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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林舒怡, Lin, Shu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將以互相依賴的觀點觀察照明產業中廠商的夥伴關係,並以W照明公司之案例及其配合10家以上的供應商及訪談,探討照明產業供應鏈中,公司間的互相依賴度與夥伴關係管理策略之關聯。 研究者藉由文獻探討、個案分析與深度訪談之方式,瞭解及探討照明產業供應鏈中製造商與各供應商的互相依賴現況,以及在不同互相依賴程度下,製造商運用的夥伴關係管理策略的不同,研究結果如下: 一、相互依賴的本質來自於社會交易或資源依賴,相互依賴的程度可從買賣雙方的交易內涵、替代性及專業來判斷,如果買賣雙方有多年的交易關係,雙方至少是「賣方主導」以上程度的相互依賴性。 二、買賣雙方不同程度的相互依賴性,自然會影響買方夥伴關係管理策略之施行。 三、買方之夥伴關係管理策略可以有三方面的作為:夥伴關係類型的建立、夥伴關係階段的發展及夥伴關係評估指標的運用。雙方往來的頻率愈頻繁且時間愈長,買方愈可能對賣方建立型三的夥伴關係。雙方往來時間短則可能停在可靠階段;若雙方往來時間愈長,則愈可能進展到應變甚至創新階段。合作時間不長,買方通常會運用短期指標;合作時間長,買方會採取較長期性及信賴性的指標。 四、相互依賴及夥伴關係之各項變數是可以形成一個整合性架構的循環關係,此架構描述了交易內涵、替代性及專業性決定了買賣雙方之相互依賴程度,而相互依賴程度又和買方的夥伴關係管理策略有密切的關係,在買方實行了夥伴關係管理策略一段時間後,又會造成交易內涵、替代性及專業性可能的變化。 / This research studies partner relationship in lighting industry from the interdependency perspective. By interviewing 10 suppliers and analysing case dara of A lighting company to explore interdependecy and partnership management strategies in the lighting supply chain of A company and it's suppliers, the research findings is as following: 1. The essence of interdependency comes from social exchange or resources dependency. The degree of interdependency is up to content of transaction 、alternative and specialization between buyer and seller. If buyer and seller have long-term transaction relationship, they are easily to established more than "buyer dominant" relationship of interdepency. 2. The degree of interdependency between buyer and seller affects buyer's implementation of different partnership management strategies. 3. Buyer's partnership management strategies are composed of establishment of partnership relationship types、development of partnership stages and Using of relationship evaluation criteria. If buyer and seller have transaction longer time, they will probably have type Ⅲ partner relationship 、innovative stage of partnership 、 longterm and mutual trusting evaluation criteria. 4. All the variables about interdependency and partner relationship forms a holistic and circulate relation structure.

運用系統模擬探討電子化採購平台導入夥伴關係管理之應用研究 / A study of partner relationship management within e-Procurement platform by system simulation

阮雋文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用系統模擬方式,模擬廠商間的交易情況,透過三項實驗設計與分析,找出對企業貢獻最大的廠商,實驗結果顯示PRM確實能為企業提升服務水準,帶來更多的收益並減少損失。 本研究之系統採用三層式架構進行設計,將系統分為展式層(Presentation Layer)、商業邏輯層(Business Logic Layer)和資料存取層(Data Access Layer),各層之設計參考GoF的設計樣式(Design Pattern),展示層使用MVC(Model-View-Controller)模式、商業邏輯層使用外觀 (Façade) 模式、資料存取層使用工廠(Factory)模式,降低系統間各模組的耦合性,並提高程式的可維護性。 關鍵字:系統模擬、電子化採購、夥伴關係管理

B2B電子商務夥伴關係管理關鍵結合力:探索性研究 / Measuring the Strength of Partner Relationship in B2B EC: An Exploratory Research

呂德璁, Lu, De Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊技術的崛起與發展,傳統的商業模式已經完全不同於以往,電子商務的興起已逐年快速蓬勃發展,這樣的新興商業模式無論是在B2B或是B2C的領域都讓企業運作變的更加有效率,並且為企業創造了更多的利潤,但除了資訊科技以外仍需其他革命性變革與創新才能造就如此欣欣向榮的環境,供應鏈管理即是極佳的例子,在供應鏈管理的運作之下的企業相互合作和共享資訊與資源,資訊科技扮演連接整個供應鏈的重要角色,並且讓供應鏈更加有效率的運作,這是B2B電子商務極致表現的一個相當好的範例,但企業之間的合作決計不僅僅只依靠資訊科技的連結而變的更有效率,企業需要的是尋找良好的廠商作為合作夥伴,本研究的目的就在於發掘出企業間建立夥伴關係中重要的因素,並嘗試將夥伴關係分級,如此一來夥伴關係管理將不只是空談,企業可以有效的評估合作的廠商並加以分級管理,夥伴關係管理的運作將為企業創造更多的價值。 在不同的產業中會有不同的夥伴關係出現,當然當中關鍵的結合力因素也將不同,在本研究中將會把目標放在處於資訊科技產業中的買與賣的關係之上,因為這個產業有著強調速度與效率的特性,而且電子商務的應用與發展也最蓬勃,本研究將採用深度的訪談分析,並讓受訪問的企業對重要的結合力因素作評比,如此一來研究者將可以分析瞭解重要的結合力並將夥伴關係做等級上的劃分,以利未來其他研究者能針對不同等級的夥伴關係做各類管理方法之研究。 關鍵字:電子商務、B2B、夥伴關係管理、結合力 / In the wake of information technology (IT), business model is taking a paradigm shift. Electronic commerce is an emerging business model that streamlines the operations of a business and results in efficiency and profitability. In addition to the increased dependency on information technology, changes in management will be needed to maximize the effects of electronic commerce. The concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM) tells management to utilize the new found capabilities of IT integration and information sharing between business partners. The concept reveals that a connection beside the tangible IT link should exist to bind a business with its suppliers and customers tightly. Businesses should have a good relationship with their business partners to increase the total revenue. In this research, we are trying to find the critical bonds between business partners. After identifying the bonds, we can use them to categorize partner relationships and differentiate the degree of integration between business partners. Keywords: EC, B2B, PRM, partner relation management, bond, buyer-supplier relationship

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