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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

基於CWMP與OAuth的智慧家庭服務維運管理架構 / Toward a CWMP and OAuth Compatible Operations Management Architecture for Smart Home Services

王依晴, Wang, Yi Ching Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊及通訊技術的快速發展,智慧家庭技術日漸成熟,使得人們的家居生活環境更加便利。由於智慧家庭中技術多元,不同廠商所生產的設備互不相通,導致其操作及安裝程序複雜,影響人們的使用意願,使得目前智慧家庭的願景仍不普及。本論文主要為利用CWMP結合OAuth建立出一個功能完整的智慧家庭服務管理架構,同時兼顧服務使用者與服務供應者的需求,整合家庭內部與外部之間的互動,提供遠端購買模組、佈署服務、監控、計費以及自動偵錯與恢復等管理功能,亦加入了授權與認證規範,期望能提供更完善的管理架構,使得每個家庭雖然由不同的服務與設備組成,但皆能透過同一種技術進行管理,以利智慧家庭維運技術的發展。 / With the rapid development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), smart home technology has become more and more mature. The applications of smart home technology are still not popular because home devices are usually made by different vendors and thus are not compatible. As a result, the management and setup procedures of these smart home products are complicated. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a CWMP and OAuth based operations management architecture that supports remote purchasing of services and components, deployment of services, diagnosis, billing of service usage and autonomic failure detection and recovery of services. The architecture uses OAuth for supporting security functions of users’ private information. It is expected that the proposed architecture can facilitate the practical applications of smart home technology and provide a reference design for designing operations management mechanisms for smart homes.

智慧家庭具服務品質感知的頻寬分配研究 / QoS aware banwidth allocation for smart homes

黃麒瑋, Huang, Chi-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著智慧家庭概念與技術的興盛與成熟,未來ISP(Internet Service Provider)業者勢必面臨管理大量智慧家庭中各種不同應用競爭頻寬資源的情況。為因應大量且繁雜類型的應用服務彼此競爭智慧家庭端及ISP端的頻寬資源,考量並應用適當的頻寬分配法則以盡可能優化使用者體驗(QoE)是本研究的研究動機。相關文獻的排程演算法如TDPSS (Time Domain Priority Set Scheduler)、MSCDL (Mac Scheduler)、Proportional Fair (PF)及Adaptive Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (AMLWDF)等。若要用以管理大量智慧家庭的頻寬資源時,ISP業者須將家庭申辦頻寬方案以及ISP端的系統頻寬分開考量。ISP在整合(aggregate)多個家庭的頻寬資源請求時,會依服務類別分配頻寬,最後依據不同類別採取適當處理,進而提升不同應用的QoS品質。 本篇論文著重於延遲時間的考量,提出能分類來自各個智慧家庭中,屬於不同 QCI (QoS Class Identifier)級別的頻寬請求並以不同佇列存放,依DADS (Delay Aware Dynamical Scheduling)演算法計算優先權值。我們利用保障頻寬與動態配置頻寬給不同用戶服務佇列,並優先分配頻寬給較高優先權的用戶服務,以期在維持一定公平性的前提下,盡可能地降低延遲來提升QoS品質。 在我們的實驗數據分析中,我們將DADS和其他方法如MSCDL、PF、TDPSS以及AMLWDF進行公平性、產能、延遲以及抖動率等效能優劣的比較與分析。最後在總結與未來研究方向,我們歸納與整理了DADS與PF、MSCDL、TDPSS以及AMLWDF等演算法的效能優劣。實驗結果顯示,在延遲上,DADS勝過PF和TDPSS,但略輸MSCDL及AMLWDF;在抖動率及產能上,DADS均較其它四者為差;公平性上則是劣於TDPSS、PF及MSCDL但優於AMLWDF。雖然DADS在整體的表現並非最好,但在特別重視延遲時間的Category1類別(包含QCI級別為1、2及5的應用服務)的延遲效能僅輸AMLWDF些許,而產能卻明顯勝過AMLWDF,由此可見DADS在Category1的表現最佳。 / With the concept and technology of smart homes becoming more and more mature and popular, Internet service provider (ISP) must face managing large set of various applications from smart homes which competing for bandwidth resources. In order to enhance Quality of Services (QoS) of a lot of various applications while they are competing bandwidth resources of both smart homes (home internal) and Internet service provider (home external), we propose a QoS aware bandwidth allocation criterion to optimize Quality of user Experience (QoE). Since ISP has to manage bandwidth resources of large set of smart homes, in the proposed criterion each ISP separates the bandwidth resources for home external bandwidth and system bandwidth of ISP, respectively. Then, aggregates bandwidth requests of large number of smart homes according to distinct service classes. This thesis focuses on the performance index of delay. We proposed to classify bandwidth requests from smart homes and put them into different queues, finally, calculate priority values by DADS (Delay Aware Dynamical Scheduling) algorithm. The proposed method is able to effectively reduce delay time with certain degree of fairness guarantee by dynamically allocate bandwidth resources for services with distinct service priorities. In the experiments, we compared DADS with other algorithms such as MSCDL (Mac Scheduler), PF (Proportional Fair), TDPSS (Time Domain Priority Set Scheduler) and AMLWDF (Adaptive Modified Largest Weighted Delay First), etc. in terms of fairness, throughput, delay and jitter. The experiments results show that DADS performs much better than PF and TDPSS but a bit worse than MSCDL and AMLWDF in terms of delay. However, DADS shows no better performance than all other algorithms in terms of jitter and throughput. In fairness comparison, DADS is worse than PF, TDPSS and MSCDL but is better than AMLWDF. Though DADS has no superior performance on overall indices, it is a bit worse than AMLWDF in delay of Category1 (including QCI 1, 2 and 5), its throughput is better than AMLWDF. Therefore, DADS’s performance is the best on Category1 considering overall indices.

基於複合式架構建構具高強健性的智慧家庭服務管理系統 / Robust Service Management for Smart Home Environments: A Hybrid Approach

張惟誠, Chang, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
智慧家庭環境是一個典型的分散式系統,在此類環境中的智慧服務大都由一至多個節點組成,例如一個智慧空調服務需要冷氣機、溫度感測器和邏輯判斷節點。然而,只要服務其中一個節點故障,整個服務就無法正常運作。由於居住在家庭中的大都是不具技術能力的使用者,故理想的智慧家庭服務,即使在有節點故障的狀況下,也應能在短時間內盡可能自動偵測與排除錯誤,使服務的運作不被中斷。本研究主要目的在於提出一個智慧家庭的強健服務管理系統,基於創新的複合式架構,結合集中式與非集中式錯誤偵測機制的特色,能在短時間內偵測到節點失效,進而恢復由於軟體所造成的節點故障或尋找待用節點,使得服務能繼續運行。 / Smart home systems are different from traditional computing systems. In a smart home system, a service is composed of several service nodes. For example, a smart air conditioning service needs a temperature sensor, an application logic, and an air conditioner. A service fails if one of its affiliating nodes fails. However, unexpected failures are undesirable for mission critical services such as healthcare or surveillance. Moreover, a smart home lacks professional system administrators. Users are generally unable to repair a service when it fails. Consequently, in a smart home system, the failed services have to be diagnosed and recovered automatically. In this paper describes a hybrid failure detection and recovery method for smart home environments. Experiments show that the proposed architecture is able to enhance overall availability of a smart home system in a short time.

數位生活未來之發展與趨勢研究 -以仲琦科技為例 / Exploring the trend of the digital life- a case of Hitron Technologies Inc.

劉美蘭, Liu, Mei Lan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來科技匯流發展日行千里,新興無線寬頻的接取技術(Broadband Wireless Access)不斷升級,為民眾的生活帶來更便利的創新應用,而寬頻接取服務的亦由以往一種技術提供一種服務的方式,逐漸轉換為涵蓋數據(Data)、語音(Voice)及影音內容(Video)等三種服務的匯流。加速了電信、廣電與網路通訊產業升級的需求,也帶來了新的市場動能與發展契機。 本研究以台灣為研究範本,以個案研究方法來探討在網路為基礎的數位匯流環境下數位生活之發展趨勢、個案公司科技產品未來的發展趨勢及因應策略。 而本研究發現未來家用閘道器產品市場,將會朝向整合家中所有可上網設備的整合性產品特性發展。亦將會是國內網通設備商值得切入的新領域。娛樂型家用閘道器,目前市場上多以機上盒(Set top box, STB)加上Router的功能型態出現,惟必須等待STB零售市場打開後,國內的廠商將會有機會創造更大利潤空間。而個案公司在研發方向應以Cable Docsis的核心技術為中心,從水平方向擴展至家庭網路的Home applications。追求更快的速度,更多元化的網路技術和更方便的寬頻服務。在縱向方面,我們則以完整的解決方案為主軸,往頭端CMTS技術和網管為發展重點。

以SDN為基礎之具服務品質感知的智慧家庭頻寬管理架構 / SDN based QoS aware bandwidth management framework for smart homes

林建廷, Lin, Jian Ting Unknown Date (has links)
隨著智慧家庭技術及物聯網的裝置大幅度地成長,智慧家庭的網路流量亦隨之升高。當大量成長的智慧家庭流量造成網路壅塞時,可能使緊急服務的警告機制失效,或是造成某些應用服務品質低劣而不堪使用。這些問題恐阻礙智慧家庭未來的發展性。 為改善上述問題,本文提出創新的物聯網智慧家庭頻寬配置管理架構。以ISP業者管理數以千計的物聯網智慧家庭為情境,針對智慧家庭多樣化的應用服務,利用具前瞻性的軟體定義網路,提供ISP業者對智慧家庭外部網路頻寬做最佳化的配置。 本研究依改良後的3GPP LTE QoS Class Identifier (QCI),分類智慧家庭的服務,並考量服務的優先權及延遲程度,提出BASH演算法。透過本研究,ISP業者能依定義好的服務類別,將匯集後的智慧家庭服務流量藉由配置訊務流(traffic flow)的權重,計算出不同服務的最佳頻寬分配量,達到提升QoS及使用者QoE的目的。 為確認本論文所提出之方法的有效性,實驗設計是利用Linux伺服器架設OpenvSwitch、Ryu控制器及Mininet模擬器,建構SDN網路環境。實驗結果顯示,本研究所提出的BASH與ISP所用的傳統頻寬分配方法相比,能有效提高30%的throughput,降低159%的delay time及967%的 jitter time。 / With the increasing number of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and advance of smart home technology, the network traffic of smart home is also raising rapidly. When network congestion occurs due to massive traffic, some emergent alert mechanisms might become invalid or cause some application services performance degraded. All kinds of these will dramatically hamper the future development of smart homes. In order to resolve these problems, we propose an innovative bandwidth allocation smart home management framework for IoT enabled smart homes. The application scope of this research assumes a scenario that an ISP (Internet Service Provider) should support thousands of IoT enabled smart homes for a variety of services. The proposed bandwidth allocation framework is based on the promising software defined networking (SDN) architecture and is responsible for optimizing bandwidth allocation on external Internet traffic. We modify the 3GPP LTE QoS Class Identifier (QCI) to adaptive to the services suitable for smart homes. The proposed bandwidth allocation smart home (BASH) algorithm considers service priority and delay at the same time. With this framework, ISP is able to optimize bandwidth allocation by aggregating thousands of classified services of smart homes and thus effectively enhance Quality of Service (QoS) and user experience (QoE). In order to verify the proposed methods, we implement a SDN environment by using Linux Ubuntu servers with Mininet, Open vSwitch and Ryu controller. The experiment results show that BASH outperforms ISP traditional method in increasing the throughput by 30%, reducing delay and jitter by 159% and 967%, respectively.

資源導向智慧家庭服務維運機制的設計與實現 / Design and implementation of a resource-oriented smart home service operation management platform

陳映如 Unknown Date (has links)
智慧家庭的概念早在半世紀前就被提出,但至今仍被認為是豪宅的配備, 到目前為止也沒有「智慧家庭產業」出現。解決智慧家庭系統的維運議題, 是智慧家庭技術普及化,進而形成產業的重要前提。Broadband Forum 所提 出的 CWMP 是目前較普及與成熟的維運技術,但 CWMP 在軟體架構與軟 體設計上仍具有改善空間,包含用企業級技術來定義嵌入裝置規範,導致 效能與擴充性不佳;領域模型設計不良,開發人員難以學習與理解,以及 Web 回呼(Callback)機制未臻完善,無法彈性應對各種裝置回呼狀況。針對 這些議題,本論文提出以資源導向架構風格來改良 CWMP,並針對現行各 種 Web Callback 機制做實驗與分析,評估適合 CWMP 應用場域中的 Callback 機制,基於上述機制,建構基於資源導向架構的 CWMP 智慧家庭服務維運 平台,並透過實驗與實作應用情境,並驗證其功能完備性、效能及實務上 之可行性。 / The vision of smart home has been depicted for over a half-century. Nevertheless, Smart Home technologies are still not widely deployed in most people’s living spaces. The main reason is that operations management technologies for smart home such as remote deployment, monitoring, and maintenance are not well studied and only a few attempts have so far been made toward this aspect. CWMP, proposed by Broadband Forum, is a promising standard for realizing a Smart Home operations management platform. Several design issues, namely, poor performance and scalability, poor domain model design and inappropriate web callback architecture, have been identified. The objective of this thesis is, therefore, to deal with the issues mentioned above by suggesting a set of new ways to design CWMP functionalities. The overall approach is based on the RESTful architectural style. Finally, the proposed designs are realized as an operations management platform prototype. Validations and experiments are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

以影像為基礎之智慧型睡眠監測系統 / Intelligent video-based sleep monitoring system

郭仁和, Kuo, Jen Ho Unknown Date (has links)
我們提出的智慧型睡眠監測系統,是基於影像分析技術進行睡眠品質觀測,並利用所得到的數據來推斷最佳的喚醒時間。此系統命名為iWakeUp,利用非接觸式的方法來收集影像資料並進行後續處理,此裝置將被安裝在一般的臥室來幫助睡眠者,以期成為增進智慧家庭生活品質的一環。在此論文中,我們將會描述iWakeUp的各個模組包括測定動作量、推斷睡眠階段乃至於如何建立喚醒機制。更特別的是,我們考慮了喚醒時間與喚醒機制的關係,於較早的時間喚醒必須具有更高的信心度,否則將付出較大的代價,反之亦然。另外為了處理晨間臥室中的光影變化,不同的背景模型也已被整合測試,以期讓系統可以提升長時間觀測的準確度。最後,我們也進行了使用iWakeUp的臨床實驗,結果指出使用iWakeUp喚醒的睡眠者具有較低的嗜睡感與更好的活力。 / We present a video-based monitoring system to determine the sleep status and optimal wakeup time in this thesis. We envision a smart living space in which a data collection and processing module named iWakeUp is installed in the bedroom to record and monitor sleep in a non-invasive manner. We describe the overall structure of the iWakeUp system, including the procedure to measure amount of motion, the method for inferring wake/sleep status from the acquired video and the logics for deciding the optimal wakeup time. In particular, a time-dependent decision rule has been incorporated to account for unequal penalties when classification error occurs. Furthermore, various background modeling techniques have been examined to address lighting changes at dawn in the bedroom for long-term monitoring. Validation experiments are carried out to compare the alertness level upon awakening with/without reported a lower level of sleepiness and higher level of vigorousness in comparison to the control group.

新能源經濟的創新商業模式之研究 ─ 以資訊科技產業為例 / A Study on Innovative Business Model in the New Energy Economy ─ Taking IT Industry as an Example

沈建銘 Unknown Date (has links)
能源的議題牽繫人類文明的發展,在開發與運用的同時,也伴隨相當的代價。當代所因應發展的新能源經濟,在全球範圍內希冀提供人類前進的方案。 在新能源經濟的浪潮中,三個主要支柱分別是可再生能源,智慧電網與智慧家庭,以及電動車。我們解構產業的組成與價值鏈,分析產業的發展現況,並探究可行的技術運用與商業模式。 最終希望結合我們所擅長的資訊科技,在經濟層面為這片土地作出貢獻。

智慧家庭中以SDN結合具服務品質感知排程演算法之效能研究 / Performance study on QoS aware scheduling with SDN for smart homes

王芝吟, Wang, Chin Yin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著物聯網這個萬物連網的概念順勢推動智慧家庭在市場裡蓬勃發展,可預期未來ISP(Internet Service Provider)業者勢必面臨大量智慧家庭中各種不同應用服務互相競爭頻寬資源的情況,甚至遇到網路滿載壅塞時造成應用服務不堪使用的情形。 為改善上述問題,本文以ISP業者管理智慧家庭中眾多的物聯網設備為情境,透過軟體定義網路 (Software Defined Network,SDN)進行頻寬排程配置,排程演算法以可兼顧公平性(fairness)、時間延遲(delay)及應用服務優先權(service priority)的A-MLWDF (Adaptive Modified Largest Weighted Delay First) [7]演算法,確保優先配置頻寬給智慧家庭中優先權較高、時效較為急迫的流量,以降低應用服務的延遲來提升智慧家庭網路之服務品質(Quality of Service,QoS)。 本研究透過OMNet++模擬器建構SDN環境與傳統環境中有眾多物聯網設備之智慧家庭。家中物聯網設備包含M2M (Machine to Machine)和非M2M(non Machine to Machine)裝置,以提供各種智慧家庭應用服務。我們透過SDN架構進行頻寬配置,達到集中式管控家中的頻寬資源,其中排程演算法包括PF、MLWDF、A-MLWDF。實驗結果顯示,以上排程演算法雖然於SDN環境下在公平性與抖動率表現並不顯著,公平性約改善1.6%及抖動率約降低1%左右,但在產能與延遲方面表現較為顯著,能有效提高產能約52%,及降低延遲約 52%。 / With the concept of IoT (Internet of Things) spread rapidly, it is the opportunity to promote smart homes in the expanding market. We can see that the future ISP (Internet Service Provider) has to face a large number of smart homes having bandwidth competition in a variety of different applications and causing application services unavailable due to network congestion.     In order to resolve the above problems, we propose that each ISP (Internet Service Provider) has to manage a large number of IoT devices in a smart home to performs bandwidth scheduling through Software Defined Network (SDN). We choose to use A-MLWDF scheduling algorithm (Adaptive Modified Largest Weighted Delay First) [7] which considers fairness, delay and service priority. A-MLWDF is able to ensure services of higher priority and emergent traffic be allocated bandwidth earlier and greatly reduce delay and thus effectively enhance Quality of Service (QoS) of smart homes.     In this research, we implement a SDN environment by using OMNet++ to simulate the bandwidth competition among smart homes with IoT devices. The IoT devices consists of M2M (Machine to Machine) and non-M2M (non Machine to Machine) devices which offer a variety of intelligent home application services. We configure the bandwidth allocation under SDN control. The scheduling algorithms include PF, MLWDF and A-MLWDF. When the network traffic is congested, SDN can significantly increase throughput and reduce latency compared to traditional network management. The experimental results show that above scheduling algorithms using SDN environment having no significant performance improvements in fairness and jitter. The fairness increases around 1.6% and the jitter reduces around 1%. However, it shows significant improvement on throughout and delay. The throughput increases around 52% and the delay reduces around 52%.

消費者使用物聯網產品之動機與選擇—以智慧家庭產品為例 / User’s motivation and choice of using IoT products: A case of smart home

黃曉菁, Huang, Xiao Jing Unknown Date (has links)
近年來以物聯網為概念的相關應用已經成為最熱門的議題之一,各國家與企業皆致力於發展其技術以及相關應用。而物聯網的應用範圍十分廣泛,舉凡交通、醫療、電力、物流、家居等都是其應用的範圍。亞洲國家於近十年來也紛紛提出相關發展計畫,由此可看出各國對發展物聯網產品之野心與競爭。而台灣政府於2008年開始積極推展智慧家庭政策,端看目前成果,以技術層面而言並非無法達成,但在實際應用與推廣上明顯仍有許多不足之處。因此本研究欲探討使用者對於物聯網相關應用產品的使用動機為何,以智慧家庭為例,先進行相關文獻探討,並以修正式德菲法做為發展ANP專家問卷的基礎,再利用ANP法施行專家問卷,排序出影響消費者使用動機的各項權重,選擇出最符合消費者需求的產品組合,讓開發者能了解在開發與推展智慧家庭相關應用時,應滿足消費者哪些心理層面之動機因素,提升未來發展相關產品時的成功機率。 / In recent years, applications related to the concept of IoT become one of the most popular issues all over the world. Countries and enterprises devote themselves to developing the technique and application related to IoT. The range of its applications is very wide, including transportation, medical treatment, electricity, logistics, and home, etc. Asian countries set forth some development projects in the past decade, demonstrating the ambition and competition between countries in developing IoT products. Taiwan has started to push the development of smart home related applications since 2008. After development for some years, insufficiency in actual implementation and diffusion remains given our technological advantage. Therefore, this research intends to study the motivation for users to use IoT products taking smart home as an example. First, we study the related literature review and use modified Delphi method to develop the ANP expert questionnaires. Then, we prioritize the weights of consumer’s motives. The result can enable developers of smart home products to understand what kind of consumer motives they should satisfy when developing and promoting smart home applications. This enhances the probability of success for developing related products in the future.

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