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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王正海, Wang,Cheng-Hai Unknown Date (has links)
倫理是有關哲學、價值及道德的研究,涉及判斷力和行為的準則,亦或是藉以建立及執行正確而又適當行為的樣準;決策則是公共行政內容中最主要的活動,公共政策本身即含有決定社會價值再分配的特性;民主國家的立法單位正是決定利益歸屬的關鍵場域,作為立法機關構成者的立法委員對倫理的認知及踐履,將反映在當代政治風氣的清明與否,利益的分配是否合於公眾對公平正義的期待?長久以來,民眾對立法院形象評價低落的原因之一,正在於部分立法委員以權牟私,特權關說等等不符倫理行為導致政治活動商業化的情事浮濫,故及早建立外部的行為規範,督促政治風氣及國會倫理趨於清明,並設置有效的監督機制,是當前國會改革工程極為艱鉅的工程。 國會的改革與政治環境關係密不可分,故本研究擬採制度比較的方法切入,主要試圖勾勒:(一)、立法委員行為與倫理對公益的關係及影響?(二)、在比較及分析我國國會利益迴避制度的同時,亦參酌美、日、英等國對國會的利益迴避制度,並比較和我國現有制度的異同?(三)、經由現正研擬中有關於利益迴避制度的分析研究,歸納出未來對立法委員行為規範的立法趨勢為何?(四)、整合前述各項差異,歸納出可能改進的方向,作為利益迴避在國會倫理法制化過程中改進的參考。 關鍵字:立法委員、利益迴避、國會倫理 / Ethics deals with value, morality, and philosophy, involving judgment and behavioral principles; it may also be the criteria for establishment and guidance of right and proper conduct. Decision-making is a primary activity of public administration and decision-making itself contains redistributive characteristics of social value. In democratic nations, legislative bodies are the key field that decides whom interests belong to. Being legislative bodies, their acknowledgement and observation of ethics may reflect whether current political atmosphere is free of corruption or not and distribution of interests meets public expectation of fairness and justice. For a long time, one of the reasons that the public rates the Legislative Yuan low lies in that legislators abuse their power to pursue their own interests as influence peddlers; this conduct is not ethical and leads to indiscriminate commercialization of political activities. Hence, setting external conduct norms as soon as possible, enforcing cleanness of political atmosphere and legislative ethics, and forming effective supervising organizations are arduous work for reforming the Legislative Yuan at present. Reformation of the Legislative Yuan and political circumstances are closely related; therefore, this study starts at comparison of system methods in an attempt to present an account: (1) What is the relations and influences of legislators’ conduct and ethics over public interests? (2) By comparison and analysis of the Legislative Yuan’s conflicts of interests and by reference to conflicts of interests systems in Britain, Japan, and U.S.A. this study tries to compare and distinguish differences in these systems. (3) On analysis and study of conflicts of interests system being prepared, legislation trends of legislators conduct norms can be concluded. (4) To summarize the above-mentioned differences, improvements are summed up for legislation for conflicts of interests in legislative ethics code as reference. Key word: legislators, conflicts of interests, Legislative Yuan’s ethics.


王幼萍 Unknown Date (has links)
我國之政治文化從早期之臣屬型轉變為參與型,政治體制由威權體制轉型為民主體制,在民主化的過程中,立法院之結構與功能產生極大的變化,從以前「行政院之立法局」,成為今日全國政治運作的中心,復經六次修憲之結果,立法院集所有職權於一身,為民主國家實質的國會。 立法委員係在眾多優秀之候選人之中,經過選舉之洗禮產生,其專業素養、品德修養理應有超於常人之標準。惟揆諸今日之立法院,立法委員之表現似乎違背了多數選民之期待。有鑑於此,立法院於民國八十八年一月十二日,三讀通過了國會改革五大法案,之後復經歷次修正,期能改善目前議事效率與品質低落之窘境。 國會議事運作之失調,並非一朝一夕所造成,而是有其歷史性結構的因素。然時至今日,立法院的生態與以前大不相同,民國八十九年的總統大選亦首度出現政黨輪替的情形,惟國會的議事運作並未隨著民主政治的進步而改變過去非體制內之抗爭,反而有過之而無不及。 議事運作的過程中所產生之諸多問題,大多繫於利益之糾葛,近年來雖已陸續通過國會改革五大法案、公職人員財產申報法、公職人員利益衝突迴避法等規範公職人員倫理的法律,惟拘束力並不彰顯。因此,本研究經深度訪談、參與觀察及蒐集國內、外相關文獻,探討立法院議事運作失調之原因,並提出擬提昇立法品質與效率之方式,應從強化立法院內部之自律機制、公權力制衡與社會之監督三個面向,型塑國會倫理,始能為國會改革帶來新契機。同時,亦能建立我國立法問政之優良典範。 / The political culture of our country transformed from feudalism to participation, and the political system from autocracy to democracy. In the process of getting democratic, the structure and function of Legislative Yuan has altered dramatically. It used to be Legislative Bureau under the Executive Yuan, but now, it has become headquarter of national political operation. After the six constitutional amendments, Legislative Yuan has been literally the all-in-one congress in a democratic state. Legislators are elites with outstanding professional knowledge and morality, chosen out of a number of brilliant participants. On the other hand, though, the incumbent ones in the Legislative Yuan seem to let the voters down. To pull up this declination, the Legislative Yuan passed 5 major acts on congressional innovation after 3rd reading on January 12th, 1999, and several amendments following that, hoping to improve the inefficiency and low quality. The malfunction of Legislative Yuan didn’t start from yesterday but with historical background. Till now, the environment in it has been so different from before. The first rotation of ruling party took place in 2000, but this improvement in democracy made the working of congressional agenda have even more conflicts inside the framework. Most problems derived from the process of agenda processing can find its root in the tangle of benefit. Though the major acts on congressional innovation, the law of official’s property exposure, and the law to prevent official’s benefit conflict, that help regulate the virtues of officials, had been passed respectively, the binding force is not strong enough and obvious. Therefore, on the basis of interview, observation, and collection of the domestic and foreign document, this research will discuss the reasons leading to the malfunction of Legislative Yuan and come up with the quality and efficiency resolution, which is strengthen the self-control inside the structure, the balance of public power, and the monitor of the whole society. To bring a new opportunity for revolution in our congress, we have to mold the congressional ethics, and then a terrific well-function Legislative system can be built as well.

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