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私募普通股之折價幅度與私募時效性、自我利益及公司治理之關聯劉家琳 Unknown Date (has links)
有關公司治理方面,董(監)持股比例越高,則折價幅度越大;設有獨立外部董(監)事之公司,其折價幅度較小;而控制股東擔任董(監)事席次的比例與折價幅度則呈反向關係。顯示相較之下,外部獨立董(監)事是較佳的公司治理機制,能夠有效保障小股東之權益。 / This study examines the effects of self-dealing and corporate governance on price discount in private placement. Three main findings are as follows. The volume of private equity offering and the offering duration are both positively associated with price discount. When private equity is offered to insiders with long duration, it creates a compound effect, thus making price even lower. However, the existence of independent directors or supervisors is negatively associated with price discount.
The evidence shows that regulations on corporate governance could lessen self-dealing and board with independent directors or supervisors provides a better corporate governance mechanism on pricing in private placement to protect shareholders’ interest.
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集團企業與初次公開發行股票折價幅度之關係 / The relationship between business groups and initial public offering underpricing呂文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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公司財務特性對私募折價幅度之影響 / The effects of financial characteristics on price discounts in private placement藍亦敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2002年至2010年4底前辦理私募增資之上市(櫃)公司為研究對象,探討公司財務特性對私募折價幅度之影響。研究結果顯示, 私募金額占公司市值比例與無形資產價值愈高,象徵公司價值的衡量愈複雜,私募應募人在衡量私募公司價值時需付出的較高成本,折價幅度將較高。再者,當私募目的指出私募公司有新的投資機會時,私募之折價幅度將較小;另外,私募公司股東權益報酬率愈高,代表私募公司利用現有資源效率較高,折價幅度愈低;而私募公司負債對股東權益比愈大,其長期償債能力較差,營運風險也會提升,所以應募人會要求較高折價幅度以補償此風險;當私募公司有發生財務危機可能時,應募人也會要求較高折價補償其所承受之風險。因此,私募折價幅度與公司資訊成本、投資機會及營運風險程度有密切關聯。 / This study examines the effects of financial characteristics on price discounts in private placement. Based on the Market Observation Post System, the sample includes private placements of all listed and OTC firms in Taiwan during 2002 to April of 2010. The empirical evidence shows that discounts will be larger when private placement size is large relative to firm size. Intangible assets are difficult to value and therefore private placement investors will require larger discounts as compensation. If the issuer’s purposes of private placement indicate the availability of positive NPV investment opportunity to the firm then the discount will be smaller. In addition, the ROE variable has significant and negative association with discounts. This is consistent with the expectation that investors will assess the quality of the firm’s existing assets to form an opinion on risk and expected return of their private equity investment. On the other hand, high debt levels as measured by debt to equity result in higher discounts. Moreover, the existence of financial crisis is positively associated with discounts. In a word, the size of the discount to current market price is strongly related to proxies for the quality of the firm’s financial characteristics, future prospects and risk.
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