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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從優選理論分析英文縮詞與混合詞之音韻保留形式 / Phonological Preservation of English Clips and Blends: An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis

林綠茜, Lin,Lu Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本文以優選理論的觀點分析英文縮詞與混合詞的音韻保留形式。音韻保留形式分為:來源詞之聲母保留、來源詞之單音節保留以及來源詞之雙音節保留。本研究認為英文縮詞與混合詞的音韻保留策略不只一種,應用不同的策略會產生不同類型的縮詞及混合詞,筆者透過並存音韻理論(Cophonology Theory)來說明英文縮詞與混合詞的音韻保留策略是多個次語法的運作結果。縮詞的音韻保留策略有四種,可分為左邊保留及右邊保留,其中又以左邊保留佔多數,在這兩種保留中又分別有兩種模組(template)保留策略。混合詞的音韻保留策略有三種,主要由MAXS2這條可移動制約的位置來決定,當它在層級中移動到不同的位置會形成不同的保留策略。此外,本文也提供了跨語言分析,發現西班牙混合詞與英文混合詞可由相似的制約透過不同排序來解釋,表示不同語言的混合詞,其行為相當類似。簡言之,本篇論文藉由優選理論的觀點,首度就英文縮詞與混合詞提出了一個整體分析。 / This thesis examines the nature of English clipping and blending from the perspective of Optimality Theory. Clipped and blended words may use phonological strategies to preserve part of the source such as the preservation of the onset, syllable, or foot. Different strategies of preservation form different patterns of clipped or blended words. This thesis illustrates that these phonological strategies are determined by the different cophonologies. There are four strategies in forming clipped words. Clipped words can be preserved from the left edge or the right edge of the source, each of which follows either a bimoraic template or a disyllabic template. There are three strategies in forming blended words, depending on the ranking of the unspecified constraint MAXS2. In addition, the present study offers cross-linguistic evidence from Spanish blends, showing that Spanish blending and English blending share certain similarities. To conclude, this thesis has provided a theoretical generalization of English clipping and blending, taking a constraint-based approach.


林姿卿, Lin, Tzy Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由測量制約場地偏好行為及制約活動量兩種制約反應,透過制約期及後測期對藥物配對刺激之操弄,探討制約刺激與酬賞性藥物配對之歷程及其相關之神經機制。本文所使用的為低劑量(1.5 mg/kg)之安非他命,採腹腔注射方式給藥。實驗一探討後測日呈現不同的藥物配對刺激組合對兩種制約反應之影響效果,實驗結果發現受試只對與藥物配對過的兩個以上元素刺激同時出現才能引發受試表現制約場地偏好,且受試對複合刺激的活動量皆顯著高於對單一元素刺激的活動量。實驗二在制約期分別將視覺刺激與觸覺刺激與藥物配對,後測期於藥物配對箱單獨呈現視覺刺激或兩者所組成的複合刺激,測量受試兩種制約反應。實驗結果發現視覺刺激與複合刺激皆能引發制約場地偏好,受試對複合刺激的活動量亦高於對視覺刺激的活動量。實驗三則是於制約前分別破壞受試之杏仁核、背側海馬或腹側海馬,並進行實驗二之制約實驗程序。結果發現破壞杏仁核顯著的減抑單一元素刺激所引發之制約場地偏好,但不影響複合刺激引發之制約場地偏好。破壞背側海馬及腹側海馬減抑複合刺激引發之制約場地偏好。但在制約活動量表現方面,這三個腦組織均未獲得較一致性的結果。總而言之,本研究得到制約刺激之連結強度確實可以透過制約場地偏好及制約活動量反映出差異,且結果支持Rescorla-Wagner元素理論對制約刺激與非制約刺激配對歷程之假設。由破壞杏仁核及海馬對受試表現制約場地偏好造成不等程度之影響,可見杏仁核與海馬所參與以藥物配對的制約之行為功能不同。 關鍵字:心理藥物學,安非他命,制約場地偏好,制約活動,元素理論,整體理論,大白鼠 / By measuring of conditioned place preference (CPP) and conditioned locomotion, the present study manipulated various patterns of environment by composing three different contextual stimuli in the test chamber during different stages of conditioning to investigate behavioral processing and neural mechanisms underlying the association of conditioned stimulus and psychoactive drug. A relatively low dose of amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg) administered via intraperitoneal route was conducted as drug treatment throughout the study. In Experiment 1, the effects of CPP and conditioned locomotion were evaluated as different patterns of contextual stimuli composed in the test chamber presented during post-conditioning stage. The results showed CPP was significantly induced in the environment with context stimuli composed by at least two elements. And, the magnitude of conditioned locomotion induced by compound stimulus was higher than that induced by a single elemental stimulus. In Experiment 2, the effects of CPP and conditioned locomotion induced by a two-element compound stimulus were evaluated in the subjects received the drug pairing with both of each element stimulus in separate during the conditioning stage. The CPP was reliable induced by that compound stimulus. Although such CPP effect could also induced by an elemental stimulus specifically regarding to visual modality, it was not true for the other elemental stimulus manipulated on tactual modality. In Experiment 3, behavioral effects tested on the procedures of Experiment 2 were re-evaluated in the subjects received neurotoxic lesions in the amygdala, the dorsal hippocampus, or the ventral hippocampus before conditioning. While amygdaloid lesion significantly attenuated the CPP induced by elemental stimulus, such lesion did not inhibit the CPP induced by the compound stimulus. Lesions on those two hippocampal subareas disrupted the formation of CPP induced by compound stimulus. Regarding the conditioned locomotion, in contrast to what found on CPP, lesion treatment did not produce reliable effect induced by compound stimulus or elemental stimulus. In conclusion, the present findings on two conditioned responses measured support the assumption of Rescorla-Wagner Model on elemental theory. The lesion data indicate that amygdala and hippocampus are differentially involved in conditioned responses induced by psychoactive drug. Key words: psychopharmacology, amphetamine, conditioned place preference, conditioned locomotion, elemental theory, configural theory, rat.


許道然, Xu, Dao-Ran Unknown Date (has links)
激勵管理有二大途徑,一為認知途徑,如需求理論、期望理論,著重個體內在認知的 過程。另一為行為途徑,即增強理論,係以施金納(B.F.Skinner)的操作制約為重□ 腄A認為人類的行為可經由外在環境的控制而加以改變,故主張從行為的後果來影響□ 甈陛C所謂﹁行為乃其後果的函數﹂即其中心論點。 本論文即在探討增強理論在激勵管理上的應用情形,除作理論的陳述之外,並輔以實 例說明,期能作更深入的瞭解。 第一章緒論。先就績效與激勵的關係作一分析,次說明本文之研究動機、目的以及研 究方法和限制。 第二章係探討激勵管理的二大途徑,並比較認知途徑和行為途徑的異同。取後則以增 強理論是種精確實用的管理技術,而突出其在激勵管理的地位。 第三章則從事基本概念的說明。包括增強物的意義及類型、增強的分配方式以及各種 控制策略的意涵。 第四章和第五章係著重在實際的應用。第四章說明增強理論的應用程序依次為行為的 鑑定,干涉策略的實施以及評估。第五章則以實例做為例證,敘述實施增強理論的實 際情形殳其成效。 第六章結論。分別就增強理論的限制、評價及其遠景作一總結性的說明。 本論文係以文獻研究法為主,故主要困難在於資料的蒐集和閱讀。疏漏和謬誤,尚祈 指正。


張雅惠, Chang, Yea-Huey Unknown Date (has links)
雖然焦慮是一種普遍存在之情感性心智活動,迄今仍無充份解釋之實證資料。本研究主要是利用一種焦慮症相關的動物模式,即抬高式T形迷津,探討與焦慮症有關的神經行為機制。整部研究分兩大實驗,分別探討抬高式T形迷津的行為建構動力與破壞依核次級區域在抬高式T形迷津或其他焦慮作業上之行為表現。在實驗一檢驗抬高式T形迷津的行為內涵方面,共有四個實驗:實驗一A探討抬高式T形迷津抑制性躲避行為是否呈現消除現象;實驗一B探討破壞制約害怕神經網路對抬高式T形迷津之抑制性躲避行為的影響,並檢測自發性運動量的改變是否造成干擾效果;實驗一C探討事前暴露經驗對脫逃行為的意義;實驗一D檢測脫逃及抑制性躲避實驗程序互相干擾之可能性。實驗二探討可能涉及抬高式T形迷津或其他焦慮作業的神經機制,針對破壞依核次級區域對焦慮行為的影響進行檢測。此部分包含三個實驗,實驗二A探討依核次級區域受損對傳統焦慮動物模式抬高式十字迷津行為的影響;實驗二B採用已在實驗一建立行為效度的抬高式T形迷津,檢驗破壞依核次級區域後的迷津行為表現,並檢驗依核次級區域受損是否影響受試自發性運動量變化,以致干擾抬高式T形迷津的行為表現。另為深入探討依核的功能角色,實驗二C利用其他嫌惡作業測試破壞依核次級區域對制約躲避電擊行為的影響。實驗一結果顯示抑制性躲避行為是一包含制約害怕及探索行為等多重歷程的行為模式,而脫逃行為對情緒狀態的改變不敏感,且易受抑制性躲避作業的影響。實驗二發現破壞依核殼區同時減抑受試在抬高式十字迷津的危機評估行為、抬高式T形迷津之抑制性躲避行為及制約躲避電擊行為;而破壞依核核區的減抑效果僅見於抬高式T形迷津與制約躲避電擊作業。三個嫌惡作業的結果顯示依核核區與殼區皆涉及制約害怕歷程,但兩區的受損會表現不同焦慮行為,並在抬高式十字迷津之危機評估行為中表現出來。綜合上述二大部分實驗結果,本研究對抬高式T形迷津的行為內涵有更進一步的瞭解,並特別藉依核次級區域破壞的行為測試資料,推估中腦多巴胺系統與傳統理論所指邊緣系統在實證性解釋焦慮具同樣關鍵角色。 / Although anxiety is a well-recognized affective mental reaction, its phenomenon is not fully characterized by the empirical data. By employing a recently developed animal model named the elevated T maze (ETM), the present study investigated the neurobehavioral mechanisms of anxiety. There were two major parts of experiments designed to respectively examine the validity of this task and the involvement of limbic related areas on anxious behavior. Regarding the first part of experiments, Experiment 1A examined the effects of extinction on the inhibitory avoidance of ETM; Experiment 1B evaluated the lesions of six limbic related areas on the measures of inhibitory avoidance and escape; Experiment 1C investigated how pre-exposure experience of stress would affect the ETM behavior; Experiment 1D tested the potential affectiveness derived from different sequences of the test procedure on EMT. The second part of experiments mainly focused on comparing the lesion effects of nucleus accumbens subareas (core and shell) on behavioral measures from three anxiety-related tasks. Elevated plus maze, ETM, and active avoidance were adopted respectively in the experiments of 2A, 2B, and 2C. Results of the first part of experiments indicated 1) inhibitory avoidance of ETM containing fear conditioning and exploration components, and 2) less sensitivity to experimental manipulation for the escape of ETM. In the second part of experiments, the shell lesion significant attenuated the risk assessment behavior of elevated plus maze and inhibitory avoidance of ETM and active avoidance tasks, whereas the core lesion only produced the latter part of impairment. Both core and shell subareas are thus inferred to be involved in the conditioned avoidance, and lesions of these two areas may exert different patterns of anxious behavior. Together, the present study further characterized behavioral components of ETM. With a more systemic work in comparing lesion data of nucleus accumbens over three anxiety-related tasks, it is then suggested that the midbrain dopamine system is as crucial as the traditionally-known limbic system the traditional in terms of providing empirical explanation for the anxiety.

台灣華語母音的聲學研究 / An acoustic study on Taiwan Mandarin vowels

張恆毅, Zhang, Heng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為以共振峰頻率資料來研究台灣華語母音音質之聲學研究。 本研究的受試者為六名生長在台灣台北市的男性華語母語使用者。本研究使用的測試字為70個包含所有韻母型態的單音節字。語音資料是利用KAY CSL 4100 (KAY Electronics)來錄製及分析。本研究所採用的資料為獨立發音且無聲母的測試字。 根據共振峰頻率資料本研究得到以下有關台灣華語母音音質的發現。首先研究的部分為音標所隱含的語音對比。在齒槽(alveolar)及後齒槽(post-alveolar)組的舌尖母音(apical vowels)間並沒有發現音質上的顯著差別,但統計及其它證據支持低母音裡的前後對比及中母音裡的半開(open-mid)及半閉(closed-mid)對比的存在。 其次,研究的結果也包括語音環境中的音段對於母音音質的影響。結果發現韻母中的元素,包含母音前介音、母音後介音、及韻尾鼻音,都對母音有不同的語音制約(conditioning)。另外,本研究發現順同化(progressive assimilation)比逆同化(regressive assimilation)對於低母音音質有較大的影響。 第三,本研究藉由與之前聲學研究的結果作比較來討論台灣母音音質的改變。結果發現硬顎及後硬顎組的舌尖母音間的音質差異隨著時間縮小終至於消失。此外,研究發現半閉母音及半開母音在母音高度及母音前後相對位置出現反轉。共振峰頻率的比較顯示這種反轉的原因為半閉母音[e]在音質上的改變。然而,我們需要進一步的研究才能對這些音質的改變有合理的解釋。 最後,本研究以共振峰頻率的形式描述及紀錄了當代台灣華語表層母音的音質。希望這些資料能對台灣華語母音的研究有所貢獻。 / This thesis is an acoustic study that investigates the vowel quality of Taiwan Mandarin vowels with formant frequency data. The subjects of this study included six male native Mandarin speakers born and raised in Taipei city, Taiwan. Testing items used in this study were 70 syllables that involve all combinations of segment in the syllable final. The speech data were recorded and analyzed with KAY CSL 4100 (KAY Electronics). The data discussed in this study were testing items produced in citation form without initial consonant. The vowel qualities of Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel were measured and analyzed. Several results concerning the vowel quality of Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel phones were reported based on the formant frequency data. Firstly, the distinction between vowel phones implied by their transcription was examined. The difference in vowel quality was not observed in the alveolar and post-alveolar groups of apical vowels, while the front-back distinction in low vowels and the open-mid and closed-mid distinction in mid vowels were found with statistic and other evidence. Secondly, the conditioning of segments in the neighboring environments on the vowel quality was investigated. It is found that elements in the syllable final, including pre-nuclear, post-nuclear glide and coda nasals, generally have different types of conditioning on the vowel. In addition, the progressive assimilation was found have greater influence on the vowel quality of low vowel phones than the regressive assimilation. Thirdly, the change in vowel quality was discussed through the comparison with results in previous acoustic studies. The difference in vowel backness between the alveolar and post-alveolar groups of apical vowels were found to be decreasing and eventually disappeared. Besides, the relative vowel height and backness of closed-mid and open-mid vowel were found to be in reverse compared with that in the literature. Comparison in formant frequencies showed that this reverse lay in the change of vowel quality in the close-mid [e]. However, further investigations were needed to offer reasonable explanations for the change. Finally, the vowel qualities of present Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel phones were described and recorded as the formant frequency data presented in this study. Hopefully, the data could contribute to the study of vowels in Taiwan Mandarin.

探討安非他命引發的制約場地偏好行為的分子機制:以大腦神經滋養因子為例 / Investigation of molecular mechanisms on amphetamine induced conditioned place preference: the role of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

張庭源 Unknown Date (has links)
制約場地偏好行為為研究藥物成癮的常用模式之一,對於其行為表現及再復發的神經機制,多巴胺系統佔有舉足輕重的地位。而大腦神經滋養因子(BDNF)與多巴胺系統密切相關,影響其神經元可塑性。故本研究以BDNF來作為目標分子,進行一系列的實驗探討制約場地偏好的神經機制。實驗一A以不同劑量安非他命建立制約場地偏好行為,並分析其BDNF mRNA的表現量。實驗結果顯示1 mg/kg安非他命能夠引發制約場地偏好行為,但是對於內側前額葉、紋狀體、依核、背側海馬迴、杏仁核等五個區塊的BDNF mRNA無顯著的影響效果。實驗一B再次確認實驗一A的結果,顯示俱有安非他命引發制約場地偏好行為的受試,其大腦五個區塊BDNF mRNA沒有顯著的變化。實驗二探測制約場地偏好行為再復發對於相同的五個區塊BDNF mRNA變化。結果發現0.75 mg/kg安非他命能誘發制約場地偏好再復發行為,並且能引發內側前額葉中BDNF mRNA的增加,但對其餘四個區塊則無明顯的影響效果。實驗三以單次注射安非他命探討對於BDNF mRNA是否有立即性的影響,結果顯示五個區塊皆無明顯的變化。實驗四以安非他命引發的行為致敏化反應為行為模式,偵測BDNF mRNA的表現情形。結果發現藥物制約配對組與單次注射安非他命組在活動量上無顯著的差異,顯示出無行為致敏化反應的發生。檢驗五個區塊BDNF mRNA的表現,亦沒有發現明顯的改變。綜合以上的實驗結果,本研究得到安非他命制約場地偏好再復發行為,會伴隨內側前額葉BDNF mRNA的增加。而單獨的安非他命引發制約場地偏好行為,並不會改變BDNF mRNA。這些結果顯示BDNF參與在較複雜的制約學習行為歷程,而不是在單獨的藥物注射或與環境配對的制約過程。 / Conditioned place preference (CPP) is widely used as an experimental behavioral model in the study of drug addiction and reward learning. Brain dopamine systems play an important role to drive the CPP performance and its relapse. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is closely related to dopamine system that can promote neuron plasticity involved in certain types of behavior. Taking BDNF as the target molecule, this project conducted a series of experiments to delve into the neural mechanism of CPP. Different doses of amphetamine on the CPP behavior were assessed in Experiment 1A, and BDNF mRNA was tested after CPP test. The results show that 1 mg/kg amphetamine significantly induced CPP, but no significant effect on BDNF mRNA in any of five brain areas tested, including medial prefrontal cortex, striatum, nucleus accumbens, dorsal hippocampus and amygdala. The results of Experiment 1A was further confirmed by Experiment 1B, indicating no significant change on BDNF mRNA in five brain areas of rats with significant amphetamine-induced CPP. Experiment 2 examined the effects of CPP relapse and tested BDNF mRNA in the aforementioned five brain areas. The results show that 0.75 mg/kg amphetamine significantly induced CPP relapse and also increased BDNF mRNA level in medial prefrontal cortex. Such an increase of BDNF mRNA was not observed in any other four areas. Single acute injection of amphetamine was administered in Experiment 3 to delve into the possible immediate drug effect on BDNF mRNA. Its results show no significant change on five brain areas following this acute drug treatment. Experiment 4 used amphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization as a behavioral mode to determine the expression of BDNF mRNA. The results show no significant difference both for amphetamine-paired group and acute amphetamine group on locomotion, that indicated no behavioral sensitization formed in this test. There was no significant difference in the expression of BDNF mRNA in five brain areas. These results indicate that amphetamine-induced CPP relapse, but not CPP performance itself, is accompanied by the increase of BDNF mRNA level in medial prefrontal cortex. These findings indicate that BDNF is involved in place conditioning formed by psychostimulant drug when it is reinstated after extinction, rather than by a solitary drug injection or a relatively simple conditioning process by pairing drug with the environmental context.


水谷, 知博, MIZUTANI, Tomohiro, 西田, 直樹, NISHIDA, Naoki, 酒井, 正彦, SAKAI, Masahiko, 坂部, 俊樹, SAKABE, Toshiki, 草刈, 圭一朗, KUSAKARI, Keiichirou 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.


福田, 浩士, 角谷, 直哉, 福村, 直博, 宇野, 洋二 01 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.

從優選理論觀點分析台灣年輕人閩南語的國語口音 / An Optimality Theory Approach to the Mandarin Accent of Southern Min Spoken by Taiwan Youngsters

陳奕文, Chen, Yi-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文觀察台灣年輕人說閩南語的國語口音,建立語料庫作為分析基礎,並根據優選理論中的浮動制約模型(Floating Constraint, Reynolds 1994)分析語料。 本文語料主要分為兩大組:A組及B組。除AB兩組均保留雙唇濁塞聲母 /b/之外,A組的國語口音較明顯,亦即軟顎濁塞聲母 /g/ 較常丟失、齒齦清塞音韻尾 /t/ 較常丟失、雙唇及軟顎清塞音韻尾 /p, k/ 常丟失或發為 /t/。B組的國語口音較不明顯,亦即較常保留上述輔音。 本文針對AB兩組的聲母及韻尾語料數據,各提出一組浮動制約。相較於A組,B組在聲母的浮動制約多了一個信實制約MAX-PLACE、在韻尾部分也多了另一個信實制約MAX-CONSONANT(CODA)。因此B組的信實制約有較多機會浮動至高層,也導致較多信實的輸出值。由此可見,兩組差異之關鍵在於浮動而非固定的制約,因此認為浮動制約模型適合用於處理此種語言變異現象。 / This thesis establishes a corpus of Taiwan youngsters’ Mandarin-accented pronunciation of Taiwanese voiced stop onsets /b/ and /g/ and voiceless stop codas /p, t, k/. The Floating Constraint model (Reynolds 1994) within the Optimality Theory framework is adopted to analyze the corpus data. The corpus includes two groups: Group A and Group B. Both groups retain the voiced bilabial stop onset /b/. Group A has higher percentages of omitting /g/ onset and /t/ coda, and codas /p/ and /k/ are often altered to /t/ or omitted. On the other hand, Group B tends to preserve those sounds. For each group, a set of floating constraints is proposed to account for their onset and coda data. The differences between Group A and Group B lie essentially in the number of floating faithfulness constraints. The Group B grammar allows one more floating constraint MAX-PLACE for onsets, and one more floating constraint MAX-CONSONANT(CODA) for codas. I have shown that the Mandarin accent is better accounted for in terms of the “floating” constraints, but not the “fixed” constraints.

台灣漢語饒舌歌之節奏類型 / The Rhythmic Types of Chinese Raps in Taiwan

熊芮華, Hsiung,Jui hua Unknown Date (has links)
本文以優選理論的觀點分析台灣漢語饒舌歌的節奏類型。主要論點包括三個部份:節拍對應、音節對應與韻句分析。本研究建立一個漢語饒舌歌語料庫,提出數據佐證分析,認為漢語饒舌歌的節奏類型不只一種,不同的節奏類型可透過並存音韻理論(Cophonology Theory)來解釋,另外,本文也提出浮動制約(Floating Constraints)來預測漢語饒舌歌中不同節奏型態出現的比例。在節拍對應方面,透過虛詞左向附著與其他制約的排序變化,可以篩選出音節與節拍不同的對應方式。在音節對應方面,當一韻句需要滿足簡單律時,就會產生音節跨越現象。而在韻句分析方面,透過左界對整(U,x)與其他制約的排序變化,可以預測兩韻句間之間隔1/2拍或1/4拍的例子。整體而言,本篇研究就漢語饒舌歌中豐富的節奏類型提出語料以及理論上的分析基準。 / This thesis analyzes the rhythmic structure of Chinese raps in Taiwan from the perspective of Optimality theory. Three factors are in order: the demibeats mapping, the syllable mapping and the utterance phrasing. The thesis adopts the corpus-based analysis. This thesis proposes that rhythmic variants can be accounted for through the constraint re-ranking in terms of the Cophonology Theory. The positing of floating constraints can then predict the percentages of the rhythmic variants. In demibeat mapping, the interaction between F-share-L(the left-adjunction of functors) and other constraints results in different ways of demibeat-syllable correspondence; in syllable mapping, Simplicity decides the syllable-straddling phenomenon. Finally, in utterance phrasing, the interaction between Align-L(U,x) and other constraints predicts different lengthens of the utterance breaks. To conclude, this thesis provided a corpus and theoretical basis for the rhythmic structures of Chinese raps.

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