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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

印象管理與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 / A study on the relationship between impression management and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavio

李明威 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討教師印象管理與組織公民行為之關係,究採用問卷調查法,以臺北市69所高中職學校高中職為研究範圍,採分層隨機抽樣,抽出540位受試者,回收有效問卷429份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以瞭解高中職教師印象管理與組織公民行為之現況、差異情形及其預測力。研究結論如下: 一、 臺北市高中職教師印象管理現況略低於平均值,以「奉承」最高。 二、 高中職教師組織公民行為之表現屬中等程度,以「對學生之公民行為」表現最佳。 三、 性別、年齡、職務等三個背景變項在印象管理、組織公民行為上有顯著差異,男性、51歲以上、兼任主任職務之教師較高。 四、 服務總年資及本校服務年資等二個背景變項在組織承諾與組織公民行為上有顯著差異,以服務11年以上之教師比10年以下的教師對學校產生了更高的認同感,表現相對較佳的公民行為。 五、 學歷背景變項在印象管理、組織公民行為上無顯著差異;服務總年資、本校服務年資、公私立學校背景變項在印象管理無顯著差異 六、 印象管理對組織公民行為具顯著正相關及預測力 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、高中職校長、以及未來研究的參考。 / A Study on Relationship between Impression Management and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between impression management(IM) and Organizational citizenship behavior(OCB). A survey research was conducted using a sample of high school and vocational school teachers in Taipei city in Northern Taiwan. 540 teachers from 69 schools were selected by stratified random sampling. 429 valid sample data collected was analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple-regression analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. The teachers’ impression management in Taipei is less than average, “ingratiation” ranks the top. 2. Teacher’s OCB is above average, “OCBIS” ranks the top. 3. Three demographic variables, including gender, age, position, show significant differences in both IM and OCB. Teachers who are male, older than 51, work as the chief of department, show higher performance of IM and OCB. 4. Two demographic variables, total serving years and serving years in this school, show significant differences in IM, OCB. Teachers with more than 11 serving years show much sense of identification and better performance of OCB. 5. The variables, education, shows no significant differences in IM, OCB. Total serving years, serving years in this school, and school category show no significant differences in IM, either. 6. IM is positively related to OCB. Based on the results of the research, suggestions for educational administration authorities, principals and future related study are proposed.

應徵者自我監控特質與國籍對應徵者防禦型印象管理戰術之影響 / The effects of self-monitoring and nationality differences of applicants on choosing defensive impression management tactics

鄭嘉瑩, Cheng, Chia Ying Unknown Date (has links)
過去在防禦型印象管理策略前因的探討相當缺乏,應徵者端的前因文獻存在缺口,故本研究欲探討防禦型印象管理的三種策略:「道歉」、「開脫」與「合理化」策略的選擇因素包含應徵者的自我監控特質與國籍差異,並將五大人格特質納為本研究的控制變項。本研究採問卷法,透過紙本與網路兩種收集管道,總共收集了台灣與非台灣(歐洲)兩地共171份有效樣本,其中台灣為102份,非台灣(歐洲)則為69份。 本研究結果指出,應徵者在進行防禦型印象管理戰術選擇時會因國籍的不同而有差異,特別是對於「道歉」與「開脫」策略的影響,台灣樣本傾向使用前者,而歐洲樣本則傾向使用後者,然而「合理化」策略並未有差異;至於自我監控特質則僅影響「合理化」策略的使用,對「道歉」與「開脫」策略的使用並無影響。本研究結果同時提供面試官與應徵者如何解讀防禦型印象管理戰術;對企業而言,面試官並無法完全藉由應徵者使用的防禦型印象管理戰術推測其自我監控特質;對應徵者而言,合理化策略在研究結果中為一保守且安全的策略使用。 / In the past, there are lacks of researches studied about the antecedent of defensive impression management tactics. Especially the antecedents of applicants’ side are still unknown, and that is the purpose of this research. This research plans to explore the effects of applicants’ self-monitoring and nationality differences on the choices of applicants’ defensive impression management tactic. Paper and online questionnaire methods were conducted. 171 samples were been collected which were from Taiwan and non-Taiwan (Europe). There were 102 samples from Taiwan area and 69 samples were from non-Taiwan area which is Europe area. The results show that the nationality differences affect applicants’ choices of defensive management tactics, especially apology and excuse tactics. Samples from Taiwan area tend to choose apology tactic. However, samples from non-Taiwan (Europe) area prefer to choose excuse tactic in the same situation. And self-monitoring only affects justification tactic. These results can provide the guidance for both interviewers and applicants. For interviewers, it’s not suitable to infer applicant’s self-monitoring by the tactic he/she chose. And for applicants, justification tactic could be a safe option in such situation.


吳祉芸, Wu, Chih Yun Unknown Date (has links)
相對於肯定型印象管理,防禦型印象管理是印象管理行為的另一個重要面向,也是近年來漸受重視的議題,但在面談領域的研究相對缺乏,其有效性也未達共識。參酌其他領域的文獻,本研究試圖整合不同理論觀點以求完整周延的看待影響歷程,以探討應徵者防禦型印象管理之效果。為貼近真實情況,本文先進行前導研究,了解業界觀點及真實面談情境中的策略使用頻率。 由態度理論及資訊處理觀點,本研究同時探討面試官面對應徵者使用防禦策略的認知歷程與情感歷程,納入知覺應徵者能力及其對應徵者的喜好程度兩大類評價,以驗證面試官解讀應徵者防禦型印象管理策略的心理歷程。依據前導研究的結論,本文將應徵者防禦型印象管理策略分作道歉、開脫及合理化三類,採三因子受試者間實驗設計進行研究。 研究結果指出,合理化策略以能力評價為主要歷程,其關係強度大於對情感評價的影響,開脫策略對能力評價的影響卻未得證,至於道歉策略雖如預期以情感評價為主要路徑,但對喜好程度卻呈負向影響,推測可能是非口語行為的未預期效果所造成。因此,於後續補收資料中排除非口語行為作進一步驗證,結果發現道歉策略的確能修復面試官對應徵者的喜好程度,推知非口語行為對道歉說詞的品質存在著交互效果,而開脫策略的能力修復效果依舊未得證,推測應該是其說詞內容終究未能提出正面的能力訊息,導致說服力不夠。本研究結果可供應徵者作為策略選擇的參考,亦幫助面試官了解自己在面談過程中的訊息解讀歷程。 / Verbal self-presentation tactics comprise the central part of impression management (IM), separated as assertive IM and defensive IM. In job interview settings, assertive IM tactics were once considered as much more frequently used, relative to defensive IM tactics. However, the statistics in recent research shows that over sixty percent of applicants have used defensive IM tactics during interviews, which should not be ignored. According to “attitude theory” and “information processing perspective,” the researcher discusses cognitive and affective mechanisms of defensive IM tactics simultaneously. “Perceived applicants’ competence” and “liking toward applicants” are included to capture the interviewers’ cognitive and affective evaluations. Following the findings of pilot studies, the researcher adopts tripartition of defensive IM tactics: apology, excuse, and justification. A 2x2x2 between-subject experiment with video-taped design is conducted to investigate the impact of defensive IM tactics on interviewers’ psychological processes. The results show that the main mechanism of justification lies in cognitive evaluation, however, the main mechanisms of apology and excuse are not identified as expectation. These unexpected findings may result from the actor’s non-verbal behaviors. Therefore, another sample is collected for further investigation, and the audio-taped design is used to wipe out the effect of non-verbal behaviors. It shows the influence of apology on liking is supported, though the impact of excuse on perceived competence remains unsupported. These findings provide not only further understanding of interviewers’ psychological processes, but also guidance for the applicants to choose appropriate defensive IM tactics.

工作面談情境中應徵者防衛型印象管理策略應用之有效性研究 / Exploring the Effects of Applicant Defensive Impression Management Tactics on Interviewer Evaluations in Job Interviews

羅逸琁 Unknown Date (has links)
防衛型印象管理策略( Defensive Impression Management )指的是個體在人際互動過程中,遇到負面事件而使得自我形象受到損害時,可以用來保護或修復形象的口語策略,主要可以區分為開脫、合理化及道歉三種策略。在過去探討工作面談中應徵者採用的印象管理策略的研究,多半著重在肯定型的策略,防衛型的策略則極少成為研究的關注焦點。本研究認為防衛型印象管理對面試官評價的提升具有影響,且在實際工作面談中亦有使用的可能性,因此本研究以防衛型印象管理的策略類型作為自變數,並以面試官質疑的負面事件類型(能力事件或道德事件)做為調節變數,探討工作面談中防衛型印象管理策略對面試官評價的影響。 本研究採二因子實驗設計方式,針對大台北地區20家企業組織中,196位具有面談經驗的主管,以隨機分派的方式觀看一組事先拍攝的面談錄影帶。研究結果發現,在受到面試官以負面事件質疑時,使用防衛型印象管理策略予以應對的應徵者,其面試官評價會高於未使用任何策略者;而在不同的事件類型下,應徵者採用策略之效果也有所不同:受到能力質疑時,採用道歉策略予以回應的應徵者其面試官評價最高;而道德受到質疑時,使用開脫策略予以辯解則是最有效的方式。 / Defensive impression management (defensive IM) refers to a process by which individuals use verbal tactics after their image has been damaged either by one’s own behavior or by information that surfaces during the interaction in order to repair one’s image (Stevens & Kristof, 1995). The importance of defensive IM in job interviews has been overlooked in the past studies. Therefore, the intention of this research was to focus on the effect of defensive IM in job interviews, and to explore the interaction effect of defensive IM and different types of negative event on interviewer’s evaluation. An experimental study was run to test the effects of interviewee’s defensive IM tactics on the interviewer’s evaluation following a negative event. The experimental was a 4*2 design. Defensive IM tactics (apologies, justifications, excuses, and no use of defensive IM) and types of negative events (ability-based and integrity based) were manipulated in the study. Subjects in present study are all managers who have at least one experience as interviewers in job interviews. Result has shown that: (1) Following a negative event, interviewees who perform defensive IM tactics will receive higher evaluation from interviewer than those who does not. (2) If the negative event is ability-based, interviewees who perform apologies tactics would receive higher evaluation from interviewer than those who use justifications tactic, and those who perform excuses would get lowest evaluation. (3) If the negative event is integrity-based, interviewees who perform excuses tactics would receive higher evaluation from interviewer than those who use justification tactic, and those who perform apologies would get lowest evaluation.

團隊情感氛圍的前因、動態改變及後果變數之研究 / Exploring the antecedents, dynamics, and consequences of group affective tone

紀乃文, Chi, Nai-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究雖然發現團隊情感氛圍 (group affective tone)能有效預測團隊成員的助人行為、團隊創造力、團隊缺席率與離職等重要變數,但在概念上或是理論上仍有許多未釐清之處。因此,本研究擬針對下列的文獻缺口加以探討:(1) 探討影響正/負向團隊情感氛圍形成的前因變數,釐清有哪些變數會影響團隊情感氛圍的形成;(2) 探討不同時間點正/負向團隊情感氛圍的動態改變及情感事件的干擾效果;(3) 探討正/負向團隊情感氛圍與團隊績效的因果關係;由於單一研究不易同時兼顧上述三個研究目的,因此本研究將以三個研究分別針對上述目的加以探討。 在研究一,本研究以101個學生團隊做為樣本 (523位成員),路徑分析的結果發現,團隊成員的年齡、教育背景多元化,會透過負向影響群體認同、進而強化負向團隊情感氛圍。此外,知覺團隊間競爭、成員的迎合、自我表現印象管理策略,則會透過正向影響群體認同、進而強化正向團隊情感氛圍。在研究二,本研究則以44個大學部、碩士班學生組成的團隊做為樣本 (和研究一的樣本獨立,成員為215人),階層線性模式分析的結果指出,正、負向團隊情感氛圍在跨時間點確實會產生動態改變,且前期的正/負向團隊情感氛圍均能顯著影響後期的正/負向團隊情感氛圍。且前後期間發生的負向情感事件,亦會減弱前、後期正向團隊情感氛圍之間的正向關係。最後,在研究三,本研究以81個高科技產業研發團隊做為樣本 (包括259位團隊成員及81位主管),交叉延遲貫時性分析 (cross-lagged panel analysis, CLPA)的結果指出,前期的正向團隊情感氛圍對後期團隊績效有顯著正向影響,而前期團隊績效對於後期正向團隊情感氛圍,也有顯著的正向影響。整體而言,本研究之假設大多符合理論預期,而研究結果對團隊情感氛圍、團隊多元化、以及印象管理研究的理論意涵與實務貢獻,亦在文中一併加以討論。 / Extending previous research on group affective tone (GAT), three studies were conducted to examine the antecedents, dynamics, and consequences of GAT. In study 1, 101 student teams (523 members) were chosen as the sample. The results of path-analysis showed that team age and educational background diversity decrease group identification, which in turn increases negative group affective tone (NGAT). In addition, perceived intergroup competition, members’ self-promotion and ingratiation impression management tactics increase group identification, which in turn increases positive group affective tone (PGAT). In study 2, 44 student teams (215 members) were selected as the sample, and the experience-sampling method was used to capture the dynamics of GAT (i.e., 6-time repeated measure). The results of hierarchical linear modeling analysis revealed that the T-1 PGAT positively predict T0 PGAT over time; while T-1 NGAT positively predict T0 NGAT over time. Moreover, the negative affective event occurred during T-1 and T0 attenuates the positive relationship between T-1 PGAT and T0 PGAT. In study 3, 81 research and develop teams (259 members and 81 supervisors) were chosen as the sample, and the cross-lagged panel analysis (CLPA) was used to examine the causal association between GAT and team performance. The results of CLPA showed that T1 PGAT has a positive effect on T2 team performance. Additionally, T1 team performance has a positive effect on T2 PGAT. These result suggest that the presence of a reciprocal relationship between PGAT and team performance. All three studies support the proposed theoretical framework.

國民小學教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與 組織公民行為之關聯性:多層次模型的分析 / The relationship among teachers’ perception of organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors of elementary school: A multi-level model analysis

顏弘欽 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與組織公民行為之關聯性,並分析學校組織政治氣候對教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與組織公民行為之間關係的影響。本研究採用調查研究法。在預試階段以新竹縣公立國民小學教師為對象,寄發300份預試問卷,回收有效問卷224份,據以分析測量工具的信效度。在正式施測階段,以臺灣地區公立國民小學教師為對象,寄發1,458份問卷,回收有效問卷1,026份。在資料分析方面,透過描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及階層線性模式等方法,檢測本研究問題及假設。依據研究結果,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與組織公民行為之現況分析 (一)國民小學教師具有中等程度的組織政治知覺。 (二)國民小學教師具有中高程度的印象管理動機。 (三)國民小學教師具有良好程度的組織公民行為。 二、教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與組織公民行為之差異分析 (一)教師的組織政治知覺會因學校規模、學歷及擔任職務之不同而有所差異。 (二)教師印象管理動機會因學校規模、學校地區、性別、學歷及擔任職務之不同 而有所差異。 (三)教師組織行為會因學校規模、學校地區、性別、年齡、服務年資及擔任職務 之不同而有所差異。 三、教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與組織公民行為之關聯性分析 (一)教師的組織政治知覺對組織公民行為具有負向的影響。 (二)教師的組織政治知覺對塑造正面印象的動機具有正向的影響。 (三)避免負面印象及塑造正面印象的動機對教師組織公民行為具有正向的影 響。 (四)教師的組織政治知覺會透過塑造正面印象的中介效果,間接對組織公民行為 產生正向的影響。 (五)學校組織政治氣候會調節教師組織政治知覺及組織公民行為的關係。 (六)學校組織政治氣候會調節教師組織政治知覺及塑造正面印象的關係。 依據研究結果,本研究針對學校行、校長及教師三方面提出相關建議: 一、對學校行政的建議 (一)形塑正向組織氣候,避免過多的政治行為。 (二)重視學校運作公平,提升成員的信任感。 (三)暢通溝通管道,避免影響團體的過度操弄。 二、對學校校長的建議 (一)妥善處理學校政治行為,避免產生負面效應。 (二)明辨成員工作行為動機,避免形成惡性競爭。 (三)正向肯定教師組織公民行為,鼓勵教師對教育工作的額外付出。 三、對學校教師的建議 (一)正向看待學校組織政治,調整自我工作心態。 (二)適時善用印象管理策略,提升工作績效表現。 (三)積極從事組織公民行為,創造個人與組織價值。 最後,本研究亦針對未來研究提出在測量工具、研究內容、研究設計及資料分析等方面的建議。 / The study investigated the relationships among the perception of organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors in elementary school teachers. Moreover, this study analyzed the impact of the organizational political climate in schools on the relationships among the perception of organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors. In the pretest administered in this study, a survey was conducted on public elementary school teachers in Hsinchu County. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed, and 224 were returned. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were tested. In the formal survey, the subjects were public elementary school teachers from across Taiwan. A total of 1,458 questionnaires were distributed, and 1,026 valid samples were returned. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation analysis, and hierarchical linear models to validate the research hypotheses. Based on the results, the following conclusions were derived: 1. The perception level of teachers regarding organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors: (1) Elementary school teachers possess a middle-level perception of organizational politics. (2) Elementary school teachers possess middle-high-level impression management motives. (3) Elementary school teachers possess favorable organizational citizenship behaviors. 2. The variance analysis of teachers’ perception of organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors: (1) The perception of organizational politics for teachers varies by school size, educational background, and position in school. (2) The impression management motives of teachers vary by school size, school location, gender, educational background, and position in school. (3) The organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers varies by school size, school location, gender, age, and years of service. 3. The relationships among teachers’ perception of organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors: (1) The perception of organizational politics negatively affects organizational citizenship behaviors. (2) The perception of organizational politics for teachers positively affects the motivation to create a positive impression. (3) The motivation to avoid a negative impression and create a positive impression positively affects the organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers. (4) The creation of a positive impression for teachers mediates the relationship between the perception of organizational politics and organizational citizenship behaviors. (5) The organizational political climate in school moderates the relationship between the perception of organizational politics and the organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers. (6) The organizational political climate moderates the relationship between the perception of organizational politics and the development of a positive impression. According to the research results, the following suggestions are proposed for school practice, principals, and teachers. 1. For school practice: (1) Establish a positive organizational climate and avoid excessive political behavior. (2) Focus on the fairness of school operations and promote the trust of members. (3) Provide unimpeded communication channels and avoid excessive manipulation by the impacting group. 2. For school principals: (1) Appropriately control the political behavior of the school to avoid negative effects. (2) Distinguish working motivation among members to avoid negative competition. (3) Positively affirm teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors, and encourage teachers to invest additional effort in educating students. 3. For school teachers: (1) Positively address school organizational politics, and adjust one’s self-working attitude. (2) Appropriately use impression management strategies to enhance job performance. (3) Positively engage in organizational citizenship behaviors, and create personal and organizational value. Finally, this paper provides suggestions for future research, which include suggestions for measuring tools, research content, research design, and data analysis.

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