6 factors. The 4 typical stories( The happiness on design, the extension of love, looking for agreement and friends-hood enlargement) reveals 3 fulfillments(freedom, love, and friendship), and the 6 factors of the model depict the process of fantasy fulfillment, adding the complementary that is required.
The study results that, besides the website functions that act as a significant part on fantasy fulfillment, website characteristics also play a weighty role. Secondly, people may have the share needs or desires, but the elements of the needs or desires of people may be different from each to another. Furthermore, this study found out that, people may have affection toward the virtual objects after using the website, as well as some of the inhabitant even show the second characteristic during playing the role. Finally, the study found out that the fantasy process may be continuous as long as the limit in the real world exists.
Due to the different channel the theme is research on, the study discovers distinct facets of the topic. The results of the study may acted as the exploration for the academic research on consumer fantasy on the virtual channel, and hopefully, it could also provide some thoughts to marketing people.
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泉鏡花の<逗子もの>における作品舞台と材源西薗, 有加利 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第21870号 / 人博第899号 / 新制||人||215(附属図書館) / 2018||人博||899(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 須田 千里, 准教授 佐野 宏, 准教授 長谷川 千尋 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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體驗行銷對不同程度消費幻想者的影響 / The effects of experiential marketing on consumers with fantasy周昕緯, Chou, Hsin Wei Unknown Date (has links)
Schmitt (1999) 提出體驗行銷的五種類型分別為感官、情感、思考、行動與關聯,並分別定義出這些行銷方法的意義與影響。李德儀 (2005) 以深度訪談法提出消費幻想的基本概念與構面,謝易儒 (2009) 重新定義幻想的四大構面:取得距離、過去經驗、細膩程度與持續程度,並發表消費幻想的量表。本研究認為體驗行銷能夠滿足Holbrook與Hirschman (1982) 提出於消費體驗中的幻想,因此本研究探討Schmitt (1999) 的五種體驗行銷是否能滿足不同幻想程度的消費者。
本研究採實驗法,共有五個子實驗。經過前測後,設計出五組模擬彩色廣告,每一組各包含兩張廣告,一張為含有體驗行銷訴求的廣告,一張為不含體驗行銷的廣告,共十張受測者觀看廣告後,藉由問卷衡量出對廣告的看法以及幻想程度。本研究採用五種體驗之2(體驗行銷的有無)x 2(消費幻想程度高低) MANOVA,分析測試受測者面對有無體驗的廣告對廣告內容的偏好度與認知程度是否有所影響,並且衡量體驗與幻想的交互作用是否顯著。
整體而言,本研究發現情感體驗能夠影響幻想持續程度高的消費者,關聯體驗能夠影響幻想細膩程度高的消費者,廠商若針對不同幻想程度的消費者進行特定的體驗行銷,能夠增加消費者對產品或服務的偏好度與認知程度,達到更好的體驗行銷效果。 / Schmitt (1999) pointed out five modules to interpret “Experiential Marketing,” “Sense,” “Feel,” “Think,” “Act” and “Relate,” and defined the meaning and effectiveness of these marketing methods. Lee (2005) defined “Consumption Fantasy,” and Hsieh (2009) identified the four dimensions: “Accessibility,” ”Pass Experience Relatedness,” “Fineness,” and “Continuity,” and then developed the fantasy inventory. In addition, Holbrook and Hirschman (1982) suggested that fantasy is a part of consumption experience, which can be satisfied during the consumption. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the effects of various kinds of experiential marketing on consumers with different levels of consumption fantasy.
Experiments are used for this study. Five sets of fictitious colored advertisements were designed; each set had two advertisements of experiential marketing and non-experiential marketing. A 2 (experiential marketing: yes versus no) x 2 (consumption fantasy: high versus low) experimental design collected data from student samples via traditional paper-and-pen or the website on the Internet.
The results of the research are as the followings. (1) The advertisement contained with the “Feel” experiential marketing affected consumers with strong "continuity" fantasy more than others. (2) The advertisement contained with the “Relate” experiential marketing affected the consumers with strong "Fineness" fantasy more than others.
To sum up, the key finding of this study is that different “Experiential Marketings” can affect consumers on specific fantasies more than others. Thus, marketers can employ specific experiential marketing for the right target to enhance their preference to the products and services advertised.
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測量華語的真實溫度:以幻想主題分析方法閱讀臺灣華語熱潮 / Measuring the real temperature of Chinese : a fantasy theme criticism of Chinese trend in Taiwan蔣宗諴 Unknown Date (has links)
自2003年行政院正式核定成立國家對外華語文政策委員會以來,臺灣華語教學迅速發展,不但大學/民間華語中心倍增、華語教學系所林立,相關政策亦持續積極建設,於是可見相關論述逐漸形構出「華語熱潮」的想像。然此「熱」的本質究竟為何? 是Menia,一種病態的狂熱?還是Heat,一種讓人灼傷的溫度?或是Hot,一股令人垂涎的風潮?還是Fever,一波使人昏眩的幻想?
本文試以Bormann Ernest G. 所提出的幻想主題分析方法(fantasy theme criticism)解讀臺灣華語熱潮,針對「華語教學」進行後設的反思與宏觀的檢視,探討在華語教學活動參與者的想像之下:華語教學是什麼?為什麼?臺灣華語熱潮又是如何成形並延燒?這股熱潮且又隱含怎麼樣的魅力,能聚集華語教學活動者參與支持?本文將藉由語藝文本的拆解與重組,呈現團體成員認知中的真實世界,並透過語藝視角理解臺灣華語熱潮現象的運作過程及內在本質,以期為臺灣華語教學明確定位,未來能以更完善的方式規劃臺灣華語教學的走向。同時,也希望透過臺灣華語熱潮論述之語藝梳理,提供國內華語教學發展另一種自我反省與觀看的方式。
以幻想主題分析方法閱讀臺灣華語熱潮,可見全球化、國際化、在地化等機制,皆在「語言」和「教學」的包裝之下巧妙地運作著。語藝文本共同反應出充滿期待、深切期許且積極的世界觀,其中並多強調群我之間的區辨,試圖劃清專業界線並隱約透露出些許的優越感;論述間亦充斥著大我中華的想像,視正統與傳統為唯一價值;敘述中並呈現出模糊空泛的主體,他者需求無限放大,語言及其文化的主體性則受到擠壓。種種臺灣華語熱潮論述所呈現的語藝特色,反映出臺灣華語教學現況以及未來可能走向,值得臺灣華語教學發展反省深思。 / This thesis aims to interpret Chinese trend in Taiwan with fantasy theme criticism theorized by Bormann Ernest G. Moreover, issues such as “What’s TCSL?” “Why do we have to deal with TCSL?” “How is the Chinese trend in Taiwan formed?” and “What kind of attraction does the trend have?” are further discussed. Therefore, this thesis analyzes discourses in TCSL groups to unveil the members’ imagination, thus searching for the proper orientation of TCSL in Taiwan. Meanwhile, this thesis also applies different ways for TCSL groups to examine and reflect on the issue.
To begin with, we can see “Chinese Century” and “Globalization” in the setting theme highlighting the importance of Chinese. Next, main roles in character theme-TCSL Teachers in Taiwan, TCSL in China, and Markets of the World, interact in business and diplomacy through Chinese teaching and learning. Moreover, various rewarding opportunities and national sentiment in TCSL rationalize all above group fantasies. Apart from that, each fantasy theme is arranged by two fantasy types: “Treasuring Chinese/Taiwan Culture” and “Emphasizing Public/Personal Benefits.” Finally, the rhetorical vision-“Taiwan, Never Absent” is analyzed in detail.
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自尊、武斷、同理心與生氣表達的關係鐘敏菁, ZHONG,MIN-QING Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以大臺北地區四所大學,共843 名學生為對象。研究工具包括(1)特質生氣
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布爾加科夫長篇小說「大師與瑪格麗特」中邪惡勢力之結構形成與作用分析陳茵茵, Chen,Yin-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文提供了創新學術視野,將布爾加科夫的「大師與瑪格麗特」做學術性深入的研究。研究的對象是在主旨及文藝思想關係極為複雜的一群角色,即所謂「惡魔的體現者」。在論文中探討這些角色的起源、作者對其之詮釋及各角色在作品中的演變轉換現象。特別專注在邪惡勢力在小說中的功能,並分析每一個惡魔角色在文中的行為舉止。另外,本論文並分析作品中所謂邪惡勢力之各個角色之結構形成和作用。 / The novelty of this paper lies in a profound, academic research on Bulgakov’s “Master and Margarita”. The research has been focused on the theme of the story and the characters with complex relations of artistic thoughts, i.e., operators of demonic deeds. This paper explores the origin and the evolution of these characters as well as the author’s interpretations of each character. Special attention is paid to an analysis of the function of the evil power and of the conducts of each demon character in the novel. The purpose of the research is to analyze the formation of each demon character and its function.
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