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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

行動廣告效果衡量指標之研究 / The advertisement effectiveness of mobile advertising

陳惠雯 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著智慧型手機的問世,行動裝置改變現代人的生活方式已是不爭的事實,而最大的改變為以往手機僅是拿來對話及傳送簡訊等基本的使用,隨著網路的發達,手機的使用方式已從「講」轉變為「看」。消費者使用手機的頻繁也同時使得對於手機上的數位廣告的注意度降低,因此當消費者對廣告主投遞的廣告注意度降低時,廣告主在數位行銷目的不同時,則需要不同的數位廣告指標去確認廣告效果。因此本研究採用以專家問卷法,其主要依據修正式德菲法,鎖定的對象為「網路媒體企劃人員」及「網路廣告媒體專業人士」專家,需任職於數位行銷相關產業滿五年以上之資歷納入蒐集,共計十五人。並以優良指標建構原則為基礎,透過專家的觀點找出各手機廣告適用的衡量指標,實施二次循環式調查。經指標實證後,建議兩大面向及五項原則可供業界參考: 一、不同的行銷目的下,曝光數及點擊不再是主要指標 1.策略構面:以提升品牌知名度為行銷目的,則需以曝光數、點擊、點擊率及每千次曝光成本等為主要指標。 2.關係構面:點擊、點擊率及曝光在各個版位中都佔共識指標前三大排名 3.效益性構面:以轉換率、每次名單成本及點選/點擊為主 二、廣告主應長期投資關鍵字廣告 1.提升品牌知名度及增加品牌與消費者之間的熟悉度:建議以「廣泛修飾比對」、「片語比對」及「完全比對」操作策略,若消費者看到廣告訊息則會上網搜尋,能增加對於品牌或產品的知名度及熟悉度,進而刺激及提升銷售業績。 2.以刺激銷售並提升業績為主時,建議可開啟廣泛比對的購買機制,增加曝光度,避免預算浪費,可做篩選字根操作避免不相關的字根大量出現,導致消費者誤觸點擊而需耗費成本。 / Smartphone has been changing our life is an indisputable fact. The biggest change is that mobile phone is used from talking to browsing. The more consumer use smartphone, the more consumer decrease their attention in digital banners or advertisements. Hence, advertisers should base on different digital campaign’s objective to deliver different banners or creative ads. Since digital is getting more and more important, and the overall market research can’t catch up with the mobile marketing’s growth, this research will base on Modified Delphi Method to survey the mobile advertisement effectiveness in different campaign objectives. The sampling of experts will secure specialists who have related digital experience and must work over 5 years in this advertisement industry. After second round’s survey, this research come out 2 scopes and 5 principles. 1.Impressions and clicks are not key KPI for different campaign objectives *To maximize brand awareness: not only impressions and clicks, but also click rate and CPM should take as main KPIs (key performance implementation). *To have a strong relationship with consumer: click, click rate and impressions are the top 3 KPIs should be covered to review in campaign’s post-evaluation. *To drive the sales: conversion rate, CPM and clicks become the most important elements to review campaign objective. 2.Advertisers should have a long-term strategy in paid key word search *To maximize brand awareness and have a strong relationship with consumer: recommend to have always-on strategy which means open widespread comparison, phase comparison, and completed comparison all the time to find the potential consumers and drive the sales. *To drive the sales: recommend to select widespread comparison and filter non-related words to avoid wasting media budget and campaign cost.

觀光工廠文創化指標建構 / The Construction of Cultural Creativity-oriented Indicators for Tourism Factories

胡馨文, Hu, Hsin Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的,在於建構一套觀光工廠文創化評鑑指標。 觀光工廠屬於產業文創化實踐的一環,觀光工廠所營造的體驗服務,亦屬於創意生活產業領域的一環。觀光工廠既被歸類至文創領域,則理應在文化創意層面多加著墨。然而,現行的觀光工廠評鑑指標並未將文化與創意元素具體羅列,於文創層面涉入不足,無法有效評量觀光工廠在文化創意面的具體表現,故本研究旨在重新建構一套屬於觀光工廠的文創化指標,作為提升觀光工廠文創質化品質的具體指南,使「產業文創化」的理念在推廣過程中能有所依據,進而落實於實際執行的成果。 本研究運用修正式德菲法,先透過文獻探討歸納出觀光工廠於文創層面的檢視題項,再針對學者、業者、政府單位三批專家進行三回合的意見調查,刪除重要性不足的題項後進行因素分析,研究結果為: 1.文化內涵方面,應具備傳播性、品牌化、在地性以及核心價值。 2.創意思維方面,應具備創新性、多元性、並著重體驗行銷。 3.特色美學方面,應具備風格化、整合性、並呈現視覺識別設計。

結合專家意見與隨機方法:台灣生育率推估 / Combining Expert Opinion with Stochastic Forecast: A Study of Taiwan Fertility Projection

李政豫 Unknown Date (has links)
政府制訂與規劃政策,需要未來人口數或人口結構的資訊,以期能針對國家需求對症下藥;預測未來人口總數及人口結構通稱為人口推估(Population Projection),台灣的官方人口推估由行政院經濟建設委員會負責。人口推估通常使用人口變動要素合成法(The Cohort Component Method),根據現有人口總數及結構,加上對未來生育(Fertility)、死亡(Death)、遷移(Migration)三要素的預期,推估出未來的人口數及其結構;除了參考歷史資料外,目前三要素大多參考專家意見(Expert opinion)決定變動範圍。 在三要素之中,生育和遷移由於變動趨勢較大,較不容易以歷史資料找出趨勢,過去大多倚賴專家意見進行生育和遷移的假設。但專家意見也有蒐集上的疑慮,例如意見沒有固定的形成格式,推估結果也難以機率角度詮釋發生可能性,亦即推估數值大多不隨時間波動。為了彌補專家意見的不足,近年不少國家的人口推估使用隨機方法(Stochastic Methods),大致可分為三種:隨機推估法(Stochastic Forecast)、模擬情境法(Random Scenario Method)和推估誤差法(ex post Method),這三種方法可組合使用,例如Lutz (1995)合併隨機推估和模擬情境,而郭孟坤與余清祥(2008)則是以隨機推估和推估誤差的組合來進行推估,使隨機方法更具有彈性,適用於不同情境的人口推估。 本文目的在於結合專家意見與隨機方法,希冀綜合兩者的優點,提出適用於台灣的人口推估方法。首先,本文提出將專家方法數量化的幾種作法,配合德菲法蒐集專家意見,先以電腦模擬找出較佳的數量化方法;接著再參考由歷史資料及隨機方法(區塊拔靴法)得出的推估結果,分別以主觀角度、貝氏分析(Bayesian Analysis)和貝氏可信度(Bayesian Credibility)的角度進行加權平均,結合專家意見及隨機方法的推估。

消費者使用物聯網產品之動機與選擇—以智慧家庭產品為例 / User’s motivation and choice of using IoT products: A case of smart home

黃曉菁, Huang, Xiao Jing Unknown Date (has links)
近年來以物聯網為概念的相關應用已經成為最熱門的議題之一,各國家與企業皆致力於發展其技術以及相關應用。而物聯網的應用範圍十分廣泛,舉凡交通、醫療、電力、物流、家居等都是其應用的範圍。亞洲國家於近十年來也紛紛提出相關發展計畫,由此可看出各國對發展物聯網產品之野心與競爭。而台灣政府於2008年開始積極推展智慧家庭政策,端看目前成果,以技術層面而言並非無法達成,但在實際應用與推廣上明顯仍有許多不足之處。因此本研究欲探討使用者對於物聯網相關應用產品的使用動機為何,以智慧家庭為例,先進行相關文獻探討,並以修正式德菲法做為發展ANP專家問卷的基礎,再利用ANP法施行專家問卷,排序出影響消費者使用動機的各項權重,選擇出最符合消費者需求的產品組合,讓開發者能了解在開發與推展智慧家庭相關應用時,應滿足消費者哪些心理層面之動機因素,提升未來發展相關產品時的成功機率。 / In recent years, applications related to the concept of IoT become one of the most popular issues all over the world. Countries and enterprises devote themselves to developing the technique and application related to IoT. The range of its applications is very wide, including transportation, medical treatment, electricity, logistics, and home, etc. Asian countries set forth some development projects in the past decade, demonstrating the ambition and competition between countries in developing IoT products. Taiwan has started to push the development of smart home related applications since 2008. After development for some years, insufficiency in actual implementation and diffusion remains given our technological advantage. Therefore, this research intends to study the motivation for users to use IoT products taking smart home as an example. First, we study the related literature review and use modified Delphi method to develop the ANP expert questionnaires. Then, we prioritize the weights of consumer’s motives. The result can enable developers of smart home products to understand what kind of consumer motives they should satisfy when developing and promoting smart home applications. This enhances the probability of success for developing related products in the future.

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