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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

復原力的力量: 個人與來自家庭、學校脈絡中的保護機制對青少年憂鬱症狀改變之影響 / Resilient Outcome:The Impacts of Self-Esteem and Protective Mechanisms in Family and School Contexts on Trajectories of Adolescent Depressive Symptoms

黃鈺婷, Huang,Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用一項有關青少年成長與發展調適問題的長期貫時性追蹤資料(1996-1999),試圖突破過去討論青少年憂鬱症狀發展時,所用之横斷式資料的囿限,嘗試應用潛在成長曲線模型(Latent growth curve model, LGC Model)的分析方法,加入歷史時間的縱深,捕捉青少年憂鬱症狀的「起始狀態」、與「個別的成長軌跡發展」。以不扭曲地將所有受試青少年在三年間的內化症狀變化情形,忠實地描述出來。而後,加入「改變」因素的討論,企圖尋找能影響青少年憂鬱症狀發展軌跡的關鍵機制。 此研究主要目的即在「具象化」復原力的理論觀點,企圖加入動態的時間面向,確認負向生活事件與青少年憂鬱症狀發展軌跡之間的因果關聯,並探討來自個人、與環境脈絡中的關係運作,對青少年憂鬱症狀平均數、變化方向與速率的跨時間影響。研究結果明確回答:為什麼有些青少年在受到憂鬱症狀的負向影響之後,尚能有回復機會並「表現地比預期好」的疑問。至於針對一群憂鬱症狀發展呈現改善、或惡化的少數青少年樣本,在性別、自尊、負向生活事件、家庭親子互動、學校好朋友關係等特性上的差異,本研究亦逐一說明。 在理論層次上,本項研究結合適切的研究方法,從「靜態」到「動態」地觀察青少年的身心發展、自「個人」到「家庭系統內外」討論內外在資源對青少年復原的短暫以及長久影響效果,並以一般青少年為研究對象的作法,擴增了復原力理論的推論範疇與解釋深廣。研究顯示,青少年的「改善」或「惡化」憂鬱症狀發展軌跡,確實在環境脈絡的節制之下,存在著個別差異。此外,青少年起始的憂鬱狀態並不影響憂鬱症狀軌跡發展的變化率。家庭經濟不利這項負向生活事件,對於青少年憂鬱症狀的預測,只呈現短暫的初始影響。自尊和好朋友關係皆是青少年可以主動建構與可為之舉,為兩個最重要能影響青少年憂鬱症狀變化的關鍵因素。至於學校脈絡,則可視為在家庭脈絡之外,能提供青少年憂鬱症狀改變效果的新路徑,以及讓青少年可以順利「轉大人」之雙重機會的結構因素。 / Using data derived from a panel study (1996-1999) of long-term Taiwanese adolescent development and adaptation, this study intended to break through the limitations of cross-sectional studies, which plagued past studies of adolescents’ developing depressive symptoms. By employing the Latent Growth Curve Model (LGC Model), this study mainly attempted to feature the individual initial status and the trajectory of every adolescent’s developmental depressive symptoms, which concerned about the important functions of the dynamic historical time and space on youth internalizing symptoms, for the research purpose to reflect the real resilient outcome each adolescent displayed. Besides, in order to understand the key factors that were taken as positive and effective mechanisms to influence the initial status and rates of changes on youth trajectories of depressive symptoms, several latent constructs such as self-esteem and protective factors developed from family and school contexts were taken into accounts. Further, specified characteristics were noted to highlight the basic differences gradually showed between resilient improved adolescents and worsen ones. A positive-psychological stance was taken as the leading research perspective in this study. The results shows that familial economic hardship only affects the initial status of adolescent depressive symptoms, implying that this negative event just had a short-term effect on youth’s psychological well beings. Those who were initially vulnerable to familial negative event had opportunity to become resilient over time. As to the protective factors, self-esteem and cohesive good-friendship were two crucial facets adolescents could actively construct and make efforts for further resilient performances to be better than expected. The analyzing results indicated, interestingly, that parent-child relationship early obtained in family context and adolescent’s satisfaction with parenting merely counted for the initial impact on adolescent trajectories of depressive symptoms. Concerns and cohesive relationships acquired in school contexts, especially in classes, provided dual chances for adolescents to become resilient in a long run.

智能障礙者雙老家庭照顧負荷、家庭復原力與家庭生活品質之相關性探討 / Relationships between care burden, family resilience and family quality of life of the double-ageing families with intellectual disabilities

潘季瑤, Pan, Chi Yao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討智能障礙者雙老家庭之照顧負荷、家庭復原力與家庭生活品質的關係,並檢驗家庭復原力對照顧負荷與家庭生活品質之調節情形。 本研究採取問卷調查法,採便利取樣方式進行資料蒐集工作,研究對象為79戶雙老家庭。資料分析以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析與階層迴歸分析進行。研究主要結果如下: 一、雙老家庭的照顧負荷程度高,然家庭復原力及家庭生活品質的現況表現也普遍較高; 二、照顧負荷與家庭復原力具有顯著負相關; 三、照顧負荷與家庭生活品質具有顯著的負相關; 四、家庭復原力與家庭生活品質具有顯著的正相關; 五、家庭復原力可調節照顧負荷對家庭生活品質之負向效果。 本研究根據問卷調查結果,提出實務與後續研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study was to probe into the relations between care burden, family resilience and family quality of life of the double-ageing families that contain old parents and their children with intellectual disability, and to examine the moderating effects of the family resilience of care burden and the family quality of life. A questionnaire survey was used in the study which recruited 79 double-ageing families. The data of questionnaire survey were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of the study were described as the followings: 1.Care burden of caregiver is in high-level;Family resilience and family quality of life levels of double-ageing families are positive, between mid-level and high-level. 2.There was significant negative correlation between care burden and family resilience. 3.There was significant negative correlation between care burden and family quality of life. 4.There was significant positive correlation between family resilience and family quality of life. 5.The family resilience moderated the negative effects of the family quality of life caused from care burden. Based on the results from the questionnaire survey, some suggestions for practice and future studies were proposed.

年輕女性工作者生涯阻隔、生涯動機與因應策略之關係 / The Relationships among Career Barriers, Career Motivation and Coping Strategies of Young Female Employees

傅琇悅, Fu, Hsiu-Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討年輕女性工作者的生涯阻隔、生涯動機和因應策略之關係。以台北地區25至34歲的年輕女性工作者為研究對象,以立意方式取樣,正式施測後共得326份有效問卷,使用的研究工具為「生涯阻隔因素量表」、「生涯動機量表」和「因應策略量表」,所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、二因子多變量變異數分析及典型相關分析等統計方法進行處理。 本研究的主要發現為:第一,年輕女性工作者的生涯阻隔偏低,生涯動機偏高,較常採取問題解決和邏輯思考的因應策略,而較少採情緒逃離策略。第二,不同年齡、職業類型、總工作年資和婚姻狀況等背景變項的年輕女性工作者,在生涯阻隔、生涯動機與因應策略上達顯著差異,其中尤以職業類型最為顯著。第三,生涯阻隔高的年輕女性工作者較會採取情緒逃離策略,生涯動機高的年輕女性工作者則較會採取各種因應策略,而不同的生涯阻隔和生涯動機在情緒逃離策略上有交互作用效果。第四,生涯復原力和生涯洞察力愈高的年輕女性工作者,愈會採取正向因應策略,其中尤以企業型年輕女性工作者更為明顯;而事務型的年輕女性工作者總工作年資愈長,即使個人條件的阻隔較高,若擁有較大的外在支持,也較會採取正向因應策略。 最後,根據研究發現提出對年輕女性工作者、女性生涯諮商工作,以及未來相關研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among career barriers, career motivation and coping strategies of young female employees. By using the purposes sampling, there are 326 young female employees from 25 to 34 years old sampled in Taipei. The measure instruments include Career Barriers Inventory, Career Motivation Inventory and Coping Strategies Inventory. Data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way MANOVA and canonical correlation. The major findings are as follows:first, young female employees had low career barriers and high career motivation, and they were more likely to use problem-solving and logic-thinking coping strategies. Second, young female employees with different age, total working years, occupational type and marriage situation were different in career barriers, career motivation and coping strategies, especially the occupational type. Third, young female employees with high career barriers were more likely to use emotion-escape coping strategies, and young female employees with high career motivation were more likely to use all kinds of coping strategies. There were interaction effect on emotion-escape coping strategies with different career barriers and career motivation. Fourth, young female employees with high career resilience and career insight were more likely to use positive coping strategies, especially enterprising young female employees. Conventional young female employees with long total working years, high barriers on individual conditions and good external support, they were more likely to use positive coping strategies. According to the findings, implications and suggestions for young female employees, career counseling for women and future researches were provided.

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