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以用戶為主之群播服務可行性分析與市場發展策略張立銘 Unknown Date (has links)
群播技術乃是一種應用在Internet上的資料傳遞技術,其特點是可允許一個來源同時對多個接收端傳遞相同的資料,群播應用散見於如多方會議、財經資訊的推播、IPTV中的廣播電視與分散式互動模擬等。僅管群播應用發展迅速, 但大多數的商用服務架構仍以電信運營商或內容提供商為群播來源,而終端用戶為接收端。本論文嘗試探討以終端用戶端為群播來源,並以此模式從資訊消費的價值鏈中探討其市場的接收度、服務部署的可行性與獲利模式,同時亦將針對目前已提供類似服務模式的業者個案作一比較,希望藉此進一步瞭解隱含其中的創新商業模式與機會。 / In current Internet communication architecture, most of the applications are built upon the unicast model which means there’s a dedicate communication channel between an information source (server) and a receiver (client). One of the challenges of scaling applications based on a unicast model is that both processing overhead at source and bandwidth consumption in the network are proportional to the number of receivers that interested in the information. The advent of IP multicast is thus providing an alternative approach to address the technical issues and scale up the deployment of applications, for example, multiple-party conferencing, info-casting, IP television, grid computing, and so on.
In most of the commercial IP networks that offer IP multicasting services today are in a centralized architecture, that is, multicasting sources are provisioned by service provider or content providers, end-users (or subscribers) are receivers that passively consume the information. However, as digital contents sharing is getting popular and the business is getting market traction, there’s a potential opportunity for deploying multicasting services where end-users are acting as multicast sources and share the contents with other end-users (receivers). This paper will propose a business model, or an end-user-based multicasting service, where end-user is encouraged to be a multicasting source and sharing the information with the members within a community of interest. An end-user-based multicasting service, where the end-user is acting as multicast information source, is not yet popular in the commercial networks. However, given that digital content sharing portal on Internet, including YouTube, MySpace and Joost, are gaining market momentum in terms of traffic volume, content diversity and eye-ball duration, end-users are no longer passively receiving the information in an on-demand manner, multicast technologies allow end-user to push contents at the advantages of real-time and network bandwidth saving. Such advantages become the incentives for end-users, and even service and content providers, to embrace multicast technology as an alternative to unicast approach. Based on the observations described above, an end-user-based multicasting service would no longer exist in experimental network, but become the mainstream communication mechanism, as well as unicast, and being a source of profitability. Regarding to this model, five issues from different aspects are presented by asking the following:
1. What are the opportunities for end-user?
2. What are the opportunities for service provider?
3. What are the opportunities for content provider?
4. How to achieve a pricing scheme with fairness and incentive.
5. The strategies of market development and service deployment.
This paper will first review the industry background and related multicast technologies include:
1. IGMPv2/v3
Furthermore, a typical architecture of multicasting network is given for a better illustration to the service deployment, and, for interests of network and service planning.
The value-chain associated to this business model includes three major members, or stakeholders:
1. End-users: the information receivers that consuming the information, and also the sources, that co-developing or re-producing the contents.
2. Service provider: the infrastructure provider where multicasting services are based on. It can be incumbent or competitive Internet service providers. A multicasting infrastructure does not only pertain to the functions from a networking perspective, but also from a service perspective, for example, offering a security infrastructure that facilitates the membership management and a admission control mechanism to manage the overall quality of service.
3. Content provider: the major contributor, other than end-user, to multicasting contents. One of the differentiations, as described in this paper, from end-user is that content provider owns a more systematic content creation process, a more strict enforcement of content protection, and a billing system to effectively track the real usages of contents.
As analyzed in this paper, each member on this value-chain has both direct and indirect influences to the success to this model whereby business opportunities are also embedded.
The innovation of the model proposed in this paper is primarily from the differentiation to current business model. There are five sources of innovation that our model is mapped and elaborated include:
1. Knowledge structure
2. Industry structure
3. Capabilities to lead the design
4. Market requirements
5. Industry cycle
To maintain the market momentum, as described in this paper, it’s crucial that all members in the value-chain to share and jointly define the values, rather than the traditional way where values are solely defined by the enterprise or supplier. The essence of value joint-development can be described by the following characteristics:
1. Communication
2. Experience accessibility
3. Risk assessment
4. Transparency
The above nine dimensions are used in the analysis of case study and the findings to the first three issues presented.
To facilitate the exploration of a feasible pricing scheme, this paper will review related researches on pricing by categorizing the following as the cost drivers to a multicasting service:
1. Information stream characteristics, for example, data-rate in bits per second.
2. The placement of multicast source and receivers in a network.
3. The scale of multicasting service, single-domain, i.e. confining to single network service provider, or cross-domain.
Based on the cost drivers, relevant researches spent on approximating the cost of a multicasting network and services include:
1. Single fixed center-rooted tree.
2. Multiple fixed center-rooted tree
3. Multiple dynamic center-rooted tree
There are researches taken more factors into the consideration when approximating the cost, include network complexity, delivery delay and quality of service. This can be another interest of researches for business development. Based on the approximation outcomes, two pricing schemes that widely considered: flat-rate and usage-based. Both schemes are employed in the case study presented. The goal of developing a feasible pricing scheme, as indicated in this paper, should provide incentives to every member in the value-chain to achieve an efficient and reasonable usage of network resource in an accountable way.
The last issue is exploring the market acceptance, elaborating the deployment strategies and opportunities of profitability based on this model. Three cases will be presented: Verizon Business, Bloomberg and Internet2/Abilene, which provide multicasting services at different market sectors: residential market, financial enterprise market and academic sector. The cases are compared by the service models, deployment strategies and business development, which is further illustrated and compared by information and cash flows.
Finally, findings are consolidated from the case studies and conclusions are drawn from these findings. Suggestions are made and further research interests are also highlighted.
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我國電信網路互連政策之研究陳淑琴, Chen, Su-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
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從智慧型手機看行動通訊「營運模式」轉變陳益誠 Unknown Date (has links)
從無線語音通訊(Voice)的日漸普及,以及日益下降的語音ARPU(Average Revenue Per User)的趨勢看來,所有的行動電信營運商(Telecom Operator)都開始在鑽研如何去推動數據的收入(Data Revenue),以及所謂的加值型服務的利潤,借以廣增收入及營運利潤的提昇。所以如何建立一個正確的『營利模式』成為全世界所有行動電信營運商最關切的焦點之一。 台灣在行動電信數據服務以及加值型服務方面,其實發展得很早,曾經有過兩次相當大而且相當慘痛的失敗經驗。一次是在2000年和信電訊股份有限公司曾經有過引進日本NTT DoCoMo i-mode的慘痛失敗經驗;另外一件是在2003年亞太行動寬頻電信股份有限公司也曾經歷過引進韓國SK Telecom的SKVM數據服務平台技術移轉的失敗經驗。這兩起的案例由於個人都剛好身歷其境,所以印象特別深刻,檢討起來失敗的原因固然很多,但是其中如何去正確建立一個適合台灣的主客觀環境的『營運模式』卻是一個相當值得探討的問題。
手機一直是行動電話產業裡最熱門的話題,從以前的所謂的『大哥大』(AMPS類比式)手機時代,走入今天的第三代行動通訊所謂的3G『智慧型手機』的時代。手機應該算得上是繼PC電腦以來,發展最快,對人類的生活文明最具影響力的產品之一。PC是坐著那邊使用的工具,而手機卻是人們天天帶在身邊,帶著到處跑的『不可或缺的一部分』。有的人每天也許可以沒有去用電腦,但是很多人每天如果沒有手機在身邊的話,那會是一件非常嚴重的事情。手機發展的很快,也愈做愈像一台能夠隨身帶著走的『智囊包』了。不但包辦所有個人週邊的服務,尤其是所謂的『多媒體影音及下載』功能(有人稱之為:「多媒體手機」),『網際網路』上網及網路週邊的服務功能,甚至所謂的『人對機』、『機對人』、以及『機對機』等未來無比的想像空間的一些功能及發展。所有設計出來的『營運模式』都要先透過手機去呈現在消費者面前,電信營運商也要先去做許多的驗證實驗(Initial Service Launch)以後,再去正式的推到市面上去。然後再從消費者的滿意度指標(KPI)裡去確認這些被建立的『營運模式』是正確的。
本論文就是站在是一個行動電信營運商(Telecom Operator)的立場,從『智慧型手機』的發展角度來探討未來應該如何去正確建立一個『營運模式』來。主要論述點是從國外一些成功的行動電信營運商們的『營運模式』做切入點,再探討一些台灣的第三代行動通訊上所謂的『加值型服務』(Data Service數據服務)一直發展不起來的原因;另外再從『智慧型手機』以及『手機上網』的角度去探索出一些建議,以做為正確建立一個『營運模式』(Business Model)的基礎。本研究著眼於在行動電話傳統以來就以「語音(Voice)」為主要獲利的「營運模式」,在經過「第三代行動通訊」從「建置期」到「營運期」動態競爭市場愈演愈烈的情勢下,行動電話營運商從一個完全「主導的角色」逐漸轉變成一個「中介者的角色」,其「營運模式」的選擇固然會因為各家電信營運商的「財力、物力」;及「可動用的資源」有所差異,但是在「策略」及「營運模式」的釐訂上也有相當大的學問,有時候看人家(國外)的成功,及複製人家的「成功關鍵因素」並不見得就會「一定成功」的。重要的是要能在「不同的競爭環境」下,以及「艱困險惡的競爭態勢裡」,要能「看得到別人沒看到的市場」商機,要能「把握到每一個轉折的時間點」,然後將「有效的資源集中的投下去」,勝利成功是必然的。
1. 第三代行動通訊數據服務及加值型應用服務之營運模式(Business Model)與傳統的電信服務以voice語音為主的營運模式有顯然的不同點,無法以現有的營運模式來經營數據服務及加值行應用服務。但是採行「老二主義」(也就是所謂的「跟隨主義」)在第三代行動通訊市場動態競爭環境下是可行的策略之一。(本研究案例--日本KDDI及亞太行動即為其例)
2. 傳統以「語音」為主的「營運模式」與「數據服務及加值型應用服務」為主的「營運模式」差異點為以語音為主的營運模式其主要在於對語音服務的『資費價格』(Rate price)做調制,就會對市場及競爭者產生影響力,而且這些調制的主控權是可以完全操控於營運商的掌控中的。對數據及數據加值型應用服務營運模式來說,電信營運商必須退居於「中介者」的角色,以撮合各個價值鏈的「供應商」們一起來,創建「最高的客戶價值」,並從這些撮合的過程中分得應有的利潤。(本研究案例--日本NTT DoCoMo i-mode)
3. 本研究案例是以國內行動電話,一個已完全競爭的市場裡,以一個後進者(本研究案例公司—亞太行動)開始進入市場,在幾經仔細觀察競爭者的動態後,終於發現了一個「競爭者忽略的市場空間」;以及「競爭者沒有發現的市場空間」,然後再以「更便宜的產品」切入市場,終於勝出於市場。
4. Apple繼iPOD及iTune成功之後,以一個在Music Download世界裡,完全以提供消費者Content內容服務的角度。另外,Google也以一個提供消費者全方位Internet網際網路服務的角度,雙雙切入「智慧型手機」市場,甚至於「整個的行動電話市場」,確實帶給整個手機市場無比的震撼。本研究發現iPhone也好,Google Phone也好,都是從消費者使用行動電話的角度,利用「開放型營運模式」去切入市場。這與傳統行動電話營運商,採完全「封閉型營運模式」有顯著的不同。到底「開放型營運模式」與「封閉型營運模式」最後誰會勝出呢?
5. 數據產品的營運模式與傳統以語音為主的營運模式不同,語音產品受「價格調制」的影響很大,而價格的調制是完全掌控在行動電話營運商手中的;但是,數據產品的使用量必須經過「學習」、「認知」、「確認」及「喜好」等過程才能逐漸增加它的使用量,而這些過程中的因素變動並非完全掌控於行動電話營運商手中,因為行動電話營運商在數據產品市場中扮演的角色是「中介者」撮合的角色。本研究發現數據產品的初期投資較高,但是同質性高,容易在上述過程中被市場淘汰,但是一旦其中有一項產品能成功的在競爭的市場裡存活下來,其他同質產品的失敗都會因為這項成功的產品而能於短期內回收回來。所以數據產品必須要採「多路徑投入」方式之營運模式。
最後歸根結底,一個數據產品的「營運模式」被成功的碩造出來,其實是來自於「不懂科技」、來自於「原創性」、來自於「生活化」、來自於「人性」、「自然」及「生活中不斷的那種來自於心靈深處的創新思維」。 / From wireless voice communications growing popularity, as well as declining voice ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) of the trends, all of the operations of telecommunications operators have begun to study how to promote the income data (Data Revenue), as well as the so-called value-added services to profit, in order to widely by income and operating profit improved. So how to create a correct 『Profitable Business Model』 as the world's telecom operators all actions focus of most concern. Taiwan in the operation of telecommunications data services, as well as value-added services, in fact, the development of very early, there have been two very large and very painful experience of failures. One was in 2000 and the KG Telecom Co., Ltd. had introduced Japan NTT DoCoMo i-mode failure of the painful experience; another in 2003 Asia Pacific Broadband Wireless Co., Ltd. has experienced through the introduction of SK Telecom of South Korea SKVM data services platform technology transfer failures. The two cases are just for personal involved, so was particularly impressed to review with a lot of reasons for the failure of course, but how to correct for the establishment of a right 『Business Model』to fit Taiwan's subjective and objective environment is a very worth exploring problems.
Mobile Handset has been the mobile phone industry's hottest topics, from the previous so-called 『Big Brother』AMPS analog phone era into today's third generation mobile communications (3G) so-called 『Smart Phone』3G era. Mobile phones should be considered following the PC computer has been the fastest growing of civilized human life the most influential one of the products. PC is sitting side-use tools, and mobile phones are necessarily carried it every day, with around an integral part of you. Some people did not go a day may be able to use computers, but many people every day if there is no Mobile phone in the side, it would be a very serious matter. Mobile phone development soon, but also more like to do more one can carry away 『a think, smart-tank pack』. Not only do all individuals of the surrounding services, especially the so-called audio-visual and multimedia 『download function (some call it: 『Multimedia Mobile phone』,Internet surrounding、the Internet and network service functions, and even the so-called 『People to Machine』, 『Machine to People』, as well as 『Machine to Machine』 『next great imagination, such as some of the features of space and development. All designed 『Business Model』 must first go through a cell phone in front of consumers, telecom operators have also done a lot of verification experiment (Initial Service Launch) after the formal go to the market to go. And then from the consumer's satisfaction indicators (KPI) where these have been established to confirm the 『Business Model』 is correct. In this paper, is standing on is a mobile telecommunication Mobile Operators position, from 『Smart phone』 development perspective to explore how the future should be the correct 『Business Model』 of the establishment. The main discussion points from a number of successful operations abroad carrier's 『Business Model』 make an entry point, and then explore some of Taiwan's third-generation mobile communication; so-called 『Value-added Services』(Data Services) has been developed with not that much successful by now the reasons; additional from 『Smart phone』and 『Mobile Internet』 perspective to explore a number of recommendations to serve as the correct Business Model of the establishment basis. This study focused on the mobile phone which traditionally has been to 『Voice』 as the main profit "Business Model", after "third-generation mobile communications" from the "build phase" to "the service and operational period" become increasingly dynamic and competitive markets situation, mobile phone operators from a completely "leading role" gradually transformed into an "intermediary role", And its "business model" option of course, because each carrier's "financial and material resources"; and "available resources" be different, but in the "strategy" and "operating mode" setting also has considerable big science, and sometimes they look (outside) the success of, and copying other people's "critical success factors" and will not "necessarily successful". Is important to be in the "different competitive environment" and "difficult competitive situation in the sinister", to be able to "see other people do not see the market" business opportunities, to be able to "grasp the turning point of each point in time "and then" effective concentration of the resources go to vote, "the victory of success for granted.
The main conclusions of this study include:
1. Third-generation mobile data services and value-added application services business model and traditional voice telecommunications services to voice-based mode of operation have clearly different points, not to the existing mode of operation to run data services and value-added application services firms. However, adopting the "second doctrine" (that is, the so-called "follow the doctrine") in the third generation mobile communications market and competitive environment is feasible strategies. (In this case study - Japan's KDDI and the Asia-Pacific Broadband Wireless operations shall Example)
2. The traditional "voice"-based "business model" and "data services and value-added application services," mainly "business model" point of difference to a voice-based mode of operation lies in its main voice services 『 tariff price 』(Rate price) make modulation, will be on the market and competitors influence and ownership of these modulators can be completely controlled in the control of operators. Data and data value-added application services business model for telecom operators must take a back seat in the "intermediary" role to bring together the various value chain "suppliers" are one up, to create "the highest customer value," and From these match the process of due share of profits. (In this case study - Japan's NTT DoCoMo i-mode shall Example)
3. This case study is based on the domestic mobile phone, a perfectly competitive market, with a backward person (in this case study the company - the Asia-Pacific Broadband Wireless), began to enter the market, after careful observation in the dynamics of competitors finally found a "competition who neglected market space "; and" did not find a competitor's market space, "and then" cheaper products "into the market, finally winning in the market.
4. Apple following the iPOD and iTunes success, to a Music Download world, completely in order to provide the consumer point of view Content Services. In addition, Google also provides consumers with a full-service Internet point of view, both into the "smart phone" market, and even "the whole mobile phone market", indeed to the entire mobile phone market unparalleled shock. The study found that iPhone, or, Google Phone, or are using a mobile phone from a consumer point of view, by using the "open mode of operation" to cut into the market. This is the traditional mobile phone operators, mining completely "closed mode of operation" has significantly different. In the end "open business model" and the "closed mode of operation," Who will win the final then?
5. Data products mode of operation with traditional voice-based mode of operation is different from voice products are "price modulation" a great impact, while the price is in complete control of the modulation in the hands of mobile phone operators; However, the use of data products must go through "learning," "cognitive," "confirmed" and "preferences" and other process to be a gradual increase in its usage, and these factors in the process of change is not complete control over the mobile phone operators hands, because mobile phone operators in the data market's role as "intermediary" role comes together. The study found data products a higher initial investment, but the homogeneity of the high, easy to in the above-mentioned process were eliminated, but once one has a product can be successful in a competitive market survived the failure of other homogeneous products because it will of successful products that can come back in a short period of recovery. Therefore, data mining product must be "multi-path input" mode of the mode of operation.
The success of data products, and its profits created out from business model are in the so-called "long tail period." As "i-mode" mother: Miss Matsunaga Mari said: "the pursuit of wants rather than the pursuit of needs", "A Service we want to do, even their own mothers can easily operate the service," and so on, These principles or beliefs, seemingly high theory, but it is the market, marketing, consumption principle. Matsunaga Mari in the "i-mode" is a valuable point to, apart from her to go high-tech industries "not nice" character, her high-tech products back to human face, face to deal with the market. She saw the link in the high-tech products with the market between "niche".
Finally, after all, a data product "business model" has been successful created made out, in fact, come from "do not understand technology" from the "original" from the "life" and from "human", "natural "and" the kind of life continued from the soul of innovative thinking. "
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電視新聞採用非自採影片之研究 / A study on the use of TPV (Third Party Video) materials by TV news林佳慧, Lin, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代社群媒體的應用,大大改寫媒體生態,21世紀初接連發生在北非、中東的抗議活動,Facebook、Twitter等社群媒體更發揮重要傳播作用,甚至成為政治運動的催化劑,國內外各大新聞組織也開始將這些被社交媒體平台大量分享、轉發的用戶生成內容 (UGC, User-generated content)重製後進行傳播,尤其是發生抗爭等社會運動、人為或意外現場等事件,因為時效性的關係,記者不能第一時間趕到,目擊者手機拍攝的影片或現場監視錄影器的畫面,往往成為重要新聞素材。
本研究試圖剖析電視新聞使用來自目擊者或網友的第三方影音素材(TPV, third party video)的頻率與原因,研究分成兩步驟,首先選舉一家地面電視台一個月的prime time新聞,作為研究樣本,進行內容分析,以量化研究分析電視新聞如何應用TPV素材,研究樣本數共1825則;同時以質化研究中的深度訪談,訪問該電視台的文字、攝影記者,以及新聞室負責調度的大編輯台主管與編輯共九人,透過量化與質化的研究方法,來探究電視台採用TPV素材的動機、意願、標準與目的。 / The media ecology has been rewritten to a great extent by the application of social media in the digital age. In the 21st century, social media has even become a catalyst of social movements as Facebook and Twitter play an important role in disseminating the news on protests which commonly take place in North Africa and the Middle East. In fact, large news organizations at home and abroad have begun to reproduce and broadcast User-generated contents (UGC) that are greatly shared and forwarded on the social media. This applies especially to incidents such as social movements, including protests, and accidents. The video taken by an eye-witness’ mobile phone or the recording of an on-site surveillance camera has often become important news material due to timeliness of the news and the fact that reporters cannot arrive at the scene on time.
According to foreign and domestic news agencies, especially TV stations, video is both appealing and persuasive as news materials. The growing popularity of UGC and the approach to make use of such resources have led the emergence of positive and negative viewpoints. It would be delightful to see the voicing-out of social problems through UGC since it could increase citizen participation. UGC could even lead to a breakthrough from pressroom authority, thus creating a more democratic media. However, UGC could also lower the news standard especially when there’s a deadline to meet. Furthermore, it could pile pressure on news reporters as they try to determine the authenticity of the video. The excessive use of UGC could lead to the media’s over-reliance on social media resources. The fragmentary nature of UGC could also be harmful to the development of news media at the public domain.
The study attempted to analyze the purpose behind a TV station’s adoption of eyewitness/netizen-provided third-party video (TPV), as well as its frequency of use. The study was divided into two steps. First, research samples for content analysis were collected through a selection of one month’s worth of news reports that were broadcasted by a terrestrial station at prime time. A total of 1825 samples were studied through quantitative research and analysis with regard to the application of TPV by TV news. At the same time, in order to explore a TV station’s motivation, willingness, standard and the purpose in applying TPV, qualitative research was conducted through an in-depth interview with nine representatives from the TV station. This group included journalists, cameramen, editors and seniors who were responsible for ordering daily news in the Newsrooms.
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電視媒體轉型新媒體的創新抉擇 / The innovated determination for TV-Media’s transformation to New Media李汝宣, Li, Corona Unknown Date (has links)
『世界是平的』作者,佛克林David Verklin提到,我們生活在一個競爭無止境的世界,代表創新抉擇亦將無止境。電視媒體過去從無線到有線以致數位,一直以持續性創新前進新戰場。如今,競爭對手不只是電視同業,資訊科技異業的攪局與破壞創新,定義出數位時代傳播服務的「新媒體」,將撼動電視媒體霸主地位。潮流所趨,電視媒體「轉型」已勢在必行,如何再次創新以加速就位,是一場嚴峻的挑戰。面對內部組織能力與外部新興科技的專業,都有創新的兩難。本文透過個案研究方式,應用古典與現代學派學者不同的創新論述,分析電視媒體轉型新媒體必備的創新元素與能力,彙整出創新抉擇的思考依循,提醒電視媒體企業經營者應有的創新習慣及演練,避免消失。
研究發現,電視媒體與資訊科技「新媒體」產業因”閱聽眾”與”用戶”概念,創新思維差異很大,以致採取不同價值主張。電視媒體認為資訊科技為輔助角色,直接平移新聞與節目即可。而由資訊科技業或電信網通業者所打造的「新媒體」,則定位在提供用戶最大「量」與「速度」的多媒體匯流服務,並轉載與其他平台一樣的資訊內容即可。事實上,兩者都已在同一個數位競技場,如果內容同質性過高,實難建立”閱聽眾”與”用戶”的忠誠度,更甭說獲利與否。結果顯示,新媒體服務必須滿足“閱聽眾”與“用戶”的概念,才能實踐創新,而創新的抉擇,必須回歸自身資源優勢與資訊科技業互補,共生共榮,才是「新媒體」正軌發展之道。 / TV-Media has been developed for more than 80 years with many transition。Not only technology、carrier but also regulation pushed TV Media heading to a new service。Apply those turnings to the theory of innovation,showed how TV media deal with unexpected future and their innovation phase。In this comprehensive with all kinds of possibility internet world,the new tech of media convergence emerged the「New Media」service,TV towards IT service,IT towards TV content service, which changed viewer’s behavior of seeing and hearing behavior, they became a user,that makes both side wants to be a Player。
As the book of 「The world is flat」writer “Thomas Friedman” says:”We are living in a never-ending competition world which means that takes innovation action is a way to survive”. Via Wireless、Satellite,then deliver the seeing & hearing content through cable to users,TV-media’s competitors are beyond the same trade,and more competitors will be the IT(information technology) business for it can converge all kinds of content and deliver it to TV/PC/Mobile,which defines itself as a「New Media」service。Transforming the way to see and hear with IT heavily involved,TV Media viewer has become a faithful user to the 「New Media」。Does it mean that 「New Media」might shake up TV-Media’s long lasting standing ?
To a traditional TV-Media , tackling this innovation step is kind of a dilemma,for it’s current organization that seems not allow them to do so , and without IT-experts support hardly can make any step on what New Media needs。This research has applied Mr. Clayton Christensen’s point of innovation (Harvard Business Professor) to elaborate what were TV-Media’s innovation elements?how to empower those elements ? and some reminder has been figured out to help TV-Media to make the right innovation determination to avoid to be eliminated in media market 。
Accomplished this research , we discover that innovation orientation of TV-Media and IT-Based Media (New Media) are quite different.TV-Media took IT as a supplementary,thus,moving TV program as a New Media content. The IT-Base Media buy the same content to serve user as competitors do,focusing on quantity and speed。Actually both TV and IT , they are toward each other’s territory and battle in the same arena shows that content will be a critical issue。No matter viewer or user,they will not take the same service with repeat content。
Changing to a New Media era ,user behavior will different from sitting in sofa’s watching TV viewers , the content should be distinguished from long duration content。As a PC or mobile phone user , they dominate what content to watch。If the content attract thems or make it as a necessary information for themelves,they must to satisfy user with an innovation determination to consolidate both TV and IT Media’s advantage is necessary to take。 Because innovation will be the only way to breakthrough barrier,and a right way to turn TV-Media itself as a 「New Media」to a sustainable development。
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台灣電力市場用戶群代表制度之研究 / Analysis of aggregator systems for the Taiwan electricity market洪穎正, Hung, Ying Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對先進國家「用戶群代表」制度之政策與法規進行探討,並進一步探討如何施行於台灣電力市場。首先定義並解釋「用戶群代表」涵意後,整理出先進國家(包含美國、歐盟、德國、澳洲、韓國五個地區與EnerNOC、Comverge、CPower、OhmConnect四個公司)的用戶群代表商業模式案例,藉由文獻分析與個案研究,觀察先進國家政策方向與用戶群代表市場定位差異。同時,本研究由我國用戶群代表相關制度法規,探討用戶群代表於我國電力市場實施之適法性。此外,本研究根據文獻回顧整理出發展用戶群代表制度的關鍵成功因素,並詳細探討我國當前條件是否適合發展。最後針對政府與台電、產業界、學術界、電力用戶的不同角度,提出可行的政策法規建議。 / This thesis explores the policies and regulations of aggregator systems in advanced countries and explores how to implement aggregator system in Taiwan electricity market. In order to achieve this objective, we first define and elaborate the meanings of aggregator. Then, experience and case studies of USA, European Union, Germany, Australia and Korea are studied. In addition, business models of four aggregators, EnerNOC, Comverge, CPower and OhmConnect are presented. Furthermore, we examine current related regulations of an aggregator in Taiwan electricity market for feasibility analysis. In addition, this study summarizes the key success factors of the development of aggregator systems according to the literature review, and discusses in detail whether Taiwan's current conditions are suitable for development. Finally, market models and policy regulations in relation to the aggregator are recommended.
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於行動計算網路上建構一個具有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統以提供用戶及行動代理人的行動能力管理之研究 / A Study on Building A QoS Agent-Based Service System in Managing Client Mobility and Agent Mobility for Mobile Computing Network黃智賢, Huang, Jyh-Shyan Unknown Date (has links)
(1) 提出行動能力管理機制,使行動用戶能以單一用戶ID漫遊於不同的網路上
(2) 提出行動代理人行動能力管理機制,幫助系統搜尋一已派遣出之代理人以加強對代理人的管理
(3) 提出一個「以代理人 (Agent) 為基礎之有服務品質 (QoS) 保障的管理架構」以支援行動代理人及行動用戶之行動能力的管理,並確保服務品質
(1) 對行動用戶之行動能力的管理
(A) 多個廣域網路管理中心架構
(B) 用戶行動能力與網路通訊時間之分析
(C) 訂定欲註冊之GNMC、LNMC選擇策略
(D) 行動用戶移動時的註冊及註銷策略
(E) 對行動用戶之位置的定位及追蹤
(F) 使用暫存器記錄以提昇用戶位置追蹤的效率
(2) 對行動代理人之管理
(A) 對行動代理人之多種搜尋策略
(B) 於每次搜尋時,移除最多之代理人不可能停留之主機的個數
(C) 預測代理人位於某一特定主機的機率
(D) 動態轉換搜尋策略的機制
(E) 計算搜尋某一代理人所需拜訪之主機的期望個數
(F) 搜尋時配合代理人監聽的機制
(3) 設計及建構一「有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統」
(A) 系統架構
(B) 定義代理人服務系統中每一元件之功用及實作細節
(C) 代理人管理機制
(D) 服務品質表示方法
(E) 有服務品質保障之服務 / In this research, we study the issues of building a QoS agent-based service system in managing client mobility and agent mobility for mobile computing network. Our major contribution is classified into the following three categories:
(1) Propose sets of client mobility management strategies to support clients roaming on different networks
(2) Propose mobile agent search strategies to manage mobile agent mobility
(3) Propose a QoS agent-based management architecture to manage clients and agents mobilities; and provide service to clients with QoS guarantee.
The details are elaborated as follows:
(1) Mobile client mobility management
(A) Multiple GNMCs Architecture
(B) Modeling client mobility behavior and network
communication time
(C) Criteria of choosing GNMC and LNMC for registration
(D) Registration and de-registration strategies of mobile clients
(E) Location tracking of mobile clients
(F) Location tracking with cache policy
(2) Mobile agent mobility management
(A) Search strategies for mobile agents
(B) Maximizing number of excluded servers in each probe
(C) Estimating the residing probability that an agent resides in a server
(D) Dynamic switching agent search policy
(E) Evaluating the expected probing number when searches an agent
(F) Agent search with listening agent
(3) Design and implement a QoS agent-based service system
(A) An proposed agent system architecture
(B) Functionalities and implementation details of the system components
(C) Agent manager design details
(D) User QoS assignment and mapping to system QoS
(E) Service with QoS guarantee
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我國電信產業發展策略與世界貿易組織貿易協定之研究 / Study for the development strategy of telecommunication industry and GATS in Taiwan杜鴻國, Do, Horng Guo Unknown Date (has links)
電信事業是各種社會活動的重要溝通載具,同時其所具備的商業利益更是龐大,雖然我國已經在電信自由化的路程上邁出腳步,然而電信事業相關資源卻仍然由國家獨佔與把持,加入世界貿易組織後,我國電信事業自由化的程度必然是相關會員國所競相覬覦的市場利益,因此自由化是不但是一條不可回頭的不歸路與必經之路。政府在開放電信事業市場的同時,一方面需要遵守世界貿易組織服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services,簡稱GATS)有關電信事業服務的規範,另一方面又如何將國內既有的電信事業相關業者、政府與國外業者的衝擊降到最低,這將是政府一項艱鉅的政策規劃。本研究主要的研究目的是檢視我國電信法規是否有修改空間使之加速數位匯流發展與符和世界貿易組織的自由精神。
政府是否應介入並課與有線電視系統經營者負有開平等放接續與用戶迴路開放的義務,本研究將進行探討以提出之觀點,大體上可將以下三個剖析方向進行探討:(1).有線電視系統經營者有無主動開放接續之誘因、(2).競爭法之搭售行為、 (3).普及服務反競爭效果之避免。由通訊傳播技術持續的演進,原先所設定的管制方式可能會因網路架構之改變而有不合時宜之處,為保持事前的產業管制彈性,必須隨時因應網路架構與技術變化,定期檢討現有之業務規範。尤其是在現行電信法規下,對於各電信事業的市場界定係以不同法規命令的管制作為區隔,因此現行制度下每開放一個新的業務就會創設出一個新的管理規則與一個新的業務市場,進而產生許多過度切割的市場或是重複管制的可能性。
本研究建議由有線電視系統的平等接續與用戶迴路開放義務兩個面向進行變革方可收全功之益。依現行電信法有線電視系統不需擔負平等接續義務,然而所劃分的有線電視經營區過於狹小無法滿足有效經營所需的經濟規模,因而造成現成財團蠶食後壟斷的現象。在電信產業引入競爭,有兩種基本作法:一在基礎網路層採用「網路競爭」(network competition)模式,而服務平台層則採用「服務競爭」(service competition)模式,且將基礎網路層與服務平台層採分別擁有與管理的模式。
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台電需求面管理之經濟分析--用戶計劃性減少用電措施案例 / The economic analysis of Taipower’s demand-side management--The case of incentive plan for load curtailment program謝嘉豪 Unknown Date (has links)
經濟剩餘模型分析中,由於未能充分考慮供需雙方之潛在成本與效益,因此實務上之解釋能力有其侷限之處。基於上述緣由,本文接著藉由成本效益分析,將方案實施之潛在成本與效益納入考量,分別從參與用戶之角度進行參與者檢定(Participant Cost Test, PCT)以及從電力公司之角度進行公用事業成本檢定(Utility Cost Test, UCT),以檢視不同方案在不同觀點下之績效表現。成本效益分析結果顯示:在PCT檢定下,「計劃性(四)」參與用戶之益本比最高,「計劃性(二)」參與用戶之益本比最低。而在UCT檢定下,「計劃性(一)」電力公司益本比最高,「計劃性(四)」電力公司益本比最低。將成本效益分析與經濟剩餘模型比較後可發現,用戶抑低容量高的方案對於電力公司而言未必最有利。
最後,為進一步探討關鍵變數變動造成不同方案間成本效益值之影響,因此進行敏感度分析。敏感度分析的結果顯示:若電力公司為吸引用戶而提高誘因,增加各方案給予用戶優惠折扣之比例,以參與用戶角度而言,「計劃性(四)」參與者檢定之益本比提高幅度最大;以電力公司角度而言,「計劃性(四)」公用事業成本檢定之益本比降低幅度最大。若電力公司提高參與用戶每次抑低用電負載之時數,以參與用戶角度而言,「計劃性(四)」參與者檢定之益本比降低幅度最大;以電力公司角度而言,「計劃性(四)」之公用事業成本檢定益本比提高幅度最大。 / In order to meet the users’ demand of electricity, the electric power utility spared no effort to develop the new power plant in the past. However, in recent years, the electric power utility have been hampered by local residents on supply-side planning, thus more emphasize is being put on users’ demand-side management(DSM).
This paper aims to analyze four projects of Taipower’s existing demand-side management of “incentive plan for customers’ scheduled load curtailment program”. First, we set several simplified conditions for modeling the projects. By using the economic surplus model and conducting the marginal analysis, the impact from the discount incentive provided by the utility and the elasticity of electricity price demand is explored-on participants’ load capacity reduction and the distribution of consumer surplus and producer surplus. The results of economic surplus model showed "project 2" curtails the maximum load capacity and with the highest consumer surplus; "project 1" curtails the minimum load capacity and with the lowest consumer surplus. On the other hand, in the Taipower's point of view, "project 2" provides with the lowest producer surplus while "project 1" gives the highest producer surplus.
In the economic surplus model, since the potential costs and benefit were not fully considered in both supply and demand sides, several limitations exist on this model. Based on the above reasons, we utilize the cost benefit analysis, taking the potential cost and benefit into account and conducting Participant Cost Test(PCT) from the participants’ perspective and Utility Cost Test(UCT)from the utility’s perspective to examine the performance under different 4 DSM projects in different point of view. The results of cost benefit analysis showed that in the PCT test, the "project 4" comes up with the highest benefit cost ratio while "project 2" has the lowest cost benefit ratio. In the UCT test, the "project 1" has the highest cost benefit ratio while "project 4" came with the lowest cost benefit ratio. Comparing the cost benefit analysis with the economic surplus model, we could find that the project with the most load capacity reduction may not be the most favorable project for the utility.
Finally, in order to further explore the key variables affecting the cost and benefit value in different projects, we simulated several scenarios for sensitivity analysis. The results of the sensitivity analysis showed that if the utility increases incentives to increase four projects’ ratio of discount for attracting participant, in the participants’ perspective, "project 4" would have the most changed rate of cost benefit ratio(increase); in the utility's perspective, "project 4" would have the highest adjusted rate of cost benefit ratio(decrease). If the utility increases the load curtailment duration each time, in the participants’ perspective, "project4" would have the highest adjusted rate of cost benefit ratio(decrease) ; in the utility’s perspective, " project4 " would have the highest adjusted rate of cost benefit ratio(increase).
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