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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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徐瑞玲, XU, RUI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
時間數列分析自一九七0年Box-Jenkins 發展出自我迴歸移動平均整合模式(簡稱A RIMA(p,d,q))建立法後,便更普遍地應用於經濟、企管、工程及物理等 相關領域上。但利用Box-Jenkins 的鑑定方法一般只對MA或AR模型有效,而對混 合的ARMA模型則不適用。其後陸續有統計學者提出不同的鑑定方法,但都無法有 效地決定P、d、q階數。 直至一九八四年以後,Tsay和Tiao兩位學者才又提出了一套有效的鑑定法則,利用擴 展的樣本自我相關函數(Extended Sample Autocorrelation Function)或正規分析 (Canonical Analysis)求出的最小正規相關係數(The Smallest Canonical Corr- elation )做為鑑定p、d、q的準則。這兩種方法的優點皆為可直接處理平穩或非 平穩型時間數列,而不用事先決定差分的階數,而且對混合ARIMA模型亦有效。 對於有異常點(Outlier )存在的時間數列,其可能由於某些外在的介入因素所引起 ,而ARIMA模型對資料的配適是不足夠的。因此該如何發現異常點的存在及加入 合理的介入模式亦構成了模型鑑定的問題。本文除對Tsay和Tiao的方法做一說明外, 亦利用其鑑定方法對存在有異常點的時間數列做一分析,並由實證研究探討其對季節 模型的鑑定效果。

結合策略應用在亞洲股市獲利性之研究 / The Profitability of Combined Strategies in the Asian Stock Markets

黃友琪, Huang, Yu-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
參考Fang 2003年研究方法架構,我們檢驗了結合策略(結合技術分析法則和時間序列模型)應用在六個亞洲股票市場。由於技術分析法則和時間序列模型皆可利用過去歷史資訊來預測報酬,所以結合策略的實證結果優於技術分析法則和時間序列模型。此篇中超額報酬的計算是與買進持有相比較下未考慮交易成本的超額報酬。實證結果顯示,結合策略在完整樣本中可以成功的預測資產報酬,在六個國家的平均上,結合策略的超額報酬為0.19%優於技術交易法則下的0.13%和時間序列模型下的0.17%。並且,發現在新興國家如台灣、泰國、馬來西亞和南韓的預測能力比在已開發國家市場如香港和日本還要來的好。預測能力可被低階的自我相關係數解釋。除此之外,發現我們的預測能力受到非同步交易的影響。非同步交易所造成的衡量誤差使得超額報酬下降,但是我們的預測能力還是存在的。 / Following Fang and Xu (2003), we examine trading strategies combining technical trading rules and times series forecasts on six Asian stock markets. Since both technical trading rules and time series models can exploit predictable components as function of past prices or returns, the combined strategies outperform both technical trading rules and time series forecasts. The excess returns before transaction costs for each rule and country are compared to a passive buy-and-hold strategy. The combined strategies are quite successful in predicting asset returns in full samples. On average the buy-sell returns for combined strategies are 0.19% much higher than 0.13% for technical trading rules and 0.17% for time series models. Besides, we also find that all three rules have more explanatory power in emerging markets such as Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia and Korea than more developed markets such as Japan and Hong Kong. The predictability can be explained by significant low-order autocorrelations in returns. Moreover, excess returns (pre-trading costs) for both time series models and combined strategies can be partially attributed to the measurement errors arising from non-synchronous trading. The non-synchronous trading bias reduces but does not eliminate the predictive power of combined strategies.


張念慈 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討以移動平均法則為基礎的簡單技術分析指標,以及時間序列模型在台灣股票市場是否具有獲利能力,研究期間為1987/01/01-2006/12/31共20年的樣本期間。我們發現只有使用(1,50,0)和(1,50,0.01) 這兩個移動平均交易法則時才有顯著的報酬;並以AR(1)-GARCH(1,1)-M作為時間序列的預測模型。研究發現在股價上漲的時候,技術分析指標的確有較好的預測能力;而在股價下跌時,利用時間序列模型有較佳的獲利能力。因為技術分析指標與時間序列模型分別捕捉到不同的資訊,將兩預測工具結合在一起應該可以得到一個更好的組合預測指標。本文的實證研究發現此一組合預測指標,不管是在多頭或空頭期間時,都可以比使用單一分析工具獲得更高報酬。

評估不同模型在樣本外的預測能力 / 利用支向機來做預測的結合

蔡欣民, Tsai Shin-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
明天股票的價格是會漲還是會跌呢? 明天到底會不會下雨? 下期樂透開獎會是哪些號碼呢? 未來不知道會發生哪些事情? 大家總是希望能夠未卜先知、洞悉未來! 可是我們要如何進行預測呢? 本文比較了不同時間序列模型的預測績效, 而且測試預測的結合是否能夠改進預測的準確度? 時間序列模型的研究在近年來非常蓬勃地發展, 所以本文簡單介紹了時間序列模型(Time series models)當中的線性AR模型、非線性TAR模型、非線性STAR模型, 以及這些模型該如何來進行在樣本外的預測。 同時本文說明了預測的結合(Combined forecast)該如何進行? 預測結合的目的是希望能夠達到截長補短的效果! 除了傳統迴歸(Regression-based)方法和變動係數(Time-varying coefficients)方法外, 本文提出了兩種非迴歸類型的預測結合方法, 績效權數(Fitness weight)和支向機(Support Vector Machine)。 其中主要的焦點放在支向機, 因為迴歸方法可能會有共線性的問題, 支向機則是沒有這個問題。 本文實證的結果顯示, 在時間序列模型方面, 非線性模型的預測能力, 在大多數的情形底下, 都不如簡單的線性AR模型; 在預測結合的方面, 支向機的績效是和迴歸方法的績效是差不多的, 這兩者都比變動係數方法的績效來得穩固, 可是如果基底模型的預測值存在共線性的問題或樣本數目過少的問題, 那麼支向機的績效是優於迴歸方法的績效。 最後, 時間序列模型的預測績效會受到資料性質的影響, 而有極大的改變, 或許我們可以考慮使用比較保險的預測策略-預測結合, 因為預測結合的預測誤差範圍是小於時間序列模型的預測誤差範圍!

壽險公司資產與負債管理:時間序列模型應用 / Asset and liability management of life insurance:the application of time series model

楊家寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用Vasecik、ARMA與VEC三種時間序列模型,以蒙地卡羅法,模擬未來五年台幣利率、美元利率與新台幣兌美元匯率的隨機漫步過程,並分析壽險公司的資產、負債與業主權益價值,在利率與匯率的隨機過程中所受到的影響。 藉由蒙地卡羅模擬之隨機漫步過程,本研究發現在利率模型方面,Vasicek利率模型因具有均數回歸的特性,較VEC模型擁有更穩定的隨機漫步過程;在匯率模型方面,VEC模型因同時考量長期影響與短期影響的效果,較ARMA模型擁有較穩定的漫步過程。 在負債面的模擬結果中,當利率下跌時,保單應提列準備金價值的成長速度較利率上升時快,此點反應壽險公司在低利率的環境下,將面臨較嚴峻的資本要求;同時,藉由歷史資料以Vasicek債券評價模型估計之利率期間結構,整體結構呈現負斜率與凹口向上的走勢,在此情形下,短期利率的值較長期利率的值高,保單應提列的準備金價值較原始估計時更高。 在長期的低利率環境中,上述現象反應於長期保單的價值變化尤為明顯。本研究建議在進行保單的精算訂價時,不應僅以預定利率做為保單全期的折現因子,而應將長期的利率風險納入考量。 同時,匯率的變化亦嚴重衝擊壽險公司的業主權益,在模擬結果中,當匯率落於風險值時,壽險公司配置於美元資產的減損將造成業主權益呈現虧損,此點亦反應當壽險公司將資產配置於海外時,必須謹慎地評估外匯避險的相關策略。 整體而言,在本研究中,將資產配置偏重台幣的投資策略擁有較穩定的業主權益價值,並在短期擁有較佳的風險轉換報酬能力;另一方面,將資產配置偏重美元的投資策略在長期擁有較佳的風險轉換報酬能力,然而,也因其擁有較高的風險值,壽險公司可能面臨較嚴重的損失。本研究建議壽險公司在進行海外資產配置時,應謹慎地將利率風險與匯率風險納入考量。 / This article uses Monte Carlo simulation method to forecast the random walk process of Taiwan interest rate, US interest rate, and Taiwan US dollar exchange rate between next five years. The simulation base on three time series model:Vasecik, ARMA and VEC. Through the random walk process, this article aims to analyze the influence in asset, liability and equity by the change of interest rate and exchange rate. In this paper, we find that the Vasicek interest rate model has a more stable stochastic process than the VEC model, which because of the effect by mean reversion. On the other hand, because the VEC exchange rate model takes both long-term and short-term impact in concern, it has a more robust stochastic process than the ARMA model. Through the simulation results of the liabilities, we find that when the interest rate fell, the reserve value of insurance policy will rise faster, which makes life insurance companies face more severe capital requirements in the low interest rate environment. Besides, we also find that the interest rate term structure in the Vasicek Bond Pricing Model displays negative slopes with concave upward, which means the value of short-term interest rate higher than the value of long-term interest rate. In this situation, the reserve value of insurance policy will become much higher than the value original priced. In the long-term low interest rate environment, the impact of interest rate risk has more effect in the long-term insurance policy. This paper suggests that when pricing the costs of insurance policy, we should not only use one interest rate as the full term discount factor. The better way is to discount with the interest rate term structure. Overall, in this paper, the asset allocation strategy, which focus on Taiwan commercial bonds, has both better performances in value at risk and better ability to covert risk into revenue in the short term. On the other hand, the asset allocation strategy, which focus on US commercial bonds, has better ability to covert risk into revenue in the long run. When conducting overseas asset allocation, we suggest that life insurance companies should carefully consider interest rate risk and exchange rate risk.

選擇權波動度交易策略之探討-以台指選擇權為例 / A study of volatility trading strategies: evidence from Taiwan index options

賴星旅, Lai, Hsing Lu Unknown Date (has links)
本文考量波動度不對稱效果(Volatility Asymmetric Effect)與均數回歸(Mean Reverting)兩個特性,並考量台股市場特性,嘗試建立一個適合台灣市場的波動度交易策略。利用GARCH(1,1)波動度與VIX指標建構第一個交易訊號,並建立當日沖銷部位。以賺取日內行情為出發點,利用時間序列模型捕捉波動度的高估或低估且搭配純跨式(Pure Straddle)策略或根據Delta調整後的跨式(Adjusted Straddle)策略。第二個交易訊號則是利用市場敏感指標,觀察外資與自營商在交易部位與未平倉部位的變化,找出對於波動度的影響。建立由選擇權與期貨組成的Delta-Hedged部位,藉由觀察市場上主力籌碼的變化,動態調整部位契約,尋找波段之間的獲利機會。 實証部分以期交所公布的每日交易資料與VIX日資料,利用2007至2008兩年的歷史資料,估計參數與測試交易訊號。樣本外期間為2009年1月開始至3月結束共55個交易日。考量交易成本後,兩個不同型態的交易訊號,仍然能夠藉由本研究的策略,獲得正的報酬。本文認為台灣為一個淺碟市場,過度反應資訊的特性,讓波動度策略出現獲利的機會。藉由這個波動度交易系統的研究,除了讓資金豐沛的機構投資人使用外,也能夠讓一般投資大眾建立自己的波動度交易策略 關鍵字:波動度交易,選擇權交易策略,GARCH(1,1),VIX,市場情緒指標 / Trying to apply a preliminary study of volatility trading strategies in Taiwan derivative market is the topic of this dissertation. Capturing the market movement or even the dynamic of underlying asset is a Pandora’s Box for academic researchers and industry participants. Mean-reverting and asymmetrical effects are the two special characteristics of volatility for us to design our trading system according to the previous empirical studies. In our study, we use different type of volatility signal to capture the trading opportunities. Use the new released information form TAIFEX including VIX and Position Structure of Institutional Traders to design our signal. We apply the idea to use pure option position and delta-hedged position as our trading tools in this volatility trading system and look for the opportunities between realized volatility and implied volatility. An over-reaction may rises the uncertainty and also lead the market volatility change coherently. We use history data from 2007 to 2008 test our trading signal and parameters. The out sample period is from 2009 January to 2009 March which has 55 trading days to simulate our strategies. In the end, we see a positive result in both trading signals which earns positive return after considering the trading cost. Key words: Volatility Trading, Market Sentiment Indices, Option Strategies, VIX, GARCH(1,1)

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