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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蘇文賢 Unknown Date (has links)
現行公告土地現值的評估,係採用人工的傳統方法,估價結果誤差甚大且過於主觀,無法達到大量估價客觀、快速、精確之目標。本文首先利用土地經濟理論的分析,探討土地市場價值、交易價格、評估價值之間的關係,釐清常見的混淆概念。並藉由估價比率研究,討論公告現值與市價差距的檢定模型,針對台南市的實際資料進行統計檢定,結果發現平均估價比率落於46.74﹪~48.52﹪之區間,並存在輕微的垂直不公平。 為改進現行公告現值不夠準確之缺失,本研究基於都市經濟理論與估價先驗訊息之基礎,利用特徵價格法與可加性模型建立大量估價模式。實證結果發現,影響台南市地價之因素,以區位、臨街關係、路寬、使用分區最為重要。在部份年度中,亦證實存在基地面積規模不經濟(plattage)現象。 傳統特徵價格法必須預設函數型態,若函數設定錯誤則將使參數估計產生偏誤。可加性模型結合無母數迴歸與母數迴歸之優點,不須預設函數型態、估計結果易於解釋且維持母數迴歸之收斂速度。其可經由修勻法配適出更客觀的函數關係,無論在樣本內與樣本外之估計均較特徵價格法為佳。 研究結果發現,本文所提出的二種估價模式確可達到快速精確的目標,使估價比率接近1,比目前評估效率提高一倍;在公平性方面雖無改善,但亦無嚴重之垂直不公平。其中可加性模型又較特徵價格法為佳,在電腦技術快速進步的今天,應用至大量估價的可行性大為提高,值得後續進一步深入研究。 / The present Announced Land Current Value (ALCV)was evaluated by traditional appraisal method that may result in large errors. Comparing to mass assessment approaches, it is hard to be objective, quick and precise. This research begins with the analysis based on land economic theory to discuss the relation among the market value, sale price and assessed value of land in order to clarify some confusing concepts. Through assessment-sale price ratio study, we analyze the difference between ALCV and sale price, and then use the actual data of Tainan City for empirical study. The results show that the average a-s ratio falls between 46.74%~48.52% with slight vertical inequity. To improve the lack of preciseness and objectivity of the present ALCV, this research uses hedonic price theory and Generalized Additive Model(GAM)based on urban economic theory and appraisal priori information. The results show that location, relations with adjacent streets, road width and zoning are the most influencing factors of land price in Tainan City. During some years, the phenomenon of plattage effect also exits. The function form must be set beforehand in the traditional hedonic pricing, meanwhile parameters bias will occur if the pre-determined function form were wrong. GAM has the advantages of nonparametric regression and parametric regression. The function form needs not to be pre-determined, the empirical results are easy to interpret, and the speed of variable convergence can be maintained. More precise functional relations can also be smoothed by GAM. It is superior to the traditional hedonic price in the sample and out of the sample prediction alike. The results of empirical study show that both of two models can reach the goal of rapidity and preciseness and make the a-s ratio toward 1. As to the equity, although they are not improved very much, the models don't bring serious vertical inequity. However, GAM is better than hedonic pricing when compared to each other. Due to the great progress of computer technology, the application of GAM to mass assessment can be increased greatly and is worthy continuing further study.

可加性模型保險之應用:壽險保費收入與總體經濟指標美、日、中、英、德之模型比較 / An Application of Insurance in Additive Model:United States's, Japan's,Taiwan's,England's and germnany's Life Insurance Model between Premiums and Macro-variables comparison.

許光宏, Ellit G. Sheu Unknown Date (has links)
在線性模型中以計算容易,解釋方便為著稱,但是比須加入許多嚴格限制 ,而對於事後之模型檢測亦要花費番功夫。,而可加性模型只要函數給定 ,backfitting 演算法收歛即可。可加性模型除了保留線性模型的加法性 及解釋能力外,尚且提高了估計準度。在美、日、中、英、德五個國家的 保險市場中,雖然判定係數的提升亦大有斬獲 (0.85->0.9957),然而在 台灣我們根據實證 一、提升統計應用水準,大幅提高模型變數的解釋能 力,模型內MSE(Me Square Error)大幅降低。(見表5-1、表5-2、表5-3、 表5-4、表5-5、表5-6、二、維持了線性模型方便的解釋能力。三、提升 估計水準,用以比較二種模型之優劣時,採1991年保費收入之實際值與估 計值之比較(見表 5-3,表 5-6,表 5-9,表 5-12,表 5- 15),可發現 線性模型誤差率與可加性模型誤差率的比值美國為2倍、日本為12倍、臺 灣為4.55倍、英國為2.95倍、德國為2.95倍。四、函數以圖形方式表示顯 而易見。可加性模型所做的保費收入估計模型 / An Application of Insurance in Additive Model:United States's, Japan's,Taiwan's,England's and germnany's Life Insurance Model between Premiums and Macro-variables comparison.


呂明哲, Lu, Ming Che Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用可加性模型分析法建立台灣地區小型商用車市場之需求模型,並 引進Box-Jenkins時間序列模型處理具自我相關之誤差項,以利進行拔靴 推論設計時,能拔靴白干擾(bootstrapping white noise),即重抽樣白 干擾的經驗分配。在此次研究過程中,除配適Box-Jenkins時間序列模型 外,所有分析步驟都是完全自動的,不須作假設和檢驗的工作,所以可降 低傳統上因統計人員主觀判斷錯誤所造成的估計偏誤。可加性模型改進傳 統迴歸模型須先假設模型形式的限制,可從商用車實證分析中,直接由資 料配適平滑函數,顯見其合理性。拔靴法免除傳統推論程序須強使隨機干 擾項分配為常態分配或漸近常態分配之束縛,改由殘差經驗分配模擬隨機 干擾項分配行為,在推論商用車市場上,也獲得不錯的結果。

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