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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

界定日語中的分類詞 / Identifying classifiers in Japanese

王維, Wang, Wei Unknown Date (has links)
日文與中文一樣,皆是使用分類詞的語言。長久以來不乏學者討論日文的量詞,然而,對於界定何者為分類詞、如何區分助數詞、量詞和分類詞等議題,卻缺少統一的定論;一方面是因為語言學上對於分類詞的定義缺乏一定的標準,另一方面,傳統日文文法書中的概念,往往僅用「助數詞」一個詞類就概括了所有數量詞後面的詞類。 本篇論文最主要的目標便是依照一個統一且清楚的定義,來界定日文的分類詞。此次研究先參考了四位語言學者的研究,和四本文法書中的分類詞列表,共整理出前人所列出673個可能的分類詞,之後再透過JpWac和Google Search蒐羅實際語料,對這673個詞逐一進行句法和語意測試,最後界定出其中只有115個是真正的日文分類詞。 在此之後,為瞭解日本人對於名詞的分類和意識,便從這115個分類詞由底層到高層建立一項名詞的分類整理。最後,再由出一份問卷請以日文為母語的日本人填寫使用頻率,初步了解現代日本語中分類詞的使用狀況。結果顯示,僅有27個分類詞堪列為現代日本語中常使用的分類詞,期望這些真正的分類詞能成為日後臺灣在日文教學之參考。 / Japanese is one of the languages that use numeral classifiers, which can be combined with both numerals and nouns. However, Japanese grammar books tend to use “counters” to call all morphemes preceded by numerals, and in linguistic studies, the definition of numeral classifiers is controversial. Therefore, there is no consistent analysis in identifying Japanese classifiers. The goal of this thesis is to identify Japanese classifiers based on one consistent model. Eight previous works from both traditional grammar and linguistic areas were reviewed, and 673 possible classifiers were collected. Each of the 673 possible classifiers is tested to identify true Japanese classifiers. Two corpora, JpWac and Google Search, are used to collect raw data for syntactic and semantic tests. As a result, only 115 true Japanese classifiers are found. After identifying the true classifiers, a bottom-up classification is performed to understand the concept of noun categorization by native Japanese speakers. A questionnaire is created to evaluate the usage frequencies of these true classifiers. Based on the survey, only 27 out of the 115 classifiers are estimated to be frequently used classifiers.

電腦輔助語言學習之研究-以我國學生學習日語為例 / A Study of Computer Aided Language Learning-Taiwan Students Learning Japanese as an Example

王珮姍, Wang, Pei Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對我國學生學習日語發音進行相似度指標發展之初探,貢獻為針對目前日語發音提供一個相似度的指標可以和老師語音進行比較分析,找出分析日語發音相似度之模式。 研究從聲音數位化的角度切入,有別於過去研究使用語音辨識的方式來進行,聲音數位化後為數值的方式,因此使用指標來計算相似的程度。研究提出一套對應的聲音相似度指標,以電腦分析輔助日語學習者的發音練習。 指標建立過程由聲音取樣、正規化、端點偵測,到實際的運算,使用所蒐集的聲音資料來測試指標的穩定度與有效性,研究結果說明在以日語為母語者間的指標都很靠近,而不同日語腔調間會有一定的指標差異,對於一定日語程度的對象而言,指標落點很靠近,惟本研究此次蒐集到的聲音資料,其應用指標運算結果的分佈太過集中,如果能有更多樣化的聲音資料來測試指標應能有較漂亮的分佈圖形。 / This research includes developing a similarity index applies to the evaluation of Taiwan students learning Japanese pronunciation. The contribution of this research is that it provides a similarity index to the Japanese pronunciation comparing to the teacher’s pronunciation, finding the model of how to analysis the similarity of Japanese pronunciation. This research uses the digital audio processing to begin with, which is different from the other research that uses the speech recognition to evaluate the pronunciation. The audio will turn into numerical format after digitalize, so this research uses an index to calculate the similarity. By using this similarity index, the computer can become an assistant role that helps to analysis while learning Japanese pronunciation. The developing of index starts from audio sampling, audio normalizing, and end-point detection to the calculation of similarity index. This research collects audio data to test the stability and the validity of the similarity index. The result indicates that the similarity index of native Japanese speakers is very close;and the similarity index contains certain difference between different accents. For those Taiwan students who qualify with Japanese, their similarity index is close. Nevertheless, the result of the similarity index is too centralized, it would be better if there are more audio data to test the similarity index.

從語料庫及優選理論分析台語中的日語借字 / Japanese Loanwords in Taiwanese: A Perspective from Corpus and Optimality Theory

粘復真, Fuchen Nien Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文從語料庫及優選理論,分析台語中的日語借字,探討兩個語言之間的音韻調整現象。 本研究建立一個日語借字語料庫,以數據資料佐證音段替代的趨向,釐清音段替代的主要性和次要性。統計發現,單一日語音段,雖然可能被不同的台語音段取代,但由於比例差距的懸殊,日語和台語音段的對應情形,大多可視為一對一的關係。至於一對二的對應情形,則可歸因於台語音韻限制,或是對於借字和來源字之間音徵保留的要求。 基於語料庫的數據,本篇從優選理論分析日語和台語間的音韻調整現象。音段替代方面,主要歸因於IDENT[feature],MAX,以及結構性制約(markedness constraint)之間的排序部署。另外,文中提出四個並存音韻,藉由調整MAX和IDENT[MR]之間,以及SHARE[back]和IDENT[anterior]之間的排序,解釋日語借字中的自由變異(free variation)現象。最後,受到IDENT[μ]和*[μμμ]的控制,相鄰兩個音節不會合併為一個,如果合併後發生音拍(mora)數量刪減或增加,或是產生一個含有二個音拍以上的音節。 / This thesis investigates the phonological adjustment of Japanese loanwords in Taiwanese. A corpus is established, and the statistics are provided to observe the substitute tendency of each of the Japanese sources. The use of the statistics properly explains whether a corresponding Taiwanese segment is either a regular substitute or merely an exception. Most of the Japanese segments are in one-to-one mapping when they are borrowed into Taiwanese. Some Japanese segments are in one-to-two mapping, due to either Taiwanese phonotatics or feature preservation between the sources and the loans, such as the phenomenon of reconfiguration. Besides, two adjacent syllables will combine to one, if the vowels are syllabified as a VG sequence after combination; in that event, the second syllable does not end with a nasal coda. Moreover, a glottal stop will insert to a word-final position if the penultimate syllable in a loanword ends with a vowel or a non-sonorant consonant. This analysis, based on the corpus, is conducted under the framework of Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993/2004). For segmental substitutions, a set of IDENT[feature] is adopted to require the identity of certain features. The markedness constraints, regarding the segmental and place markedness and the Taiwanese phonotatics, are employed. High ranking of markedness constraints are responsible for adjustment of segments. Besides, re-rankings of SHARE[back] and IDENT[anterior] and MAX and IDENT[MR], are suggested. They are responsible for the substitutes that are in free variation. As for the contraction of syllables, it allows the loans and the sources to have the same numbers of moras. However, contraction is suspended, to prevent a syllable to have three or more moras.

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