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台灣新移民女性之公共參與:賦權的觀點 / Public participation of female new immigrants in Taiwan: the perspective of empowerment劉玟妤 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的背景之下,婚姻移民女性是台灣這半世紀以來最主要的新移民。隨著新移民女性(或一般所稱的「外籍配偶」)在台灣定居,攸關新移民女性之權利、義務與公民身份(citizenship)的問題因此成為不容忽視的議題。本研究從「賦權」(empowerment)的觀點切入,探究在新移民之原生國與移入社會(receiving society)的文化條件影響下,作為文化邊界標誌(cultural boundary marker)的新移民女性是否能夠藉由公共參與達到重新定義自我並建立其女性主體的地位。在檢視相關研究文獻包括關於新移民女性的一般性探討、公共參與及賦權理論的探討之後,本研究於台北縣市對26位新移民女性進行深度訪談,受訪者包括21位具代表性的新移民女性以及5位相關組織之幹部。根據訪談的結果,本研究發現:第一,雖然新移民女性在台灣公共參與的媒介不少,但是其原生國的傳統文化框架還是深深影響、甚至限制了她們公共參與的深度與廣度。第二,新移民女性的個人條件與特質也影響她們的公共參與;語言能力愈好、夫家愈支持的新移民女性,其公共參與的廣泛程度愈高,同時她們可以選擇的參與途徑也比較多。第三,新移民女性相關組織的力量也影響了新移民女性的公共參與;這些組織主要是藉由鼓勵、協助新移民女性規劃跟參與各項聯誼活動、學習課程、攸關新移民女性政策的公聽會、爭取權利的遊行示威等,來喚醒新移民女性的意識並使她們能夠從中empower themselves。最後,本研究發現,目前新移民女性的公共參與多屬於社會參與性質,很少是積極或激烈的政治活動;但是,社會參與性質的公共參與對於喚醒與提升新移民女性的權利意識有正面的影響。
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風險社會下的開放政府:以台北市為例 / The Open Government in Risk Society: The Case of Taipei City王尹辰, Wang, Yin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
根據學者Gwanhoo Lee和Young Hoon Kwak所提出的開放政府程度之檢視以及開放政府的三大準則—透明、公共參與、合作,對照本研究之測量,本研究發現:台北市公民與專家對資訊的準確程度未呈現質疑態度,而資訊品質之評價亦為正面,符合「資料透明」。然而,普遍來說公眾會隨著年齡不同而對於公民參與的認知有所不同,實際參與的次數也不高。綜上所述,本研究認為台北市開放政府的情形有涵蓋資料透明但缺乏「公民參與」。也因為缺乏公民參與,以至於合作的概念目前尚未實踐。至於如何突破現階段的困境,可做為將來研究的方向。 / This paper uses right to information and the level of civic participation as indicators to discuss citizens living in a risk society how the open government performs in Taipei City. The study adopts the World Justice Project(WJP) Open Government Index as the foundation of questionnaires and has done some revision, focusing on the case in Taipei City. The general public questionnaire aims to survey whether citizens in different age ranges hold different opinions toward right to information and civic participation; Expert questionnaire, on the other hand, is to investigate whether experts have different perspectives toward these two indicators.
Based on the survey of the level of open government and the three principles proposed by Gwanhoo Lee and Young Hoon Kwak: transparency, public participation, and collaboration in contrast to the assessment of the study, the paper discovers that citizens and experts in Taipei City are undoubting of information accuracy and hold positive feedback to information quality, which corresponds to “information transparency.” However, generally the public varies in the understanding of civic participation as citizens age. The frequency of the actual participation remains low. In sum, the study deems that open government in Taipei City has incorporated information transparency but lack “civic participation.” Because of this, the concept of “collaboration” has not yet achieved. As for how to break through the current difficulties, it can serve as a research direction in the future.
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審慎思辯式民意調查在政策規劃之應用----政大學生對募兵制態度之分析黎士華 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自1980年代以來,民主改革進程快速,程序性的的民主機制(procedural democracy)如公平的選舉與競爭性的政黨政治,已逐步建立,如何提昇民主品質已是朝野共同努力的續階任務。在不同的改革方向中,政策過程的公民參與以及民主審議已逐漸受到學界的重視與熱烈討論,不過目前學界主要仍停留在規範性的探討或實驗設計的階段,對於如何實踐審慎思辯式民主仍未有系統性的研究。為了落實公民審慎思辯的功能,James Fishkin提出審慎思辯式民意調查機制,希望有助於探求經過審慎思辯且具有代表性、值得聆聽的民意。為了探索審慎思辯式民意調查的操作過程以及參與者在經過深思熟慮後態度是否發生轉變,本論文嘗試透過檢閱相關文獻,引介國外實施審慎思辯式民意調查的經驗外,並以「我國是否實施募兵制」之政策議題,對國立政治大學選修軍訓課的大學部學生進行審慎思辯式的民意調查。而本論文實驗結果發現,審慎思辯的過程不但使得參與者對議題認知更清楚,同時在資訊相對充分的情況下,部分參與者的政治偏好將與資訊較為缺乏的情況下有所不同,此結果無異強化對於民眾無知的悲觀主義者論點,也就是民眾在資訊不足的情況下,其真正偏好往往受到各種環境因素的扭曲,而無法適切的表達。
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委員會參與真能回應政策需求嗎? 以全民健康保險會參與為例之評估 / Can Committee Participation Be Responsive to Policy Demands? An Evaluation of Participation in Taiwanese NHIC羅凱凌, Luo, Kai Ling Unknown Date (has links)
總結上述來回答核心問題:參與是否會提高利害關係人的回應性?在極大化個體利益的動機下,參與制度和行為都只提供爭取權益的機會,不必然導致實質利益。再加上負擔參與成本以及競爭資源的政治現實,參與者進入體制後,反而對委員會的政策回應能力持質疑的態度。是故,會議影響力為關鍵因素,只有在參與過程中獲利愈多者,其回應性才有直接的正面作用;若忽略參與途徑和結果的連結以及權力互動,就過度簡化了參與的政治本質。基於此,行政管理者掌握了決策結構與行政資源,若想取得較佳的回應性評價,就必須在制度和過程面中平衡不同的社會力量,才能使委員會發揮多元參與的功能,而不只是優勢團體的工具。 / Governmental committees are a kind of public participatory mechanism, whereby policy stakeholders are incorporated in the decision making procedure and negotiate with each other to policy outcomes. This mechanism accords with the expectations of both society and government and is frequently used by executive branches all over the world. Ideally, social representativeness can strengthen legitimacy and thereby increase responsiveness. However, in practice, there have also been some criticisms of the committee mechanism, including black box decision making, conflict enlargement, and administrative manipulation. To response this debate, my study addresses whether this type of public participation is responsive to policy demands as well as how to substantially evaluate its effectiveness.
Theoretically, participation has a positive impact on policy demands, I provide more precise analysis using the concepts of representativeness and responsiveness. The former refers to how interests are presented in the decision making process, including in both the formal and substantive dimension. The latter refers to the committee’s ability to respond to procedural and substantive demands from society.
To illustrate the theoretical framework, the National Health Insurance Committee (NHIC) in Taiwan is taken as my case study. The empirical section is divided into two parts, Fist, I explore original guiding values and institutional design of five committees that emerged under different political-social contexts in Japan, South Korea, Canada, Germany and Taiwan. Based on the results of this comparison, the NHIC in Taiwan is my main topic in the second part. The participatory behavior of committee members and their evaluation of the NHIC system are discussed through the various research methods, such as interviews, focus groups, stakeholder surveys, and also context analysis of meeting minutes.
Four results of the study are illustrated as follows: 1. Because the legitimacy of the committee mechanism is empowered by traditional representative authority (the elected legislative or executive branch), it serves a supplementary rather than substitutive function to the existing system. Especially in Taiwan, the administration prefers the advantaged groups more capable of mobilizing social supports over the vulnerable groups which may bring the values of social solidarity and justice into the decision-making of the committee. 2. Stakeholders positively appraised the NHIC’s responsive capacity, both in the procedural and substantive dimensions, with the former appraised more highly than the latter. However, a high level of communication functions had no impact on responsiveness. 3. The institutional variable has no impact on responsiveness. However, direct participation in meetings was associated with more pessimistic views of the NHIC when compared to the non-participators. In addition, the more actors were involved in the NHIC, the more negative their evaluations were. 4. The most significant variable for responsiveness is the decision influence of stakeholders.
Does participation strengthen stakeholders’ responsiveness? Under the condition that individuals are motivated by interest maximization, while institutional design and participatory behavior seek to pursue individual interest, it may not always realize substantial benefits. Furthermore, after becoming institutional insiders, the costs of participation and the political reality of power competition will make stakeholders more skeptical about the responsiveness of committee mechanisms. In other words, whether participation can increase the stakeholders’ satisfaction mainly depends on the benefit they can obtain from it. Without taking into account the link between participatory approaches and results, as well as the interaction between various stakeholders, we cannot gain a full picture of the nature of policy participation.
In terms of practical reforms, to increase performance responsiveness, administrators who control the structures and resources of the NHIC should incorporate different social forces and interests on the input and process dimensions. This will enable the committee mechanism to perform the function of pluralistic participation, rather than simply serving as a political tool for advantaged groups.
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公共參與對都市土地使用規劃之影響王青河, WANG, GING-HE Unknown Date (has links)
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公民新聞的在地實踐-公視PeoPo新聞平台公眾參與及多元報導研究 / The Citizen journalism in Taiwan-The research of public participation and diversity reports in PeoPo , PTS王晴玲, Wang, Ching Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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