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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


葉仲民, YE, ZHONG-MIN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共壹冊,約六萬餘字,計分七章十七節。 本論文首先敘述研究目的,在於找出出國旅遊者對旅遊有關之心理構面。以此來區隔 國內出國旅遊者之市場,並針對每一出國旅遊區隔市場,了解其對觀光地點的知覺與 偏好,並藉著這項研究結果,作為旅遊業者釐訂行銷策略的一個依據;並有助於旅行 業在旅遊內容上的安排,而研究對象方面,乃以東南旅行社所提供七十二年、七十三 年出國旅遊者名單為樣本,計三千名,使本研究更為嚴謹與實用性的提高。至於變數 方面,則包括ぇ生活型態變數え人口統計變數ぉ知覺與偏好變數,而以因素分析、集 群分析、與非計量多元尺度,作為研究分析之方法,以達成研究目的所希望達成之效 果,最後本論文根據研究結果提出結論與建議,以作為後學者與旅行業進一步研究參 考之用。


羅婷意 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences. / Department of Government and Public Administration

我國旅行業歐洲主題旅遊之研究-以MIT旅行社為例 / Theme travel in Europe:a study of MIT travel service

賴皇杉 Unknown Date (has links)
『主題旅遊』已經是台灣旅遊市場行程標題的趨勢。 自1979年政府開放觀光以來,經過三十餘年的旅遊演進,過去的國家越多越好的旅遊概念已經進化到單國或是深度、精緻的旅遊型態,由坊間各大旅行社的旅遊宣傳單上尌可以看出來。而政府於1988年開放旅行社營業執照自由申請以來,根據觀光局統計資料至2010 年12月止,旅行社家數已達2,241家 ( 表1-3 )在如此激烈競爭的旅遊環境下,旅行業者除了設計深度、精緻的旅遊產品外,更需函入各種不同的主題元素,才能札確吸引或滿足不同類型的消費者青睞;例如击顯個人社會地位,強調奢華入住杒拜帆船七星級旅館、搭乘豪華郵輪QE2橫渡大西洋之旅;或是依個人宗教信伖的聖地朝聖之旅,或是依個人特殊屬性的如蜜月之旅、遊學之旅…等等。 尤其是以歐洲地區為市場的旅行業者更必頇在其專業領域中,去結合價值網絡成員,做市場區隔、選定目標市場並找出產品定位,進而開發出具更主題性的旅遊產品;旅行業者還頇了解總體環境以及產業環境的變化,對自己公司的組織架構及資源能耐必頇做札確更效的人力配置,及通盤了解自己的優勢與劣勢,才能設計出貼近消費者需求的產品,也才能在這極度競爭的產業中生存。 本研究個案MIT旅行社在SARS期間也曾經一度瀕臨解散、停業,但因為專注於歐洲主題旅遊產品,及其創新的直接採購經營模式,更效的串聯價值網絡成員,將無形的歐洲主題旅遊產品,透過網路連結,賦予產品生命化、實體化,並將歐洲旅遊以獨特的主題,去設計出各種主題旅遊產品的豐富性與創意性,使MIT旅行社在旅遊業界獲得肯定,並讓旅遊消費者接受。 從目前已經更數家旅行社在歐洲旅遊產品上,也分別尌其專業領域與建立價值網絡的跡象顯示,創新的歐洲主題旅遊,勢必成為未來的旅遊趨勢與主流。 / „ Theme Travel ‟ has become a trend in Taiwanese travel markets. 1979 Government opened Outbound Travel, the travel concept of Multi countries becomes single country or depth and elaborately during the pass 30 years travel evolution. It is easily to see from Taiwan‟s travel market promotion D.M. Tourism Bureau December 2010 data, number of 2,241 travel agents in Taiwan ( table 1-3 ) since 1988 open restriction for travel agent‟s license application. Under the keen competition of travel market, travel agents except to creating depth and elaborately travel products, various theme elements is more important to attracting and suffice for various travel market consumers. To appear social status, emphasize on Sumptuous Travel such as Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai or luxury cruise as QE2 for crossing Atlantic Ocean, or focus on personal religion faith such as Pilgrimage Travel, or specially travel purpose such as Honey Moon, Study Tours….. Especially main business is focus on Europe travel market, travel agents need to performing as professional to connecting with value network, finding out how to making products segmentation, targeting Market, products positioning. And then to creating with “ Theme” travel products. Travel agents must to know the variation of the travel status in general and travel industrial. Effectively man power allocation for the structure and resources of firm. Realize the strength and weakness of firm for making match consumer needs travel products, and to survival in the field of keen competition travel market. In this study case, MIT Travel Service almost collapsed during the period of SARS. To focus on European Theme Travel, an innovative direct procurement business model and connecting value network supplies through internet to keep intangibly Europe Theme Travel products alive and materialize. European travel products by unique theme travel and innovation to creating plentifully and originality in various theme travel products. MIT to be affirmative from cooperates and acceptable from travel consumer. Innovative European Theme Travel will become a trend and main stream from European travel market in Taiwan. According to some of the travel agents who focus on European travel products are building up value network and creating more and more theme elements in expertise theme travel.

移動式裝置在台灣旅遊業之應用-以國外自由行為例 / Application of mobile devices on tourism industry in Taiwan-take foreign free individual travels as case study

馬規倫 Unknown Date (has links)
當手機裝置不再是撥打電話,記錄聯絡人,而變成是透過網路可以隨時隨地、定位以及具即時性被使用的行動載具,加上基礎建設的日益完整,許多的應用不再只能被侷限在個人電腦上。今日移動式裝置如火如荼的被廣泛應用在許多產業的內部與外部網絡,也改變了許多產業的商業模式及生態。   在台灣的旅遊業,是個勞力密集、服務時間過長而且是淡、旺季非常明顯的產業。旅遊業是銷售無形商品與服務,出國業務需仰賴航空公司提供的機位銷售,產品差異性不大又容易相互模仿,而為了求得規模經濟以獲得航空公司更多機位來銷售,也面臨了大型旅遊社間彼此的殺價競爭,各大型旅遊社也相繼投入眾多人力、資源在市場上競爭,避免被淘汰。因此,台灣旅遊業進入了大型旅遊社紅海殺價的時代,大者越大,投入的資金與資源也越來越多。難道旅遊業只能進行殺價競爭,而不能藉由更好的服務與商業模式,獲取更高的利潤?移動式裝置的普及,能夠帶給旅遊業哪些新的應用與思維,此乃本研究欲探討的主題。


湯凱茵 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

泰國旅遊業:資產、生態威脅以及解決方法 / Tourism in Thailand: assets, ecological threats and solutions for the future

金風箏, Chambon, Margaux Unknown Date (has links)
Tourism is today one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the world. It has largely become popular, and even become massive within the past few years. It is now possible for the greatest number of people and for an ever lower cost to go all over the planet with always fewer obstacles. It thus entails competition between the countries to welcome the largest number of tourists. In South-East Asia, Thailand is particularly famous as a tourist destination, and attracts tourists from all over the world. Tourism is undoubtedly an important primary source of foreign exchange and employment in Thailand, and helps the country to develop its economy. Nevertheless, the tourism industry is nowadays mostly characterized by mass tourism in Thailand. Despite the economic advantages mass tourism brought, mass tourism also implies many ecological, social and cultural problems for Thailand and all over the world. Among the degradations generated by tourism industry in Thailand, there are: environmental degradation and pollution, destruction of ecosystems and biodiversity, depletion of water resources, waste, coastal erosion, animals mistreatment… and climate change. Climate change will increase the probability of important natural disasters that may cause dramatic damages to the local populations. All these factors will impact the country; influence its future and the choice of the tourists’ destinations. Therefore, it will have a direct impact on the economy if the tourists choose Vietnam, the Philippines, Cambodia and Indonesia over Thailand to travel. A possible answer to tackle these issues could be to get inspiration from Costa Rica. This little Central American country based all its tourism strategy on ecotourism, which aims to have as little impact as possible on the natural environment. It also has an important focus on the education of tourists and aims at raising awareness on the necessity of preserving biodiversity. Thailand is still able to initiate change by looking forward and choosing a long term approach concerning its tourism industry. But Thailand needs to have the courage to implement some new measures and to follow them.

論澳門旅遊糾紛的解決機制 =On dispute resolution of tourism disputes in Macau / On dispute resolution of tourism disputes in Macau

張君竹 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

來臺觀光旅客參與活動之特性分析 / Analysis of tourists in Taiwan and activities they participate in.

翁韻絜 Unknown Date (has links)
觀光旅遊業已成為二十一世紀的明星產業,根據觀光局統計2015年來臺觀光旅客已達到1,043萬人次,觀光外匯收入更達到4,528億元。觀光旅遊業的迅速發展,不僅可藉由吸引外來觀光客增加外匯收入、創造就業機會,政府亦能以創新思維,推動整合性政策及各縣市行銷策略來振興經濟,藉此提升國民的生活品質。若能找出臺灣觀光發展特色並永續經營,必讓臺灣成為新的區域中心點、成為亞太新觀光中心。 基於上述研究動機,本研究主要探討2014年來臺觀光旅客所參與活動的特性。以交通部觀光局所提供之問卷,進行資料整理並使用決策樹分析,找出來臺旅客所參與各項活動之特徵,進而瞭解來臺旅客旅遊動機、消費情形及休憩滿意度,以供政府及民間相關單位研擬國際觀光宣傳與行銷策略、提昇國內觀光服務品質與國際旅遊觀光競爭力之參考,並持續提升臺灣觀光品質形象,更努力建構質量並進的觀光環境,希望能奠定觀光產業從量變到質變的基礎,達到擴大觀光服務輸出的目的。 / Tourism has become a major industry in Taiwan in the 21st century. According to the Tourism Bureau, Taiwan received over 10 million international visitors in 2015, which generates over 4.5 billion New Taiwan dollars in revenue. With the industry fast booming, tourism revenue is increased and new jobs are created. The government is thus able to boost the economy through innovation in all comprehensive policies and collaboration between cities and counties on marketing strategies, which in turn raises the living standards of Taiwanese citizens. If the industry is developed efficiently and sustainably, Taiwan has the potential to be the next focal point of Asian-Pacific tourism. With the information mentioned above in mind, this study aims to analyze international visitors to Taiwan and activities they engaged in in the year 2014. Based on surveys provided by the Tourism Bureau, it utilizes decision tree analysis to identify the characteristics of visitors and their activities. It further explores their purpose of visit, spending during and overall satisfaction with their stay. In doing so, it could make a positive contribution when the government and tourism-related industries intend to devise future marketing strategies, improve service performance, and build a global image to attract more tourists. All in all, more emphasis should be laid on quality than quantity in order for the tourism industry to expand efficiently and sustainably.

網路交易之風險分析與建議-以旅遊業為例 / Risk analysis & suggestion of Internet transaction

呂雅麗, Lu, Ya Li Unknown Date (has links)
在網路環境日益成熟的今日,網路交易的安全性已被列為首要的課題,而「公開金鑰基礎建設(public key infrastructure, PKI)」被公認是在資訊安全應用領域中,少數能同時滿足「保護資料安全」、「身分驗證」、「訊息完整性」以及「交易不可否認性」的加密應用技術。 電子商務被運用於各行各業,其中旅遊產業是全球最大與成長最快的產業之ㄧ。許多網路旅行社已經在企業內部建置了企業資源規劃(enterprise resource planning, ERP)系統,使得幾乎全部的交易與旅遊的安排都可以在線上完成。為了確保資料交換的安全性,便可以使用PKI技術,使企業的ERP 成為受完整加密保護的服務網路。 網路旅遊業者是以網站營運的方式來進行與消費者的互動,除了基本的防護措施,如:防火牆、入侵偵測、弱點掃瞄等網路安全外,企業的資安政策的制定與執行都可減少企業所面臨的風險。 近年來資料外洩事件頻傳,客戶資料及公司智慧財產外洩可能導致罰鍰、訴訟、公司品牌形象的毀損等。政府積極推動個人資料保護法,為了提高約束力,立法、司法與行政部門決定聯手祭出「天文數字的重罰」加以遏止;加上惡意使用者偽卡盜刷、冒名使用,使得電子商務業者不得不審慎地去評估如何加強資訊安全,以維繫企業本身的利益及提高企業的競爭力。 PKI的技術是目前公認最可靠、最可被信任的方式,但建置的複雜性及高成本,使得PKI的推廣層面不夠普及;如何讓PKI由「技術」移轉成為成功的「應用」,故筆者在本論文中建議一個運作模式,讓網路旅行社可以在透過網際網路行銷擴大業務之餘,也能因應時勢所趨,提供給其客戶一個安全的網路交易環境。 / The safety of Internet transaction has been referred to as the most important task in this fully-developed world of Internet. And public key infrastructure, which can provide confidentiality, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation, is one of the most effective ways of encryption in the application of information security. The travel agency has been one of the largest industries in e-commerce. There are many enterprise resource planning systems built in online travel agencies, so that almost every transaction and tours can be arranged through the Internet. To provide a well-protected environment, enterprises can use PKI technology to ensure the safety of online data exchanging. Online travel agencies interact with consumers through the web-site. Not only the basic protection like firewall, intrusion detection, and vulnerability scanning but also the development and the executive of security policies can reduce the risk that enterprises may encounter. Fines, litigations and the company's brand image damages may come after data leakages such as information of clients or intellectual property of companies. Government has actively promoted personal data protection law and huge amount of fines to improve the bindings. Coupled with many fraud credit cards used by the malicious users, companies have to assess how to reinforce information security to maintain its profit and upgrade its competitiveness. PKI technology is recognized as the most reliable and trusted solution, but the complexities and high cost of implementation made it difficult to apply. So, the author here tries to provide a mode of operation for online travel agencies to not only extend its services by the Internet but also provide a safe Internet transaction environment for its clients.


占美珍 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

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