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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王培玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討桃園縣國中生的愛情態度與依附關係之現況、各背景變項在愛情態度及依附關係的差異情形、愛情態度與依附關係的相關情形以及依附關係對不同愛情態度之預測情形。 為達上述之研究目的,本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園縣九十六學年度公立國中二年級學生為受試樣本,總共562人,有效樣本為524人,可用率為93.23 %。本研究工具為「愛情態度量表」、「父母與同儕依附量表」,研究所得資料以描述統計、變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關與逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。 根據研究主要發現,歸納本研究結論如下︰ ㄧ、桃園縣國中生的愛情態度主要偏向「友伴之愛」;桃園縣國中生的依附關係主要偏向「同儕依附」。 二、桃園縣國中生的愛情態度與依附關係會因背景不同而有差異。 三、桃園縣國中生的愛情態度與依附關係之間有顯著相關。 四、桃園縣國中生的依附關係對不同的愛情態度具有預測效果。 最後根據本研究結果,研究者提出數項建議以供家長、學校教師及未來研究做參考,以期有助於大眾對國中生愛情態度與依附關係的了解。


林嘉梅 Unknown Date (has links)
高中職階段是人生發展重要的階段之一。高中職學生正處於兩性角色互動學習的階段,個人生理、心理發展狀況亦日趨成熟,然而隨著社會風氣的開放,加上大眾傳播媒體渲染、西方文化的衝擊、升學壓力減緩等因素影響,高中職學生談戀愛已是非常普遍的事實,而他們的愛情態度及觀念,亦在無形之中發生重大的改變。 其次,高中職學生因感情問題不睦衍生的偏差行為事件也有增加的趨勢,每每校園中發生學生偏差行為事件時,追根究底,常發現其原因很多都是感情因素而起。因此,本研究旨在探討高中職學生愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應等面向之相關情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為台北市8所公私立高中職日間部學生,透過各校軍訓教官協助進行施測,共計發出問卷1080份,回收1080份,回收後進行正式統計分析的有效問卷比例為 83%(898份)。研究項目分為下列4部分:一、個人背景表;二、愛情態度量表;三、個人憂鬱情緒量表;四、分手因應量表。主要在於想了解不同的個人特質對高中職學生的愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應的影響及愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應三變項之間的相關情形。 本研究以下列統計分析方法處理相關資料:描述性統計、因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關,得到以下結論: 在愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應的現況方面,研究發現:台北市高中職學生的「愛情態度」傾向「友伴之愛」;面臨分手壓力時,部份帶有「輕度憂鬱」傾向;分手因應方式則大多傾向「問題取向積極因應」方式。 本研究共提出4個假設,有1個假設獲得驗證,另外3個假設獲得部份驗證。首先,在愛情態度面向,共命名8個因素,分別為:1.自我犧牲因素、2.家人因素、3.感情破裂因素、4.友誼因素、5.愛情專一因素、6.親密因素、7.美貌因素、8.承諾因素。總解釋量為55.02%。 個人特質之不同,在8個因素中,在自我犧牲因素中,父親每月所得達到相當顯著差異,科系性質則達到極顯著差異。失戀次數在感情破裂因素中達到極顯著差異。科系性質在友誼因素中達到相當顯著差異。在親密因素中,父親每月所得及母親每月所得達到相當顯著差異。失戀次數則達到極顯著差異。最後,在承諾因素中,父親教育程度達到相當顯著差異,科系性質則有極顯著差異。 其次,在憂鬱情緒面向,共命名三個因素,分別為:1.自我否定因素、2.生理失調因素、3.心理鬱鬱因素。總解釋量為60.64%。母親每月所得在自我否定因素有顯著差異,學校屬性達到相當顯著差異,性別在心理鬱鬱因素有顯著差異。 最後,在分手因應面向,共命名8個因素,分別為:1.自暴自棄因素、2.尋求解決因素、3.自我調適因素、4.尋求專業因素、5.大吃大睡因素、6.宣洩情緒因素、7.委諸天命因素、8.淨化心靈因素。總解釋量為57.45%。個人特質之不同,在8個因素中,科系性質在自暴自棄因素達到相當顯著差異。在大吃大睡因素中,失戀次數有相當顯著差異。在宣洩情緒因素中,父親職業、母親每月所得有相當顯著差異,科系性質則達到極顯著差異。在淨化心靈因素中,失戀次數、科系性質則有極顯著差異。 在愛情態度、憂鬱情緒及分手因應三變項方面,愛情態度與憂鬱情緒相關係數為正0.2948,P<0.0001,達到極顯著相關。愛情態度與分手因應相關係數為正0.4215,且P<0.0001,達到極顯著相關。憂鬱情緒與分手因應相關係數為正0.3630,且P<0.0001,亦達到極顯著相關。此顯示愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應三個變項,彼此互相影響。 綜合上列研究結果,研究者建議高中職學生應多學習兩性相處之道,建立正確的兩性觀念,依本身興趣及能力,學習不同領域的知識,參加各種課外活動,藉以培養第二專長,轉移生活重心;家長方面,則建議家長仍應利用時間與子女談心,建立良好的親子溝通,掌握其交友狀況;學校方面,建議學校多舉辦有關兩性交往的演講、活動,健全學生的兩性觀念,培養正確的應變能力;其次,學校應加強學生感情問題的諮商與輔導,減少學生因感情問題衍生的偏差行為。 / Vocational high school is one of the most important stages in development. The students of vocational high school live in the stage of bisexual interactional . Their physiological and psychological development matures increasingly. With the open society, the spread of multimedia, the impact of Western culture and the decreasing pressure of pursuing advanced studies, they are apt to fall into love. However, Their attitude and idea of love change greatly unconsciously. Next, the fact that their love doesn`t go smoothly often leads to their misbehavior. To get to the core of the problem , the students` misbehavior in school more or less arises from their poor handing of love among themselves. This research mainly aims at their attitude , and the solution of how to break up gracefully. This research use questionnaire, which includes eight public and private day high schools. With the help of military officers,1080 copies are handed out and returned, but 898 (83%) is valid. The research falls into four categories: personal background; love attitude ; depression and responses to breakup .The purpose is to understand how their different characteristics influence their love attitude , depression and responses to breakup. This conclusion is based on the following data: Descriptive Statistics , Factor Analysis , t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Product Correlation. In the aspect of love attitude , depression and responses to breakup, the survey finds out that their love attitude tends to be a love of companion. When facing the pressure of breakup, part of them tend to be slight melancholia, but their responses to breakup tends to be positive. This survey provides four suppositions, one is confirmed while the others are partly confirmed. Firstly, in the aspect of love attitude , there are eight factors: self-sacrifice; family; breakup; friendship; devotion to love; intimacy; looks and promise. The gross amount of explanation is 55.02%. Self-sacrifice varies rather obviously in their fathers` income and varies greatly in the features of the department. The breakup in love varies greatly in the number of being lovelorn. Friendship varies rather obviously in the features of department. Intimacy varies rather obviously in their parents` income and varies greatly in the number of being lovelorn. Lastly,promise varies rather obviously in fathers` education and varies greatly in the features of the department. Next, in the aspect of depression , there are three factors:self-denial; physiological maladjustment and depression , the gross amount of explanation is 60.64%. Self-denial varies obviously in mother`s monthly income, rather obviously in kinds of school and obviously in depression.

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