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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

大學生目的感取向、 學生學習投入、自我調整學習的關係 / The Sense of Purpose, Student Engagement and Self-Regulated Learning among College Students.

巫幼芸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生目的感、學生學習投入與自我調整學習之間的差異與相關。首先,以性別、年級、就讀學校性質及學校區域等因素瞭解現今大學生的目的感現況,並探討不同目的感之大學生,其在學習投入與自我調整學習之間的差異情況,最後,分析目的感層面、學生學習投入與自我調整學習三者之間的關係。 研究對象為臺灣北、中、南、東四個地區449位大學生,研究工具包含「大學生目的感量表」、「學生學習投入量表」及「自我調整學習」三部分,並以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)及路徑分析(Path analysis)等研究方法進行統計分析。 主要研究結果如下: 1. 臺灣大學生之目的感以「疏離者」居多,而「有目的感者」次之,「三分鐘熱度者」最少。 2. 大學生目的感中,具有「宗教信仰」、「常參與宗教信仰的活動」、「家庭管教態度為開明權威」或「常參加社團活動」的學生具有較強烈的目的感。 3. 在大學生的學習投入程度中,以「有目的感者」表現做好,「疏離者」表現最差。不同目的感取向的大學生,在學習投入方面也有所不同;在「學習投入」總量表、「合作共學」分量表及「反思與整合學習」分量表中,「三分鐘熱度者」及「空有夢想者」表現較「疏離者」好。另外,在「自我學習策略」分量表之中,也呈現「三分鐘熱度者」表現較「疏離者」佳。 4. 大學生之自我調整學習狀況,以「有目的感者」表現最好,「疏離者」表現最差。此外,不同目的感取向的大學生,在自我調整學習方面也有所不同。在「自我調整學習」總量表、「努力堅持策略」分量表及「環境建構策略」分量表中,「三分鐘熱度者」的表現較「疏離者」良好;而在「自我調整學習」總量表、「努力堅持策略」分量表、「表現目標導向策略」分量表及「時間管理策略」分量表中,「空有夢想者」的表現較「疏離者」良好。 5. 學校環境越支持程度越高者,其學生就越具有明確的目的感。而目的感越高的學生,也會更投入於學習之中。此外,學生參與同儕合作程度越高者,監控自我的學習歷程的意願也就越高。 最後,本研究將針對上述研究結果進行討論,並提出具體之建議,以做為目前實務工作及未來研究之參考。

大學生成就目標、心理資本、學習投入與學習收穫之研究 / A Study of College Students Achievement Goal, Psychological Capital, Learning Engagement and Learning Outcomes

楊潔, Yang, Jie Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於建構並驗證大學生成就目標、心理資本、學習投入對學習收穫之影響模式,採用立意抽樣的方式,以1136位大陸大學生為研究對象,使用大學生成就目標量表、大學生心理資本量表、大學生學習投入量表以及學習收穫量表進行測量,再以描述統計、信度分析、因素分析、多變量變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸分析與結構方程模型等統計方法進行分析。結果發現: 一、在大學生對學習成就目標的追求中,最重視「精熟目標」。不同專業大學生在「表現目標」和「成就目標」總分上有顯著差異。 二、大學生的心理資本較佳,不同性別大學生的「自我效能」有顯著差異;不同專業大學生在心理資本的四個維度上均有顯著差異;不同年級大學生在「心理資本」和「希望」維度上有顯著差異。 三、大學生學習投入程度較好,不同性別大學生在「行為投入」和「學習投入」上有顯著差異;不同專業大學生在「認知投入」上有顯著差異。 四、大學生的學習收穫情況很好,不同年級大學生在「專業收穫」、「應用收穫」以及「學習收穫」上均有顯著差異。 五、大學生的成就目標、心理資本、學習投入和學習收穫間存有顯著正相關。 六、大學生成就目標各維度與學習投入、學習收穫各維度間有顯著正相關。 七、大學生心理資本中的「自我效能」、「希望」、「樂觀」均與學習為投入、學習收穫各維度之間有中度的顯著正相關;「復原力」與學習投入中的「情感投入」和「認知投入」以及學習收穫中的各維度呈現較弱的顯著正相關。 八、大學生學習投入各維度與學習收穫各維度間有顯著正相關。 九、大學生的「情感投入」,是預測「學習收穫」及各維度的重要變項。 十、大學生成就目標、心理資本除了對學習收穫有直接影響外,亦可經由學習投入對學習收穫產生間接影響。 本研究根據研究結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The study aimed to construct and examine the model of college students' achievement goals, psychological capital, learning engagement and learning outcomes. A total of 1136 college students of China were enrolled to collect measurement of constructs based on self-report questionnaires, which included " College Students' Achievement Goals Scale", " College Students' Psychological Capital Scale", " College Students' Learning Engagement Scale" and " College Students' Learning Outcomes Scale ". The statistical analysis were conducted by descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, multivariate regression analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. The study finding were as follows: 1. In the pursuit of college students' achievement goals, the most important was "mastery goal". There were significant differences in the scores of "performance goals" and "achievement goals" among college students of different discipline. 2. Psychological capital of college students was better. There were significant differences in the "self-efficacy" of college students with different gender. There were significant differences in the four dimensions of psychological capital among college students with different discipline. There were significant differences in the dimensions of "psychological capital" and "hope" among college students of different grades. 3. The college students had a better degree of learning engagement . There were significant differences in "behavioral engagement" and "learning engagement" among college students with different gender. There were significant differences in "cognitive engagement" among different discipline college students. 4. The college students learning outcomes were very well, students of different grades in the "professional outcomes", "application outcomes" and "learning outcomes" were significantly different. 5.There is a significant positive correlation between achievement goals, psychological capital, learning engagement and learning outcomes. 6. The dimensions of achievement goals were significant correlate positively with the dimensions of learning engagement and the dimensions of learning outcomes. 7. The college students' psychological capital of "self-efficacy", "hope" and "optimism" had a moderate significant positive correlation with the dimensions of learning engagement and learning outcomes. Resilience with "emotional engagement" and "cognitive engagement" had weak positive correlation; Resilience with the dimensions of learning outcomes had significant positive correlation. 8.There is a significant positive correlation between the dimensions of college students' learning engagement and the dimensions of learning outcomes. 9. "Emotional engagement" of college students is important variables in predicting "learning outcomes" and its dimensions. 10. The achievement goals and psychological capital of college students not only influence learning outcomes directly, also influence learning outcomes through learning engagement indirectly. Based on this research results, several suggestions were proposed for future practical application and futher research.

幼兒課程歷程品質之研究: 教室教學品質與幼兒學習投入 / A Study of Process-oriented Early Childhood Curriculum Quality: Classroom Quality and Children Involvement

洪郁婷 Unknown Date (has links)
高品質的幼兒園課程除了考量課程設計品質,例如,課程目標、學習內容、教學方法及評量標準外,也應考量課程的實施或歷程品質。 本研究採取課程歷程品質觀點,以教室教學品質與幼兒學習投入,探討我國幼兒園課程實施品質。研究樣本為臺北市26所公立幼兒園的37班、295位大班幼兒。研究者採用教室教學品質評量表(CLASS)與幼兒學習投入度評量表(LIS-YC)入班觀察,並運用SPSS21.0進行統計分析。 主要研究結果為: (一)教室教學品質之情緒支持與班級經營為高品質,教學支持為中低品質,此 結果與近期國內外之相關研究發現類似。 (二)幼兒學習投入為高品質,幼兒在參與學習活動時僅偶爾分心,此結果高於 近期國外之相關研究發現。 (三)教室教學品質之情緒支持和班級經營,都與幼兒學習投入呈現低度正相 關。 (四)活動型態影響教室教學品質與幼兒學習投入的關係,包括: (1)自由活動時,幼兒的學習投入高於點心活動與教學活動時, (2)自由活動時,教師的情緒支持高於教學活動時; (3)點心活動時,教師的班級經營高於自由活動時; (4)教學活動時,教師的班級經營和教學支持,都高於自由活動與點心活 動時。 (五)自由活動型態影響教室教學品質與幼兒學習投入,包括: (1)自由體能活動時,幼兒的學習投入高於自由角落時; (2)自由體能活動時,教師的班級經營高於自由角落時; (3)自由角落活動時,教師的教學支持高於自由體能活動時。 本研究根據研究結論提出實務與後續研究建議,希望能作為幼兒園課程品質之相關研究參考。 / Early childhood curriculum quality consists of design quality, such as curriculum goals, context, teaching and assessment, and implementation or process quality. This study purports to explore the curriculum process quality in Taipei public kindergartens through classroom quality and children involvement. The research sample includes 37 classrooms and 295 children at 26 public kindergartens in Taipei. The observation tools are Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) and Leuven Involvement Scale for Young Children (LIS-YC). The conclusions are: A.Teacher’s emotional support and classroom organization are high, while instructional support is medium-low. The findings are similar to relevant researches. B.Children involvement is high, and higher than foreign researches. C.Both teacher’s emotional support and classroom organization are slightly associated to children involvement. D.Curricular activity type effects classroom quality and children involvement. (1) Children involvement is higher in free play than in snack and instructional activities. (2) Teacher’s emotional support is higher in free play time than in instructional activities. (3) Teacher’s classroom organization is higher in snack time than in free play time. (4) Teacher’s instructional support is higher in instructional activities than in snack and free play time. E.Free activity type effects classroom quality and children involvement. (1) Children involvement is higher in free physical activity than in free learning areas. (2) Teacher’s classroom organization is higher in free physical activity than in free learning areas. (3) Teacher’s instructional support is higher in free learning areas than in free physical activity.

班級同儕學習投入與數學表現的城鄉差距 —階層線性模型的分析 / Urban-rural differences in peer engagement and mathematics performance: an analysis of hierarchical linear modeling

林靜怡 Unknown Date (has links)
學習表現為教育社會學中的重要議題,其中城鄉間的學習表現差距受到重視。過去研究認為家庭背景與地區的教育資源是影響學生學習表現的主要因素,然而這些研究缺乏班級因素與同儕效果的分析。因此本研究使用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel Survey, TEPS)在2001年與2003年的國中生樣本,以階層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Modeling, HLM)分析國一班級同儕學習投入對國三數學表現的影響,學習投入以學生為課業所付出的時間為指標。分析結果發現:(1)學生數學表現的總變異中有24%來自班級因素的影響,76%為學生因素。(2)國三數學表現、個人學習投入與班級同儕學習投入有城鄉差距。(3)在控制其他變項下,個人學習投入、班級同儕學習投入對數學表現有正向效果。(4)班級所在地區的都市化程度透過班級同儕學習投入間接影響國三數學表現。 / Academic performance has been an important topic of research on educational sociology for a long time, while urban-rural differences have been already well documented in literatures. In the past, the literature indicated that the key factors to affecting academic performance are family background and the educational resources. But these researches have ignored the factors of class level and peer effects. In this study, the data are from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) in 2001 and 2003, use Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) to assess how peer engagement affects junior high students’ mathematics performance. The time students spend in studying is an index of engagement. The main finding are: (1) This research model accounts for 76% of the variation in student level and for 24% of the class variation in class level with regard to mathematical performance. (2) Students in the urban and rural city show a differences in their mathematics performance, student’s own engagement and peer engagement. (3) When controlling variables, student’s own engagement and peer engagement have positive effect on mathematics performance. (4) Urbanization levels indirectly affect mathematics performance through peer engagement.

生涯自主動機歷程與生涯定向、學習投入之模式驗證-以自我決定理論之觀點 / The development model of autonomy motivation of career: self-determination theory perspective

薛凱方, Hsueh, Kai Fang Unknown Date (has links)
自我決定理論是個從環境脈絡、個體心理需求、動機型態來看待個體適應性行為的歷程理論。本研究之研究旨趣即是以自我決定理論之觀點,探討父母支持、教師支持、基本需求滿足、生涯自主動機、生涯定向及學習投入的現況及各變項在性別、年級、學校性質的差異情形,研究者乃根據上述變項提出兩個模式並予以驗證。 本研究以台灣地區北、中、南、東四個地區1120位高中生為對象,研究工具包括:研究者改編之「父母支持量表」、「教師支持量表」、「基本需求滿足量表」、「生涯自主動機量表」、「生涯定向量表」及「學習投入量表」。本研究採用單因子多變量變異數分析與潛在變項模式分析進行研究假設之驗證。 研究結果顯示: 1.現今高中生所知覺的父母支持及教師支持頻率偏高,基本需求滿足程度良好、生涯自主動機程度偏高、生涯定向程度中等、學習投入狀況積極。 2.女高中生比起男高中生,感覺到較高的父母支持、教師支持,並且在聯繫感的需求上獲得較高的滿足;高三學生比起高二學生而言,他們感覺到較高的教師支持,有著較高的生涯自主動機,對於未來生涯的目標也較為明確,高一的學生也比高二的學生感受到較多的教師支持;明星高中的學生比社區高中的學生感受到較高的父母支持,而社區高中的學生比明星高中的學生感受到較高的教師支持。 3.以父母支持、教師支持為自變項、基本需求滿足、生涯自主動機為中介變項,生涯定向為依變項的「生涯自主動機歷程與生涯定向模式」獲得支持。亦即高中生所知覺的父母支持、教師支持會正向影響個體的基本需求滿足程度,基本需求滿足程度會進一步正向影響生涯自主動機,再透過生涯自主動機對生涯定向產生正向影響。 4.以父母支持、教師支持為自變項、基本需求滿足、生涯自主動機、生涯定向為中介變項,學習投入為依變項的「生涯自主動機歷程與生涯定向、學習投入模式」獲得支持。亦即生涯自主動機、生涯定向對學習投入有正向影響,且父母支持及教師支持對學習投入有直接正向影響。 最後,研究者根據研究結果提出建議,以供高中父母、教師、輔導單位、高中生及未來研究者參考。

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