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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

《天公計算機》劇本創作與論述 / The Computers of God: A Screenplay and Writing Notes

黃婉青 Unknown Date (has links)
本劇為原創電影劇本。故事意圖捕捉在三十歲階段,年輕人於追求理想抑或現實前途之迷惘。質疑自身天分的主角,徘迴於城鄉之間,在細瑣生活體驗中,思考計算何謂正確的人生進度,前顧後盼地決定下一步。 全文分為創作論述及劇本:創作論述部分,以說明創作背景、研究過程為始;再以結構主義的敘事理論,探討本劇的處理手法;最後,則是作品發表的評量回饋及創作檢討。劇本部分,包含電影本事、角色簡介、故事大綱、分場大綱及全劇劇本。

《第二人生》劇本創作與論述 / The Film Script and Description of "Second Life"

鄭智謙 Unknown Date (has links)
本劇為原創電影劇本,一對單親家庭父子為其主要人物,並以青少年兒子在重考班的遭遇為故事主軸。使用了一些電玩元素企圖營造虛實交雜的魔幻現實風格並隱喻真實人生,探討父子關係等人生課題。   本文共分創作論述、劇本及附錄三個部分。論述的部分首先說明了《第二人生》故事的創作背景,緊接著整理了父子關係、青少年與線上遊戲等相關文獻,其次為人物、情節與結構研究,最後以創作心得與回顧檢討作結。附錄則是本事以及分場大綱。

《人形終端機》劇本創作論述 / 無

陳亞孜, Chen, Ya tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本劇作以一則自殺為事件為開頭,藉由主角追尋姊姊自殺死因,揭開姊姊在自殺前備受期待、倍感壓力且無法溝通的情境。藉此企圖討論在科技中介的人際互動中,人們如何被科技形塑成繭縛的自我,及如何在科技中介的人際互動中,找到最佳的溝通模式。      本文共分《人形終端機》劇本、創作論述及附錄三部分。在創作論述中說明《人形終端機》劇本之創作背景與歷程,探討科技介入社會後如何影響人的思維;科技介入溝通後如何改變人際關係網絡的建立與維繫方式;其次為劇本之人物與情節研究,講述《人形終端機》中緘默的現代人,及刻意交錯補敘的故事線及其隱含。附錄則為本劇之分場大綱。

《不眠》劇本創作與論述 / Sleepless: A Screenplay and Writing Notes

吳辛夷 Unknown Date (has links)
有人嚮往星辰大海,有人卻囿於晝夜、廚房與愛。睡與醒,是關乎每個人生活與生命的基本問題。《不眠》是一個三段式的電影劇本,包涵《自然光》、《人造光》與《平行光》,三種人生狀態,三段不眠故事,試圖描繪當下集體無眠也獨自清醒的時代樣貌。 本文由劇本和創作論述兩部分組成。首先說明故事的創作背景與歷程;並以結構主義敘事學為理論基礎,探討故事的處理手法;最後,參考劇本發表的評量回饋意見,做出創作檢討與總結。劇本部分,包括電影本事、角色簡介、故事大綱及對白本。 / Some people yearn for stars and seas, some limit themselves in day and night, kitchen and love. Awake and asleep is the basic key to life. “Sleepless” is a three-parts screenplay including “Free Light”, “Free Love”, and “Free Dream”. These three stories show three different life statues about sleeplessness, describing different individual stories under one sleepless world. The essay includes a script and creation statements. It first starts with the introduction of creation background and writing courses, follows by reviewing story-writing technique. Lastly, using the survey specifically made for the script to reflect and conclude. The screenplay includes: synopsis, character introductions, story outline, and full script.

電影劇本《感同身受》創作論述 / A Critique essay on the film script <If I were you>

宋淳 Unknown Date (has links)
人生中我們會經歷很多的苦難,每個人都有向它抗爭的權利,可是我們卻絕 不能為了逃避,將這些苦難轉移給那些無辜的人。這是一個關於同志與同志妻子 的故事,他們都是活在社會壓迫下苦苦掙扎的人。我的主角是一名隱婚同志的妻 子,她在發現丈夫是同志之後,經歷了自欺欺人到自暴自棄的痛苦過程,最終她 在朋友的幫助下放下了仇恨,開始新的人生。 本文共分為《感同身受》劇本、創作論述及附錄三部分。在創作論述中包含 故事的緣起與創作背景、創作目的,並進行本劇相關面向的文獻回顧與探討,主 要有傳統禮􏰁、同志議題與形式婚姻三個層面,之後是劇本的人物、情節與結構 設計,最終是劇本的創作心得與回顧建議。附錄則為人物小傳與分場大綱。

《鼓動人生》劇本創作與論述 / The Film Script and Description of “Cheer Up Life with Drums”

蔡泰祥, Tsai, Tai Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本劇改編自真實故事,以一位非洲鼓手為主角,描述他教姪子們打鼓,幫助他們走出喪父的陰霾,同時也化解自己與爸爸對立的關係、使家族情感重新凝聚的故事。從劇情中帶出一些普遍存在的生命經驗及困頓,以及在面對時所抱持的態度及過程,期能作為人們生命教育中的一環。 本文共分創作論述、劇本及附錄三個部分。論述的部分首先說明了〈鼓動人生〉故事的創作背景,並整理了親子教養觀、音樂治療、街頭表演藝術等相關文獻;其次為人物小傳、情節設計與先前故事,最後以創作心得及回顧檢討作結。附錄則為分場大綱。 / The film script is adapted from an authentic story, describing a drummer teaches his nephews how to drum in African style in order to help them ride out the grief from their father’s death. In the meanwhile, he also reconciles the conflict with his father, and cohered family bonds. In the script revealed are some commonly-existing life experience and hardship, the process in which difficulties are eventually overcome. The positive attitude towards life as displayed among the family members shows courage and can serve as a life education for the audience. The thesis consists of three parts: the literature review, script and appendixes. In the first part, the background of the story is mentioned, and then documents of parent-child upbringing, music therapy, and street performance are researched and filed. And the following are the life story of each role, the plot design and a prelude. And then an overview of the script writing is presented. In the end, the outlined plot is displayed in appendixes.

<回家的路>劇本創作論述 / The Film Script and Description of "My Way Home"

楊婷婷, Yang, Ting Ting Unknown Date (has links)
世界上有一條路,最筆直也最曲折、最簡單也最艱難,叫做「回家」。這是一個關於渴望被愛、找尋與放下的故事。本劇希冀探討所謂的「你認為的好,不一定適合我」的概念。主角是一名患有氣喘的小女生,被雙親送到鄉下讓阿嬤照顧。她為了回家想盡各種方法,並在嘗試的過程中結識了一頭小鹿和孤僻的鄰居阿公。透過主角、小鹿及鄰居阿公三者間的互動,揭示了孩童的不安全感、動物的靈性及喪偶老人的孤獨等生命課題。 本文共分《回家的路》劇本、創作論述及附錄等三部分。創作論述中先說明故事發想歷程與創作背景,並回顧此劇探討面向的相關資料,包含兒童的安全感、老人的孤獨感及其與動物互動等;其次為劇本結構與人物研究,最後是創作心得與檢討。附錄則為相關電影介紹及分場大綱。 / There is one road in this world. It is the most straight and tortuous, the simplest and most difficult road – the road that takes us “home.” This story is about the desire to be loved, to search and to let go. The film script is hoping to explore the so-called “what is good to you may not mean the same to me” concept. It is about a little girl who suffers from asthma that her parents once took her to the countryside, and asked her grandma to take care of her. The little girl tried various ways to go home, and during the time she met a cute little deer and a solitary old neighbor. Through interaction among the little girl, the deer and the neighbor, the story reveals some life issues such as insecurity of children, spirituality of animals and loneliness among widowed elders. The thesis consists of three parts: the film script, literature review and appendixes. In the first part, the creative process and background of the story is mentioned, then to review on documents of children’s sense of security, loneliness of elders and the interaction between human and animal. Following with script organization and studies on characters, this thesis lastly presents the personal creation review and an overview of the script writing. Attached in the appendix is the introduction of related movies and outline plot.

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