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外商銀行對在大中華地區經營之中型台商企業的財務整合策略及方案建議 / Integrated Financial Strategy and Solution Suggestion by Foreign Banks to Taiwanese Middle Market Enterprises in Greater China Area林憲邑, LING, Hsien I Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 善用新開放的昆山34號文,進行跨境人民幣的借貸。
(二) 出口轉內銷、用人民幣做出口報價、利用外匯避險產品以規避人民幣升值風險。
(三) 資產配置方面,融資借款應以借款利率低、弱勢貨幣為主以及該貨幣的利率較低為主,企業資產或存款則應以強勢貨幣或利率較高之貨幣為之。
(四) 利用外商的全球平台—電子商務的跨境資金池
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商業銀行超額準備影響因素及其波動性分析─比較本國銀行與外商銀行 / The Study of Volatility and Determinant Factors of Excess Reserve in Commercial Banks---Comparison of Domestic Banks and Foreign Banks.陳汸榆 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討本國銀行與外商銀行超額準備的波動性差異,以及比較超額準備之影響因素在上述兩類銀行中所造成的效果差異,分別以理論及實證方法進行分析。第三章藉由資料的蒐集與整理,發現外商銀行超額準備之波動性大於本國銀行。利用Agénor與El Aynaoui (2010)的超額準備金模型及CRRA效用函數,以存款波動性的差異來解釋兩類銀行超額準備的波動性差異。在外商銀行存戶之相對風險趨避係數平均而言小於本國銀行存戶,以及外商銀行存戶投資於風險性資產比例大於本國銀行存戶的前提下,本研究推導出外商銀行存款波動性大於本國銀行,從而促使外商銀行超額準備有更大的波動性。
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臺灣地區本國銀行與外商銀行效率和生產力分析-全域共同邊界法之應用 / The efficiency and productivity analysis of domestic banks and foreign banks in Taiwan - the application of global metafrontier approach陳昱銘, Chen,Yu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣於1990年放寬銀行設立的限制後,本國銀行和外商銀行的數目快速增加,使得金融市場更加競爭,因此銀行的經營績效是個重要的議題,銀行可透過績效的評估結果找出可能的改善方向。本國銀行與外商銀行的進入條件、經營形態、銀行制度等因素可能使得兩種類型的銀行生產技術有所不同,因此本研究採用全域共同邊界法研究37家本國銀行與20家外商銀行在2005-2015年間效率與生產力的分析,並採用變動規模的方式拆解Malmquist生產力指數,使得生產力變動來源能更精準地衡量。最後使用Tobit迴歸分析找出影響銀行技術效率、最佳實務差距和技術差距比率之因素。 / Since Taiwan relaxed the restriction of setting up a bank in early 1990s, the number of both domestic and foreign banks in Taiwan had increased rapidly. This leads to the result that the financial market become more competitive. Consequently, the performance of bank is an important issue. It can be used to find some way for improvement. Due to the different entry conditions, types of operating system and bank systems between domestic and foreign banks, this paper uses global metafrontier approach to research the efficiency and productivity change of 37 domestic banks and 20 foreign banks during 2005-2015 in Taiwan. Furthermore, this research adopts VRS to decompose Malmquist productivity indexes, which makes the sources of the productivity change can be measured more accurately. Finally, Tobit regression analysis is used to investigate the factors accounting for the differences in technical efficiency, best practice gap and technology gap.
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外資銀行與本土銀行之績效比較-以東南亞國家為例 / The performance of foreign and domestic banks in Southeast Asia countries李柏範, Li, Po Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本文選取六個東南亞國家(泰國、印尼、菲律賓、柬埔寨、越南、馬來西亞)中105家本土以及外資銀行的財報資料,樣本期間為2005年至2013年,唯各國之研究期間不相同,是為不平衡追蹤資料的研究模型。本文期望藉由多元迴歸分析探討兩個問題:(一) 外資銀行占比的提升(下降)對於本土銀行獲利能力的影響;(二)外資銀行之績效是否顯著優於(劣於)本土銀行。
本研究的實證結論可歸納如下:(一)外資銀行的資產占比與本土銀行的資產報酬率(ROA)與股東權益報酬率(ROE)呈顯著負相關,與淨利息收益率(NIM)則呈顯著正相關;(二)外資銀行的淨利息收益率顯著優於本土銀行,資產報酬率和股東權益報酬率皆沒有顯著的差異;(三)在研究外資銀行占比的提升(下降)對於本土銀行獲利能力的影響時,自變數採用外資銀行家數占比結果較採用外資銀行資產占比不顯著。 / Using data from both country and bank level in 6 Southeast Asia Countries from 2005 to 2013, this paper examines the performance of foreign and domestic banks. The structure of data is unbalanced panel data. Our goal is to know whether the share of foreign banks impacts the performance of local banks, and whether foreign banks outperform or underperform local banks. By regression analysis, we conclude that foreign banks asset share is negatively correlated with domestic banks’ ROA and ROE, but positively correlated with domestic banks’ NIM. Furthermore, foreign banks outperform domestic banks in terms of NIM, while there is no significant difference between foreign and domestic banks in terms of ROA and ROE. We also find that when measuring the impact of foreign banks share, foreign banks asset share is more significant than foreign banks number share.
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