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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺北縣國民小學校園閒置空間再利用之研究 / Reacher of vacant school space in Taipei county elementary schools

陳今儀 Unknown Date (has links)
全球整體生育率逐年降低,臺灣育齡婦女生育數為世界最低,此一少子化現象促使校園閒置空間再利用成為當前受重視的教育政策,國內相關學者亦紛紛投入研究,而臺北縣近年來致力於推動校園活化,其成效具有研究價值。本研究目的在於探究校園易產生閒置狀態的區域空間及其產生原因,探討校園閒置空間再利用的方式、經營模式及問題,並瞭解臺北縣國民小學人員對於推動校園閒置空間再利用的看法,進而提出有效推動校園閒置空間再利用之具體建議,作為教育主管機關與學校經營之參考。 因此本研究透過文獻分析,作為調查和訪談研究的基礎,編製「臺北縣國民小學校園閒置空間再利用之研究調查問卷」,進行調查研究並編製半結構訪談大綱進行訪談,以瞭解閒置空間再利用實務規劃上的建議。 問卷以分層隨機抽樣的方式,針對臺北縣90學年度到98學年度減班超過15%以及總班級數均維持6班的國民小學學校人員發出630份問卷,回收553份,有效問卷為530份,有效問卷比率為81.5%;訪談部分,由臺北縣境內選取發展校園閒置空間再利用具有經驗之國 民小學校長3位,以半結構訪談大綱進行訪問。研究結論有: 一、臺北縣國小校園中檔案室、教具室、特殊教室、專科教室等為容易產生閒置的空間。 二、臺北縣國小對校園中容易產生閒置的空間看法不一致。 三、臺北縣國小校園閒置空間產生原因主要係少子化及維護經費不足。 四、臺北縣國小校園閒置空間規劃應優先重視教育、需求及安全原則。 五、臺北縣大型與小型學校認為校園閒置空間規劃原則以教育功能為最優先;中型學校則為需求導向原則。 六、臺北縣國小校園閒置空間再利用可規劃為運動休閒空間等,若開放社區使用,可作為文化藝術空間等。 七、臺北縣國民小學對於校園閒置空間再利用方式看法大致一致。 八、臺北縣國小校園閒置空間經營模式以自行經營為優先。 九、臺北縣國小推動校園閒置空間再利用主要問題是可用資源缺乏。 十、不同地理位置臺北縣國小對推動校園閒置空間再利用問題之看法有差異。 十一、臺北縣國小目前在推動校園閒置空間再利用之實施成效良好。 因此本研究建議學校經營者應定期檢視校園內容易產生閒置的空間,並應加強管理維護,以避免閒置,再利用後應予課程結合,賦予教育意義,規劃方式可朝運動休閒空間或創新其他功能方向,再利用後倘開放作為社區共享空間,可規劃作為終身教育或文化藝術之用途,並應主動尋求人力及經費資源協助。而教育主管機關應重視校園閒置空間問題,辦理相關研習及宣導,訂定獎勵措施及相關政策推動,並持續編列經費。 / The birth rate has been gradually declining worldwide, and such situation in Taiwan is particularly serious that it is ranked as the lowest. Therefore, the phenomenon of birth rate declination motivates people to pay more attention to the reuse of vacant school space, and meanwhile, this issue has also become the significant educational policy and the domestic academics have been contributing to related studies. In recently years, The Taipei County has been devoting its resources to promote the campus activation and the outcome so far is really valuable for further research. The purpose of this research is to explore those spaces on campus which are easily to become idle and the possible reasons, to discuss the approaches of vacant school space reuse and its operation models and problems. This study also understand the opinions toward this issue from the elementary school staff of Taipei County and then propose specific suggestions about how to effectively promote the reuse of vacant school space in order to be the reference for the educational official authorities and schools. In this study, the comprehensive analysis of the literature reviews was taken to be the foundation of further investigation and interview research. For better understanding the suggestions to the reuse of vacant school space practically, the questionnaire titled “The Study of the vacant school space reuse in elementary schools of Taipei County” was used to for the research and semi-structural interview outline was compiled and conducted as well. The stratified random sampling was conducted and 630 copies of questionnaires were delivered to the target (the staff who worked in those elementary schools that class termination rate was over 15% and overall class amount remained 6 in Taipei County). 630 copies of questionnaires were delivered, and 553 copies were collected. Out of those, 81.5% was valid (530 out of 553). In addition, 3 elementary school principals from Taipei County who have related experiences on this issue were selected to carry out the interviews based on the semi-structural interview outline. According to the findings and analysis, 11 conclusions and several suggestions were generated as main content.

新北市校園閒置空間再利用用後評估之研究--以三所國小為例 / The study of post occupancy evaluation for the vacant school space reuse in three elementary schools of New Taipei City

李佩茹, Lee, Pei Lu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於少子女化影響而增加的校園閒置空間,許多學校配合中央政策針對校園閒置空間進行再利用,空間經再利用後,對後續的用後評估施以維護和保養,使空間更符合使用者需求為考量,其用後評估是否有助於提升教學和學習的成效,是為本研究之重點及價值。爰此,本研究以「新北市校園閒置空間再利用用後評估之研究以三所學校為例」為研究主題,對再利用後的校園閒置空間進行用後評估,以新北市教育局推薦之三所別具特色的米倉國小的鄉土玩具圖書館、乾華國小的英速魔法學院及柑林國小的多元學習情境語文故事屋作為主要研究案列。本研究目的在於探討三所國小校園閒置空間再利用的興建動機與期待功用、經營模式與策略、調查三所國小學校師生對閒置空間再利用後的滿意度及看法、瞭解三所國小對閒置空間改造後的管理與維護及整體成效、空間改造規劃過程中所遭遇的困難情形、閒置空間改造後的課程應用與排課情形,進而提出有效提升閒置空間再利用用後評估之具體建議,以供教育行政主管機關、學校規劃經營以及未來相關的研究之參考。 本研究透過文獻分析,以作為問卷調查和訪談研究之基礎,自行編製「新北市校園閒置空間再利用用後評估調查問卷」作為研究工具之一,共分為兩版本:教師版及學生版。為使本研究內容更具完整及彌補文獻資料及調查資料之不足,另自行編製「新北市校園閒置空間再利用用後評估訪談大綱」,並採半結構式訪談,瞭解三所國小校長及總務主任推動校園閒置空間再利用之規劃動機、興建過程與困難概況,使本論文更臻完善。 問卷針對三所學校之教師、學生以及相關行政人員,由研究者自行到校進行調查,「教師與行政人員」及「學生」分別填寫教師版、學生版之問卷。米倉國小教師版問卷發放14份,全數回收且有效,可用率100%,學生版問卷發放160份,有效問卷156份,可用率97.5%;乾華國小教師版問卷發放17份,全數回收且有效,可用率100%,學生版問卷發放82份,有效問卷80份,可用率97.6%;柑林國小教師版問卷發放8份,學生版問卷發放16份,皆全數回收且有效,可用率100%。訪談部分,由三所國小校長各3人和總務主任各3人,共6人採半結構式訪談方式進行。 經由上述的研究過程,得到以下的研究結論: 壹、校園閒置空間再利用之動機與期待功用為減少閒置空間、配合中央政策、寓教於樂、活化閒置空間等。 貳、閒置空間改造規劃過程中最主要困難為溝通與協調、其次是經費壓力等因素。 參、校園閒置空間再利用的經營模式與策略有明確的團隊分工與合作、經營方式多元化與資源整合。 肆、三所學校的學生對空間改造後的滿意程度高,但仍有可精進的部分。 伍、三所學校的教師對空間改造後的滿意程度和教學效果滿意程度介於「滿意」及「非常滿意」之間。 陸、空閒置空間改造後的後續管理與維護包括師生共同之責任、專人維護、另類維護方式、定期檢視等層面,最大的挑戰為人力資源缺乏。 柒、閒置空間改造後的課程應用有校際交流活動、空間情境與設施結合課程、活化教師教學;排課情形為規劃複合式學習空間、課程檢視、發揮空間效益。 捌、校園閒置空間再利用後的永續經營做法為關鍵在於人、不斷評估檢視、與教學本質結合。 根據以上結論,提出下列幾點建議: 壹、對教育行政主管機關之建議 一、持續推動空間活化政策,鼓勵學校校園閒置空間再利用。 二、持續編列空間活化相關經費,撥補適當合理的維修費與管理費。 三、興建規劃階段應有專業的建築團隊介入,並有穩定的運作機制。 四、運用相關人力資源解決學校人力缺乏問題。 五、對不同校園閒置空間再利用採取的適用策略。 貳、對學校行政單位之建議 一、為更嚴密加強維護與管理,應制訂檢核表和維修標準,並定期檢查。 二、應建立永續經營管理小組以更重視學校閒置空間再利用後之檢視。 三、利用校園閒置空間再利用形塑學校特色,並加強空間永續發展。 四、為更有效維護與管理空間,應建立日常維修及空間設備故障之簡易修復流程。 五、空間建置完成後,應向師生加強宣導其使用方式與功能。 六、規畫校園閒置空間再利用之完整配套措施。 七、結合課程與教學,落實校園閒置空間再利用之永續發展。 / In recently years, the vacant school space increase due to the declination of birth rate in Taiwan. Many schools direct against reuse of vacant school space coordinating with the policy of government. After reuse the space, follow-up of the maintenance and Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) make the space filling the demand of user much better. This research focuses on whether the POE is contributive to promote teaching and effects of learning. Therefore, this research topic is “The Study of Post Occupancy Evaluation for the Vacant School Space Reuse in Three Elementary Schools of New Taipei City.” Education Department of New Taipei City recommend three study cases as following, the native soil toy library of Micang Elementary School, Taipei Country English Wonderland of Qianhua Elementary School and diversify of learning situation language in Story House of Ganlin Elementary School. The purpose of this research is to explore the building motivation and intened function of three schools, the operating mode and strategy, the satisfaction of school teachers and students, the maintenance and the overall effectiveness of the spaces, the difficulties encountered during the planning process, the curriculum application and the situation of course schedule. Base on the research to propose specific suggestions about how to perform the POE of the reuse of vacant school space in order to be the reference for the educational official authoritis, schools and future research. In this study, the comprehensive analysis of the literature reviews was taken to be the foundation of further investigation and interview research. The questionnaire titled “The Study of Post Occupancy Evaluation for the vacant school space reuse in elementary schools of New Taipei City” was applied as the research tool, which included two parts: teacher and student. In order to make up the lack of literature and survey data, draw up interview outline titled “The Study of Post Occupancy Evaluation for the vacant school space reuse in elementary schools of New Taipei City” was applied to semi-structural interview outline. The purposes were to maturity of this study, to understand the planning motivation of the vacant school space reuse and to explore construction process and difficult situations. Researcher went to the three schools to do survey and interview. Teachers and administrative staff filled out survey questionnaire of teacher, and students filled out survey questionnaire of student. In Micang Elementary School, 14 copies of questionnaires of teacher were collected, and 156 copies of questionnaires of student were collected. In Qianhua Elementary School, 17 copies of questionnaires of teacher were collected, and 80 copies of questionnaires of student were collected. In Ganlin Elementary School, 8 copies of questionnaires of teacher and 16 copies of questionnaires of student were collected. Total of six persons in three elementary schools principals and the chief of general affair were interviewed. According to the results and analysis, several conclusions and suggestions are as following: 1.Motivation and intended function: reduce of vacant space, coordinate with the policy of government, to combine education with recreation, activation of unused space and et cetera. 2.The difficulties of planning process: communication and coordination, the lack of funds and other factors. 3.Operating mode and strategy: definite division of team and cooperation, mode of operation diversification and integration of resources. 4.The satisfaction of students are high, but still needs to reinforce. 5.The satisfaction of teacher and teaching effect satisfaction are within the range between “satisfied” and “very satisfied”. 6.The follow-up management and maintenance include: teachers and students share the responsibility, assign particular person, special mode of maintenance, regularly review. The greatest challenge is the lack of human resources. 7.Curriculum application: schools exchange activities, space situational and facilities, combined with courses and activation teachers of teaching;The situation of course schedule: planning compound learning space, course review and make sure the space achieve maximum effectiveness. 8.Permanent sustainable management practices: the key is people, continuous assessment and combined with teaching. Based on the conclusions above, raise the several suggestions as following: 1.Recommendations to the education administration (i) Continue to promote space activation policy, encourage school reuse of vacant school space. (ii)Continue to fund the activation of vacant school space, especailly maintenance costs and management fees. (iii)In construction planning stage, let related experts be in the construction team, and also stable mechanism. (iv)Explore related human resources to resupply the insufficiency. (v)Reuse of vacant different school space to take the applicable policy. 2.Recommendations to the school administrative unit (i)In order to strengthen the maintenance and management, a checklist and maintenance standards should be drawn up and regular inspection should be applied. (ii)Permanent sustainable management group should be established, pay attention to review the reuse of vacant school space. (iii)Establish school characteristic by reuse of vacant school space and use to strengthen the space of sustainable development. (iv)Routine maintenance and space equipment failure repair process should be established. (v)Explain the meaning of the space to the teachers and students. (vi)Planning the reuse of vacant school space for use complete measures. (vii)Combination of curriculum and instruction to strengthen space sustainable development.

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