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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳意文 Unknown Date (has links)
新產品開發是一個資源組合的過程。創新產品的設計與推出,不僅攸關廠商參與市場競爭的機會,更影響其未來生存發展的空間。在過去相關研究中,較側重於探討市場面的商品效果,強調功能、介面設計,以及樣式美觀等因素,也因此忽略了開發過程中資源取用的「成本」問題。雖有部分研究試圖以資源基礎觀點探討廠商能耐與產品開發績效之間的關係,卻僅圍繞在檢視資源的「組合效率」與「組合效果」,如加速開發流程、提升生產速度,以及提高產品的品質與績效。 然而,創新產品具有「推陳出新」的特質,即強調資源的重組與新組合的實現(Schumpeter, 1912)。不過,關於資源的組合論述,卻過於籠統,並未觸及組合的建構內涵,也甚少探討投入組合的單一素材,其多重應用的可能性,亦即「資源發明」的議題。因此,本研究以人類學家Lévi-Strauss(1966)提出的拼湊(bricolage)概念,探討開發創新商品的資源拼湊與價值實現,以填補資源基礎觀點的不足。 本研究採取質性與量化並行的研究策略。針對創新產品的發展歷程實施以敘述生命故事、回溯創作史為核心的敘事研究,透過先導個案澄清分析架構,爾後進行驗證式個案研究及量化研究,使變數的衡量與關係的驗證,得以在第二階段實施。 研究發現,資源在創新商品的開發活動中扮演關鍵角色,廠商若取用成本較低的一般性資源,不僅有助於降低「資源組合成本」,也較能快速啟動資源重組活動。此外,較為豐厚的資源初始狀態,也可在開發創新商品時,增加重複進行多次實驗的機會,透過不斷地資源重組、摸索元素之間的連結關係,以促進學習效果,並累積「工多藝熟」的能耐,進而堅實組合的結構與秩序。 另一方面,一般性資源通常被視為無用或毫無價值,因此必須能賦予資源新生命,進而與其他元素重新組合,才能創造「無中生有」、超越資源既有價值水準的創新商品。而發現資源多重應用的基礎,即為拼湊能力的建立,代表對資源特質的觀察力、區辨性、重新連結能力、實作以及學習能力。 從理論上而言,本研究探討萌芽階段的創意團隊,藉由拼湊一般性資源而點燃創新能量並實現價值的關鍵因素,不僅擴展資源基礎觀點的適用性,亦開啟「新資源基礎觀點」之理論面向。在實務上,本研究透過系統性地觀察及分析小型創新商品的開發活動,彰顯拼湊能力的重要性。而對於有意願投入或開發創新商品的團隊,本研究亦提供一個資源取用的整體性架構與創意思考的空間。

亂世人才學:動盪環境中人力管理的組織作為 / Talent Retention in Turbulent Environment : Organizing Practices for Human Resource Management within Constraints

王琳, Wang, Lin Unknown Date (has links)
全球的經營環境詭譎多變,對企業而言「變」是唯一的不變。在競爭環境中,大者恆大,資源集中在強勢企業身上,而弱勢企業只能以手邊僅有的資源去面對困境。過去的隨創(bricolage)文獻多半是分析資源匱乏時,如何重新拼湊而找到創新方案,以扭轉局勢。可是我們卻忽略,在獲取、拼湊或重組資源時,弱勢企業正遭遇重重的制約,使得資源拼湊的過程面臨各種障礙。當企業身處動盪的環境中,如何以不足的資源翻轉局勢,是劣勢創新的新課題。本研究將由人力資源的情境中去分析這個新課題。人力資源的重點是找人才、留人才、用人才,讓企業能於競爭中存活,或幸運勝出。在太平盛世時,企業會祭出各種誘因去吸引人才;可是在亂世時,強勢競爭對手各出奇招,以重金禮聘英雄,弱勢企業的誘因就不再誘人。此時,弱勢企業應如何突圍。本研究分析一家位於深圳的互聯網新創公司,在遭遇到「搶人才」的環境中,如何憑藉著有限的資源而發展出一套組織作為因應。在學術貢獻上,本案例分析企業解除人才制約的作為,跳脫誘因設計的理論,思考如何由制度的設計去產生延攬人才的激勵因子。同時,理解隨創過程中,資源拼湊之前弱勢者是如何有嶄新的角度去解讀制約,思考出化阻力為助力的解決方案,設計出回應制約的組織作為。在實務貢獻上,本研究提出在身處動盪環境之際,如何以不足的資源設計出創新的人才管理機制,由選才、育才和評量等層面去設計留才的機制。這些作為不但能做為人力資源管理的參考,其因應制約的方式更可為各類型身處劣勢的企業提供創新的思路。 / Nowadays, the global business environment becomes more and more complex and changeful. For business, ‘change’ is the fact of constant. In the competition environment, the big ones get bigger. Most resources are centralized in a few of powerful enterprises, and vulnerable others can only use less resource at hand to face the difficulty. In the past, bricolage literatures were mostly talking about how to break through dilemma and reverse the status under limited resources. However, we overlook those weak enterprises which encounter constraints when trying to obtain, integrate, or reorganize resources. That makes them confront various barriers when getting piece of resources. When the enterprise is in a turbulent situation, how to turn the tables with limited resources is a new topic. This study would analyze this new theme through the context of human resources. The key point of human resources is to find the talents, retain the talents, and assign the talents, so to make enterprises survive or lucky win from the competition. In the times of peace and order, the enterprises resort kinds of incentives to attract the talents. However, in the troubled times, strong competitors would leave no stone unturned, pay high for hiring hero. Therefore, weak enterprises’ incentives are no longer attractive. At this point, how vulnerable enterprises break through? This study analyzes how a new Internet company in Shenzhen they rely on the limited resources to develop an organization action in the "headhunting” environment. In the academic contribution, this case analysis of how the enterprise remove human resource conduct limitation, get rid of the incentive design theory, and then thinking about how to encourage the talents through the system programming. Meanwhile, to understand in the process of implement create, before piece of resources putting together, how the weak explain the constraints with a new perspective, thinking of the solution by transforming obstacles into benefits, and designed an organized behavior to respond the constraints. In the practical contribution, this study presents how to design an innovative human resource management via selecting, training, and assess employees with insufficient resources when in the turbulent environment. Not only can be the reference of human resources management, these ideas can also bring the innovative thoughts for all types of disadvantaged enterprises

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