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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張家華 Unknown Date (has links)
知識的力量在現今的社會,已經愈來愈被重視,如何運用已經存在的知識,是目前許多人急於想了解的。在此情況下,學術界的論文也成為一股很強大的知識力量,許多研究者在當中搜尋有用的文獻當成知識來運用,希望藉由前人的研究,可以不斷的在研究領域上有所進展和發現,但知識管理在學術文獻上的應用仍是不足,大多數人也非常容易忽略這樣的知識資產,當有研究者想要研究某一領域的研究論文之時,常需要花不少時間來整理和尋找,也因論文未有效的分類,以至於若想找到相關的論文,也必須花費一翻功夫才行。如果我們可以利用知識管理中的方式,建構起一張對台灣資訊管理學科碩、博士論文的知識地圖,未來在運用龐大的文獻資料之時,我們就擁有了一個好的嚮導,可以指引我們搜尋的方向,節省許多研究者寶貴的時間。  本研究的目的特別針對兩點做出研究,一方面瞭解目前在台灣碩、博士論文中資訊管理學科近三年來援用的理論概況,另一方面將資訊管理學科近三年來在台灣所發表的碩、博士論文加以分類探討。依據這兩方面來看出我國資訊管理學域近三年的研究重點為何,在學術上各校的發展又有何傾向,再以這幾個構面來整理出一張屬於台灣資訊管理學科的「知識地圖」。最後根據研究結果與發現,對於台灣近年來所發展的資訊管理學科方向、理論來源這兩部份做出彙總和整理,讓以後想尋找台灣資訊管理學科碩、博士論文相關資料的研究者做為參考,期待可以對學術界有所貢獻。 / The rapid development of science and technology is characteristic of today's modern civilizations. In such a society, knowing how to pick up information from a load of various data and take advantage of it usefully and efficiently means one holds the key to the door of success. The old proverb ‘Knowledge is power', therefore, becomes more meaningful in this competitive society.  Undoubtedly, essays and research achievements from academic circles perform as a great resource, too, which enables researchers to follow predecessors and make progress and new findings on the existent basis. However, knowledge management in academic documents still lacks its efficient application. When common people often neglect the treasure aside and just go away, researchers are busy seeking and sorting the materials available, causing the waste of time. For this reason, to collect both the M. D’s and Ph. D’s essays of the Science of Information Management available in Taiwan and establish a network becomes an important task that cannot be delayed. There are two major goals in this study: firstly, to find out the theories applied to the Science of Information Management in the recent three years in Taiwan; secondly, to sort and study these various researches in this science. Then we can see the major emphases in this study field, the scholastic trends in each school's development, and thus form the ‘knowledge map’ we intend to make. I sincerely expect the compilation and arrangement of the theory bases and trends in the Science of Information Management in recent Taiwan can be a reference to researchers who take interest in this subject and contribute to this academic field.


謝武星, Chia, Wu-Sin Unknown Date (has links)
面對知識管理時代與學術論文不斷的激增下,快速擷取學術論文的研究主題領域是相當重要的項研究。本研究從文獻結構中分析,應用了特徵擷取、中文字詞分析、統計及演算等方法,對中文學術論文標題及其中文參考文獻標題進行分析,以擷取可描述該篇論文研究主題之專業詞彙。 對應論文的研究主題擷取,本研究建立了專業詞彙資料庫以及虛字符號字庫,應用在研究主題詞彙擷取時,論文標題的詞彙比對。專業詞彙資料庫,包括了各專業詞彙,以及詞彙間的研究主題關係,此外,也包含了詞彙間的同義詞關係。虛字符號字庫,則包含了需要在去除標題中各虛字符號時,所比對的字庫。 在最後的結果分析上,採用詞頻統計統計出論文及其參考文獻標題所出現的專業詞彙次數,並使用論文與參考文獻的對應分析產生六種可能的結果,說明應用此結果加上次數統計的方式,如何確切的擷取可描述該論文研究主題的詞彙。而在研究過程中,本研究以“中文文獻及字詞的資訊化處理”此研究主題的論文為例,建置雛型系統及詞庫來加以探討及印證。

臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻探討章節之語步分析 / Move structure of literature review in Ma theses by Taiwanese TEFL Graduates

蕭政華, Hsiao, Cheng Hua Unknown Date (has links)
在學術論文寫作眾多章節中,文獻回顧章節是讀寫過程中困難度較高的一章節,因此研究生普遍視為畏途。文獻回顧的語步分析在過去文獻中尚未受到重視。因此本論文旨在分析臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻回顧章節之語步結構。本論文提出兩個研究問題: (1)臺灣英語教學碩士論文文獻回顧章節之語步結構為何?(2)評選高分與評選低分的文獻回顧差異為何?本論文選出三十篇臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻回顧章節做為文本分析並將其評選高分群與評選低分群。本研究以四個主要語步來分析文獻回顧章節的語步結構。這四個主要語步分別為:(1)領域知識觀念介紹,(2)用主題方式整合過去之文獻,(3)聯結過去文獻與將進行之研究之關係,及(4)宣布將進行研究。每一主要語步都有數個次要語步。本論文討論語步出現的頻率,語步發展,語步組合結構及語步循環。 本論文顯示第一語步使用的最為廣泛佔56.96%,第二語步佔22.39%,第三語步與第四語步各為11.74%與8.91%。收集之文獻回顧分為四組,分別為(1)表現最差,(2)表現較差,(3)表現稱職,及(4)表現最好。 結果發現表現最差的一組沒有任何主題發展,表現較差的一組有主題發展但是僅限於整合,表現稱職的一組有運用到四個主要語步,而表現最好的一組發現有數個全部語步的循環。本論文呈現臺灣英語教學碩士論文文獻回顧章節的語步結構。這些結果與討論提供英語教學領域研究生更加了解學術論文文獻回顧之寫作架構。 / Reviewing literature for a research study is a highly complicated reading and writing process, which has been assumed a rather formidable task for many graduate students. In the field of English for Specific Purposes, many scholars have devoted their studies into certain types of genre analysis, particularly research genres. However, the concept of “literature review” (LR) as a distinct type of genre has been constantly overlooked and the move structure of literature reviews unexplored. The move structure of LRs in master theses written by Taiwanese TEFL program graduates was studied. This proposed study included two research questions: (1) What are the move structures of the LR chapters in the master theses of TEFL programs? (2) Do the move structures differ between the low-rated and high-rated LRs? In this study, thirty theses were randomly chosen. Thirty theses were rated and grouped into high-rated and low-rated categories. Based on Kwan’s framework (2006) and the results of pilot study, a new move structure with the four major moves was formulated for this study. The statistical results showed that “conceptualizing themes in a field (Move 1)” takes the largest proportion among the total occurrences, followed by “integrating previous works on the themes (Move 2),” “relating previous works to the current study (Move 3)” and “advancing to one’s own study (Move 4).” It is concluded that LRs composed by these graduates fundamentally serves to present relevant field knowledge. Further, no topic expansion is found in the deficient group. Most of the LRs in the poor group halt at the synthesis though there is some topic development. The competent group has a complete occurrence of the four major moves. Multiple cycles are found per LR in the distinctive group. This study provides insights into the move structure of Taiwanese students’ literature review chapters of master theses.

學術研究論文推薦系統之研究 / Development of a Recommendation System for Academic Research Papers

葉博凱 Unknown Date (has links)
推薦系統為網站提升使用者滿意度、減少使用者所花費的時間並且替網站提供方提升銷售,是現在網站中不可或缺的要素,而推薦系統的研究集中在娛樂項目,學術研究論文推薦系統的研究有限。若能給予有價值的相關文獻,提供協助,無疑是加速進步的速度。 在過去的研究中,為了達到個人化目的所使用的方法,都有不可避免或未解決的缺點,2002年美國研究圖書館協會提出布達佩斯開放獲取計劃(Budapest Open Access Initiative),不要求使用者註冊帳號與支付款項就能取得研究論文全文,這樣的做法使期刊走向開放的風氣開始盛行,時至今日,開放獲取對學術期刊網站帶來重大的影響。在這樣的時空背景之下,本研究提出一個適用於學術論文之推薦機制,以FP-Growth演算法與協同過濾做為推薦方法的基礎,消弭過去研究之缺點,並具個人化推薦的優點,經實驗驗證後,證實本研究所提出的推薦架構具有良好的成效。 / Recommendation system is used in many field like movie, music, electric commerce and library. It’s not only save customers’ time but also raise organizations’ efficient. Recommended system is an essential element in a website. Some methods have been developed for recommended system, but they are primarily focused on content or collaboration-based mechanisms. For academic research, it is very important that relevant literature can be provided to researchers when they conduct literature review. Previous research indicates that there are inevitable or unsolved shortcomings in existing methods such as cold starts. Association of Research Libraries purpose “Budapest Open Access Initiative” that is advocate open access concept. Open access means that users can get full paper without register and pay fee. It’s a major impact to academic journal website. In this space-time background, we propose a hybrid recommendation mechanism that takes into consideration the nature of recommendation academic papers to mitigate the shortcomings of existing methods.

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