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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從「清議」到「默修」: 清初東林書院研究. / Autonomy and authority: the Tung-lin Academy in the early Qing period / 從清議到默修: 清初東林書院研究 / Cong "qing yi" dao "mo xiu": Qing chu Dong lin shu yuan yan jiu. / Cong qing yi dao mo xiu: Qing chu Dong lin shu yuan yan jiu

January 2012 (has links)
有明末造,顧憲成、高攀龍諸君講學東林,風動天下,以致黨禍連結,與國運相始終。「東林」遂為政治史與思想史之一大關目,匪特同世之人,褒貶迭出,自近代以降,學人研究亦稱夥矣。然前人關注之重心,主要為「明末」在朝之「東林黨」;於「東林書院」之活動,尤其是書院在清初的發展演變,尚鮮有及之。本研究擬以順治、康熙兩朝為主要時段,從遺民與當道互動的角度考察東林書院之興復及其講學活動,對學界少有關注的書院祀典之爭加以考述和分析,並探討清初東林學者如何就「氣節」「學統」等議題對明代東林傳統作出反省與建構,希望繇此對東林書院由明入清之歷史變化作一勾勒。 / 本文將清初東林書院之史事置於「道」「勢」相對的框架之中展開分析,相對於前人用「以道抗勢」分析士權與君權的對峙,本文則更關注士人階層内部在「道」「勢」兩重身份之間的張力。儒家士人既要守「道」傳學,又當以「勢」經世,兩者之閒本須權衡調和。而在明清易代之際,「民間學者」與「地方官員」兩種士人身份之殊途,實質上形成了「道」與「勢」的分離。書院作爲一地方性的學術組織,既是在野學者力量之代表,又不能不受制於官方之權力,在此時遂成爲一個「道」與「勢」折衝的空間。然而,「道」「勢」二者之關係在調和之中亦悄然變化。如果說明代的東林運動有一種「以道馭勢」的理想與實踐;那麽在清初書院的發展中,學者本身「政治」一面弱化,「學術」也退守於中行默修,於是「道」乃反為「勢」所羈縻。而在理學委頓、樸學代興這一學術本身的轉折中,「道」「勢」關係之遷變亦可為一機緣。緣乎是,對清初東林書院的研究,不但可以在一個點上展現士人文化與社會風氣的變遷,更能為我們理解傳統中國「政治」與「學術」之互動提供助益。 / The anti-eunuch struggle of the ‘Tung-lin Party’ (東林黨) which was succeeded by continuous partisan disputes in the late Ming Period has long been considered of great significance to understand its contemporary politics and even the collapse of the dynasty. However, the other aspect of this movement, namely the scholarly practice of the Tung-lin academy (東林書院) has not been given equivalent attention. Therefore, the development of the academy after the so-called ‘partisan disaster’ (黨禍) has been, not surprisingly, seldom discussed by existing studies. This thesis aims at providing a historical account of the Tung-lin academy in early Qing period (1644-1722), focusing on four main topics: the organization of public conferences or lectures(講會), the debates over the academy’s pantheon , the discourse on moral integrity(氣節) and the increasing concerns for academic orthodoxy among intellectuals. / Scholars in the academy were by definition involved in the tension between Confucian values(道) and the political authority(勢) since they were supposed to be both academic and political elites. What complicated the issue was the defiant attitude of Ming-loyalists towards the newly established Manchu regime. Although being regarded as shelters for scholars who refused to serve the Qing government, academies could hardly be insulated from those ambitious local officials who were playing the role of patron as well as regulator. By exploring closely the case of Tung-lin academy, this thesis attempts to indicate that, the conflict and compromise between intellectuals and political authorities, alongside with the retrospection upon the cultural crisis of late Ming, had gradually shaped the interest of Qing scholars who inclined to restrain their work purely academic in contrast with their late-Ming predecessors who were enthusiastic about pursuing the political implications of their learning. This very transition could also be reasonably one of the many contributors to the declination of Li-hsüeh(理學,the study of principle). / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 胡琦. / "2012年8月". / "2012 nian 8 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 206-218). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Hu Qi. / Chapter 緒論 --- 道勢之間:「東林」的多重面向 --- p.7 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「以道抗勢」和「以道馭勢」:儒家士人的内在規定性 --- p.7 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「黨」或「書院」:研究史的回顧 --- p.14 / Chapter 第三節 --- 清議與講學:明代之「東林」傳統 --- p.22 / Chapter 第四節 --- 由明到清:「道」「勢」分合與風氣代變 --- p.39 / Chapter 附論 --- :東林志乘述略 --- p.44 / Chapter 第一章 --- 遯世與應世:清初東林書院的講學活動 --- p.48 / Chapter 第一節 --- 種得星火:黨禍後東林學脈之承續 --- p.49 / Chapter 第二節 --- 此日再得:清初東林書院之興復 --- p.54 / Chapter 第三節 --- 以故老為師儒:陸世儀之講學 --- p.64 / Chapter 第四節 --- 教化斯民:李顒之南行 --- p.79 / Chapter 第五節 --- 出處之間:關於「講學」的掙扎 --- p.100 / Chapter 第六節 --- 「書院」之外的「東林」 --- p.138 / Chapter 第二章 --- 釐正「東林」:祀典中的權力與歷史 --- p.152 / Chapter 第一節 --- 公私之辨與「官祭」的興起 --- p.156 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「祀典」與「有司」之涉入 --- p.162 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「黨人與書院無與」:湯斌與左周諸公入祀之爭 --- p.170 / Chapter 第四節 --- 「祗慎重於將來,毋更張於已往」:宋犖對東林祀典的釐正 --- p.182 / Chapter 第五節 --- 由「典」到「史」 --- p.188 / Chapter 附錄1 --- :清初東林書院道南祠入祀記錄簡表 --- p.191 / Chapter 附錄2 --- :東林書院道南祠全圖 --- p.192 / Chapter 第三章 --- 從「氣節」到「道脈」:清初「東林」觀念的漸變 --- p.193 / Chapter 第一節 --- 小引:「東林」概念之衍生 --- p.193 / Chapter 第二節 --- 氣節本於理學:明代東林之氣節論 --- p.198 / Chapter 第三節 --- 殉國之忠:明清之際的「氣節」 --- p.214 / Chapter 第四節 --- 反思講學:「道脈」論的生長 --- p.219 / Chapter 第五節 --- 篤行默修:士風之轉向 --- p.233 / Chapter 第四章 --- 「宗朱」學統之建成:東林書院與官方朱學思潮 --- p.238 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「尊朱」立場下的調和:明代東林學者對王學的態度 --- p.239 / Chapter 第二節 --- 建構學統:清初東林論學的一個特點 --- p.249 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「官方朱學」與「民間朱學」:一個闡釋框架的再檢討 --- p.259 / Chapter 結論 --- 失「勢」之「道」:清初政治與學術轉向 --- p.281 / 參考書目 --- p.286


陳慈惠 Unknown Date (has links)
明末陸王之學充斥天下,東林君子高景逸眼見末學之流弊,本著矯正王學流弊的精神,積極倡導程朱之學,極力恢復明初躬行篤實之學風,以挽救頹風。在批評與救正王學流弊之聲浪中,景逸不偏執拘泥門戶之見,會通眾流,主張格物窮理的工夫,又崇尚主靜求悟的修養。其折衷程朱、陸王之學,影響所及,開啟明末清初實學的新蹊徑。 景逸對於世道人心之針砭,傳統綱常的維繫,和家國政治之意見,一一寓於其心性義理之學中,具有其重大的意義。本文試圖分析東林君子高景逸之思想,深入分析其思想內涵與特質,建構其思想核心,以明其經世務實之實學思想內涵。並從歷史和時代條件出發,以確定景逸東林講學的影響及其實學思想在學術史上的特殊地位及對後世的影響。 全文共分六章,分別是: 第一章「緒論」,說明研究動機、研究範圍及研究方法,並對實學的概念作一個界定。 第二章「晚明王學的衰頹與救弊思潮的萌芽」,探討晚明王學的衰頽與救弊思潮的萌芽,從一個學術發展的背景,以推闡學術思想演變的軌跡及過程。 第三章「高景逸之心性論」、第四章「高景逸之工夫論」,深究景逸之實學思想理論,分章說明景逸之心性論及工夫論,從景逸思想內涵中以見心性論與工夫論之關聯性,以勾勒其實學思想之全貌,以見其思想實從王學轉出而歸宗於朱子。 第五章「高景逸實學思想的體現」,探討高景逸實學思想的體現層面,期與其思想理論作一個印證。 第六章「結論」,總結全文,探討景逸實學思想及其在學術史上之意義及影響。

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