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修正條件分配勝率矩陣時最佳參考點之選取方法 / The best reference point method for the modification of the conditional distribution odds ratio matrices郭俊佑 Unknown Date (has links)
矩陣最常接近所給定的條件機率矩陣。 / Chen (2010) provides the representations of odds ratio function to examine the compatibility of conditional probability density functions and gives the corresponding
joint probability density functions if they are compatible. In this research, we provide the representations of odds ratio matrix to examine the compatibility of two discrete
conditional probability matrices and give the corresponding joint probability matrix if they are compatible. For incompatible situations, we offer four methods to revise odds ratio matrices to find near joint probability matrices so that their conditional probability matrices are not far from the two given ones. That is, we provide four methods so that the sums of error squares are small. For each method, the sum of error squares may depend on the same reference point of two odds ratio matrices. We first
discover by example that only the geometric method out of these four methods has a pattern to get the best reference point so that the sum of error squares is smallest. We
then prove this finding in general. In addition, through simulation results, the geometric method would provide the smallest sum of error squares most often among these four methods. Hence, we suggest using geometric method. Its strategy to find the best reference point is also given.
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有限離散型二維條件分配相容性演算法之研究 / On the algorithms for the compatibility of bivariate finite conditional distributions劉軒志 Unknown Date (has links)
給定兩個條件機率分配,判斷他們是否相容?是否有唯一的聯合機率分配?以及相容時,如何找出所有可能的聯合機率分配?是研究相容性相當重要的課題。本文針對有限離散型二維條件機率分配,以Arnold and Press(1989) 最先提出的比值矩陣法,及由Song , Li, Chen, Jiang, and Kuo (2010) 所提出的檢驗法為架構,提出新演算法且利用此演算法來設計程式,使程式能判斷兩條件機率分配是否相容,以及相容後可求出對應的所有聯合機率分配。本文亦依據新演算法並應用MATLAB軟體設計程式,讓使用者可以很快地對上述三個問題得到答案。 / When two conditional distributions are given, the following three important questions are likely to be raised. Are they compatible? Is the corresponding joint distribution unique if they are compatible? How do you find all the corresponding joint distributions if they are compatible? In this thesis, basing on ratio matrix method given first by Arnold and Press (1989), and on the method for checking compatibility existence, for checking uniqueness, and for finding all possible joint distributions provided by Song, Li, Chen, Jiang, and Kuo (2010), we provide a new algorithm to answer these questions. Using this new algorithm, we also provide a MATLAB computer program so that any user could get the answer quickly for the above three questions.
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勝算比法在三維離散條件分配上的研究 / Odds Ratio Method on Three-Dimensional Discrete Conditional Distributions鄭鴻輝, Jheng, Hong Huei Unknown Date (has links)
給定聯合分配,可以容易地導出對應的條件分配。反之,給定條件分配的資訊,是否能導出對應的聯合分配呢?例如根據O. Paul et al.(1963,1968)對造成心血管疾病因素之追蹤研究,可得出咖啡量、吸菸量及是否有心血管疾病三者間的條件機率模型資料,是否能找到對應的聯合機率模型,以便可以更深入地研究三者之關係,是一個重要的議題。在選定參考點下,Chen(2010)提出以勝算比法找條件密度函數相容的充要條件,以及在相容性成立時,如何求得聯合分配。在二維中,當兩正值條件機率矩陣不相容時,郭俊佑(2013)以幾何平均法修正勝算比矩陣,並導出近似聯合分配,同時利用幾何平均法之特性,提出最佳參考點之選擇法則。本研究以二維的勝算比法為基礎,探討三維離散的相容性問題,獲得下列幾項結果:一、證明了三個三維條件機率矩陣相容的充要條件就是兩兩相容。二、當三維條件機率矩陣不相容時,利用幾何平均法導出近似聯合分配。三、利用兩兩相容的充要條件,導出三維條件機率矩陣相容的充要條件,並證明該充要條件與Chen的結果一致。四、在幾何平均法下,提出最少點法,有效率地找出最佳參考點,以產生總誤差最小的近似聯合分配。五、設計出程式檢驗三維條件機率矩陣是否相容,並找出最佳參考點,同時比較最少點法與窮舉法之間效率的差異。 / Given a joint distribution, we can easily derive the corresponding fully conditional distributions. Conversely, given fully conditional distributions, can we find out the corresponding joint distribution? For example, according to a longitudinal study of coronary heart disease risk factors by O. Paul et al. (1963, 1968), we obtain conditional probability model data among coffee intake, the number of cigarettes smoked and whether he/she has coronary heart disease or not. Whether we can find out the corresponding joint distribution is an important issue as the joint distribution may be used to do further analyses. Chen (2010) used odds ratio method to find a necessary and sufficient condition for their compatibility and also gave the corresponding joint distribution for compatible situations. When two positive discrete conditional distributions in two dimensions are incompatible, Kuo (2013) used a geometric mean method to modify odds ratio matrices and derived an approximate joint distribution. Kuo also provided a rule to find the best reference point when the geometric mean method is used. In this research, based on odds ratio method in two dimensions, we discuss their compatibility problems and obtain the following results on three-dimensional discrete cases. Firstly, we prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for the compatibility of three conditional probability matrices in three dimensions is pairwise compatible. Secondly, we extend Kuo’s method on two-dimensional cases to derive three-dimensional approximate joint distributions for incompatible situations. Thirdly, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the compatibility of three conditional probability matrices in three dimensions in terms of pairwise compatibility and also prove that this condition is consistent with Chen’s results. Fourthly, we provide a minimum-points method to efficiently find the best reference point and yield an approximate joint distribution such that total error is the smallest. Fifthly, we design a computer program to run three-dimensional discrete conditional probability matrices problems for compatibility and also compare the efficiency between minimum-points method and exhausting method.
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以特徵向量法解條件分配相容性問題 / Solving compatibility issues of conditional distributions by eigenvector approach顧仲航, Ku, Chung Hang Unknown Date (has links)
如Arnold and Press (1989)的比值矩陣法、Song et al. (2010)的不可約
化對角塊狀矩陣法及Arnold et al. (2002)的數學規劃法等,經由這些方法
行分析,並在各種測度下討論賽局的解及雙方的最佳策略。 / Given two conditional probability matrices A and B of two random
variables, the issues of the compatibility include: (a) how to determine
whether they are compatible? If compatible, how to check the uniqueness
of the joint distribution or find all possible joint distributions; (b)
if incompatible, how to measure how far they are from compatibility
and find the most nearly compatible joint distribution. There are
several approaches to solve these problems, such as the ratio matrix
method(Arnold and Press, 1989), the IBD matrix method(Song et
al., 2010) and the mathematical programming method(Arnold et al.,
2002). Inspired by these methods, the thesis develops the eigenvector
approach to deal with the compatibility issues.
When A and B are compatible, it is observed that the marginal distributions
are eigenvectors of AB′ and B′A corresponding to 1, respectively.
While checking compatibility by the marginal distributions, the
eigenvector approach only checks the marginal distributions which are
eigenvectors of AB′ and B′A. It significantly reduces the workload.
By using Perron theorem and the concept of the IBD matrix, the part
(a) of compatibility issues can be dealt with the eigenvector approach.
When A and B are incompatible, a simple way to measure the degree
of incompatibility can be derived from the eigenvector approach.
In order to compare the most nearly compatible joint distributions
given by different measures, the thesis proposes the deviation of the
conditional distributions plus the deviation of the marginal distributions
as the most nearly compatible joint distribution assessment standard.
The eigenvector approach not only derives formula for the most
nearly compatible distribution, but also provides better joint distribution
than those given by the other measures through the validations
under this standard. The part (b) of compatibility issues can also be
dealt with the eigenvector approach.
Finally, the eigenvector approach is used in solving game problems.
In operations research, strategies adopted by both players are assumed
to be independent. However, this independent assumption may not
be appropriate, since both players can make decisions through the
information provided by the payoffs for the game. Let strategies of
both players form two conditional probability matrices, then the game
problems can be converted into compatibility issues. We can use the
concept of generalized compatibility to analyze game solutions and
discuss the best strategies for both players in a variety of measurements.
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