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衡量公帑節省價值評估中的風險移轉:樂觀偏誤估計方法之初步研究 / Measurement of Risk Transfer in Value of Money Assessment: Preliminary Study on Estimation of Optimism Bias何俞賢 Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於財政負擔加重以及對政府服務效率之檢討,歐美各國逐步發展出以民間融資創建 (Private Finance Initiative, PFI) 之方式提供公共服務。為判斷由政府自辦或PFI 何者較具效益,英國政府提出公帑節省價值 (Value for Money, VfM) 評估。經考量專案全生命週期之成本,並調整風險與折現後,若公私協力較政府自辦在相同服務水準下所需成本較少,則稱其具備VfM。公私協力主要效益之一在於將部分建造及營運之風險由政府移轉予民間。因此,如何量化可移轉之風險對VfM的評估結果影響甚鉅。英國提出以「樂觀偏誤」 (optimism bias, OB) 量化由政府自辦須承擔的追加預算、延遲完工或利益短少之風險,並委託 Mott MacDonald 研究過去重大公共採購案件,得出樂觀偏誤之參考值,提供評估者合理估算樂觀偏誤的基準。本文研究英國的評估方式及經驗,針對 Mott MacDonald 之研究方法作進一步研討。接著以臺灣機場捷運建設案為例,計算其樂觀偏誤,並嘗試運用 Mott MacDonald 之研究方法加以分析。最後探討 Mott MacDonald 之研究方法在臺灣運用的適切性,且對樂觀偏誤之研究方法提出建議。
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法人說明會資訊內容與分析師盈餘預測 / Conference Calls and Financial Analysts' Earnings Forecasts許佩琪 Unknown Date (has links)
法人說明會為近年來企業最常使用的自願性揭露方式之一,已逐漸成為企業管理當局與投資人溝通的重要管道,然而法人說明會之參加人員通常僅限於法人股東與財務分析師,因此財務分析師在企業管理當局與投資人之間扮演了一個重要的資訊傳遞角色。本研究以台灣高科技產業上市(櫃)公司為研究對象,探討法人說明會資訊揭露之豐富度,對分析師盈餘預測之樂觀程度、預測準確度以及預測離散性之影響,以及不同國籍券商獲取法人說明會資訊對其預測之影響。研究結果發現,分析師在資訊豐富性高的法人說明會後所做的盈餘預測會偏向樂觀預測,亦容易出現樂觀偏誤的現象,且資訊越豐富,分析師盈餘預測之離散性越低。若進一步分析券商國籍對盈餘預測之影響,可以發現本國券商在資訊豐富性高的法人說明會後所做的盈餘預測會偏向樂觀預測,外國券商則無此現象,表示相較於外國券商,本國券商獲取法人說明會資訊對其盈餘預測之影響較大。 / Nowadays,conference calls are one of the most often used voluntary disclosures by firms, and have become an important way of communication between management and investors.However,participants of conference calls are often institutional shareholders and financial analysts.As a result,financial analysts play an important role as an information communicator between management and investors.Based on a sample of publicly listed firms in Taiwan,this study explores whether the extent to which the richness of the content of conference calls affect the optimism,bias and dispersion of financial analysts' earnings forecasts,and whether the nationality of brokers causes different effects when they acquire the information of conference calls.We find that analysts' earnings forecasts become more optimistic and biased if conference calls contain richer information,and the dispersion of forecasts also becomes lower.Furthermore,domestic brokers' forecasts are more optimistic after conference calls which contained rich information,while there is no such phenomenon for foreign brokers.This indicates that conference calls have a greater impact on domestic than foreign brokers in making earnings forecasts.
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