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字母拼讀法與K.K.音標對台灣六年級學生在單字發音效益比較之研究 / A Comparison Study on the Effectiveness of Teaching English Phonics and K.K. Phonetic Symbols on Word Pronunciation朱嘉鳳, Chu, Chia-feng Unknown Date (has links)
研究對象為台北市一所公立小學六年級二個班共62位學生,兩班隨機分成實驗組與控制組,實驗組施予K.K.音標教學,而控制組則施以字母拼讀法教學。實驗研究共進行一學期,實驗前給予兩組學生單字發音的口試測驗,實驗後再進行同一份口試測驗,並採用三種統計方法進行資料分析:敘述性統計、獨立樣本T 檢定與卡方檢定。資料分析結果顯示K.K.音標與字母拼讀法教學在單字發音上有顯著差異,受試者對於K.K.音標教學在整體單字發音的表現較有成效;在單音節與多音節以及規則與不規則字的發音上也較字母拼讀法教學有成效。此外,二組受試者在子音、母音、重音與音節的錯誤率比較上,僅在母音上呈現顯著差異,受試者輔以字母拼讀法教學在母音的錯誤率較K.K.音標教學高,而錯誤似乎是受到字母拼讀法規則類化的影響。
最後,由此研究結果提出對國小六年級學生在單字發音教學的建議,期盼對國小六年級英語教師與學生在單字發音的教與學上有所助益。 / To facilitate word pronunciation for EFL students in Taiwan, K.K. phonetic symbols have been used in junior high schools for decades whereas phonics has been introduced in elementary schools. The purpose of the study is to examine which method, phonics or K.K. phonetic symbols, is more effective in teaching word pronunciation for sixth graders who have had three years of formal English education at public schools.
The participants in this study were two classes of 62 sixth graders in Taipei city. Two classes were randomly assigned to the experimental group who received the instruction of K.K. phonetic symbols for a semester while the control group who received the instruction of phonics. The oral task of students’ production abilities on word pronunciation designed by the researcher was used as the instrument to collect the data. The data collected was analyzed by three statistical methods, including descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test and chi-square.
The results showed that students receiving K.K. phonetic symbols instruction outperformed those who received phonics instruction on overall, monosyllabic, polysyllabic, regular and irregular word pronunciation. Additionally, it is found that students with the instruction of phonics made more vowel errors. The segmental errors in the phonics group may result from the effect of phonics generalization.
Based on the findings, this study proposes some pedagogical implications for sixth grade English teachers to better facilitate students’ learning on English word pronunciation.
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英文童謠教學對國小英語補救教學效能之研究 / The Effects of Nursery Rhyme Instruction on EFL Remedial Teaching in Elementary School吳雅真, Wu,Ya Chen Unknown Date (has links)
以上研究結果顯示,運用英文童謠進行補救教學確實極為有效,不但能增進台灣英語低成就學童的早期讀寫技巧,且能改善其學習英語的態度。本研究之結果及教學建議,可供未來國小補救教學相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of nursery rhyme instruction on Taiwanese elementary school EFL underachievers with regard to their development on phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling abilities, and their attitudinal changes toward learning English. The present study was conducted in two stages. A small-scale pilot study was first carried out as a preparation for the formal study. The feasibility of nursery rhyme instruction and the effects of this instruction on phonemic awareness and learning attitudes were tested on seven EFL underachievers preliminary to the formal study. In the second stage, a formal study which followed closely the design of the pilot study, further explored the effects of nursery rhyme instruction on word recognition and spelling abilities.
In the formal study, thirty-six fourth grade underachievers (whose academic performances were at the bottom 10 percent) with deficient phonemic awareness were screened for this study. The experimental group and the control group were evenly matched with eighteen students each. The experimental group received nursery rhyme instruction using the “whole-to-parts” framework of balanced reading within which training in skills including phonemic awareness and phonics is embedded into the context of children’s literature. The eighteen subjects in the matched control group received explicit phonics instruction wherein the isolated sound-letter correspondences were sequenced and taught explicitly and systematically. To assess their development in early literacy skills, all subjects took the pretests and posttests of phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling. Moreover, to measure their attitudinal changes toward learning English, they were administered the attitude questionnaires before and after the remedial instruction. Data was collected from early-September until early-December, 2006, covering twenty four 40-minute class periods for each group.
Comparison of within-group performance indicated that both the experimental group and the control group made significant post- over pretest improvements in phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling abilities. However, only the experimental group had a significant positive change on their attitudes toward English.
In addition, at the onset of the study, both groups started with equivalent early literacy skills, and held similar attitudes toward English learning. However, posttest scores revealed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in phonemic awareness skills, word recognition and spelling abilities. Significant differences can also be found in their attitudes towards learning English.
The findings from this study indicate that a remedial instruction utilizing nursery rhymes can effectively help Taiwanese EFL underachievers improve their early literacy skills, and more significantly, their learning attitudes towards English. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies are provided.
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音節覺識結合拼讀教學對七年級學生拼字能力成效之研究 / The Effects of Syllable-awareness Based Phonics on Spelling Multi-syllable Words for 7th Grade Junior High School Students張陳平, Chang, Chen Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本行動研究旨在探討音節覺識(syllable awareness)與字母拼讀法(phonics)合併教學對台灣國中7年級生(國一學生)拼寫多音節字及英文學習態度的影響。實驗分兩階段進行。第一階段進行小規模的前測,作為正式研究的準備,其目的在測試音節覺識與字母拼讀法合併教學是否適切、教學活動是否可行,以及7年級生在運用此方法拼多音節字是否有困難等等,並根據初探結果修定正式實驗之規劃。第二階段的正式實驗,根據第一階段的結果改良拼字測驗生字、延長教學時間,並加入小測驗以期教學更能適切,以利評估該教學法對學生拼字能力及學習態度的影響。
以上研究結果顯示,運用音節覺識與字母拼讀法合併教學能降低學生對拼字的焦慮,改善其學習英語的態度。本研究之結果及教學建議,可供未來國小、國中拼字教學的參考。 / The purpose of this action research was to explore the effects of syllable-awareness based phonics instruction in Taiwanese 7th EFL graders on spelling multi-syllable words. The present study involved two stages: a one-group design pilot study and a formal study. The purpose of the pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility of the syllable-awareness based phonics instruction designed by the researcher. According to the result of the pilot study, the formal research was modified in changing the multi-syllable test words, lengthening the instruction time, and the usage of a quiz. Moreover, in the formal study, two groups will be implemented with different instructions to explore the effects in spelling multi-syllable words and learning attitude.
In the formal research, sixty-six 7th graders in two intact classes were chosen as potential subjects. After they filled out a background questionnaire, took three tests: a syllable counting test, a mono-syllable word spelling test, and a multi-syllable word spelling test, forty-four homogeneous subjects were selected. The researcher randomly assigned these 44 subjects into two groups: an experimental group and a control group, each comprised of 22 subjects. The experimental group received syllable-awareness based phonics instruction while the control group received phonics instruction only. All subjects were instructed for 11 weeks, two 15-minute classes per week (thirty minutes per week). After the instruction, the researcher carried out a multi-syllable spelling word posttest and a learning attitude questionnaire to estimate the effects of the instruction and their attitude changes.
The result of the multi-syllable word spelling tests revealed that there was no significant difference between the two groups. However, the experimental group showed more positive attitude change than the control group toward vocabulary and English learning.
The findings from this study indicate that syllable-awareness based phonics instruction can not only ease the anxiety of spelling multi-syllable words for 7th graders, but also reinforce a more positive attitude toward spelling vocabulary and learning English. According to the results, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies are offered.
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韻尾類比訓練對國小六年級學生英文讀字能力之成效研究 / The effects of rime analogy training on word reading for efl sixth graders黃秀玉, Huang, Shiu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
以上研究結果顯示,韻尾類比策略訓練可以提升國小六年級學生英文認字能力亦能正向改變學生之讀字態度,尤其對低程度學生更為有效。最後根據本研究之結果及學生之學習困難提出教學建議,供未來國小英語教師英文讀字教學時之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of rime analogy training on sixth graders with respect to their decoding skills, attitudinal changes towards reading English words, and perceived difficulties with word reading. The present study comprised 2 phases: the first being a small-scale pilot study, the second a formal study. The pilot functioned as a preparatory work for the formal study. In the pilot, the testing materials, instruments, and activities of the training were tested and revised to be more suitable for the formal study. From the students’ responses, the researcher obtained some insights about their thinking process and learning difficulties and this allowed for designing a more complete interview for the formal study.
In the formal study, there was an experimental group and a control group, each comprised of 25 sixth graders from two classes in one elementary school in Tao Yuan county. The experimental group received rime analogy training. The teaching materials were selected from the participants’ textbooks word bank, from the second grade to the fifth grade, as a basis for making analogy. The control group was taught with the same materials but received phonics instruction that focused only on grapheme-phoneme correspondences rules. Both groups received two 10-minute training sessions a week for 10 weeks, and were administered the same pre-and post-test (generalization test) to assess decoding skills, and a pre-and post-training questionnaire on attitudes toward reading English words. After the training, six participants from each group were further interviewed to understand their thinking process and perceived difficulties.
The findings are as follows. In terms of the decoding skills, the post generalization test showed that no significant statistical difference was found between the two groups. In light of the attitudinal changes, only within-group comparisons of the experimental group were significantly different. In view of perceived difficulties, the interviews revealed that the difficulties in the control group were more complicated than those in the experimental group. The most noteworthy finding is that the lowest-proficiency participants in the experimental group not only outperformed their counterparts in the control group in decoding skills, but also demonstrated far more positive attitudinal changes after the training.
The findings provide supporting evidence for the value of rime analogy training in promoting students’ decoding abilities and positively changing students’ learning attitudes. The nature of students’ perceived difficulties is also discussed, in respect of which several pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies are outlined.
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可解碼故事書應用於英語補救教學之成效研究 / The effects of decodable storybook instruction on early reading skills in a remedial english class邱筠佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究以可解碼英文故事書(decodable storybook)為主的英語教學,對低年級英語低成就學童的影響,特別是在此補救教學方案下,學童早期英語閱讀能力及學習態度之改變及表現,並探討造成其改變的可能原因。本研究分兩階段進行,第一階段先進行小規模的預試研究作為正式研究之準備,目的在測試選用的英語可解碼故事書做為教材是否適切、教學活動是否可行,並根據初探結果規劃正式研究。第二階段的正式研究,根據第一階段的結果改良部分測驗、增加閱讀讀本、以及增加教師訪談等質性資料,以期進一步探討此補救教學方案對於學童早期閱讀能力及學習態度的影響。
在正式研究中,研究對象為台北市某國小英語攜手班(補救教學班)之五名二年級學習低成就學童(學業表現為後15%至20%)。研究者選擇Scholastic Company所出版的某系列分級可解碼英語故事書之第一套部分冊數作為讀本,搭配由整體到細部的架構理念設計課程,發展出適合本校學童的補救教學方案,將字母拼讀技巧訓練融入自然有趣的閱讀情境中。
本研究為行動研究,透過以質性為主的資料蒐集法,包含課室錄影錄音觀察、訪談、多方文件彙集及前後測評量,來進行研究結果之分析詮釋。學童每週均接受一次教學(每次三節課,共120分鐘),共持續十六週。經過一學期補救教學後,對照學童前後測評量及各種質性資料分析,發現學童在字母認讀、單字辨識、單字拼讀及學習態度上均有正向改變。本研究也發現,使用可解碼故事書的內容來設計閱讀及自然發音教學活動,的確有助於低成就學童早期閱讀能力及內在動機之提升。本研究之結果及教學建議可供未來國小補救教學之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of decodable storybook instruction on the early reading performances and learning attitudes of Taiwanese EFL lower-grade underachievers in an elementary school in Taipei. An attempt is also made to explore the possible reasons for any improvement among the underachievers’ with respect to this remedial program.
The present study was conducted in two stages. A small-scale pilot study was implemented as a preparation for the formal study in advance. The purpose of the pilot study was to investigate if the reading text of the selected storybook series is appropriate for underachievers, the feasibility of the decodable storybook instruction and the effects of the instruction on learners’ early reading ability and learning attitudes. Afterwards, the formal study was revised in modifying some test words as well as the scoring procedure on the early reading assessments, adding more reading materials and qualitative data sources such as teacher interviews.
In the formal study, the participants are one remedial English class of five second graders (whose academic performances were at the bottom 15% to 20% of the grade). The curriculum was based on the contents of a commercial series of decodable story books—Clifford Phonics Fun Reading Program—pack one. The researcher adopted the framework of whole-to-parts phonics instruction to integrate reading activities and phonics training in an interesting and meaningful reading context. A variety of reading activities integrating four skills were designed and based on the content and topic of the storybooks to rouse learners’ interest. Decodable CVC words embedded in the story series were then explicitly taught to learners to apply letter-sound knowledge in their reading process.
This study triangulates action research with qualitative data using classroom observations (video or taping), interviews, assessment records, and document analysis. Data analysis interprets the study results. After the sixteen weeks of remedial instruction, a comparison between the results of pre-tests and post-tests showed some changes in learners’ early reading ability, including letter-sound recognition, word recognition and visual blending, as well as a positive change in learning attitudes.
The other findings were as follows. (1) Multiple teaching activities generated from the decodable story book can be beneficial to learners’ early reading ability and learning motivation. (2) The decodable story book is an effective language learning medium for learners to apply their decoding skills as well as to provide them with an interesting reading context to lower their anxiety in learning English.
Based on the findings, a number of suggestions and pedagogical implications are provided for EFL elementary school teachers and further studies in the remedial instruction field alike.
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