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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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歐洲聯盟與中國雙邊科技合作之研究─以「伽利略計畫」為例 / A study on bilateral scientific cooperation between the European Union and the People's Republic of China-a case study of Galileo project

林鼎為, Lin, Ding Wei Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟與中國雙邊政治關係的發展起始於1975年,建交初期歐洲共同體與中國雙邊初期並沒有顯著的發展,可歸因於冷戰兩大超強的國際政治格局之箝制,難有合作的動力。後冷戰時期,歐盟著眼於中國內部廣大的市場與發展潛力,除了與中國發展經貿關係,更將合作意識推至多領域的合作議題。 隨著科技的進步,縮短了時空的限制,更將當前歐洲與中國雙邊的關係拉近距離。縱然歐盟與中國在多方面呈現極大的差異性,包括語言、政治體制、意識形態等,如同中國2003年所公佈的「歐盟政策白皮書」所揭示,歐盟與中國彼此之間並不存在根本的利害衝突,也因此使得雙邊存有合作的潛力。 本論文以雙邊科技合作為出發點,重新檢視歐盟與中國雙邊合作關係的發展,用以發掘歐盟與中國雙邊科技合作的驅動力、成果與前景為何。藉由本論文之脈絡,研究主題共可分為三點,分別為:(一)歐盟與中國同時呈現出合作與齟齬的雙邊關係,有探究其因之必要,將於第二章重新檢視雙邊建交至2010年間之重要發展;(二)全球化的浪潮的影響,使得國家或是國際組織都難以脫離國際合作的框架,歐盟與中國關係亦是如此,更將雙邊合作提升至科技合作領域。本論文將於第三章討論雙邊科技合作發展之源起與成果,並嘗試回答科技合作是否對雙邊關係發展創造利益,抑或形塑一種制度;(三)歐盟提出之「伽利略計畫」做為雙邊於合作領域的新里程碑,相關市場發展性具有極大潛力。本論文將於第四章以「伽利略計畫」做為案例研究,自太空科技合作領域出發,專章討論「伽利略計畫」內涵與其對歐─中關係發展之影響,此外,「伽利略計畫」因涉及安全領域的敏感議題以及牽動跨大西洋關係的轉變,吾人將探討此一影響為何。

歐中高峰會之研究-以文教合作為例 / The EU-China Summit: A Study on Cultural and Educational Cooperation

張亦芸, Chang, Yi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
在現代講求合作與和平共處的國際環境裡,國與國之間已不太運用傳統的剛性、強迫性的力量來試圖影響對方,反之更多的是在文化、教育等柔性力量上的交流與溝通,慢慢轉變對彼此的觀感,進而改善雙邊或多邊關係。因此在現今國際關係互動上,一國的柔性權力就被廣泛認為可以在許多方面造成巨大的影響,在奈伊提出柔性權力概念之後,更是受到國際關係學界的重視。 歐盟與中國於1975年即建立外交關係,但囿於冷戰的格局,雙方難有合作的發展。到了後冷戰時期,由於中國勢力的增長,歐中即在1998年召開歐中高峰會,除了發展經貿關係之外,也開始將合作推至包括文教在內的多領域議題上。文教議題因具有敏感性低、容易調整之特性,更有促進雙方了解與散播價值觀的力量,達到形塑國家形象的效果,可作為外交策略來使用,因此國際文教交流作為研究柔性權力作用即有其價值。許多國家都試圖透過文教交流等途徑,塑造對本國有利之國際環境、或影響他國之行為,進而使一國能夠在國際行動上取得更大的活動空間。因此,就歐盟與中國在文教領域所擁有的資源,以及如何透過文教領域的合作來試圖影響對方,以及歐中關係基於此的改變,便是本研究想關切的議題。 因此本文運用柔性權力之概念,並以歐中文教合作為出發點,以另一面向來檢視歐中雙邊關係的發展,發掘歐中在文教合作的驅動力、對歐中關係發展之成果與前景,包括探討雙方所採取的文教議題、文教交流之互動過程,以及最後對於歐中雙方文教領域交流範圍與程度的日益加深,是否有助於雙方峰會根本目標的達成,以及是否對於歐中間的對話管道與交流模式有著積極的幫助,提出研究發現與心得。 / In the modern international communication and interaction which set pace well on cooperation and harmoniousness, the influence inflicting from one country to another rarely resorts that much to the traditional rigid, enforcing way of negotiation. Rather, more cultural and educative ways of interaction have, slowly changing how countries evaluate each other, improved relationships of both or even multiple sides. Therefore, upon the global relationship, one country’s power of pliable nature can be commonly deemed of creating influential impacts on many aspects, which has gained more attention from fields of international relationship after the concept of soft power has been suggested by Joseph Nye. The European Union has established diplomatic relationship with China since 1975. Owing to the restriction resulted from the cold war; however, both sides had very limited room for further cooperation. After the cold war, China and The European Union, because of China’s growth, established EU-China summit in 1998, starting to push their cooperation, along with economic development, to various fields including cultural and educational ones. The nature of low sensitivity and flexibility of cultural and educational issues makes it easy for both sides to understand and distribute the power of philosophy of value, which helps to shape the image of the country for diplomatic purposes, so international intercourse for cultural and educational purposes has its status in the study of soft power. Many countries have tried to create a comfort zone in the international environment or to influence other countries’ decision making via cultural and educational interaction, and hence strive for a bigger room to take political action. As a consequence, this research aims at exploring the issue of the changes that have been brought about by this cultural and educational cooperation and how they influence each other through the cooperation upon the resources that both sides have. This paper manipulates the idea of soft power and bases on China and European Union cooperation to look at how both sides evolve from this relationship, to discover the drives towards their cooperation, and to oversee their developed relationship and its prospects, including discussing cultural and educational issues that both sides adopt, the interaction along their communication. At the end, this research gives a retrospect and discovery for whether their goals are achieved after their cultural and informational development has been established, and whether their channel of communication and their modes of interaction have been significantly benefited.

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