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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳文葳 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以國際關係中的權力理論探討歷史上霸權的崛起,並關注當代中國的崛起與未來。透過檢視摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)的權力理論與奈伊(Joseph Nye)的柔性權力(soft power)理論,本文試圖填補國際關係理論中「傳統剛性權力與柔性權力相互關係」的不足,發現兩者相互建構的密切關係與互異的權力性質。奈伊的柔性權力理論相對於傳統剛性權力雖然是九0年代的新概念,然而在摩根索的權力理論當中也可窺見其影,這說明柔性權力並非當代美國的專利,其存在可透過歷史驗證。 霸權是國家權力尋求極大化的結果。本文的兩組案例:十九世紀的大英帝國與二十世紀的美國的崛起歷史即是剛性與柔性兩種權力的交互作用結果。上述兩國的軍事、經濟、科技與其他文化力量在其崛起過程中逐步累積,其規模與速度的優勢是導致兩國脫穎而出的關鍵,其中較容易被忽略的文化力量對英美兩國而言,其重要性遠超越想像,這也就是說,柔性權力對一國的重要性遠大於目前國際關係學者的認識,而這也是本文最主要的發現。 當前的中國因其崛起現象而被視為下一個領導世界的霸權候選人,因此本文著重檢視中國的柔性權力狀態以觀察其崛起動能,發現中國的文化與外交力量正透過中國官方的扶植與支持而快速增加。相較於英美崛起的歷史經驗,中國的柔性權力展現高度的國家戰略性,也因此形成「具中國特色的柔性權力」。中國仰賴其「具中國特色的柔性權力」做為國家戰略以尋求國家地位的提升則是本文的第二項主要發現。 上述「具中國特色的柔性權力」大舉吸引世界目光說明她以柔性權力為崛起戰略的意涵,然而這項歷史發展也與英美霸權的崛起軌跡產生差異,主因仍在其國內政治體制與西方的差異以及全球化浪潮的影響程度差異。面對上述衝擊,一個逐漸崛起的中國可能產生三種不同的未來想定(scenario):堅持現有路線(維持國內政治穩定,但減損對西方國家的柔性權力)、轉向英美崛起軌跡(國內政治改革可能引發衝擊)、超越歷史終結(尋求比目前西方民主體制更為廣泛接受的政治體制),本文對中國未來的預測偏向第三種想定。

無 / How a Man Reshapes the Image of a Country?: Analysis of President Ma’s Image among Shang Hai City from the Soft Power Perspective

詹偉伶, Chan, Doreen Unknown Date (has links)
無 / The concept of “soft power” was popularized by Joseph Nye’s works in the 1990s. It is then often referred to the ability of a political body, such as a state, to indirectly influence the behavior or interests of other political bodies through cultural or ideological means. This paper seeks to apply this idea to the study of cross-Strait relations to see whether Taiwan might exert soft power against China. As we know, it is not just Taiwanese that are highly concerned with the 2008 election of Taiwan. We take this election and especially President Ma as an example to see whether Ma can help facilitate the image of Taiwan and democracy among Chinese. After interviews on several dozen Chinese college students, we found that Ma’s image, as the soft power, does make the difference. And if Taiwan can make best use of its soft power, we may not need so much military buildup to defend Taiwan.

國家形象再造之研究:以中國設立全球孔子學院為例 / The research of reconstruction of national image - a case study of China’s Confucius Institute

鄒雨濃 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,全球化的高度發展促使國際格局逐漸產生改變,中國作為一新興國家,已相當明白當前國際間的競合關係應以良性發展為導向,致力於改變過去給予國際社會過度擴張剛性權力的既定印象,方能提供其綜合國力穩定發展的平台。透過觀察中國一連串有計畫的國家文化行銷活動,可見中國過去數千年的溫和、中庸的文化印象遺產成了柔性權力發展的最佳載具,其中又以中國官辦官營的孔子學院在全球長期性、有組織且有計畫的設點最受到關注。   國家如同商品,需要量身打造最適的計畫及管道來定位及行銷,本文透過結合學者Kotler及Olins的行銷理論,使用文獻分析法、歷史比較研究法以及內容分析法,配合國內外主要報業對於孔子學院之報導及評論作次級資料分析,(資料蒐集區段自2004年孔子學院成立以至2010年7月)探討國家形象建構之重要性及中國選擇孔子學院為扭轉其國家形象之途徑因素及成效。 / In recent year, blooming of globalization catalyzed the change of international situation. As an up-and-coming country, China realized the competition and cooperation among the globe should have the common goal of working toward a healthier development. China also recognized that the need of transform its stereotype image of being the over expanded hard power would be the solution to create platform for steady growth of national power. As soft power becoming the trend of today, how to create a positive national image is one of top priority policies for China. By studying China’s stream of well-planned marketing events for its national culture, we could see how the mild and mean culture of China in the past thousand years materialized. Out of all the events, the government managed Confucius Institutes organized expansion globally is the most followed event. A nation is very similar to a product, which need customized plan and channel for marketing. By combining Kotler and Olins’s marketing theory, this research paper discuss about the importance of constructing a national image. This research also discusses in detail about the process and the result of China using Confucius Institutes to modify its national image.

周遊列國抑文化滲透? 孔子學院在東南亞的剖析 / International diffusion or Cultural Penetration? The analysis of China's Confucius institutes in Southeast Asia

趙晧嵎, Chao, Hao Yu Unknown Date (has links)
自後冷戰時期開始,中國國內對於「柔性權力」的討論非常熱絡,對於北京來說,柔性權力是一項值得利用的外交政策工具,特別是中國特有的歷史文明所轉譯而成的「文化」元素,近年來更被中國政治菁英視為最重要的柔性權力資源,尤其以一種不帶威脅、潛移默化的力量,朝國際社會投射。於是,這種以文化因素或文化底蘊為特色的柔性權力外交,旋即成為當代中國外交政策中最重要、同時也是最有效的政策工具。 藉著此一政策工具的推廣,中國希望利用「文化」的影響力逐步改變國際社會對中國崛起的負面觀感,而順著這樣的戰略思考所發展而來的實際政策便是「孔子學院」的推廣計畫。作為海外中國文化傳遞工具的孔子學院,特別在與中國具有地緣鄰近性與文化親近性的東南亞,更成為中國發展、擴張孔子學院之柔性權力外交效果的重要示範區。有鑑於此,本文的研究重點將放在東南亞區域,研究並探討孔子學院在東南亞的發展狀況,希望能藉此瞭解東南亞國家如何看待及理解孔子學院,並檢視東南亞國家孔子學院的在地運作情形,深入分析孔子學院是否會因為中國與東南亞各國發展之關係,而有不同的運作模式。 本論文共分作五個章節,第一章為緒論。此章針對本論文所要研究的核心問題與背景做一鋪陳,以開展出整篇論文所要呈現的研究圖像。第二章的重點主要是將第一章所呈現的中國柔性權力論述予以聚焦,針對中國近年來孔子學院推廣計畫做一完整的陳述。第三章開始,本論文將要以東南亞為研究區域,探討孔子學院在東南亞的發展概況。本文挑選三個國家(新加坡、泰國、柬埔寨)作為孔子學院發展類型的代表,並就孔子學院在這三個國家的發展做一深入的剖析。第四章則是順著前一章的脈絡,進一步根據孔子學院所分佈的東南亞國家與中國之關係,將孔子學院的發展方式與以歸納,以瞭解在各種不同類型的關係中,孔子學院與該國的互動模式並與前章論述做呼應。最後,在結論部分,呈現出海外合作國對孔子學院的運作模式的「自主性」與「鑲嵌性」,並點出中國輸出孔子學院的真實面貌。

歐中高峰會之研究-以文教合作為例 / The EU-China Summit: A Study on Cultural and Educational Cooperation

張亦芸, Chang, Yi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
在現代講求合作與和平共處的國際環境裡,國與國之間已不太運用傳統的剛性、強迫性的力量來試圖影響對方,反之更多的是在文化、教育等柔性力量上的交流與溝通,慢慢轉變對彼此的觀感,進而改善雙邊或多邊關係。因此在現今國際關係互動上,一國的柔性權力就被廣泛認為可以在許多方面造成巨大的影響,在奈伊提出柔性權力概念之後,更是受到國際關係學界的重視。 歐盟與中國於1975年即建立外交關係,但囿於冷戰的格局,雙方難有合作的發展。到了後冷戰時期,由於中國勢力的增長,歐中即在1998年召開歐中高峰會,除了發展經貿關係之外,也開始將合作推至包括文教在內的多領域議題上。文教議題因具有敏感性低、容易調整之特性,更有促進雙方了解與散播價值觀的力量,達到形塑國家形象的效果,可作為外交策略來使用,因此國際文教交流作為研究柔性權力作用即有其價值。許多國家都試圖透過文教交流等途徑,塑造對本國有利之國際環境、或影響他國之行為,進而使一國能夠在國際行動上取得更大的活動空間。因此,就歐盟與中國在文教領域所擁有的資源,以及如何透過文教領域的合作來試圖影響對方,以及歐中關係基於此的改變,便是本研究想關切的議題。 因此本文運用柔性權力之概念,並以歐中文教合作為出發點,以另一面向來檢視歐中雙邊關係的發展,發掘歐中在文教合作的驅動力、對歐中關係發展之成果與前景,包括探討雙方所採取的文教議題、文教交流之互動過程,以及最後對於歐中雙方文教領域交流範圍與程度的日益加深,是否有助於雙方峰會根本目標的達成,以及是否對於歐中間的對話管道與交流模式有著積極的幫助,提出研究發現與心得。 / In the modern international communication and interaction which set pace well on cooperation and harmoniousness, the influence inflicting from one country to another rarely resorts that much to the traditional rigid, enforcing way of negotiation. Rather, more cultural and educative ways of interaction have, slowly changing how countries evaluate each other, improved relationships of both or even multiple sides. Therefore, upon the global relationship, one country’s power of pliable nature can be commonly deemed of creating influential impacts on many aspects, which has gained more attention from fields of international relationship after the concept of soft power has been suggested by Joseph Nye. The European Union has established diplomatic relationship with China since 1975. Owing to the restriction resulted from the cold war; however, both sides had very limited room for further cooperation. After the cold war, China and The European Union, because of China’s growth, established EU-China summit in 1998, starting to push their cooperation, along with economic development, to various fields including cultural and educational ones. The nature of low sensitivity and flexibility of cultural and educational issues makes it easy for both sides to understand and distribute the power of philosophy of value, which helps to shape the image of the country for diplomatic purposes, so international intercourse for cultural and educational purposes has its status in the study of soft power. Many countries have tried to create a comfort zone in the international environment or to influence other countries’ decision making via cultural and educational interaction, and hence strive for a bigger room to take political action. As a consequence, this research aims at exploring the issue of the changes that have been brought about by this cultural and educational cooperation and how they influence each other through the cooperation upon the resources that both sides have. This paper manipulates the idea of soft power and bases on China and European Union cooperation to look at how both sides evolve from this relationship, to discover the drives towards their cooperation, and to oversee their developed relationship and its prospects, including discussing cultural and educational issues that both sides adopt, the interaction along their communication. At the end, this research gives a retrospect and discovery for whether their goals are achieved after their cultural and informational development has been established, and whether their channel of communication and their modes of interaction have been significantly benefited.

公眾外交運用之研究—以歐洲聯盟「伊拉斯莫斯世界」獎學金計畫為例 / Public Diplomacy: A Study on the EU's Erasmus Mundus Programme

賴淑慧 Unknown Date (has links)
柔性權力一詞已是大家耳熟能詳的名詞,透過公眾外交方式增進跨文化間的理解並培養國際化人才已逐漸成為時代潮流,公眾外交運用的途徑多元,但總不脫以柔性權力資源促進跨文化間理解的原則,歐盟2004年開始實施「伊拉斯莫斯世界」(Erasmus Mundus) 計畫,旨在提昇歐洲高等教育品質及促進與非會員國的合作、吸引更多第三國學生及學者赴歐交流,讓歐洲成為教育卓越中心的代表,該計畫的實施可看出歐盟從歐境內高等教育的整合、促進歐洲各國文化的理解到向全世界推廣其教育理念、文化資源的努力,本研究以伊拉斯莫斯世界計畫為例,探討歐盟如何憑藉此計畫發揮歐盟的柔性權力資源以吸引更多世界各地人民赴歐求學,進而達到歐洲認同的影響力。 / With the increasing influence and visibility of “soft power” over recent years, it becomes ever more important to understand how to exercise such power effectively. One of the key instruments of soft power is public diplomacy. In Europe, public diplomacy is viewed as the number one priority across a whole spectrum of issues; therefore, the European Union (EU) is regarded as a model of how to utilize soft power. Launched in 2004, the Erasmus Mundus programme is considered to be a part of the EU’s public diplomacy. Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education. The aim of the programme is to promote European higher education, and to improve and enhance the career prospects of students. The programme also aims to promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries, in order to contribute to the sustainable development of higher education in those countries, in accordance with EU external policy objectives. This study examines how the EU employs public diplomacy by means of the Erasmus Mundus Programme.

俄羅斯對外文化政策之研究 / A study of Russia's foreign cultural policy

蕭乃文 Unknown Date (has links)
對於一個國家而言,柔性權力的重要性和剛性權力同等重要。近年來,各國紛紛加強本國的柔性權力,以吸引外國公眾前來學習和認同本國的文化。美國學者奈伊,說明文化、政治價值觀和外交政策是國家所擁有的柔性權力的資源。因此,本文以柔性權力作為出發點,連接公眾外交與文化外交,進而探討俄羅斯從蘇聯時期到後蘇時期的對外文化政策之作為。 俄羅斯的對外文化政策從美蘇冷戰時期就已經開始,然而受限於意識型態的框架之下,兩國的文化交流深受到國家領導人外交政策風格的影響。普丁上任之後,俄羅斯開始積極向外拓展對外文化政策,其欲加強俄羅斯文化在世界上的影響力並且提高外國公眾對於俄羅斯文化價值的認同。俄羅斯於海外建立「俄羅斯世界基金會」和「俄羅斯合作」等文化推廣機構,以教授俄語和俄羅斯文化為主。希望讓外國公眾以不同的面向,瞭解俄羅斯。 本文的研究發現有下列幾點:第一、儘管俄羅斯近年來積極推廣俄羅斯文化在海外的發展,但是,俄羅斯的發展重心仍是以境外俄羅斯人為主。第二、俄羅斯國家內部的人權和官僚體系的議題和對外政策的實行方針,亦會影響俄羅斯柔性權力的發展。第三、俄羅斯的對外文化政策,與他國相比,仍然是以官方主導為主。因此,除了配合國家對外文化政策以外,俄羅斯應該要多增加非政府組織參與的比例和提昇國內相關文化產業的發展。 / For one country, soft power is as important as hard power. In these years, countries are enhancing its soft power to attract foreign public to learn to these countries’ culture and identify to their countries. American scholar, Joseph Nye , once indicated that culture, politic value and foreign policy are the resources of national soft power. Therefore, this paper discusses soft power, then connecting with public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy, and further probe into foreign cultural policy from Soviet Union era to Russian period . Russia’s foreign cultural policy started from the Cold War period, however , due to the ideology , the U.S-Soviet cultural exchange was deeply affected by the leaders of two countries. After the president Putin gained the power, Russia actively expanded its foreign cultural policy overseas, it wanted to strengthen the influence of Russian culture in the world and enhance the identity of Russian cultural values toward foreign public. The Russian government has established “Russkiy mir foundation ” and “Russotrudnichestvo” overseas to teach Russian language and Russian culture . By expanding the influence of Russian culture, foreign public is able to understand Russia from different aspects. The following are the research findings in my paper: First, the Russian government has actively developed Russian culture overseas in these years, but , the Russian government still focuses on compatriot . Second , the human rights and bureaucracy issue in Russia still deeply affect the development of soft power of Russia. Third, compared to other countries, Russian government plays an important role on foreign cultural policy. Therefore , besides its official policy, Russia should encourage on participation of NGOs and increase the development of the cultural industry.

普丁時期俄國柔性權力之研究−以創意產業為例 / A Study of Russia’s Soft Power in the Putin Era: The Case of Creative Industry

范乃文, Fan, Nai Wen Unknown Date (has links)
因應時代的改變,構成國家實力的資源也跟著改變。不同於自然資源、軍事力量、經濟或科技實力等有形的力量,文化資源以價值觀念為核心,是經濟發展的要素之一,也是柔性權力發展的重要基礎。創意產業,是目前全球新興的產業,透過創意產業對於外交上的幫助能強化國家的柔性力量,為國家塑造良好形象,並促進國家經濟利益。 本文以「創意產業作為俄國一項柔性權力」的角度為出發點,思考電影與文化觀光中所體現出的俄國價值與俄國文化,結合文化創意產業創新的概念,如何提升並發揮作用影響國家品牌形象。 透過國家品牌指數及相關國際指標可以得知,俄國成功藉由電影與文化觀光對外國公眾展現文化吸引力,傳達文化精神並提升國家品牌形象。因此,本文研究發現有以下幾點:第一,俄國創意產業作為一種柔性權力,以俄羅斯文化為因子散播並影響著世界。第二,文化吸引力為俄羅斯重要資產。俄羅斯的電影及文化觀光的文化吸引力使得外國公眾能受到吸引而心生嚮往,產生認同感;第三,國家扮演創意產業發展的關鍵推手。藉由俄國政府的主導,使得俄國創意產業能順利與國際接軌,發揮柔性力量;第四,柔性權力可建構出國家品牌形象,讓外國公眾對於俄國的印象不再只有軍事與核武等剛性力量,俄羅斯文化在國際上也具有不容小覷的影響力。 / In respond to the era of changes, the resources that constitute a nation's strength change accordingly. Unlike tangible forces such as natural resources, military power, economic or scientific technological strength, etc., cultural resources have sense of value as its core, and is one of the elements in economic development and also the important basis for the development of soft power. The creative industry is currently an emerging industry around the globe. Through the creative industry, the diplomatic assistance can help strengthen the country's soft power by adding a good image of the country and promoting national economic interests. This paper uses the perspective of "Creative industry as one of Russia’s soft power" as the starting point to reflect on how Russian values and culture expressed in film and cultural tourism, combined with the concepts of the innovation in cultural creative industry, can enhance and influence its national brand image. Through Nation Brands Index and the relevant international indexes we can have learned that Russia successfully exhibits its cultural attraction to the foreign public through cinema and culture, conveys its cultural spirit and enhances its national brand image. Therefore, this paper is meant to study and discover the following: First, Russia’s creative industry is used as a soft power to spread Russian culture as a factor and influence the world; Secondly, cultural attraction is an important asset for Russian. The cultural attraction of Russian films and culture tourism can attract the foreign public and create a sense of longing and a sense of identity; Thirdly, the country plays a key force behind the development of the creative industry. Being led by the Russian government, the Russian creative industry can thereby successfully connect with its international counterparts and bring soft power into play; Fourthly, the soft power can construct a nation’s brand image. It gives the foreign public an impression of Russia not only about hard power like military and nuclear weapon etc.; Russian culture also has influences, which are not to be underestimated internationally.

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