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正、負向團隊情感氛圍交互作用對團隊創造力與人際反生產力行為的影響:團隊信任的干擾效果馮斯琪 Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究在理論上與實證上,大多聚焦在正向團隊情感氛圍 (positive group affective tone)與團隊創造力關係的探討,但亦有學者認為,在某些情況下,團隊的負向團隊情感氛圍也能促進團隊創造力的產生 (如:George & King, 2007);然而,負向團隊情感氛圍雖可能提升團隊創造力、但同時也可能增加團隊內人際間反生產力行為。對於企業而言,是否能創造一個良好的團隊情境,以提升負向團隊情感氛圍對團隊創造力的正面影響、並同時降低其造成反生產力行為的可能性,實為一重要的研究問題。
本研究假設:若團隊成員在一段時間內可以經歷到正向與負向的團隊情感氛圍時,能藉由雙重調諧效果而增強團隊創造力,並降低人際間反生產力行為的產生;此外,本研究亦認為團隊信任此一情境變數扮演重要的干擾角色,若團隊處於高信任的狀況下,更可以加強正、負向團隊情感氛圍交互作用對團隊創造力的正向影響、及對人際間反生產力行為的負向影響。本研究樣本收集自高科技產業的68個研發團隊 (包含270位團隊成員),階層迴歸顯示,高正向與高負向團隊情感氛圍確實可以降低反生產力行為的發生,而高團隊信任可加強此一效果;此外本研究意外發現高正向團隊情感氛圍和高團隊信任,反而會降低團隊創造力的產生,而高團隊信任、低正團隊情感氛圍的情況下,負向團隊情感氛圍與團隊創造力呈正相關。 / Past studies have focused on the relationship between positive group affective tone (PGAT) and team creativity. However, George & King (2007) indicated that under some situations, negative group affective tone (NGAT) can enhance the formation of team creativity. Furthermore, NGAT may also increase interpersonal counterproductive working behavior (CWB) within teams. Thus, the present study is designed to find out the situation under which the positive effects of NGAT on team creativity will be strengthened, whereas the effects of NGAT on CWB will be weakened.
This study proposed that PGAT and NGAT would interact to increase team creativity and decrease CWB through the dual-tuning effects. Moreover, higher levels of team trust can enhance this interaction effects. The sample is composed of 68 R&D teams (including 270 members) and the results of hierarchical regression analyses showed that PGAT and NGAT interacted to decrease CWB, and this interaction effect was enhanced by team trust. Moreover, it is surprising that PGAT and team trust interacted to decrease team creativity. Finally, under the situation of high team trust and low PGAT, NGAT can increase team creativity.
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團隊情感氛圍的前因、動態改變及後果變數之研究 / Exploring the antecedents, dynamics, and consequences of group affective tone紀乃文, Chi, Nai-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究雖然發現團隊情感氛圍 (group affective tone)能有效預測團隊成員的助人行為、團隊創造力、團隊缺席率與離職等重要變數,但在概念上或是理論上仍有許多未釐清之處。因此,本研究擬針對下列的文獻缺口加以探討:(1) 探討影響正/負向團隊情感氛圍形成的前因變數,釐清有哪些變數會影響團隊情感氛圍的形成;(2) 探討不同時間點正/負向團隊情感氛圍的動態改變及情感事件的干擾效果;(3) 探討正/負向團隊情感氛圍與團隊績效的因果關係;由於單一研究不易同時兼顧上述三個研究目的,因此本研究將以三個研究分別針對上述目的加以探討。
在研究一,本研究以101個學生團隊做為樣本 (523位成員),路徑分析的結果發現,團隊成員的年齡、教育背景多元化,會透過負向影響群體認同、進而強化負向團隊情感氛圍。此外,知覺團隊間競爭、成員的迎合、自我表現印象管理策略,則會透過正向影響群體認同、進而強化正向團隊情感氛圍。在研究二,本研究則以44個大學部、碩士班學生組成的團隊做為樣本 (和研究一的樣本獨立,成員為215人),階層線性模式分析的結果指出,正、負向團隊情感氛圍在跨時間點確實會產生動態改變,且前期的正/負向團隊情感氛圍均能顯著影響後期的正/負向團隊情感氛圍。且前後期間發生的負向情感事件,亦會減弱前、後期正向團隊情感氛圍之間的正向關係。最後,在研究三,本研究以81個高科技產業研發團隊做為樣本 (包括259位團隊成員及81位主管),交叉延遲貫時性分析 (cross-lagged panel analysis, CLPA)的結果指出,前期的正向團隊情感氛圍對後期團隊績效有顯著正向影響,而前期團隊績效對於後期正向團隊情感氛圍,也有顯著的正向影響。整體而言,本研究之假設大多符合理論預期,而研究結果對團隊情感氛圍、團隊多元化、以及印象管理研究的理論意涵與實務貢獻,亦在文中一併加以討論。 / Extending previous research on group affective tone (GAT), three studies were conducted to examine the antecedents, dynamics, and consequences of GAT. In study 1, 101 student teams (523 members) were chosen as the sample. The results of path-analysis showed that team age and educational background diversity decrease group identification, which in turn increases negative group affective tone (NGAT). In addition, perceived intergroup competition, members’ self-promotion and ingratiation impression management tactics increase group identification, which in turn increases positive group affective tone (PGAT). In study 2, 44 student teams (215 members) were selected as the sample, and the experience-sampling method was used to capture the dynamics of GAT (i.e., 6-time repeated measure). The results of hierarchical linear modeling analysis revealed that the T-1 PGAT positively predict T0 PGAT over time; while T-1 NGAT positively predict T0 NGAT over time. Moreover, the negative affective event occurred during T-1 and T0 attenuates the positive relationship between T-1 PGAT and T0 PGAT. In study 3, 81 research and develop teams (259 members and 81 supervisors) were chosen as the sample, and the cross-lagged panel analysis (CLPA) was used to examine the causal association between GAT and team performance. The results of CLPA showed that T1 PGAT has a positive effect on T2 team performance. Additionally, T1 team performance has a positive effect on T2 PGAT. These result suggest that the presence of a reciprocal relationship between PGAT and team performance. All three studies support the proposed theoretical framework.
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知覺展示規則、顧客負面事件與服務人員情感傳遞的關係:正、負向團隊情感氛圍的干擾效果及情緒勞動的中介效果 / Perceived display rules, negative events, and employee affective delivery: the moderating effect of group affective tone and the mediating effect of emotional labor曾淑敏, Tseng, Shu-Min Unknown Date (has links)
對服務業而言,服務人員的情感傳遞 (employee affective delivery, EAD)影響顧客觀感甚鉅,因此,如何提升員工情感傳遞,為學術界與企業界皆關切的議題。然而,過去研究雖認為知覺展示規則應能提昇員工情感傳遞,但其結果並不一致;此外,如何降低來自顧客的負面事件對員工情感傳遞的影響,在過去研究亦未深入探討。再者,過去探討員工情感傳遞的研究大多著重在個人層次,但服務人員實務上常以團隊的方式進行運作 (如:分店),因此,本研究試圖以多層次研究的角度加以切入,探討團隊情感氛圍 (group affective tone)在其中扮演的角色。最後,本研究亦探究,團隊情感氛圍是否會干擾知覺展示規則與顧客負面事件與員工情感傳遞的關係、以及此干擾效果是否透過情緒勞動 (emotional labor)的中介而產生。
本研究樣本收集自美髮業58個設計師團隊,共計254個團隊成員 (含58位店長)。本研究以階層線性模式(hierarchical linear modeling)進行統計分析,結果發現,正、負向情感氛圍皆會干擾知覺展示規則與顧客負面事件對員工情感傳遞的關係,且上述干擾效果皆會透過深層演出的策略進而影響員工情感傳遞。另外,正向團隊情感氛圍亦能提升員工情感傳遞。 / Employee affective delivery (EAD) plays a vital role in enhancing customer satisfaction and retention. Although “how to increase EAD” has been a critical issue for both academic and practical fields, several research gaps remained in the EAD and emotional labor literature: (1) Although researchers have suggested that perceived display rules could enhance EAD, past empirical findings did not emerge a consistent pattern on this relationship; (2) Furthermore, past studies have rarely examined how to reduce the negative impacts of customer negative events on EAD; (3) Past studies in the EAD and emotional labor fields have mainly conducted at the individual level; whether the team context influences service workers’ EAD has been neglected. In order to fill these research gaps, this study intended to examine the role of group affective tone (GAT) on EAD using a multilevel perspective. In addition, this study also explored whether GAT moderated the relationships between perceived display rules/negative events and EAD, and whether these moderating effects were mediated by emotional labor.
The sample is composed of 58 hair stylist teams and 254 team members (including 58 store managers). The hierarchical linear modeling analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses. The results showed that both positive group affective tone (PGAT) and negative group affective tone (NGAT) moderated the relationships between perceived display rules/negative events and EAD. Moreover, the above moderating effects were mediated by service employees’ deep acting. Finally, PGAT was positively related to EAD.
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