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陳添丁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國高中初任校長專業發展需求之情形,並進一步瞭解現任高中校長對於未來推動高中校長職前培育制度之看法。 研究方法首先採用文獻分析,瞭解有關初任校長以及校長培育之相關研究成果,以供作為調查研究設計之用,進而編製「高中初任校長專業發展需求與培育制度建構之調查問卷」作為調查工具。再以隨機取樣的方式,在全國171所公立高中中隨機抽取90所公立高中作為研究樣本,共發出90份調查問卷,回收問卷有77份,其中有效問卷共73份,佔全部發出問卷的81%。問卷回收後,採用χ2 考驗、描述統計、變異數分析以及事後比較,與因素分析等統計方法針對問卷調查結果進行分析。 以下茲將本研究所獲得之研究結論歸納說明如下: 壹、高中初任校長專業發展需求 一、我國高中初任校長專業發展需求整體而言並不強烈,任職狀況普遍良好。而專業發展需求中以「感到校務繁重、時間不夠用」為最為需要的專業發展需求。 二、性別與年資因素會影響高中初任校長專業發展需求之差異。 三、高中初任校長專業發展需求可以以「校務發展與人事管理」、「自我效能」,以及「時間管理與外界互動」三因素為代表。 貳、高中校長職前培育制度 一、校長職前培育制度的目標應偏重實務取向,其目標依序為「瞭解當前教育政策」、「研討學校行政理論與實務」、「瞭解學校行政運作」,和「陶融教育專業精神」。 二、需要參加校長職前培育制度之人員為原先在教育行政機關服務之人員,其次為原先擔任高中主任之人員,最後才為原先擔任國中校長之人員。 三、高中校長職前培育制度的主辦單位無須限定由教育部統一辦理或是由各主管教育行政機關辦理,重要的是要加強省市校長有經驗交流的機會。 四、高中校長職前培育制度的時間長短以「超過兩週,四週以內」的時間最為適宜。 五、高中校長職前培育制度以國家教育研究院為承辦單位最為適宜。 六、高中校長職前培育制度的課程實施方式應偏重動態與實務取向的教學方式,其適宜的方式依序為「問題解決方案討論」、「經驗分享」、「分組討論」,以及「學校參觀」。 七、高中校長職前培育制度的實習制度應採用三明治課程的模式,在修課的同時,每週安排一固定時間進行實習。 八、高中校長職前培育制度中師傅校長的年資以5至8年為適宜。 九、高中校長職前培育制度中的師傅校長配對方式以培育單位提供名單,學員自己選擇為較適宜的方式,具有彈性。 十、高中校長職前培育制度中師傅校長參與培育課程的方式應考量其可行性,以在課表當中獨立安排師傅校長的課程時間或是僅在學員實習的期間,提供實習輔導為適宜。 參、高中校長職前培育課程科目 一、高中校長認為本研究所列的課程科目整體而言都有助於高中初任校長的工作勝任情形,其中以「組織領導與管理」的助益性最大。 二、年資、學歷、擔任高中校長前一職務,以及學校類型等因素會影響高中校長對校長職前培育課程科目評價之差異。 三、高中校長職前培育課程科目可以分為「行政管理與公共關係」、「校務發展與組織領導」、「教育政策與法規及專門知能」,與「學校總務知能」四類科進行課程的安排與教導。 肆、高中校長職前培育制度之師徒輔導制 一、師傅校長不僅要有豐富的實務經驗,重要的是能啟發學員獨立思考、解決問題的能力。 二、年資因素對於師傅校長所應具備的能力或特質會產生影響。 三、師傅校長的能力特質可分為「自我要求與人格特質」及「引導與啟發」兩項,其中以「引導與啟發」最為重要。 最後根據研究調查結論,對教育行政機關以及未來之相關研究提出建議,期能透過彼此的努力,使我國未來之高中校長職前培育制度更臻完美。

國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力之研究 / A Study on Principal Preparation Curriculum and Principal Performance Management Ability in Taiwan Elementary School

李冠嫺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨為國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力之研究。研究方法為文獻分析、焦點團體座談、問卷調查、與專家訪談。焦點團體座談對象為教育行政機關主管與學者專家10位,國民小學校長10位;問卷調查之樣本為臺灣地區各縣市公立國民小學校長共600人,可用問卷462份,可用率為77%;專家訪談對象為校長培育機構領導者計5位。研究工具包含自編之「國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力之研究調查問卷」、「國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力之研究座談大綱」、「國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力之研究專家訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與Scheffé事後比較、皮爾森積差相關、線性結構關係分析(SEM),內容分析等方法。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 壹、國民小學校長培育課程之內涵包含校長教育理念、校長專業知能、校長實務實習。 貳、國民小學校長績效管理能力之內涵包括目標執行能力、授權增能能力、敏銳覺察能力、開放對話能力、評量考核能力、省思回饋能力。 參、校長培育課程對校長績效管理能力之發展有重要影響。 肆、國民小學校長知覺校長培育課程之幫助程度,得分程度佳;並於「校長專業知能」向度得分最高;「校長教育理念」向度得分最低。 伍、國民小學校長知覺校長績效管理能力之符合程度,現況得分程度佳;並以「開放對話能力」向度得分最高;「評量考核能力」得分程度最低。 陸、背景變項之探討,國民小學校長之性別、年齡、最高學歷、校長年資及學校區域,於知覺校長培育課程之幫助程度有顯著差異。 柒、背景變項之探討,國民小學校長之年齡、校長年資及學校規模,於校長績效管理能力之符合程度有顯著差異。 捌、知覺校長培育課程之幫助程度對校長績效管理能力之符合程度上有顯著差異。 玖、國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力具相關性。 壹拾、驗證校長培育課程對校長績效管理能力關係佳。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關之建議 一、參酌校長培育之不同模式進行整合,以規劃統一適用之校長培育制度。 二、建構國民小學校長證照之檢定制度,以提升學校校長之專業素質。 三、建置國民小學校長專業資格檢定制度,以發展校長準則之專業指標。 四、針對現行國民小學校長遴選制度,積極思考未來可行之解決方案。 五、檢討國民小學學校績效管理制度,避免品質考核之績效制度流於形式。 貳、對校長培育機構之建議 一、探討不同校長培育機構之學習經驗,作為規劃未來課程模式之參考。 二、針對國民小學校長準則之專業指標,建構未來培育課程之模式。 三、強化國民小學校長培育之績效管理課程,進行個案研究等案例研討。 四、運用個案研究、問題導向與同儕學習之教學法,促進校長實踐智慧。 參、對校長之建議 一、瞭解不同校長培育機構之課程規劃,持續校長自我專業發展。 二、理解校長實踐學校績效管理之流程與作為,力求自我知行一致。 三、建置校長專業發展之知識分享平台,提升校長績效管理能力。 四、培養校長面對變革之自我因應能力,掌握學校多元之情境脈絡。 肆、對後續相關研究之建議 一、進行校長培育課程與校長績效管理之質性研究。 二、加入他評之研究調查方法進行多元觀點之參照與研析。 三、考量組織文化或型態等背景因素對學校實施績效管理之影響。 四、持續修訂研究量表工具。 / The main purpose of this research is to study the principal preparation curriculum for an elementary school principal and the performance management ability of an elementary school principal. The research methods used was literature analysis, focus group sessions, questionnaires investigation, and interviews. The research instrument was distributed to 600 elementary public school principals all over Taiwan and 462 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71, and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1.Principal preparation curriculum for principal in Taiwan elementary school includes: education idea, professional competency, practical training. 2.Performance management ability of an elementary school principal includes: goal setting and execution, empowerment, perceptiveness, open dialogue, performance appraisal, reflection and feedback. 3.The principal preparation curriculum had an important influence to principal performance management ability. 4.The principal preparation curriculum “principal professional competency” ranked first and “principal educational idea” ranked last. 5.All principal performance management abilities received a positive outcome and “open dialogue” ranked the first. 6.The elementary school principal’s background demography sex, age, educational background, years in service and school district incurred a significant difference with all principal preparation curriculums. 7.The elementary school principal’s background demography age, years in service and school size incurred a significant difference with all the principal performance management abilities. 8.Principals who got high score on the principal preparation curriculum also got better score in the principal performance management ability than low and middle ones. 9.The principal preparation curriculum was positively correlated with the performance management ability of elementary school principals. 10.The“model fit indices” between principal preparation curriculum and performance management ability of elementary school principals was proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational administrative agencies, principals, researchers.

國民小學校長培育模式之研究 / Research into the model of preparation for elementary schools’ principals

施宏彥 Unknown Date (has links)
: 本研究主要透過國民小學校長的職責與知能分析、校長培育的必要性分析、英美兩國小學校長培育制度分析及我國國民小學校長甄選儲訓制度沿革及優缺點之分析,及調查教育人員及家長會代表對國民小學校長培育制度之意見,以探討我國理想的國民小學校長培育模式。 本研究方法為文獻分析法、問卷調查法及訪談法,問卷調查樣本為臺灣地區二十五縣市國民小學教師、組長、主任、校長、家長會代表、教育行政人員及學者專家等共一二O二名,樣本回收七O二份,有效樣本數六八八份,總回收率達58.4%。訪談樣本為國民小學資深校長、新任校長、教育行政人員及學者專家,共十六人。研究工具為自編「國民小學校長培育模式調查問卷」及「國民小學校長培育模式訪談綱要」。本研究統計方法為次數分配、百分比、χ2考驗、變異數分析、及Scheffe法事後比較。 本研究結論如下: 一、理想的國民小學校長培育模式 (一)多數人認為理想的國民小學校長培育模式應採「先訓後選」模式。 (二)不同職務者對於理想的國民小學校長培育模式的看法達顯著差異。 (三)多數人贊成採用多種培育模式並行的方式。 (四)不贊成採用「多種模式並行」者認為「多種模式並行」會產生各種弊端。 二、國民小學校長培育權責問題: (一)國民小學校長培育法制事宜應由教育部統一訂定。 (二)國民小學校長培育專業機構應由設有教育行政研究所或教育學系行政組之大學校院辦理。 三、國民小學校長培育對象資格及產生方式: (一)國民小學校長培育人選應具備教學年資十一年以上。 (二)國民小學校長培育人選應規定其必須具備主任年資或其他教育行政年資三年以上。 (三)校長培育人數應該有計畫地培育。 (四)校長培育人選應由縣市教育局及培育機構共同組織甄選委員會篩選。 (五)國民小學校長培育人選篩選方式有口試、筆試、考績及年資、自傳、性向測驗、EQ量表、人格量表、自評、同儕評量等方式。 四、國民小學校長應修習課程與教學方式: (一)國民小學校長培育課程應屬研究所層級課程。 (二)國民小學校長培育課程應兼採研習時數及學分數方式計算。 (三)國民小學校長培育課程以學分計算者,應修習與研究所相同學分數,以研習時數計算者應修習288個小時(約十二週)以上。 (四)校長培育課程包含「一般教育領域」課程及「教育行政領域」課程。 (五)國民小學校長培育課程應採取的教學方式有實務研討、問題解決方案討論等。 (六)具有碩士學位者仍需參加校長培育課程及校長實習課程。 (七)校長培育機構的師資以聘請由具有國民小學校長、主任或教育行政經歷之大學教授擔任。 五、國民小學校長實習課程與方式: (一)校長實習課程應該安排在修畢職前課程且通過校長甄選或鑑定之後,始進行實習。 (二)校長實習時間以一年全時實習最適當,實施初期先以一個學期實施。 (三)校長實習課程由培育機構與實習輔導校長共同設計。 (四)實習輔導校長產生方式以由縣市教育局及校長培育機構共同推薦分派。 (五)實習輔導校長應具備的條件優先順序依序為「具有良好的教育理念與價值」、「所經營的學校是一所有特色的學校」、「具有教學及行政領導特色」及「善於表達經營學校之知識與技巧」。 (六)實習輔導校長的篩選方式優先順序依序為「透過縣市教育局學校評鑑資料」、「透過教職員意見調查」、「透過校長評鑑資料」及「透過校長意願調查」。 (七)對實習輔導校長實施訓練方式優先順序依序為「辦理實習輔導校長研習」、「提供實習輔導校長參加校長進修之機會」、「成立實習輔導校長工作坊」及「出版實習輔導校長手冊」。 六、完成校長培育課程之檢定: (一)完成國民小學校長培育課程者,須加檢定方授予校長培育及格證書。 (二)完成校長培育課程應採取的檢定方式優先順序依序為「提交校務經營研究報告」、「平時考核及綜合考核」、「筆試」等。 (三)具有校長培育及格證書者,應再參加校長甄選,並經短期儲訓,方可取得校長候選人資格。 七、培育人選費用及差假問題 (一)培育人選學費由學員負擔,但可比照教師在職進修申請學費補助。 (二)現任公立機關學校教育人員參加校長培育課程,由縣市政府甄選培育者,或經縣市教育局核准自行報考獲錄取者,可給予公假。未經縣市教育局核准自行報考獲錄取者,則應請事假或留職停薪。 同時,本研究提出理想國民小學校長培育模式及詳細實施方式。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下的建議: 一、對建立理想國民小學校長培育制度之建議 (一)校長培育的流程應優先採取先訓後選模式。 (二)校長培育相關法規事宜應由教育部訂定。 (三)設立校長培育機構、除現行教師研習會之外,依地區設立北、中、南、東校長培育中心。 (四)校長培育人選應由縣市政府及校長培育機構組成甄選委員會篩選。 (五)校長培育人選應加強人格方面的篩選。 (六)培育課程採用學分制及時數制,並延長培育時間。 (七)校長實習時間應加長至一學期全時實習。 (八)完成校長培育課程應加以檢定。 二、對進一步研究之建議 (一)發展國民小學校長能力指標,做為校長培育之基準。 (二)研究國民小學校長能力認證。 (三)建立校長在職進修制度。 / The purpose of the study was to explore the ideal model of preparation for elementary schools’ principals by (1) analyzing documents and literatures that deal with their responsibilities, knowledge and capabilities; (2) analyzing the necessity of principal preparation; (3) comparing the school principal preparation system of the United Kingdom and the United States; (4) analyzing the history, forte, and shortcoming of the selection and pre-service training system for the elementary school principal; and (5) to survey the opinions of different members of the education community and parents. The method of the study entailed the analysis of document, questionnaires survey, and interviews. There were 1202 questionnaire total issued and 688 effective samples were acquired. The sample including teachers, principals, parents, administrators, and professors. There were 16 interview samples included principals, educational administrators, and professors. The instrument were “ Questionnaire for the Principal Preparation Model of Elementary School.” and “Interview conspectus for the Principal Preparation Model of Elementary School.” The data gathered from questionnaire are analyzed by frequency distribution, percent, Chi-Squire test, one-way ANOVA, and posteriori comparisons. The conclusions drawn from the study results were as follows: 1.The ideal principal preparation model for elementary school principal. (1)The samples indicated that the ideal principal preparation model is “training before selection model ”. (2) There were significant differences in ideal principal preparation model among samples who were in different positions. (3)The majority of samples agreed that varied principal preparation model could be used in the same time. (4)The reason for opposition to the use of a varied model was that it would produce many abuses. 2.The authority and responsibility of principal preparation. (1)The Ministry of Education must make the legislation of preparing principal. (2)The ideal institution for principals’ preparation should be the universities having graduated program for education administration or department of educational administration. 3.The conditions of the principal preparation candidate and the ways to screen. (1)The qualification of candidate shall have at least teaching experience for 11 years. (2)The qualification of candidate shall precondition of administration experience more than 3 years.(the same as above). (3)The quantity of prospective principal must be programmed. (4) The selecting committee should include local Education Bureau and preparation institutions. (5)The ways to screen the candidate are oral examination, written test, merits and experiences, autobiography, aptitude test, emotion quotient test, charactation test, self-judgment, and same generation judgment. 4.The programs and teaching styles of preparing principals: (1)The program should be graduate level. (2)The program can be designed both by semester hours and study hours. (3)The program credit hours required should be the same with graduate school’srequirement, or more than 288 hours. (almost about 12 weeks). (4)The principal preparation program must include educational professional courses and educational administration courses. (5)The instruction strategies of principal preparation are discussions, problem solving, and case studies. (6)The candidate who has had master degree still need to take the preparation program and internship. (7)The best inductors (instructors) of preparation principal program are the professors who have the experience served as elementary school principal or related position. 5.The principal internship (1)The principal internship must be offered after the pass of candidate’s preservice program and principal selection. (2)The ideal duration of internship is one-year full-time internship or no less than one semester. (3)The courses of internship must be designed by graduate institutions and the mentors. (4)The mentors must be select both by local education bureau and principal preparation institution. (5) The selecting criteria of mentors are the following: have good educational vision and virtue, be effective administration, have fortes in teaching and leading, and have the ability to share skills and knowledge with a novice. (6)The approaches of selecting mentors are: schools’ evaluation report, faculty’s opinion survey, principals’ evaluation report, and principals’ opinion survey. (7) Mentors’ training approaches are: in-service training, workshop, and handbook publication. 6.The examination of principal preparation program: (1)Those who have finished the principal preparation program must pass examination to get the principal certification. (2)The methods of examination are: have a turn paper about school management, quiz and final examination, and written test. (3)Those who have passed principal preparation program still need to participate the principal selection and have a short-term pre-service training, then, can get the qualification of principal candidate. 7.The fee and vacation (1)The candidate must pay the principal preparation program, but he/she can get the bounty from the government. (2)The public school teachers or government officers who were nominated by government to participate in principal preparation program, can had a duty free vacation. Otherwise, they must use their own vacation. Finally, the study brought up an ideal model of principal preparation and some concrete suggestions of performance. The suggestions of this study are: 1.The suggestions to establish ideal principal preparation program: (1)The principal preparation model should be “train before selection”. (2)The Ministry of Education must make the legislation of principal preparation. (3) The government should establish northern Taiwan’s, central Taiwan’s, southern Taiwan’s, and eastern Taiwan’s principal preparation center. (4)The selecting committee must include local Educational Bureau and the preparation institution. (5) Respecting the principal candidate’s personality screen. (6)The program can be design both by semester hours and study hours. (7)The duration of internship must prolong to one semester full-time internship. (8)Those who have finished preparation program must be tested. 2.The suggestions for future research: (1) Develop ability criteria of elementary school principals. (2) Research the accreditation systems of elementary school principals. (3) Establish the in-service training system.

我國高中校長培育制度建構之研究 / A Study on the Construction of Principal Preparation System for Senior High School in Taiwan.

蔡雅芳, Tsai,Ya Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係為建構我國高中校長培育之雛型,研究內容涵蓋培育專業課程、師傅校長、現場實習及相關配套措施等。為建立研究架構,先進行文獻分析探討及歸納,並事先訪談學校教師、校長及教育行政主管機關人員以蒐集實務運作意見,經編製成調查問卷,以作為調查工具。以臺北市高中校長、主任、國中校長及教育行政主管機關人員計268人為問卷發放對象,問卷回收222份,回收率達82.84%。問卷回收後,採平均數、標準差、次數分配表及交叉表等方法進行統計分析及討論。謹將本研究獲致之結論臚列如下: 壹、校長培育制度規劃可採本研究建構之四項內涵規劃 貳、高中校長培育專業課程: 一、受試者知覺整體高中校長培育專業課程為需要程度。 二、高中校長培育專業課程以行政管理得分最高。 三、於校長培育專業課程前先行學員評估,據以規劃課程。 參、高中校長現場實習及師傅校長制度 一、於培育課程中期開始,每週安排校長實習課程。 二、校長應每週一天赴學校實習,為期一學期至一學年。 三、依學員意願分配至願意提供實習之學校實習,並經培育單位同意。 四、校長應在二所以上(含二所)不同特色(或程度)學校實習。 五、師傅校長甄選應由校長團體推薦優秀且適合之校長,並經教育主管機關認可。 六、師徒配對方式,以培育單位提供師傅校長名單供學員(實習校長)選擇,並獲師傅校長同意較為合適。 七、師傅校長與學員(實習校長)的配對以一對一形式為佳,於適當時機,增加各師傅校長及各實習校長彼此互動機會,以獲致團隊學習效果。 八、師傅校長參與方式,在培育課程中,每週應安排師傅校長授課時 間。 九、獎勵師傅校長輔導實習校長較佳方式係發給合理酬勞。 肆、校長培育相關配套措施 一、宜由地方教育主管機關所屬教師進修研習中心負責辦理高中校長培育制度。 二、應以資績評分(含學歷、服務年資等)、口試及筆試三項分數選育人員。 三、校長培育專業課程若以儲訓班方式辦理,應儲訓九週至十二週為宜。 四、校長培育專業課程若以修碩士班層級校長學分班辦理,應修畢32學分。 五、校長培育專業課程,應安排於假日及寒暑假期間實施。 六、校長培育時程,應為半年以上未滿一年。 七、校長培育經費應由教育主管機關提供學員部分補助。 八、完成培育課程可於參與校長遴選時加分或將其列為參與校長遴選之必要條件,最能提昇校長參與培育意願。 / The purpose of this study is mainly focused on establishing the preparation prototype of senior high school principals in Taiwan; and the contents of this study contained the professional preparation courses, mentor principals, field internship and related accompanying measures etc. In order to establish the structure of this study, the author first conducted the literature review and generalization, as well as interviewed school teachers and principals and education authority to collect the data of field management as the opinions, in addition, the author then organized and revised the collected data and opinions to make a questionnaire as the research tool of this study. Adopted senior high school principals, directors, junior high school principals and education authority, the total number of them is 268, as the target to distribute this questionnaire; the number of returned questionnaire is 222, and the returned rate is reached 82.8%. Furthermore, mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution and cross table etc. methods were used to statistically analyze and discuss on the returned questionnaire of this study. The obtained outcomes are shown as follows: I. The principal preparation system can be implemented based on the four areas constructed by this research: II. Professional preparation courses of senior high school principals: 1.The degree of needs of professional preparation courses of senior high school principals perceived by the subjects. 2.Administrative management is ranked the highest in the professional preparation courses of senior high school principals. 3.The evaluation of trainees should be conducted before the commencement of the principal preparation courses in accordance with which the course contents should be planed. III. Senior high school principal internship and mentor principal system 1.Internship courses should be arranged every week since the middle of the preparation courses. 2.The principal should spend one day per week as an intern in school for the period between one semester and one school year. 3.The trainee should be assigned as an intern to the school which he/she so chooses which should be approved by the education authority 4.The principal should be an intern in at least two schools (including) which have different features (or levels). 5.The selection of mentor principals should be made from outstanding principals who are recommended by the principals’ association and approved by the education authority. 6.The matching of the mentor and disciple should be made by the trainee (intern principal) who makes selection from the list of mentor principals provided by the preparation institution. 7.The matching of the mentor principal and trainee (intern principal) is preferred in the one-to-one form. If opportunities allow, the interaction between the mentor principal and disciple principal should be increased to achieve the results of group learning. 8.In terms of the mentor principal’s participation, lecture hours should be arranged for the mentor principal. 9.The better incentive to encourage the mentor principal to provide guidance for the disciple principal is the provision of reasonable remuneration. IV. The supporting measures for the principal preparation 1.Teachers’ training institutions under the local education authorities should be responsible for the implementation of the principal preparation system. 2.The trainees should be selected as per their seniority and performance scores (including education, years of service, etc), oral examination and written examination. 3.In the event that the professional preparation courses of principals are undertaken for the purpose of training future principals, the adequate length of preparation should be between 9 weeks and 12 weeks. 4.In the event that the professional preparation courses of principals are undertaken by way of the principal credit program at the level of master’s degree, the total credits required for graduation should be 32 credits. 5.The professional preparation courses of principals should be implemented during holidays and summer, winter vacations. 6.The length of the professional preparation courses of principals should be between half a year and one year. 7.The education authority should subsidize part of the expenses of the professional preparation courses of principals. 8.The completion of the preparation courses may be treated as bonus points in the selection of principals or set as the requirement for the participation in the selection of principals, which will motivate principals to participate in the training program.

國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重之建構:以美國ISLLC學校領導者標準為例 / The construction of weight system of principal’s leadership competence indicators for the elementary and junior high school: The case of ISLLC Standards for School Leaders in American

陳遵行, Chen, Zun Shing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在參照美國跨州學校領導標準證照聯合會(ISLLC)所提出的「ISLLC學校領導者標準」為例,藉以建構出國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重體系。研究方法運用分析網路程序法(ANP),研究工具則採用編修之「國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重體系調查問卷」,並以校長學、校長培育、學校行政等領域之13位學者專家為研究對象,對國民中小學校長領導能力指標之內容進行重要性評比。 本研究依據研究結果,得到以下二項研究結論: 一、學校文化與教學方案為最重要之校長領導能力向度 二、提升教師專業能力為最重要之校長領導能力指標 而依據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議,以作為教育行政機關、校長培育機構等之參考。 一、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)儘速研擬設立校長培育標準及專責單位 (二)校長領導能力指標可作為校長評鑑與校長證照制度之基礎 二、對校長培育機構之建議 (一)校長培育課程中其校長領導能力的規劃,以「學校文化的建立」與「教師能力的提升」作為初階能力的養成 (二)「提升教師專業能力」、「合作發展與共享」、「發展績效評估系統」作為校長培育課程的首要目標 此外,本研究亦針對後續研究者在研究對象、研究方法及研究範圍等三方面,提出相關建議。 關鍵字:校長領導能力、校長培育課程、分析網路程序法 / The purpose of this study is to construct a weight system of principal’s leadership competence indicators for the elementary and junior high school, and this study refer to “Interstate school leaders licensure consortium: Standards for school leaders” as an example. The main method of this study is Analytic Network Process (ANP). The research instrument of this study is a modified questionnaire which is used to survey the elementary and junior high principal’s leadership competence. 13 scholar experts most in principalship, principal preparation and school administration are taken as the research object to estimate the importance of indicator for the elementary and junior high school principal’s leadership competence. According to the research results, two conclusions are as follows: 1. School culture and instructional program is the most important dimension of school principals' leadership competence. 2. Enhancement of the professional competence of teachers is the most important indicator of school principals' leadership competence. This study provides the following suggestions from the conclusions to the educational administrations and the organizations of principal preparation for reference: 1. For education administration authority (1) Plan to establish the standards of principal preparation and set up an unit in charge of them. (2) The indicator of school principals' leadership competence can be a basis of principal evaluation and principals’ licensure. 2. For the institutes of principal preparation (1) Planning of principals' leadership capacity in the principal preparation courses as entry-level capacities are “The establishment of school culture” and “The enhancement of the professional competence of teachers”. (2) The principal of the primary objective of the course are “The enhancement of the professional competence of teachers”, “The cooperation and development and sharing”, and “The development of performance evaluation system”. In addition, this study also provides future researchers in three areas of the object of study, research methods and scope of the study to make recommendations. Keywords: principal leadership capacity, principal preparation program, analytic network process

英國校長專業資格檢定制度(NPQH)在我國國中小學校長培育制度建構之研究 / A Study of National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) for Construction of Elementary and Secondary School Principal Preparation Systems in Taiwan

陳宏彰, Chen, Hung-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究英國校長專業資格檢定制度在我國國中小學校長培育制度的建構,以及探討校長專業培育課程與校長專業能力指標間的關係。本研究方法為文獻分析、問卷調查及後置訪談法,問卷調查樣本為台北縣、台北市、基隆市與宜蘭縣四縣市之學校行政人員,含校長、主任、組長等共800人,樣本回收524份,回收率達65.5%。訪談樣本為辦理國家級中小學校長職前培訓工作的教育行政人員,包含國民中學與國民小學部分共兩名。研究工具包含自編之「我國國中小學校長培育制度調查問卷」、採用之「校長專業培育課程問卷」、採用之「校長專業能力指標問卷」與自編之「我國國中小學校長培育制度訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、t考驗、皮爾森積差相關分析、結構方程模式(SEM)分析等方法分析。本章乃根據研究結果與分析,歸納獲致成主要結論如下: 壹、英國校長專業資格檢定制度之內涵與現況 一、 校長培育課程係根據校長國家標準; 二、 校長培育由國家籌設之專責機構辦理; 三、 校長培育制度為長時間的實務訓練以及彈性分散式的時間規劃; 四、 校長培育課程應重視個別差異,依照學員的需求評估提供合適培育路徑與學習課程模組; 五、 校長認證課程採成人式學習原理及資訊與通訊科技(ICT)應用; 六、 校長培育制度經費採行個人支付而國家補助的方式; 七、 校長培育制度應重視實務實習並落實於學校改善之中; 八、 校長培育制度重視師傅教導的教學方式; 九、 校長培育制度可進一步採行校長專業資格檢定認證模式; 貳、我國國中小學校長培育制度之建構 一、 校長培育制度規劃可採本研究建構之三向度模式規劃; 二、 校長培育機構之設立應由國家設立專責機構統籌辦理; 三、 校長培育時程規劃應為半年至一年,並採行分段辦理; 四、 進入校長培育課程前進行學員需求評估據以規劃課程; 五、 培育課程講座以兼具理論與實務經驗的大學教授為先; 六、 學員學習成效由原培育單位與專責評鑑中心共同評鑑; 七、 培育過程中的經費可由學員自行支付且國家予以補助; 八、 校長實務實習時程規劃可於中期開始並採分散式規劃; 九、 校長實務實習學校應在不同類型學校實習並落實實做; 十、 師傅學員的配對可為多對一的形式學習更豐富的經驗; 十一、師傅校長的甄選來源多元化並建立審查機制遴選良師; 十二、師傅校長與培訓課程應同時開始且每週皆有師傅校長; 參、校長專業課程與校長專業能力 一、學校行政人員對於校長專業培育課程之知覺為相當重要程度。 二、校長專業培育課程以教學領導課程得分最高。 三、學校行政人員對於校長專業能力指標之知覺為相當重要程度。 四、學校行政人員對於校長專業能力指標之知覺,以「行政管理」最為重要。 五、整體校長專業培育課程對於整體校長專業能力指標具有顯著的影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、英國校長專業資格定制度值得作為我國校長培育制度規劃之借鏡與參考。 貳、校長培育制度之規劃應先訂立校長國家標準。 參、我國校長培育可採本研究建構之校長培育三向度模式。 肆、校長培育制度中需要更多的校長積極地投入與參與。 伍、對未來進一步研究的建議。 關鍵字:英國校長專業資格檢定制度(NPQH)、校長培育制度、校長儲訓制度、校長專業培育制度、校長實務實習制度、師傅校長校長制度、校長專業培育課程、校長專業能力指標 / Abstract The main purpose of this study was to construct the elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in Taiwan by (1) Analyzing the documents and literature of the NPQH in England; (2) Investigating the opinions of different members on the ideal elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in Taiwan; (3) Analyzing the relationships between principal professional preparation curriculum and principal professional competency standards; (4) Explore the influential power of principal professional preparation curriculum on the part of principal professional competency standards. The method of this study was adopted literature review, questionnaires investigation and interviews. There were 800 questionnaire total issued and 524 effective samples were acquired. The sample included school principals and main administrators. There were 2 interview samples who were the core educational administrators conducting the work of he elementary and secondary school principal preparation. The instrument were ”Questionnaire for constructing the principal preparation systems of elementary and secondary school in Taiwan” and “Interview conspectus for constructing the principal preparation systems of elementary and secondary school in Taiwan.” The data gathered from questionnaires were analyzed by description statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson-moment correlation analysis, Scheff’e posteriori comparison, and SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71. The conclusion drawn from the study results were as follows: 1. The constructing systems for the elementary and secondary school principal preparation in Taiwan are “three dimension model.” 2. The institution of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation is the one of national level. 3. The time of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation is half to one year, and is a distributed formation. 4. The need assessment for students of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation was conducted before accepting the preparation curriculum. 5. The fist order teacher of principal preparation curriculum was the professor who was experienced in practice and theoretical in colleges. 6. The learning and performance assessment to students was conducted by original preparation center and other professional assessment center. 7. The pay of principal preparation was paid by students’ himself /herself and national government. 8. The practical internship was conducted form the middle of the principal preparation, and was conducted by a distributed formation. 9. The ideal internship school of the principal preparation was multiple-type. 10. The best pair of mentor and trainne was several to one 11. The resources of mentors were multiple and accepted selecting. 12. The mentor participated in the principal preparation, and directed the principals weekly. In the last part, the researcher, based on the findings, proposes some suggestions for the design unit of principal preparation system, hoping to benefit the development of construction of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in future. Key words: National Professional Qualification for Headship, NPQH, principal preparation systems, principal professional preparation curriculum, principal professional competency standards

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