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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

協同開發在新產品商業化過程中之影響-以美商3M消費性醫療保健產品為例 / The influence of collaborative product development in new product commercialization process: a case study of 3M

李建璁, Lee, Jian Cong Unknown Date (has links)
新產品開發向來是企業維持成長之重要條件,特別在現今全球化及網際網路快速發展衝擊下,即使是跨國企業也難以個別力量即時、快速回應瞬息萬變的顧客需求、市場結構及技術競爭等挑戰;近年來企業紛紛透過協同開發模式,將部分、甚至全部的設計、研發、製造、運籌等功能委外,以求縮短開發時間、降低成本、甚至提高品質、提升競爭力,使企業得以不斷多樣化且快速在市場上推出新商品、新服務行銷全球;因此,協同開發已成為現今企業經營發展之重要議題,唯有透過即時、有效的協同運作,企業才能快速整合產品生命週期各階段的資源分配、組織變動及資訊溝通等作業,以創造協作網絡成員間最大利益。 / New Product Development has always been critical for company growth, facing the impact of mega speed from globalization and technology, even multinational enterprises could hardly respond to the intimidating challenge of various customer needs, market change and new technology competition individually. For the past decades, enterprises have been pushing forward outsourcing either partially or completely their design, R&D , logistics and many else to shorten lead time, to even make out better cost down and quality assurance that leads to stronger competitiveness in a way that the enterprises would be able to accelerate various new product launch and also fulfill the needs of global customer service. Collaborative product development is the key to activate all this and has been an important issue in modern business management. Through only instantly, effectively collaborative cooperation could enable enterprises to generate the maximum benefits via fast integration of resources allocation, organization transformation and information exchange from each stage of product life cycle. The existing research references referring to collaborative development are mostly generic evaluation, specific industry or detail case studies are rarely presented, especially the consumer health care industry that has been fast growing through recent years. This research reviews the new product development and commercialization process of 3M Consumer Health Care products in 2008. Through reference researches, stack holder interviewing and detailed information analysis, it points out key success factors of this collaborative development from the case study, and also uses it to review and discuss how it would affect in each stage of the new product commercialization with perspectives from both internal and external angles, and mostly to bring out the advice of new product collaborative development for consumer health care with best optimization of better effectiveness, quick-respond vendor collaboration and shorten lead time as a reference for industry. Keywords: Consumer Health care, Collaborative development, New Product commercialization.

產品協同設計流程與管理之探討-以手機大廠與台灣ODM公司協同設計為例 / A study of collaboration product development process and management

許曉嵐, Hsu, Hsiao Lan Unknown Date (has links)
國外大廠下單、台灣公司ODM設計製造這樣的模式在近十幾年在不同的消費性電子產包含手機、電視機上盒及筆記型電腦等等為台灣創造了驚人的產值。過去比較常見的方式是由國外大廠定規格,而由台灣公司設計產品,但因為上市時機 ( Time to Market ) 的壓力,國外大廠愈來愈願意分享客戶及技術上的資訊與台灣公司建立伙伴關係,利用協同設計的方式來加速產品的設計開發。 本研究即透過個案研究的方式去了解國外的手機品牌大廠如何與台灣ODM公司協同開發新產品及如何去進行跨公司的專案管理。本研究發現包含: 一、在協同設計方面 1. 技術開發的不確定性會影響協同設計合作模式選擇及國外大廠所投入的資源多寡,當技術開發的不確定性愈高,則雙方協同設計合作會愈加密切;若技術不確定性低,則國外大廠在協同合作上所需投入的資源會較少。 2. 在進行協同合作前,企業會有完整的前置動作進行伙伴評估及選擇。 二、在新產品開發流程及管理上 1. 架構性的開發流程有助於協同開發伙伴雙方彼此了解開發現況及完成協同開發工作。 2. 企業內部雖講求以市場需求為導向的專案開發,但其新產品開發流程設計上,消費者對產品的回饋常未能在設計早期被納入評估。 3. 完整的新產品開發流程會考量保持適度的彈性而不致於僵化。 4. DFSS流程與既有流程的整合有利於DFSS的推行。 三、在上下游溝通模式及媒介上 5. 在協同開發模式下,上下游溝通模式的選擇同時考慮內部技術的保護與外部資訊分享。 6. 有效的資訊及溝通科技是達成成功協同開發的重要因素。 / Due to the decrease of market price of cell phones and reduction of product life cycle, more and more branded cell phone companies seek ODM vendors to develop new products. In order to speed up the develop time of new product and leverage experiences from branded companies to ODM vendors, product development collaboration present a common way in this industry. However, product development collaboration cross companies bring more challenges over in-house design. The object of this research is to introduce how a global branded company to collaborate with ODM companies. The paper cites the different kinds of collaboration and new product development (NPD) process cross companies from case study. In order to integrate ODM companies into NPD, the global branded company should overcome the barriers as the unmatched NPD process of counterparts and the limitation of communication due to the far locations of companies. The following aspects were analysed to understand the collaboration: the NPD process under collaboration condition, the project management over companies, and the communication medium used for inside and outside communication. The result of the study shows global branded companies effectively use internal resources by implementing flexible NPD process for different kind of collaborations Various information and communication technology (ICT) can reduce the barriers of communication cross companies.

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