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日本世界遺產的公眾外交意涵之研究 / A study of public diplomatic implications of the world heritage in Japan蘇詩媛, Su, Shih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
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日本公眾外交政策之政經邏輯 / Eco-political Logics of Japan's Public Diplomacy黃嫚瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
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日本對東南亞國家公眾外交之比較:以日本對泰國與越南的文化交流為例 / Japan's Public Diplomacy to Southeast Asia: The Comparisons between Japanese-Thai and Japanese-Vietnamese Cultural Exchange梁瑩騏, Liang, Ying Chi Unknown Date (has links)
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制衡「中國威脅論」--中國國際形象行銷研究 / Marketing against the “China Threat”:A Study of China’s International Image Promotion高琳恩, Kao, Leanne Unknown Date (has links)
中國領導人自此大力宣傳其「和平崛起」,並在其傳統文化中尋找「軟實力」元素,做為推展多面向公眾外交的後盾。本文內容主要檢視中國擁有的軟實力資源,及其推動高層官員出訪、積極參與國際論壇、主辦北京奧運及上海博覽會等公眾外交作為,結論認為中國的國際形象改造計畫,在全球不同的區域獲致不同的成效。 / China reentered the international community in 1971 when it joined the United Nations, but it remained a closed country under Mao’s watch. Deng Xiaoping succeeded Mao in 1976 and he opened China’s door in 1979 to a global environment where existing rules, institutions, and values had been largely shaped by western countries. In two decades the latecomer has become the economic powerhouse in Asia and has had other states watching its rapid rise in the global community. Two rival views have since emerged as to China’s role in the international order and how to deal with its rising power.
The first deems China as a threat to be contained. The second projects China as an opportunity that can be employed through engagement. The “China threat” argument reached its height after the crackdown on student protest at the Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989. The aftermath of international isolation seriously alerted the Chinese government to the effect of severe damage to its reputation and image internationally. As the Chinese Communist Party’s power legitimacy increasingly relies on delivering economic success, the Chinese government became ever more eager to create a friendly international environment where its economic development may be furthered. The Chinese government has since launched a sweeping reform of its global image to smooth away the perception of China as a threat.
Chinese leaders have since touted its “peaceful rise” and turned to its traditional culture for soft power resources to better support its public diplomacy on all possible fronts. Examining China’s soft power resources and its efforts in staging high-level official visits, actively participating in international forums, and hosting the Beijing Olympics and the Shanghai World Exposition, this thesis finds that China’s global image promotion has reaped various degree of success in different regions.
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媒體在公衆外交的貢獻 及國家新聞網對現代國際關係的影響 – 以CNN和Russia Today為例 / The role of media in public diplomacy and the impact of national news networks on contemporary international relations – the case of CNN and Russia today徐郁苓, Inga Krupinova Unknown Date (has links)
如今,全球化進程和大規模跨界過程對全球轉變具有很大的影響,在這個情況下信息和通信技術對國外社會的影響發揮關鍵的作用。目前國際關係專家指出兩種這樣的影響。第一個影響官方結構,即外交官和政治家,第二個影響公共組織,商業結構和不同國家的人口。最後一個是稱之為 “公眾外交”,這有助於使用媒體機制公開對特定國家活動的國外意見。與印刷媒體平行,可以強調,現在的電視媒體對國外意見和國際進程的動態有很大的影響。為了提高電視媒體的獨特特徵,媒體分析家提出了“電視外交”的概念來解釋國家領導人和外交官決定把全球電視廣播當成政治平台。
目前大眾媒體討論的主要議題是國際恐怖主義、國內及國際戰爭、非法毒品和人口販運、新疾病的出現和擴散、氣候變化和其他問題。不同的國家使用自己的方法來研究這些問題,並導致一般公眾對當今發生的事情看法有所不同。這表示每個國家傳導訊息的方法有所不同,這些方法與各國家的外交政策直接相關。因此,本論文專注於國家新聞網對當代國際關係的影響,特別側重於CNN和RT及其對美國和俄羅斯聯邦發展外交政策戰略的影響。 / Nowadays there are transformations affected by the globalization processes and large-scale cross-border activities, where information and communication technologies have started to play a crucial role in terms of influencing foreign societies. Up to date international relations specialists emphasize two levels of such impact. The first one influences on the official structures, namely diplomats and politicians, while the second one has an impact on public organizations, business structures and population of different countries. The last one we are used to calling "Public Diplomacy", which help to form foreign opinions about the activities of a particular country, using media mechanisms. Drawing a parallel with printed media, one can stress that nowadays television media has a great impact on foreign opinion and the dynamics of international processes. In order to outline TV-media distinctive features, media analysts presented the concept "telediplomacy", where state leaders and diplomats have started to use the global television broadcast as a platform for the proclamation of their political decisions.
The main topics mass media discusses today are all about the international terrorism, local and international wars, illegal drug and human trafficking, emergence and spread of new diseases, climate change and other issues. Different countries use their own approaches to examine these problems, which lead to completely different interpretation of general public on what is happening nowadays. It means that in each country there are different methods of supplying information materials, which are directly related to the foreign policy of any country. Therefore, this study is focused on the impact of national information networks on contemporary international relations, and particularly focused on CNN and Russia Today and their influence on the development of foreign policy strategies in the United States and the Russian Federation.
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冷戰結束後日本對東南亞國家之公眾外交 / Japan's Public Diplomacy to South East Asia in the Post Cold-war Era王涵儀, Wang, Han Yi Unknown Date (has links)
東南亞地區作為當今國際關係的熱點,在國際政治與經濟場域上的重要性不可同日而語,日本戰後的賠償援助以及1970年代開始的文化交流,作為對東南亞國家的公眾外交實踐,在冷戰結束後以高層互訪、官方發展援助、留學生與青年交流、文化交流、觀光互訪等方式持續進行,成效斐然,民調資料皆顯示了日本在東南亞地區以公眾外交的成功,有效地改變人心、扭轉形象。但日本的公眾外交也非並皆能奏效,在面臨中國大陸時仍受制於歷史因素而受挫。由此可見,公眾外交政策必須因地制宜,配合不同的國家,有不同的公眾外交政策。 / After World War II, Japan was facing the difficulty of returning to international society owing to her image as a militarism and defeated country. In order to re-enter the international community, Japan launched her public diplomacy policy. Japan’s public diplomacy strategy changes in different periods following her shifting national interests and changing international environment. After the end of the Cold War, while Japan’s surrounding countries prospered and it became apparent that most international disputes cannot be resolved by traditional diplomacy alone, consequently, public diplomacy became a critical diplomatic tool for the Japanese government.
Nowadays, Southeast Asia is a hotspot in international relations. This area plays an important role in the international political and economic field. Japanese public diplomacy aimed at this region varies from war reparations aid to cultural exchange in the past several decades. The practice of Japanese public diplomacy to southeast Asia after Cold War includes high-level visits, official development aids, foreign students and youth exchanges, cultural exchanges and tourism. The result of Japanese public diplomacy was a huge success as illustrated by the latest opinion poll. However, Japanese public diplomacy implemented in some states has not been as efficient as it performs in Southeast Asia; for example, in Mainland China, where the positive effect of Japanese public diplomacy is curbed due to the country’s historical burden. Therefore, public diplomacy requires careful consideration of multiple conditions and perspectives of a country.
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「國家」行銷—公眾外交的新思維 / the marketing of "nation": the new thinking of public diplomacy曾秉芳, Tseng, Ping-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要的研究成果有四:第一,是從文獻的討論中,指出「國際宣傳」與「公眾外交」的差異。第二,是蒐集1965年至2005年間,學界討論公眾外交的變化。第三,是建構一套「國家」行銷分析架構,試圖描述、解釋並研究一國公眾外交政策的發展。第四,是以中國的公眾外交為例,補足目前學術界在亞洲個案上的空缺。 / This thesis paper drew four conclusions: (1) illustrated the difference between “international propaganda” and “public diplomacy” (2) collected and cataloged different definitions of “public diplomacy” (3) established the analytical model-the marketing of “nation”, trying to describe, explain or predict the whole scenery of “public diplomacy” (4) taking the public diplomacy of People’s Republic of China(PRC) for example, examined the effectiveness of the marketing of “nation”.
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以色列對美國公眾外交政策:納坦雅胡政府時期案例研究(2009-2013) / The Israeli Public Diplomacy Policy toward the United States of America: A Case Study of the Netanyahu Period (2009-2013)張維軒, Chang, Wei Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文從以色列對美國公眾外交的歷史實踐中證明,美國對以色列友好的原因除了硬實力外,公眾外交等軟實力因素也有重要影響力。其次,本文認為影響以色列對美國之外交策略的內外要素主要包含衝突、宗教、民主和政府態度等要素。最後,本文介紹納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)政府時期,以色列對美國的兩大公共外交利基:「新媒體」和「族裔外交」,分別以「點對點外交」及「美國以色列公眾事務委員會」(the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC)的機會與阻礙作為主軸。 / Public Diplomacy’s value is gradually increasing around the world. This thesis focuses on Israel and its Public Diplomacy policy toward its ally, the United States of America, in order to observe the soft power diplomatic relationship between the two.
This thesis proves that besides Hard Power, Soft Power is also a crucial factor that improves the relations between Israel and the U.S. Also, this thesis states that “conflicts,” “religion,” “democracy,” and “the attitude of domestic leaderships” are the main factors that influence Israel’s diplomatic strategy toward the U.S. Finally, by describing “the Peer-to Peer Diplomacy,” and “the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),” this thesis introduces the two main “Niches” in Israel’s Public Diplomacy Policy towards the U.S.: “New Media,” and “Diaspora Diplomacy.”
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中國大陸與台灣公眾外交的比較研究 / A Comparative Study of Public Diplomacy in Mainland China and Taiwan盧秀蓮, Lu, Hsiu-lien Unknown Date (has links)
八、國民素質、文化活動、消費產品及對國際社會之貢獻係塑造國家形象之關鍵:公眾外交重要的目標就是形塑良好的國家形象。從研究分析形塑國家形象經驗中,了解塑造國家形象關鍵在於注重國民素質之培養、善用文化活動、提高消費產品信譽,以及對國外民眾做出實質貢獻,建立休戚與共與互惠關係。 / The research is aimed at studying ideology, institution, cultural exchanges, international communication of public diplomacy in Mainland China and Taiwan. After analyzing the relevant policies, official literature, news releases, and publications, I come up with the following research findings:
First, internet technology is an efficient instrument of public diplomacy to cope with boundless environment. In the face of ever-changing global and democratic environment equipped with information technology, a government should make the most of internet technology to deal with real-time challenges transcending national borders.
Second, a government may sponsor non-governmental organizations to implement public diplomacy. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) attach great importance on their independence, non-profit programs and expertise. Moreover, by means of various and lively activities, NGOs establish close relations with the public, and thus are more trusted by the public than governments. In this context, a government may sponsor NGOs to launch public diplomacy and will bring about lasting effects.
Third, a message to be delivered should meet the needs of the target audience. A message should be clear to the receiver and framed from the receiver’s point of view. Besides, to attract the target audience’s attention, the message should be delivered in a novice manner. Most importantly, the message will be perceived by both the sender and the receiver in the same way.
Fourth, public diplomacy targets research organizations and the media to construct public opinion. As the majority of the public pay attention to the suggestions and advice from research organizations and the media, research organizations and the media can exert deep influences on the social elite and the public. As a result, a government always teams up with such research organizations as think tanks, foundations and universities to advocate certain issues or policies. Meanwhile, favorable public opinion will be built through the assistance of the media to develop foreign relations.
Fifth, an inter-agency coordinating mechanism should be designed. Related with various aspects like information, culture and education, public diplomacy depends on relevant agencies to work hand in hand. However, given that different agencies surely have conflicting opinions, it is necessary to design an inter-agency coordinating mechanism.
Sixth, timely leading public opinion is a key to dealing with unexpected events. As unclear or confusing information is rampant in an unexpected event, people at home and abroad are likely to make their own interpretation. A government should release accurate information as soon as possible to dominate the whole situation.
Seventh, sports diplomacy is the most well received activity of public diplomacy. Dubbed the world’s common language, sports can bring all kinds of peoples together regardless of race, background, religion, and economic status and learn from each other.
Eighth, national overall quality, cultural activities, consumer products, and contributions to the international community play a vital role in building a national image. Successfully building a national image lies in improving the national overall quality, making the most of cultural activities, enhancing the credibility of consumer products, and establishing mutually beneficial relations with the people abroad.
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臺灣公眾外交的策略與實踐:以臺灣獎學金計畫為例 / The strategy and practice of Taiwan's Public diplomacy: A case study of the Taiwan scholarship program周容卉 Unknown Date (has links)
總結而言,本研究首先經由詳盡地文獻回顧,以釐清公眾外交的發展脈絡及不同發展階段的概念核心。其次,本文嘗試賦予公眾外交更多在國際關係和外交政策中具體的理論基礎,並將軟實力、系統理論、結構主義的概念帶入公眾外交領域之中。再者,本文也從臺灣眾多的公眾外交作為中,歸納出其背後所欲追求的政策目標,而後聚焦於說明「臺灣獎學金計畫」,並致力於探討及評析國際間具知名度的政府獎學金計畫,從中歸納出成功推行政府獎學金計畫的關鍵因素,進而與我國獎學金計畫進行比較。最後,本文藉由問卷調查的實證結果來說明我國以政府獎學金推動公眾外交的成效,並提供臺灣日後發展公眾外交的建議。 / International relations in 21st Century has shown the features of highly complexity of global affairs and frequently interaction among cross-borders people; therefore, traditional diplomacy has changed into modern face accordingly. Nowadays, the governments tend to emphasize the dialogues and linkages of relationship between different cultures in foreign policy. The purpose of public diplomacy is to influence opinion in target countries to make it easier for the government to achieve its aims. For this reasons, public diplomacy has become an essential element of many countries foreign policy and a popular research area in the IR studies. Taiwanese Government has implemented public diplomacy in various approaches in order to improve the Taiwan images on the world stages. Among all the approaches of public diplomacy, international educational exchanges can not only let international students experience Taiwan in person, but also facilitate inter-cultural communication and build the long-lasting relationships between Taiwan. Based on the above-mentioned reasons, this article takes the Taiwan Scholarship Program as a study case in order to analyze of the role of the program in Taiwan’s public diplomacy. This study empirically investigates the outcomes of the Taiwan Scholarship Program by conducting the questionnaire for the Taiwan Scholarship grantees, who are studying in Taiwan during 2011-2012.
To sum up, this article manages to extensively retrospect the development of public diplomacy in the international relations and capture the core elements of public diplomacy under different ages. Besides, in order to provide theoretical bases for public diplomacy, the article tries to put soft power, systemic theory, and structuralism into discussions. Furthermore, the study dedicates to illustrate its policy goals from the practices of Taiwan’s public diplomacy and compare the Taiwan Scholarship Program with other prestigious government scholarship in world as well. Finally, the study indicates that the Taiwan Scholarship Program plays an important role in Taiwan’s public diplomacy, particularly because face-to face contact between grantees and Taiwanese people helps diminish the stereotypes and increase the mutual understanding.
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