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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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廖宇 Unknown Date (has links)
《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)證實委外模式為過去七十五年來,企業最重要的管理概念和經營手法。美國百分之九十的公司至少將一項業務委外。根據國際商業研究組織愛迪西(IDC)的研究報告指出,一九九八年全球企業委外總值為九百九十億美金,到二OO三年,全球企業委外總值將成長至一千五百億美金。 越來越多的企業主管將委外視為重塑企業架構的方式,跳出過往垂直整合的模式,創造出更有彈性、更專注核心業務的企業,憑藉委外來強化核心業務和改善客戶關係。簡單的說,採用委外處理的主要理由,就是使企業能:全心專注在核心作業上、提供更好的服務品質,以及降低成本和風險。 但是,在許多的報告均指出,委外的結果有的時候並不是企業所預期的,例如:委外服務的業務是正在成長中,但委外服務的滿意度卻不然;委外服務供應商有達到服務等級的協定,但卻沒能達成企業主的業務需求;長遠來看,委外服務有可能無法幫企業主節省金錢。 基於上述背景,本研究參考國內、外文獻、及了解管理顧問公司的委外趨勢分析報告,整理出委外服務生命週期的四個階段: 階段一、策略性的委外,定義需求及策略。 階段二、評定與選商,將需求及策略轉換成戰術需要。 階段三、制定合約,戰術需求演進成合約及關係原則。 階段四、委外的管理,合約及關係變成管理流程。 本研究採訪談方式,對四個公司﹝兩個屬於是資訊科技委外服務(ITO),另外兩個屬於是企業流程委外服務(BPO)﹞及提供委外服務供應商公司分別以委外生命週期中的四個階段為架構進行訪談。經整理分析後,發現在每個階段下還包含有些重要的活動因素,值得深入探討與分析,本研究試圖透過這些訪談結果與文獻的記載找出其間的關係,以確保委外服務的成功。 本研究發現,有效掌握這些階段中的關鍵活動,利用正確的委外策略,透過彈性的組合活動,可以達到企業的業務期望。最後,針對研究結果做出結論和建議,希望提供給企業界作為在採行資訊科技及業務流程委外時的參考,並且明確定義委外服務生命週期的四個階段及其發展關係,以增進委外服務接受者與委外服務供應商在委外服務上合作的成效。

委外承包商評估準則模式之建構 / Constructing anit outsourcer selection model for it outsouring projects

周明昌, Chou, Ming-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在於探討可能會影響企業選擇委外承包商時的評估準則之因素,然後藉由大樣本之問卷調查,確認與選擇委外承包商之評估準則相關的因素,並建立選擇委外承包商的評估準則建議模式。 本研究的研究對象為臺灣地區曾經將資訊系統予以委外的大型企業之資訊主管。問卷調查所要搜集的資料主要涵蓋四大部份,分別為企業選擇委外承包商的評估準則、組織特性、委外計劃特性與資訊系統特性。抽樣樣本數為900家,採用分層隨機抽樣的方式進行抽樣,分層的方式則按產業別予以分層,製造業抽取500家、服務業抽取300家、金融業100家全部抽取,計回收182份,回收率為20.22%,扣除無效問卷30份,共有152份有效問卷,樣本有效回收率為l6.8%。本研究僅留下對委外成效感到尚可與滿意的問卷來建構模式,刪掉委外成效不佳的問卷,主要是希望所建構的模式能專注於學習對委外成效感到尚可與滿意的資訊主管的決策特性。 藉由此建議模式,管理者僅需要輸入一些資料,如企業特性、委外計劃特性與資訊系統特性等,該模式便會建議管理者應考慮的評估準則群,與其中較重要的評估準則子群。使管理者在面臨並非每天發生的資訊系統委外承包商選擇時,能夠有一個快速的起步,降低因委外經驗不足或委外經驗不夠寬廣所產生的困擾,也使得其他管理者的各類資訊系統委外經驗得以有系統的傳承與分享。本研究之委外承包商評估準則建議模式已建構完成,並以Excel的檔案格式存於磁片,管理者可以藉由與模式的互動,而在短短的數秒鐘內便可獲得模式所提供的建議。

客服中心委外服務之研究 — 交易成本之分析

廖錦瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
企業將客服中心委外執行雖然能降低成本,但是企業與專業客服中心之間的交易過程會產生相當多成本,包括洽談合約、維持廠商關係及監督廠商依約行事等。這些和廠商有關的合約、管理費用即稱為交易成本。 本研究目的是以交易成本理論探討企業客服中心的委外服務決策,亦即以事前協商成本、資產專屬性、不確定性、供應商因素、委外的外顯單位效益成本等變數分析企業客服中心的委外決策,同時加入產業別、企業規模及企業態度三個組織特性因素,分析對企業客服中心委外決策的影響。 本研究是採用調查研究的研究方法,以郵寄問卷的方式來蒐集資料,回收有效問卷為103份。 本研究實證結果顯示,資產專屬性及委外的外顯單位效益成本愈高則企業客服中心的委外態度將愈低,對客服中心愈熟悉的產業其企業客服中心的委外態度愈高,企業規模愈大其企業客服中心的委外態度愈低。 本研究建議可進一步評估企業將客服中心委外執行的績效,或是以其他理論或其他變數進行企業客服中心委外服務之研究。此外,可以考慮改由專業客服中心的觀點進行檢驗,探討如果專業客服中心與企業的關係由現有的契約關係發展為較密切的策略夥伴,是否能夠為專業客服中心帶來更多委外的案件。 / Corporate which outsources the call center can reduce operating cost, but the transaction between corporate and call center outsourcing companies would generate much cost, including negotiation, keeping relation and monitoring companies. The cost mentioned above is so-called transaction cost. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the elements which influence the decision process of outsourcing of call center. This study uses negotiation cost, asset specificity, uncertainty, supplier, outsourcing cost / utility to analyze the outsourcing decision of call center, and incorporates organization characteristics such as category of industry, corporate scale, and corporate attitude to analyze the influence of outsourcing decision of call center. This study uses survey research method and then collects 103 copies of valid questionnaires. The results are as follows. Asset specificity, outsourcing cost utility, category of industry and corporate scale have significant influence on outsourcing decision of call center. It shows that both asset specificity and outsourcing cost / utility are negatively related to outsourcing possibility. Companies in certain industry familiar with call center tend to outsource call centers. Corporate of large scale is unwilling to outsource call center. This study suggests that further investigation of evaluating the performance of outsourcing call center can be taken and other theories or variables can be used to analyze the elements influencing the outsourcing decision of call center. Besides, following researchers can also explore that if corporates engage in close partnership rather than sign an outsourcing contract can bring more profit or cases to the call center outsourcing companies from its point of view.


林幼青, Lin, Yu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
客服中心在顧客量龐大的產業中扮演非常重要的角色,為企業與顧客互動的一個重要環節。近年來,客服產業快速成長,企業紛紛藉由客服中心的建置來提升顧客滿意與經營績效,然而建置客服中心所需投入的精力與成本,對企業而言卻是一個不小的負擔,因此有了承接客服中心委外業務的專業客服公司出現,成為企業建置及運作客服中心時的另一個選擇。 本研究的主要目的即在進行客服中心委外決策的探討,從委外利益與成本的角度出發,釐清影響客服中心委外決策的關鍵考量因素,一方面做為企業制定委外決策時的參考依據,一方面也有助於專業客服公司瞭解企業客戶之真正需求,提升委外客服產業之服務水準,使最終顧客因此受益。 由於國內這方面的研究尚在起步階段,因此本研究採個案研究法進行探索性的研究,分別訪談了五個產業別的十三家企業機構,進行個案的分析探討。本研究發現企業機構在制定委外決策時的考量因素可分為兩大類:「委外利益」與「交易成本」方面的考量;「委外利益」的考量因素包括降低成本、提升服務品質以及專業化的人力與設備;「交易成本」的考量因素則包括客戶資料外洩、代理問題、管理監督不易以及不能主動快速因應。企業機構在制定委外決策時,會同時考量「委外利益」與「交易成本」的考量因素,而研究發現「委外利益」的考量對委外決策有正向的影響,「交易成本」對委外決策則有負向的影響。 本研究亦發現不同的組織特性也會影響客服中心的委外決策,這些組織特性包括產業類別、客服中心規模、業務內容、主事者的態度、本土或外商公司、公私部門等。分析發現:(1)產業類別會影響客服中心委外決策的制定,且不同產業類別所著重的委外考量因素有明顯差異;(2)中型規模客服中心委外的可能性較大型與小型客服中心高;(3)客服中心的業務內容愈單純委外的可能性愈高。(4)主事者的態度在客服中心的委外決策中具有關鍵性的影響;(5)外商公司委外的可能性較本土企業低;(6)公部門委外的可能性較私部門高,且公部門在進行委外決策時,主要集中在「委外利益」的考量上;而私部門則集中在「交易成本」的考量上。 客服中心扮演著企業與顧客間互動的橋樑,若能運作順暢,對企業而言等於是累積了一份長久的資產,因此,企業應該認真思考客服中心的定位以及企業所賦予的使命。此外,專業的委外客服公司在客服產業的經驗與能力,仍然可供許多企業借鏡與學習,企業應採取更為開放的心胸,將外部資源納入企業運作時的策略性思考中,增加運作的彈性與籌碼。 / Call center plays an important role in the industries where the population of existing and potential customers is enormous. In recent years, call center industry grows rapidly. In order to raise customer satisfaction and improve business performance, many corporate devote to establish their own call centers. Nevertheless, the cost needed to build a call center represents a large burden for many of these corporate. This has lead to the emergence of many call center outsourcing companies recently and become another option for the corporate who wish to establish their own call centers. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the elements which influence the outsourcing decision of call center. From the angle of both the benefit and cost of outsourcing, the research wants to clarify the issue on how do the critical elements affect the call center outsourcing decision. However, research of this particular field in Taiwan is still at its infant stage, therefore this explorative study adopts the case study research method. The research interviews thirteen cases in five different industries, including corporate and institutions. The finding of this study suggests that the elements which affect corporate consideration on whether to outsource or not could be categorized into two groups: i) Benefit gained from outsourcing; ii) Transaction Cost. Benefit gained from outsourcing may include reducing cost, raising service quality, and seeking professional agents and equipments; Transaction Cost includes disclosing customer data, agent problems, supervise difficulty, and unable to respond automatically and rapidly. The corporate would consider both the benefit gained from outsourcing and the transaction Cost when making the outsourcing decision. Our finding suggests that the benefit gained from outsourcing has the positive effect on outsourcing decision, while the transaction Cost has the opposite effect. In addition, this research also finds that the characteristics of an organization which include the industry categories in which an organization belongs to; the scale of call centers, business contents of call center, the attitude of the decision maker; the differences between local and foreign firms; and the differences between private and public sectors, would also have certain degree of influences on the outsourcing decision of call center. Different industry categories make different influences in both outsourcing decisions and outsourcing considerable elements. (1) The middle scale of call center is more possible to be outsourced than the large and small ones. (2) The simpler of business contents of call center, the more possible to outsource the call center. (3) The attitude of decision maker has the critical effect in outsourcing decision of call center. (4) The foreign company is less possible to outsource the call center than the local company in the same industry. (5) The public sector is more possible to outsource the call center than the private sector.

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