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實體性在家族品牌應用之研究張伊婷 Unknown Date (has links)
其中,學生樣本的集群分析結果是顯著的,依照互動、目標、相似性、大小四項指標可以畫分為三群,且這三個集群的實體性有顯著的差異,以緊密型家族品牌的實體性為最高、其次為一般型家族品牌、鬆散型家族品牌。 / The concept about perceived entitativity is an established area in social cognition which means the degree of a collection of persons are perceived as being bonded together in a coherent unit. However, this concept has not yet been implemented to family brand evaluations. This research is to examine the applicability of using the eight entitativity measures (interaction, importance, outcomes, goals, similarity, duration, size and permeability) to analysis the differences of family brands.
Fifteen family brands are selected from Businessweek’s 100 top global brands 2006 and sixty-one valid samples are collected. The research shows three-cluster solution is the most stable solution and also the most interpretable in both student and job sample.
According to the differences of interaction, goals, similarity and size, family brands can be divided to three clusters in student sample and the entitativity ratings of the clusters is significant. The intimacy family brands is the highest in entitativity, followed by general family brands and loose family brands.
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軟體可專利性相關問題之研究 / A Study on Software Related Patentability Issues林金東 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電腦化的普及,軟體程式控制的機器或日常生活用品亦成為經濟活動的主流。美國最高法院在1981年Diamond v. Diehr案中開啟電腦軟體程式可專利之先河。該案所請求之電腦軟體程式雖係利用數學公式計算橡膠固化的完成時間,但法院認為其專利請求並非主張該數學公式之獨占(pre-empt)使用權。相對的,發明人係主張排除他人使用該公式與該請求程式中所有步驟之聯結關係。本案對於軟體專利的標的適格(patent subject matter eligibility)作了相當明確的闡述與界定。
1998年聯邦巡迴法院State Street Bank案提出「有用、具體、且實體的結果(UCT, useful, concrete and tangible result)」作為檢驗軟體專利的檢驗方法之後,聯邦巡迴法院在2008年的Bilski案又宣稱此一檢驗方法將不再適用於軟體專利審查。Bilski案與State Street Bank案的主要差別在前者專利範圍內,隻字未提是否使用電腦或其他硬體之技術手段或裝置(means),以達成其發明之目的。其所請求專利方法之行為模式是否具有可重複性(repetitiveness)或具體性(concreteness)因此受到質疑。
2007年發生AT & T控告微軟(Microsoft)侵犯其軟體專利權,本案經紐約地方法院及聯邦巡迴法院審理皆認為,微軟將包含AT & T語音文字轉換軟體在內的視窗作業系統光碟,交給國外電腦製造廠商複製安裝於電腦中出售,侵犯AT & T之專利權。雖然最高法院依據現行美國專利法271(f)規定,認為微軟僅交給原版光碟並未侵犯AT & T專利權,外國電腦廠商將微軟作業系統複製安裝於其他電腦出售係屬治外法權(extraterritoriality)法律適用問題。但最高法院亦表明,國會未來若能在271(f)加註組件另包括"資訊,指令"或"可用以產生組件之工具",則上述情況即可能改觀。本案爭訟過程引發軟體實體性(tangibility)的廣泛討論。
本文主要目的在探討有關軟體可專利性標的之適格(patentable subject matter eligibility),包含實用性(applicability)、具體性(concreteness)及實體性(tangibility)等問題,從正反意見之比較分析中,希望能提供問題爭點一個更清礎的全貎,促成相關產學界對軟體專利作進一步的探討,供國內專利主管單位未來修法的參考,茲依序說明如下:
第一章 緒論
第二章 軟體專利相關發明之概念
第三章 軟體專利標的之適格問題
第四章 軟體專利要件之審查
第五章 軟體專利之法律適用
2008年10月聯邦巡迴法院在Bilski案的判決中宣稱軟體專利須符合一定條件才能取得專利,對於1998年State Street Bank案以具體性、實體性、實用性的檢驗方法,今後將不再適用。在2007年發生之AT & T與MICROSOFT的侵權訴訟,其中對於軟體是不是一種實體的組成元件(tangible component)有相當詳細的說明與爭辯。本章希望從相關判決理由中,獲致軟體專利較明確的法律關係。對於軟體專利侵權之實務方面,本章亦以TGIP與AT & T之侵權訴訟,探討美國在專利範圍解釋(claim construction)及均等論(doctrine of equivalence)之應用及其實務上發生之法律適用。
第六章 結論與未來展望
軟體創作屬著作權保護的對象之一,通常以目的碼的比對作為軟體著作權侵權與否的判別依據。自1970年代開始,軟體專利一直圍繞著有關可專利性標的適格(patentable subject matter eligibility)的問題打轉,美國從1981年的Diehr案到2008年的Bilski案歷經二十幾年的時間與爭訟,仍無法獲致明確的結論可供公眾遵循。本文探討軟體的標的適格問題,以及涉及軟體專利本質的實體性問題,從各國軟體專利法制之比較,希望能提供前述爭點一個清礎的原貎,促成相關產學界對軟體專利作深入的探討,作為將來國內專利修法的參考,使我國軟體專利法制能站上世界科技產業競爭的高點。 / After years of debates over the patentability of software related patent, the first software related patent was finally allowed in the United States in 1981. And in 1998, the Federal Circuit decided in State Street case that the software patent is patentable if it passes the test, namely, to produce “useful, concrete and tangible (UCT) result.” However, in 2008, the Federal Circuit reasoned in Bilski case that it would be inadequate to adopt that test in the future, and decided not to use it any longer. While focusing on the subject matter of patentability issues, the Microsoft v AT & T case is being selected herewith for its full scale debates over the essence of software tangibility. Although the Supreme Court held that Microsoft's conduct falls outside 35 USC 271(f)'s compass would be resolved by the presumption against extraterritoriality, the holding also revealed that Congress might have included within 271(f)'s compass “information, instructions, or tools from which those components readily may be generated.” It did not.
This thesis aims to deliberate on the patentability of software related patent, primarily on the applicability, concreteness and tangibility of the software patent. The author wishes to provide a comprehensible scenario on the patentability of software related patent through analysis and comparison of the subject matters presented in the context of the thesis.
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