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有助於提高服務品質的前瞻式封包排程機制 / QoS-Aware Packet Scheduling by Looking Ahead Approach溫永全, Wen,Yung-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
受到封包網路原本忽略時效性特性之影響,對時效性要求極高的多媒體網路服務,如Voice over IP (VoIP)以及Video on Demand (VoD)在All-IP整合的核心網路上提供時,其服務品質低於傳統之電路交換網路。
封包在網路的傳遞過程中受到各種因素之影響,於到達目的地時,可能會造成long delay time,high jitter或packet loss,而在目的地端幾乎已經沒有補救機會,故而如果能在傳遞的過程中,依封包的時效性及重要性做適度的次序調動(rescheduling)而不要依序傳遞(FIFO),讓過遲的封包提前送出,而將有時間餘裕的封包稍緩送出,如此截長補短,可提高網路效能及整體QoS滿意度。
我們在BBQ (Budget-Base QoS)的架構下發展一套簡單而有效的方法,在單佇列(Single Preemptive Queue)及多佇列(Multiple FIFO Queue)的router架構下,根據封包時效性及重要性賦予合適的profit function,並參考封包在後續路程上各router的負載狀態以便能更精確預估封包是否能及時到達目的地並調整profit function參數以調整封包的送出順序,如此能提高排程的效能。
我們先對單一服務等級的封包排程進行研究,獲得參數調整之技巧,再根據其結果設計多服務等級的封包排程方法,其重點在於如何調配profit function給不同的服務等級。
我們藉由NS-2模擬模擬器進行實驗,評估本方法的效能,實驗結果顯示我們的方法可以較每個router僅根據自身所知的資訊進行排程更可以有效提高網路效能,且能對不同的服務等級做差異化處理以提高整體QoS滿意度。最後在多等級服務的實驗環境及評估指標下,網路高負載的情況,本方法與Simulated Priority Queue排程演算法比較可以提升34%的整體滿意度。 / Running time sensitive multimedia services such as Voice-over-IP (VoIP) and Video-on-Demand (VoD) on All-IP networks may have lower quality than that on the traditional circuit-switched networks.
Influenced by many factors, packets transported on a packet-switched network, may suffer from long delay time, large jitter and high packet loss rate. When a packet arrives its destination late, there is no way to correct the problem. Thus, it will be beneficial if routers could forward packets base on their timeliness and importance, instead of using First-In-First-Out (FIFO) service plan, giving important late packets proper precedence. The overall QoS satisfaction will be improved significantly.
In this thesis, we develop a simple and effective scheduling policy based on this concept for the environments where packets have predefined hop-by-hop time schedule. Routers are assumed in two different queue architectures: ideal Single Preemptive Queue router and practical Multiple FIFO Queue router. To forward a packet, a router first assigns a suitable profit function to the packet based on its timeliness and importance as well as the loading status in its succeeding routers along its predefined traveling path, then inserts the packet into an appropriate position in the output queues. Taking the loading status of succeeding routers into account could predict more accurately whether the packet could reach its destination on time or not.
We conduct the research for the single service class environments first to learn the characteristics of this new scheduling policy, and then for the multiple service class environments based on the knowledge acquired. The challenge is to find the best way to assign proper profit functions to different classes of packets in order to utilize resources more wisely, e.g. urgent and important packets get precedence.
We evaluate the performance of this approach by simulation using NS-2 network simulator. Simulation results show that our approach outperforms our previous version which doesn't take the loading status of succeeding routers into account. Furthermore, our approach can outperform the Simulated Priority Queue by at least 34% under heavy load and our evaluation metrics.
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利用Per-Hop封包排程的延遲變化率控制機制 / A New Jitter Control Mechanism by Per-Hop Packet Scheduling Approach林宗銘, Lin,Tsung-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
近年來通訊網路的進步與寬頻網路的發展,使得更多新型的網路服務迅速應運而生,對網路服務的品質(QoS)也更加要求。眾多新興的應用服務中,即時性的應用服務(real-time traffic),像是Voice over IP (VoIP)以及video on demand (VoD),對於封包的傳遞延遲時間(delay time)以及抖動(jitter)具有嚴格的要求,router在處理即時性封包時,並非僅將封包快速送出即可,而須在一定的延遲時間內送出。本研究在BBQ﹙Budget-Base QoS﹚的架構下,發展一套簡單而有效的方法,在封包所經過的每一個router時,根據其緊急程度、服務等級及網路處理能力賦予合適的profit function,再對封包重新排程以獲得最大的profit,期望減小在接收端的jitter絕對值總和,進而增進網路的效能。在此我們設計了四種profit function配合Greedy演算法在兩種不同的router架構上調整封包傳送順序,並利用網路模擬工具NS2在即時性訊務分為單一服務等級及雙服務等級的情況下評估我們方法的效能,證明我們的方法較既有的方法更可以有效控制jitter,且能對不同的服務等級做適當的差異化處理以提高整體服務滿意度。 / With fast growth of Internet traffic and applications, real-time streaming applications have attracted significant attention in the current Internet society. Novel real-time Internet applications such as Voice over IP (VoIP) and video on demand (VoD), have stringent delay and jitter requirements. Under these requirements a router not only have to forward real-time packet as fast as possible, it also have to accomplish the job within a time bound. Our research is based on BBQ﹙Budget-Based QoS﹚management architecture. In order to minimize the jitter of real-time services, we propose a new jitter control mechanism that uses per-hop packet scheduling. Four profit function are designed to represent different scheduling preferences. When a packet gets into a router, the router will assign a profit function based on its timeness and the class of service. The scheduler will re-schedule their order in output queue aiming to maximize total profit. Finally we evaluate our proposed mechanism by NS2 simulator in two situations, single real-time service class and two real-time service classes. Simulation results show that by using our approach the performance is better than other approaches. And we investigate the performance of the combination of profit function in handling multiple classes of service.
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智慧家庭具服務品質感知的頻寬分配研究 / QoS aware banwidth allocation for smart homes黃麒瑋, Huang, Chi-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著智慧家庭概念與技術的興盛與成熟,未來ISP(Internet Service Provider)業者勢必面臨管理大量智慧家庭中各種不同應用競爭頻寬資源的情況。為因應大量且繁雜類型的應用服務彼此競爭智慧家庭端及ISP端的頻寬資源,考量並應用適當的頻寬分配法則以盡可能優化使用者體驗(QoE)是本研究的研究動機。相關文獻的排程演算法如TDPSS (Time Domain Priority Set Scheduler)、MSCDL (Mac Scheduler)、Proportional Fair (PF)及Adaptive Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (AMLWDF)等。若要用以管理大量智慧家庭的頻寬資源時,ISP業者須將家庭申辦頻寬方案以及ISP端的系統頻寬分開考量。ISP在整合(aggregate)多個家庭的頻寬資源請求時,會依服務類別分配頻寬,最後依據不同類別採取適當處理,進而提升不同應用的QoS品質。
QCI (QoS Class Identifier)級別的頻寬請求並以不同佇列存放,依DADS (Delay Aware Dynamical Scheduling)演算法計算優先權值。我們利用保障頻寬與動態配置頻寬給不同用戶服務佇列,並優先分配頻寬給較高優先權的用戶服務,以期在維持一定公平性的前提下,盡可能地降低延遲來提升QoS品質。
在我們的實驗數據分析中,我們將DADS和其他方法如MSCDL、PF、TDPSS以及AMLWDF進行公平性、產能、延遲以及抖動率等效能優劣的比較與分析。最後在總結與未來研究方向,我們歸納與整理了DADS與PF、MSCDL、TDPSS以及AMLWDF等演算法的效能優劣。實驗結果顯示,在延遲上,DADS勝過PF和TDPSS,但略輸MSCDL及AMLWDF;在抖動率及產能上,DADS均較其它四者為差;公平性上則是劣於TDPSS、PF及MSCDL但優於AMLWDF。雖然DADS在整體的表現並非最好,但在特別重視延遲時間的Category1類別(包含QCI級別為1、2及5的應用服務)的延遲效能僅輸AMLWDF些許,而產能卻明顯勝過AMLWDF,由此可見DADS在Category1的表現最佳。 / With the concept and technology of smart homes becoming more and more mature and popular, Internet service provider (ISP) must face managing large set of various applications from smart homes which competing for bandwidth resources. In order to enhance Quality of Services (QoS) of a lot of various applications while they are competing bandwidth resources of both smart homes (home internal) and Internet service provider (home external), we propose a QoS aware bandwidth allocation criterion to optimize Quality of user Experience (QoE). Since ISP has to manage bandwidth resources of large set of smart homes, in the proposed criterion each ISP separates the bandwidth resources for home external bandwidth and system bandwidth of ISP, respectively. Then, aggregates bandwidth requests of large number of smart homes according to distinct service classes.
This thesis focuses on the performance index of delay. We proposed to classify bandwidth requests from smart homes and put them into different queues, finally, calculate priority values by DADS (Delay Aware Dynamical Scheduling) algorithm. The proposed method is able to effectively reduce delay time with certain degree of fairness guarantee by dynamically allocate bandwidth resources for services with distinct service priorities.
In the experiments, we compared DADS with other algorithms such as MSCDL (Mac Scheduler), PF (Proportional Fair), TDPSS (Time Domain Priority Set Scheduler) and AMLWDF (Adaptive Modified Largest Weighted Delay First), etc. in terms of fairness, throughput, delay and jitter. The experiments results show that DADS performs much better than PF and TDPSS but a bit worse than MSCDL and AMLWDF in terms of delay. However, DADS shows no better performance than all other algorithms in terms of jitter and throughput. In fairness comparison, DADS is worse than PF, TDPSS and MSCDL but is better than AMLWDF.
Though DADS has no superior performance on overall indices, it is a bit worse than AMLWDF in delay of Category1 (including QCI 1, 2 and 5), its throughput is better than AMLWDF. Therefore, DADS’s performance is the best on Category1 considering overall indices.
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