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論開放題與選擇題測量政治知識的適用性 / The Applicability of the Open-Ended and Multiple-Choice Format for the Measurement of Political Knowledge潘心儀, Pan, Sin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用具有實驗設計性質的二手資料,利用前後測的方式讓受測者填答相同題目不同題型的問卷,藉此檢視各種知識程度的受測者在面對不同題型時是否會產生回應模式上的差異。本研究發現,開放題會使得較高政治知識程度的受訪者被低估,選擇題反而能準確測量出此類受訪者的知識程度。為了進一步證實受訪者在偏難的題目上所增加的猜題比例並非是來自於盲猜,本文採用多項機率單元模型來檢視受訪者於於選擇題選擇各個答項的機率。研究發現,儘管選擇題無法避免受訪者猜題,但受訪者並非是盲猜,反而會根據其具有的知識依據來答題,故政治知識程度高的受訪者能採用猜題方式答對題目,政治知識低的受訪者無法利用猜題方式猜中答案。整體而言,選擇題比起開放題更適合用來測量民眾的政治知識。 / Political knowledge plays an important role in the democratic society, and therefore there has been much research on political knowledge in the discipline of political science. To study political knowledge, political scientists have to understand the way of questions and options presented, and also the differences between a variety of question formats. This paper aims to analyze which question format is better for measuring the political knowledge of the public.
The open-ended and multiple-choice items are both common formats for measuring political knowledge in Taiwan. The open-ended question is always considered to underestimate the respondents’ level of political knowledge, while the multiple-choice format is thought of overestimating the levels of political knowledge for providing the respondents with opportunity to guess. However, a strong evidence to decide the most suitable format for the measurement of political knowledge is still lacking.
This paper uses the secondary data which is collected by a pretest-posttest questionnaire to examine whether guessing behavior will emerge or not when the respondents facing the same question with different formats. This research finds that open-ended questions underestimate the respondents’ knowledge levels who has higher level of political knowledge originally, but the multiple-choice questions can estimate the levels more accurately. To further confirm that the higher guess proportions in the more difficult questions are not resulted from the blind guessing, the study examines the probabilities of options selected by Multinomial Probit Model. The research finds that though the respondents may have guess more in multiple-choice question, however, they tend to answer the questions based on their knowledge instead of blind guessing. Therefore, the respondents who have higher levels of political knowledge can guess correctly, while those who have lower levels of political knowledge cannot. In summary, the multiple-choice questions are more suitable to measure people’s political knowledge.
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以合作式教學法提昇高中生閱讀能力之研究 / The Use of the Cooperative Language Learning to Enhance Senior High School Students’Reading Comprehension林志雲 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣的英文學習環境中, 閱讀能力ㄧ向被視為學習中最重要的ㄧ環 , 然而, 閱讀所帶來的沉重負擔, 讓許多學生在有限的教學時數之下往往成為了犧牲品,特別是低成就者。班上參差不齊的英文程度,也對老師造成了教學上極大的困擾。
本研究旨在探討 ,以合作式學習法來縮短學習者程度上的差異,進而提升整體的閱讀能力。此外, 互動式閱讀技巧也分別在實驗組與控制組中教授, 以檢視其對閱讀能力的影響。 參與本研究的學生為 79名台北某公立高中的兩班九十四學年度高一新生, 實驗組施以合作式學習法,控制組則為傳統老師講授的方式, 兩組在同一時間內閱讀同一本教科書, 並分別施以前測, 後測。 最後, 並再針對所有研究對象施以問卷調查, 以期了解研究對象對合作式學習法及互動式閱讀技巧之回應。此外, 老師上課的觀察紀錄及小組的檢視表也一併在本研究中被採用。
1. 在學生閱讀成就方面,實驗組以漸進的方式,最後超越控制組。
2. 在一學期互動式閱讀技巧實施之後, 研究對象之閱讀能力明顯提升。
3. 在實驗組中 ,高、中、 低成就者對合作式學習法展現許多雷同與少許差異的反應,但整體而言,皆傾向於正面的肯定。
4. 閱讀技巧在實驗組與控制組中似有明顯之差異, 顯見研究對象會依教學活動採取不同的閱讀技巧。
根據研究結果, 本論文擬提出對現行高中閱讀教學之建議,俾為教師及未來研究者提供參考。 / In an EFL environment in Taiwan, reading is regarded as the most essential skill. However, for most students, abundance in reading material makes them feel stressful--especially the weaker ones who tend to be sacrificed due to limited instruction time. For teachers, how to deal with a big mixed-level class has therefore become the most important task.
An aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of cooperative language learning (CLL) skills in bridging gap among students with differing academic abilities and in enhancing students' overall reading comprehension. In addition, the interactive reading approach was adopted in both the experimental and the control groups to examine its effect upon them. Participants of this study included 79 tenth-graders from two intact classes in one public senior high school in Taipei in the fall semester of 2005. The experimental group was engaged in three CLL activities and the control group was instructed in the traditional teacher-centered methods. Both groups were taught by the researcher with the interactive reading approach. During the span of this study, the participants in both groups were assigned to read nine lessons from the textbook. In the meantime, they were instructed under the CLL methods and the traditional teacher-centered methods respectively. Besides, they were given a pretest and four posttests during and after the study. In time, two questionnaires were adopted: one for investigating the reading strategies used by the participants in both groups and the other for measuring the CLL group participants' attitudes and responses of the CLL group toward CLL teaching. Besides, the teacher's classroom observation and
the group processing checklists were also employed in this study.
After four months of experiment, the main results of this study can now be summarized as follows:
1. The experimental group gradually outscored the control group on the reading comprehension test during the experiment.
2. The participants’ reading comprehension ability improved significantly after the implementation of interactive reading approach.
3. The results showed some similarities and differences among the high/low achievers and the average students in their perceptions toward the CLL. However, the participants' attitudes toward and responses to CLL may be described as being supportive and positive.
4. The adoption of reading strategies seemed diverse between the two groups. On the whole, when exposed to different teaching activities, the participants adopted different reading strategies accordingly.
This study concludes that the effects of CLL might be better than those of individual learning in a big class on senior high school students' reading proficiency. It also suggests that the interactive reading approach can be used to enhance senior high school students' reading ability.
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