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老記者,新媒體: 資深記者轉換新舊媒體的歷程研究 / Senior journalist,new media : the study of senior journalists' career transition between online and newspaper詹璇依 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣非營利組織如何適當使用臉書管道 / Analysis of the Communication Characteristics of Nonprofit Organizations’ Facebook Pages in Taiwan維克多, Victor Stevenson Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討台灣的非營利組織(Non-profit Organization, NPO)使用Facebook的情形。根據台灣外交部所建檔的非營利組織名冊,找出其中99個非營利組織的Facebook頁面並加以分析其內容,利用這樣的第一手資料,來了解台灣的NPO如何組織和規劃其Facebook平台,來作為一個傳播媒介。
本論文以1998年Kent與Taylor所提出的五大對話原則理論來分析非營利組織使用社群網站的情形,有三點發現:第一,本論文發現,有些非營利組織網站的分類太過細微,有些又太不具代表性;第二,非營利組織在Facebook上的影響力並不大;第三,本論文發現通常組織本身很少在Facebook上與使用者互動,也就是說,它們鮮少回應或是評論其他使用者的貼文和意見,組織成員並不會直接在Facebook上展開對話和溝通。本論文認為NPO使用Facebook並沒有形成一個共通的模式或規模,而是非常隨機的,沒有一個變數能夠真正具有指標意義地用來評價一個NPO粉絲頁面的品質,這大致上可以勾勒出台灣的NPO使用Facebook的情形。 / This thesis examines the use of Facebook pages by nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in Taiwan.
The sample for this study was constructed using the official list of Taiwanese NPOs found on the Internet site Taiwan NGO (www.taiwanngo.tw), held by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (TAIWAN). A total of 99 NPOs’ Facebook pages were content analyzed, therefore this thesis used primary data.
The theory used to analyze the use of the social networking site by the NPOs was the Five Dialogical Principles of the Internet proposed by Kent and Taylor (1998). Firstly, it was found that some categories of NPOs are over-represented while others are under-represented. Secondly, it was found that very little influences the way NPOs communicate on their Facebook pages. Finally, it was discovered that associations seldom interact with their users, they don not respond or comment on users’ posts or comments; associations typically do not talk directly to their fans.
A global image of the use of Facebook pages by NPOs in Taiwan is given. Finally, it was found that NPOs used Facebook pages very randomly. None of the variables seem to dictate the quality of the page.
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社會媒體與太陽花學運 / Social Media and the Sunflower Student Movement凱琳娜, Böhm, Katharina Unknown Date (has links)
之春、西班牙的Indignants 抗議運動,以及在北美的佔領華爾街運動,
與成功的重要因素。除了台灣年輕人常用的Facebook、Line 等社交
究包含來自Facebook 與PTT 還有「新媒體」的資料,此外,此論文
體的狀況。 / Social media plays a crucial role in recent social movements. The Arab
Spring, the Indignants protest in Spain and the Occupy Wall Street
movement in North America highlighted the special role of digital social
media networks and its contribution to the facilitation of protest
movements. This master thesis examines the role of the social media in the
“Sunflower Student Movement” in Taiwan. It argues that social media and
the “new media” have been a crucial factor to the prolongation and success
of this movement. Besides the high penetration rate of social media, such
as Facebook and LINE, among young Taiwanese, another important factor
for protestors to use social media was the mistrust in the traditional
Taiwanese media. Through the “new media” ordinary citizens could
become a part of the protest and exert the same influence as the mainstream
media. The “new media” may pave the way for a more transparent
democracy in Taiwan and raise more political awareness among the young
citizens. The research of this thesis includes information collected from
Facebook and PTT as well as the “new media”. Additionally, interviews
among participants of the Sunflower Student Movement were conducted
to assess their use of social media during the movement.
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災難事件下新媒體資訊傳播方式分析與自動化分類設計 ─ 以八八風災為例 / Information Transmission Analysis and Automated Classification Design for New Media in a Disaster Event – Case Study of Typhoon Morakot施旭峰, Shih, Shiuh Feng Unknown Date (has links)
根據分析結果我們發現災難發生後,網路上的資訊隨著時序存在著階段性的期程,能夠由各個頻道瞭解災難的進程。透過詞彙共現網絡,瞭解救難專家書寫相較於俗民書寫使用的詞彙少重複且異質性較高。使用OAO-SVM訓練分類器結果,救難專家書寫的頻道分類績效優於俗民書寫。分類器交叉比較後,對於同性質頻道的內容具有較好的分類績效。透過合併相同屬性資料集訓練,我們發現當訓練資料的品質夠好時,分類器能夠有不錯的分類績效。品質不夠時,可以經由增加訓練資料的數量來提升分類的績效。本研究的歸納,以及所發展出來的分類方式與資訊探索技術,未來可以用於開發更有效率且精確的社群感知器。 / When disaster events occur, information diffusion and transmission need to be in real-time in order to exploit the information in disaster prevention and recovery. With the establishment of network infrastructure, mass media also joins the role of information providers of disaster events on the internet. However retrieved information through search engines often cannot reflect the status of a progressing disaster. Traditional channels such as disaster reaction centers also have difficulty handling the inpour of disaster information, and which is usually beyond the ability of human processing. Thus there is a need to develop new tools to quickly automate classification of information from new media, to provide reliable information to disaster reaction centers, and assist policy decision-making.
In this study, we use the data during typhoon Morakot collected from five different channels. After word processing and content classification by experts, we observe the difference between these datasets by the frequency distribution, classification structures and word co-occurrence network. We use the vector space model to train the OAO-SVM classification model without considering speech and grammar, and evaluate the performance of automated classification.
From the results, we found that the chronology of internet data can identify a number of stages throughout the progression of disasters, allowing us to oversee the development of the disaster through each channel. Through word relation in word co-occurrence network, experts use fewer repeating words and high heterogeneity than amateur writing channels. The training results of classifier from the OAO-SVM model indicate that channels maintained by experts perform better than amateur writing. The cross compare classifier has better performance for channels with the same properties. When we merge the same property channel dataset to train classifier, we found that when the training data quality is good enough, the classifier can have a good performance. If the data quality is not enough, you can increase amount of training data to improve classification performance. As a contribution of this research, we believe the techniques developed and results of the analysis can be used to design more efficient and accurate social sensors in the future.
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以色列對美國公眾外交政策:納坦雅胡政府時期案例研究(2009-2013) / The Israeli Public Diplomacy Policy toward the United States of America: A Case Study of the Netanyahu Period (2009-2013)張維軒, Chang, Wei Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文從以色列對美國公眾外交的歷史實踐中證明,美國對以色列友好的原因除了硬實力外,公眾外交等軟實力因素也有重要影響力。其次,本文認為影響以色列對美國之外交策略的內外要素主要包含衝突、宗教、民主和政府態度等要素。最後,本文介紹納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)政府時期,以色列對美國的兩大公共外交利基:「新媒體」和「族裔外交」,分別以「點對點外交」及「美國以色列公眾事務委員會」(the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC)的機會與阻礙作為主軸。 / Public Diplomacy’s value is gradually increasing around the world. This thesis focuses on Israel and its Public Diplomacy policy toward its ally, the United States of America, in order to observe the soft power diplomatic relationship between the two.
This thesis proves that besides Hard Power, Soft Power is also a crucial factor that improves the relations between Israel and the U.S. Also, this thesis states that “conflicts,” “religion,” “democracy,” and “the attitude of domestic leaderships” are the main factors that influence Israel’s diplomatic strategy toward the U.S. Finally, by describing “the Peer-to Peer Diplomacy,” and “the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),” this thesis introduces the two main “Niches” in Israel’s Public Diplomacy Policy towards the U.S.: “New Media,” and “Diaspora Diplomacy.”
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電視媒體轉型新媒體的創新抉擇 / The innovated determination for TV-Media’s transformation to New Media李汝宣, Li, Corona Unknown Date (has links)
『世界是平的』作者,佛克林David Verklin提到,我們生活在一個競爭無止境的世界,代表創新抉擇亦將無止境。電視媒體過去從無線到有線以致數位,一直以持續性創新前進新戰場。如今,競爭對手不只是電視同業,資訊科技異業的攪局與破壞創新,定義出數位時代傳播服務的「新媒體」,將撼動電視媒體霸主地位。潮流所趨,電視媒體「轉型」已勢在必行,如何再次創新以加速就位,是一場嚴峻的挑戰。面對內部組織能力與外部新興科技的專業,都有創新的兩難。本文透過個案研究方式,應用古典與現代學派學者不同的創新論述,分析電視媒體轉型新媒體必備的創新元素與能力,彙整出創新抉擇的思考依循,提醒電視媒體企業經營者應有的創新習慣及演練,避免消失。
研究發現,電視媒體與資訊科技「新媒體」產業因”閱聽眾”與”用戶”概念,創新思維差異很大,以致採取不同價值主張。電視媒體認為資訊科技為輔助角色,直接平移新聞與節目即可。而由資訊科技業或電信網通業者所打造的「新媒體」,則定位在提供用戶最大「量」與「速度」的多媒體匯流服務,並轉載與其他平台一樣的資訊內容即可。事實上,兩者都已在同一個數位競技場,如果內容同質性過高,實難建立”閱聽眾”與”用戶”的忠誠度,更甭說獲利與否。結果顯示,新媒體服務必須滿足“閱聽眾”與“用戶”的概念,才能實踐創新,而創新的抉擇,必須回歸自身資源優勢與資訊科技業互補,共生共榮,才是「新媒體」正軌發展之道。 / TV-Media has been developed for more than 80 years with many transition。Not only technology、carrier but also regulation pushed TV Media heading to a new service。Apply those turnings to the theory of innovation,showed how TV media deal with unexpected future and their innovation phase。In this comprehensive with all kinds of possibility internet world,the new tech of media convergence emerged the「New Media」service,TV towards IT service,IT towards TV content service, which changed viewer’s behavior of seeing and hearing behavior, they became a user,that makes both side wants to be a Player。
As the book of 「The world is flat」writer “Thomas Friedman” says:”We are living in a never-ending competition world which means that takes innovation action is a way to survive”. Via Wireless、Satellite,then deliver the seeing & hearing content through cable to users,TV-media’s competitors are beyond the same trade,and more competitors will be the IT(information technology) business for it can converge all kinds of content and deliver it to TV/PC/Mobile,which defines itself as a「New Media」service。Transforming the way to see and hear with IT heavily involved,TV Media viewer has become a faithful user to the 「New Media」。Does it mean that 「New Media」might shake up TV-Media’s long lasting standing ?
To a traditional TV-Media , tackling this innovation step is kind of a dilemma,for it’s current organization that seems not allow them to do so , and without IT-experts support hardly can make any step on what New Media needs。This research has applied Mr. Clayton Christensen’s point of innovation (Harvard Business Professor) to elaborate what were TV-Media’s innovation elements?how to empower those elements ? and some reminder has been figured out to help TV-Media to make the right innovation determination to avoid to be eliminated in media market 。
Accomplished this research , we discover that innovation orientation of TV-Media and IT-Based Media (New Media) are quite different.TV-Media took IT as a supplementary,thus,moving TV program as a New Media content. The IT-Base Media buy the same content to serve user as competitors do,focusing on quantity and speed。Actually both TV and IT , they are toward each other’s territory and battle in the same arena shows that content will be a critical issue。No matter viewer or user,they will not take the same service with repeat content。
Changing to a New Media era ,user behavior will different from sitting in sofa’s watching TV viewers , the content should be distinguished from long duration content。As a PC or mobile phone user , they dominate what content to watch。If the content attract thems or make it as a necessary information for themelves,they must to satisfy user with an innovation determination to consolidate both TV and IT Media’s advantage is necessary to take。 Because innovation will be the only way to breakthrough barrier,and a right way to turn TV-Media itself as a 「New Media」to a sustainable development。
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公民新聞的在地實踐-公視PeoPo新聞平台公眾參與及多元報導研究 / The Citizen journalism in Taiwan-The research of public participation and diversity reports in PeoPo , PTS王晴玲, Wang, Ching Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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電影產業智慧財產權管理研究-從製片觀點分析詹婷怡 Unknown Date (has links)
尤其是,創意產業由於具有無體性特質及外溢效果,在流通與應用本即具有多元化面向與特質,不能以傳統意義上的單一產業視之,而是藉由跨越多個產業多樣平台的價值實現過程,將相關產業連結在一起,包括動畫電影、影視與數位內容、數位影音、數位典藏、行動應用、表演藝術、流行音樂、品牌授權、甚至文化創意園區發展、閒置空間再造、文化觀光、城市及國家行銷等,將是跨越領域與界線的融合。 / In the transition from a Knowledge-Based Economy to a Creative Economy, we see the advent of a new industry mode. What dominates present-day economic development is Creativity, which is able to be regenerated, applied and developed in a sustainable fashion.
In the age of the creative economy, the creative industries are centered on intellectual property rights, and are a union of culture, art and commerce. In order for them to become real industries, generate profit and create output value, we need to further explore the establishment of an industry value chain, and create, protect, circulate and apply related intellectual property.
The film industry is the driving force of all creative industries. Film is an extremely complicated synthesis. The process of making a film involves the most sophisticated creativity management expertise, while the process of protecting, circulating and utilizing a film requires the most complex intellectual property right management skills. Through the contract negotiation process within the film industry’s value chain, the value of intellectual property rights as economic goods are maximized. With multiple channels and repeated use of application platforms, film-making is a complex multidisciplinary integration process.
In recent years, Taiwan has begun to pay more attention to the study of the theory and practice of intellectual property. However, this study has so far been limited to applications of the high-tech industries. With regards to the creative industries, whose forms, contents and operating modes are rather different from those of the high-tech industries, little study has been conducted due to their different industry characteristics.
To investigate the film industry from the angle of creating, protecting, circulating and applying intellectual property rights, one needs to first understand the history, current status and trends of the film industry as well as analyze the industry’s characteristics and value chain before investigating issues concerning management of the industry’s intellectual property rights and revitalization of the industry.
Modern-day business concepts and management mechanisms are equally important to the film industry. The producer is charged with this creative management task. The producer is like the entrepreneur of a newly established business, who endeavors to turn all the elements a successful film contains into a business plan, raise sufficient funds and coordinate efforts to complete the film and release it.
From economic and market perspectives, this study examines the film industry’s historical background, trends, value chain and characteristics. In addition, from the producer’s viewpoint, the study analyzes the industry’s management of intellectual property rights and contracts, and introduces business and management concepts into creative industries in order to form a concrete industry development model. At the end of the study, it puts forward its research findings and suggestions for future research.
With the film industry, a relatively complicated industry within the creative industries, as the subject, the study hopes to promote integration of commercial and artistic aspects, as well as aspiring to set an example for other creative industries.
As a result of their intangible nature and spillover effects, the circulation and application of creative industries possess diverse facets and qualities and therefore cannot be viewed as a single industry from a traditional perspective. Rather, through a value realization process spanning several industries and a variety of platforms, relevant industries that include animated features, visual and digital content, digital videos, digital archives, mobile applications, performing arts, popular music, and brand authorization are linked. Creative industries even include development of cultural parks, rejuvenation of disused spaces, cultural tourism, and city and national marketing. They are a fusion of different fields and boundaries.
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