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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

澳門學校之校長與教師在教學理念與評估之調查研究 / Survey on educational beliefs and assessment methods among school principals and teachers in Macau

陸嘉文 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

以語意分析及Bloom理論為基礎之線上測驗輔助及智慧型評分系統 / A Study on Computer Aided Testing and Intelligent Scoring: Based on Semantic Analysis and Bloom's Taxonomy

應鳴雄, Ying, Ming-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電子化學習(E-Learning)環境技術的普及,線上學習與線上測驗已成為資訊教育的重要議題。但是因為填充題及問答題等測驗類型在線上測驗系統上實施有許多問題需克服,當線上測驗系統提供填充題及問答題等題型測驗時,將會產生嚴重的測驗評分等化(Equation)問題。目前線上測驗系統大多仍以是非題、單選題及複選題等題型為主,雖有少數線上測驗系統提供填充題及其他開放式填答的測驗類型,但仍未針對受測者填答之答案進行的語意自動評分。 / 另外,現有線上測驗系統未提供教師設定個人化的評分風格,對於多位教師共用測驗系統平台時所產生的評分規則認知衝突,系統也未提供支援與解決,為了解決上述問題,並使線上測驗能具備與傳統測驗相同的評量效力,本研究使用模糊理論、相似語意詞庫及人工智慧概念等,發展一個線上測驗及智慧評分子系統,此系統除了包括一般測驗系統所提供的是非、單選、複選等題型外,也包含採用智慧評分機制來評分的填充題,完成雛形系統的建置後,本研究再針對傳統紙筆測驗、一般型評分機制、及本研究的智慧型評分機制進行評分效力比較的實證研究。 / 此部分的實證研究結果顯示,在包含填充題型的測驗中,不同的評分機制在測驗成績的評分結果上會有顯著差異,而智慧型評分機制運作初期雖然可以減少與紙筆評分間的差異,並改善一般型評分機制的評分效力,但仍無法在統計上獲得具有相同評分效力的結果。但是智慧評分機制在擴充詞彙語意後,「已擴充語意後的智慧評分機制」與「紙筆評分」的評分結果並無顯著差異,其顯示出若在包括填充題型的線上測驗系統中加入具有擴充詞彙語意關係知識的功能,並提供多功能的智慧型模糊評分機制,允許教師輸入代表個人評分風格習慣的評分規則參數,則線上評分系統將有可能具有與紙筆評分相同的評分效力來處理具有填充題題型的測驗工作。 / 然而線上測驗並不只是在測驗後給予受測者一個分數而已,而應該讓學習者了解自己在知識向度及認知向度的學習結果,因此測驗系統的試題若能包含Bloom教育目標分類資訊,將促使測驗活動能給予學習者更大的幫助。為了降低教師製作試題的負擔,本研究也以本體論、詞彙網路、Bloom分類理論、中文語意庫、人工智慧為基礎,提出一個輔助教師產製題庫的系統架構,並使電腦所產製的試題能涵蓋新版Bloom認知領域教育目標分類中的知識向度及認知向度概念。本研究在電腦輔助教師產製題庫的成果上,不僅能減少教師人工出題的負擔,系統產製的試題也能評量事實、概念及程序等三種知識及記憶、了解、應用、分析及評鑑等五種認知向度能力。受限於線上測驗系統能自動評分的四種題型,本研究尚無法產製屬於創造認知層次的試題,但是卻已能產製出包含基本知識概念的試題,並能提供具有Bloom概念的測驗題庫來評量學習成效。此外,本研究亦針對電子化學習環境,提出適用於線上測驗系統的試題品質及評分等化能力評估概念模式,強調Bloom理論在線上測驗系統環境中的使用範圍與限制。此模式也透過測驗等化觀念,針對教育領域測驗理論在評估試題品質概念上提出新的觀點。 / Since the rapid E-learning development, the online learning and testing have been important topics of information education. Currently teachers still need to spend much time on creating and maintaining on-line testing item banks. Some researches have applied the new Bloom's taxonomy to design meaningful learning assessments. This research has applied ontology, Bloom's taxonomy, Chinese semantic database, artificial intelligence, semantic web, to design an on-line course learning system to assist teachers in creating test items. / Most of present on-line testing only has multiple choice items and true-false items. Though some provide fill-in-blank items, they can only recognize the answers either all right or all wrong through the simple computer binary pattern matching. In order to have the same evaluation effects as the traditional paper-and-pencil testing, this research will adopt the concepts of fuzzy theory, thesaurus, set, and artificial intelligence to develop the fuzzy scoring mechanism. The proposed on-line testing system will have true-false, multiple-choice, and fil-in-blank items. The latter will be graded through fuzzy judgment that is naturally endowed by the human teachers. / In addition, the past research indicated that e-learning students would learn more if provided appropriate feedback messages. In this research will add feedback messages to the proposed system according to different situations. The proposed on-line testing system will not only grade the test items, but also explain the answers and provide related materials to the testers. / The result of study are: (1) we could design the test items that would need a particular cognitive process to a particular type of knowledge, though we still could not have items to test “creative” level of cognitive process; (2) the test items could be used to assess the learning level meaningfully; (3) the computer would assist teachers to create a large number items, and save time of making item; (4) that different scoring mechanisms have a significant effect on test scores; (5) at the beginning, though our fuzzy on-line testing system is significantly better than the usual on-line testing system, it could not achieve the same effect as the paper-and-pencil testing; (6) after expanding semantic vocabularies from feedbacks, our fuzzy scoring mechanism is equivalent to paper-and-pencil.


謝銘勳 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文緣起於本研究者積三十年於醫學教育之教學、研究、服務及醫院臨床經驗之心得,透過近年於國立政治大學商學院EMBA策略管理課程之學習,乃試以北醫大為個案實例,探討大學教學醫院與醫學院資源互惠之最適經營策略,並嘗試提出可能之最適經營模式。 基於管理哲學之建立,首在掌握探討經營目標之界定,運用可能之資源,判別環境之變化,而採取最適經營策略,進而提出最適經營模式。而本研究者,以商學院之理論基礎,檢測台北醫學大學附屬教學醫院之教育目標及使命,深受近年台灣醫學、醫藥之嚴峻挑戰與變遷,以及政府健保政策等之鉅變下,所擁有之有限醫學教育教學資源,必須與現有醫學院系之資源,有所調整與互惠運用之經營策略,故本研究者以近距離觀察,與獨有之醫學教學及臨床實務任務,作此研究,貢獻予台灣各大學教學醫院與醫學院資源互惠之經營策略參考。 關鍵詞:大學教學醫院、醫學院、醫學教育目標及使命、資源互惠、最適經營模式、調整與互惠運用、經營策略 / A study to develop effective cooperation and beneficial collaboration in resources between teaching hospitals and medical schools- a case study of Taipei Medical University Hospital This paper seeks to explore ways through which medical schools and teaching hospitals can better share their medical educational resources. With his thirty odd years of teaching and clinical experience in both Taipei Medical University and the university hospital, coupled with his EMBA structural and management learning, the author plans to develop an effective model drawing on both business management theories and his personal familiarity with the hospital management climate. With a current scarcity in medical education resources, caused by reasons ranging from the government’s recent instatement of the medical care program to the newest wave of changes in medical ethics in Taiwan, the author proposes that Taipei Medical University and its teaching hospital must re-distribute and re-organize the current model with which teaching resources is deployed if it wishes to uphold its vision of educating well-rounded young doctor. To successfully re-invent an effective model, the author proposes to employ a business management approach. According to the basic philosophy of management, a successful model must be established with a firm objective for the institution, an honest evaluation of the institution’s available resources, and careful observation of the current climate of the market. These principles would be the building blocks in the current paper for the development of an efficient model for medical education resource allocation. The following research spans a period of six years, from 2001 to 2007. Done with strict scientific methods, the research aims to provide solutions for medical school and teaching hospitals in Taiwan a better way to allocate medical education resources, and ultimately contribute to the future advancement of medical education and management in Taiwan. Key word:medical school 、teaching hospitals、medical educational resources、effective cooperation and beneficial collaboration in resources、medical education and management、efficient model

我國國小自然科學教科書之分析研究 / An Analysis of the Science Textbooks Used in the Elementary Schools of Taiwan

黃瓊瑱, Huang, Chiung-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以1980年代以後的科學教育目標來分析我國國小自然科學教科書 之課本、教學指引及習作,探討教科書的內容、實驗活動及作業問題型態 ,並調查國小自然科教師對教科書的使用意見,了解現行教科書的優缺點 ,以供編撰教科書及學校、教師選擇教科書的參考。 為達上述之目的,本研究在內容分析部份採用的工具有科學知識本質年齡 層次分類表、STS科學教育目標、實驗活動發現開放層次分類法、科學 過程探究技能、教科書作業問題型態評估工具、以及 Bloom的目標分類法 ,在問卷調查方面採用國小自然科學教科書之意見調查表來蒐集和分析資 料。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、國小自然科學教科書之課本內容在文字敘述上涉及科學知識本質的僅 佔0.084%,而這些文字敘述只提到科學知識是實證性的,雖如此,但其內 容仍含有科學知識本質之正面教學功能。 二、國小自然科學教科書的每個單元都提及個人需要及學術準備的科學教 育目標,而有25.53%的單元提及與科學有關的社會議題,但無提及有關生 涯職業教育的內容。 三、國小自然科學教科書的實驗活動無屬於層次0的單元,有55.32%的單 元屬於層次1,42.55%的單元屬於層次2,2.13% 的單元屬於層次3,是 屬相當不錯的實驗活動設計。 四、國小自然科學教科書習作的作業問題型態以及層次之分佈,有1.94% 的問題屬於非經驗性問題,98.06%的問題屬於經驗或實驗性問題;且屬於 高層次問題的比例較多,亦有一些價值性問題的設計,是相當重視學生高 層次問題解決的學習。以 Bloom目標分類來看,幾乎所有的作業問題都屬 於認知領域的問題,佔了99.72%,其中以理解和應用的問題為最多。 五、國小自然科教師對教科書的整體意見為滿意。可是教師對於教科書的 內容並不滿意但尚可接受;其他各項來說,教師對教科書的組織、閱讀層 次、圖表說明、課文中的實驗活動及習作、教學指引、教科書的容貌均呈 滿意的態度。 The purpose of this study was to analyze the science textbooks used in the elementary schools of Taiwan in terms of goals for science education. The following five components were studied and analyzed:(1)the nature of scientific knowledge, (2)the interaction of science, technology and society, (3)openness and process/skills of laboratory activities, (4)type and level of questioning style, and(5)opinions of science teachers concerning science textbooks. For the purposes described above, seven methods were adopted for this study; that is, the classification of the nature of scientific knowledge, the desired state of science in the elementary school, the level of discovery/openness, science process or inquity skills, and textbook questioning strategies assessment instrument, Bloom's taxonomy classifies educational objectives and science textbook rating system. The major findings include: 1.Only about 0.084% of the narrative page space is devoted to the nature of scientific knowledge in the science textbooks used in elementary school. Only empirical scientific knowledge was presented. 2.Every unit in the science textbooks used in elementary school is associated with the goals of personal needs and academic preparation. 25.53% of units are associated with the goals of societal issues, but no unit associated with the goals of career education. 3.Most of the laboratory activities in the science textbooks used in elementary schools, which provided the problems and the procedures to student's performance, belong to level 1 or 2. 4.Most of the questions are experiential questions(98.06%). And almost of the questions are cognitive domain(99.72%), and most of them are comprehension questions and application questions. 5.Most of the elementary school science teachers are satisfied with the science textbooks used in elementary schools , and their satisfaction goes beyond the contents of the textbooks.

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