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台灣臉書使用者的隱私權管理 / Facebook users’ privacy management in Taiwan林宜萱, Lin, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
Given the high penetration rate of Facebook and more than 10 million daily active users in Taiwan, the subject of Facebook became an important focus of study. This thesis attempted to examine how factors such as gender and gender, time spent on Facebook, personal privacy orientation, knowledge, negative experiences and privacy concerns would predict users’ profile privacy settings and their use of privacy protection strategies. By utilizing the Communication Privacy Management theory (CPM), individuals and collectives would develop the rules, known as boundary. In the process of managing one’s privacy, they would coordinate the boundary and also mitigate the disruption to the rules established, known as boundary turbulence.
A survey of 1,102 Facebook users in Taiwan through an online questionnaire was conducted over a two-week period from April 29 – May12, 2014, and yielded a confidence level of 95% and a 3% confidence interval. Results showed that 48.6% of respondents were males, while 51.4% were females. Respondents that fell between the age group 25-34 also made up the biggest group among users. Respondents had spent an average of 4.71 years on Facebook at the time of the study, and reported that they spent an average of 3.06 hours on Facebook per day. Facebook users in Taiwan were privacy-oriented, had partial knowledge to Facebook’s privacy policy, and were concerned about their privacy on Facebook, particularly how Facebook utilized their personal user information. As for negative experiences users had on Facebook, over three quarters of them reported the negative experience of being invited into the spammed shopping groups. Respondents also utilized different privacy settings based on the nature of the information on their profiles.
Through performing linear hierarchical regression analyses, results showed that gender, time spent on Facebook, users’ personal privacy orientation, knowledge toward Facebook’s privacy policy and negative experiences served as predictors to the strictness of users’ profile privacy settings. On the other hand, gender, age, knowledge toward Facebook’s privacy policy, negative experiences and privacy concerns served as predictors for users’ privacy protection strategies. This thesis contributed to the current research pool in the following ways. First of all, the sample in this thesis was representative of the population of daily active users in Taiwan. Secondly, while numerous previous studies have focused on predicting users' privacy management via privacy settings or the frequency of updating their privacy settings as dependent variables, this thesis also considered privacy protection strategies, such as deleting Facebook friends, un-tagging photos, and turning off cookies on computers. Thirdly, this thesis also considered users' negative experience on Facebook, and confirmed that it was a significant predictor to both users’ privacy settings on profiles, and privacy protection strategies.
Keywords: Communication Privacy Management theory (CPM), Facebook, privacy, boundary management, Taiwan
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我迷我打卡?台灣K-POP迷妹的打卡實踐 / I Fan Therefore I Check In? Taiwan K-pop Fans’ Check-in Practices蘇湘棻, Su, Hsiang Fen Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,迷打卡出現的場合非常多元,除了迷活動相關的地點,生活打卡也可看出迷實踐的蹤跡。迷打卡種類繁多,展現的資本也非常複雜,除了一眼就能看出的資本呈現,更多時候是必須搭配打卡的情境與脈絡才能知悉。除此之外,這些不斷增生、轉換、積累的資本,透過迷在打卡的展演,進而成為迷獲取象徵資本的籌碼與管道。迷展現資本,同時也會暴露自己的階級,但在網路場域,除了讓資本呈現不同的特色風貌,階級的呈現能夠被隱匿,低度資本也有翻轉的可能。 / Studies of fan cultures have been discussed since 1990. However, influenced by new technology and cultural differences, fans have a variety of media use that leads to culture consumption. This study tries to find out the media use behavior through K-POP fans’ check in practice.
In order to be informational and accurate, the study contains two methods. First, seven participants share their experiences of Facebook check-in behaviors, and then data crawling is used to get all check-in data.
My findings indicate that fans use check-ins on Facebook to perform fans' behavior in fan-activities and in the daily life. The capitals displaying on check-ins are multifarious. Some of them are easy to see but some hidden capitals will be found by understanding the context behind check-ins. In addition, fans emerge, transform, accumulate and display different capitals on facebook check-ins and those displaying capitals are the factors to obtain symbolic capitals as well. Fans show capitals they have on Facebook, which will expose their social classes in the mean time. However, on the internet, fans can hide the clues of classes consciously, and show more capitals than they have.
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臉書粉絲頁超連結分析系統 / A Hyperlink Analyzer for Facebook Pages李燕宜, Lee, Yen I Unknown Date (has links)
不僅於此,當重大公共事件發生時,許多臉書粉絲頁也會成為訊息與意見傳播的重要管道,所以許多傳播研究學者紛紛投入研究粉絲頁所發佈的貼文內容與來源,其中一個重點就是粉絲頁貼文所引用的外部網站內容。本論文針對轉發超連結的貼文以及大量貼文內含的超連結作處理,透過網址擷取和網址還原技術(URL unshorten)的應用加以分析統計,以供傳播研究學者快速了解粉絲頁貼文內容分布狀況,並藉此了解在不同情境下的社交媒體策略以及與粉絲之間的互動關係。另外為優化本系統效能,對於排程分析工作中提出並導入了「排程資料處理機制」,可顯著降低重覆分析貼文的次數,以提升資料分析的效率。 / Nowadays, social networking sites have become the new media for many celebrities, groups and business to communicate in societies and worldwide. Many celebrities, groups and business post their new status through Facebook fan pages and users can get status about celebrities or product information through Facebook immediately. Creating a Facebook fan page is an amazing way to promote business and build closer relationship with audiences and customers.
Besides, during the outbreak a public event, many fan pages would become important sources of news and information dissemination. Thus, many Humanities and Social Sciences scholars are eager to investigate the sources and contents of posts in fan pages. In particular, many posts contain hyperlinks pointing to outside news or information sources. This thesis design and implement a fan page content analyzer, focusing on hyperlinks analysis. By parsing URLs and URL unshortening, our tool offers hyperlink analysis for scholars to get quick overview about fan page feeds and to understand how they cite news or information from various sources. In addition, our tool is equipped with an aggregated data sharing mechanism to avoid parsing redundant feeds, thus being able to improve the performance of the tool.
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設計與實作一個臉書粉絲頁資料抓取器 / Design and Implementation of a Facebook Fan Page Data Crawler鄭博元, Cheng, Po Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對臉書上的粉絲頁,設計建構出一套臉書資料抓取系統,以協助學者研究分析粉絲頁的動態消息資料,本系統可幫助研究者搜尋出相關粉絲頁,並依照按讚次數排列呈現,協助挑選受歡迎的粉絲頁;讓研究者能抓取特定的粉絲頁資料,抓取到的資料經過解析後分為文章訊息、留言訊息、按讚訊息,並將結果儲存至資料庫;針對已抓取的粉絲頁,自動定時更新至最新資料。 / With the popularity of social networking services in recent years, Facebook has become a major social tool for people. Many celebrities and companies have also gone with the tide to and established a fan page on Facebook to interact with fans. The mutual influence of the virtual world and the real world drives many emerging research agenda. Using information technology to collect data in the virtual world can help the humanities scholars and social scientists to explore new phenomena between digital technology and humanities community.
In this thesis, we focus on Facebook fan page data. We design and construct a Facebook fan page crawler to help scholars get data for analysis. The crawler can help researchers find the relevant fan pages along with the numbers of thumbs up and it can help researchers select fan pages. The crawler can help researchers to get the fan page data which they want by extracting post messages, comment messages, and like messages from the data and then storing the results into the database. The crawler also can set update timer to help researchers get the latest information.
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臉書使用者行為蒐集系統之設計與實作 / Design and Implementation of Facebook User Activities Data Collector潘伯彥, Pan, Po Yen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著Facebook的盛行,Facebook已成許多人紀錄生活或關注朋友近況不可或缺的管道。許多人文社會學者意圖透過其用戶在Facebook上活動行為的紀錄(如打卡、轉貼分享連結等),進行學術研究分析;而Facebook公司相對也提供應用程式介面並以特定資料格式提供,但考量用戶之個人隱私及平台的可用度,制訂了相關的使用規則;因此本研究以協助學者達成研究分析Facebook用戶動態消息資料為目的,設計與實作一個「臉書使用者行為資料蒐集系統(Facebook User Activities Data Collector) 」。可相容Facebook應用程式介面使用規則及穩定收取其動態消息資料,讓學者們可針對其研究項目分別設定相關「蒐集專案」,並可使特定用戶(即蒐集專案之參與者)於本系統進行同意及授權提供特定資料,系統則每日定時依蒐集專案設定進行蒐集作業,待作業完成,再將資料以圖形化介面呈現。
因考量本系統可同時運行多個蒐集專案,為優化其效能,本研究在整合「蒐集專案」、「參與者」後提出一套有效的歸戶機制(Account Aggregation Mechanism),透過重整參與者的機制,可顯著降低重複蒐集的次數,以提升資料蒐集的效率;並為因應Facebook所制訂使用規則,設計一套臉書蒐集相容機制(Facebook Collector Compatible Mechanisms),在蒐集過程中對於可能產生錯誤情況加以防範,以及錯誤產生時能以對應之處理程序進行自動化處理,以確保資料蒐集過程的穩定及結果的完整。最後,在系統開發完成後,設計一套驗證計畫,以驗證本研究之蒐集成果以及相關機制成效。 / Recently Facebook has become an indispensable platform for many people to record their lives and to concern their friends. Many Humanities and Social Sciences scholars are interested in conducting research on the activity records of the Facebook users, such as check-ins and shared story. Therefore, there is a large demand in collecting these user activity records while respecting user privacy. Based on the open API (Application Programming Interface) by Facebook, we design and implement a “Facebook User Activities Data Collector” to help scholars collect the activity records with the permission from Facebook users. Using the collector, researchers can create projects for Facebook data retrieval and solicit volunteers to participate those projects by giving their permissions to enable the collector to retrieve their activity records following the Facebook privacy rules.
Our tool offers a friendly user interface for researchers and participating users. Besides, as a user may participate in multiple data retrieval projects in the same period of time, our collector is equipped with an “account aggregation” mechanism that will retrieve all the records of a user for the projects he participated at once without repetitive collection work that will degrade the performance of the tool. Another feature of the collector is a robust exception handling mechanism that will handle frequent occurring exceptions in data retrieval and reports unknown exceptions to system administrators to improve the system’s reliability. To verify our collector, we have also recruited several volunteers and conducted some experiments to retrieve their activity records. The preliminary results show that our collector performs well and collects the records correctly.
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你刪除了多少好友?探討太陽花學運期間的臉書使用行為 / Unfriend on Facebook: Exploring the Facebook user behavior during Sunflower Movement of Taiwan戚宇賢, Chi, Yu Xian Unknown Date (has links)
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針對臉書粉絲專頁貼文之政治傾向預測 / Predicting Political Affiliation for Posts on Facebook Fan Pages張哲嘉, Chang, Che Chia Unknown Date (has links)
近年來社群媒體興起,尤其以臉書為主。在台灣超過1500萬個臉書用戶,其遍及族群從公眾人物到一般民眾。此外,這類的新興資訊交流平台其實內含許多有意義的資訊,每一則貼文都隱含著每個使用者的情緒以及立場傾向。然而,利用社群媒體來預測選舉與使用者政治傾向已成為目前的趨勢,在台灣各政黨與政治人物紛紛成立粉絲專頁,投入利用網路與社群媒體來打選戰與預測民調。本研究發現此一特性,致力於預測粉絲專頁貼文之政治傾向,收集台灣兩大政黨派國民黨與民進黨之粉絲專頁貼文,建立兩種預測模型分別為以相異字為特徵模型與文字互動特徵模型。利用資料探勘之相關技術,以貼文所含藍綠政黨特徵表現建立分類器,並細部探討與設計多種特徵組合,比較不同特徵組合之預測效果與影響因素以及在預測資料不平衡的情況下是否影響分類結果。最後,研究結果顯示使用文字特徵中黨派典型字與互動特徵值域取對數並搭配KNN分類器效果最佳,其準確度可達0.908,F1-score可達0.827。 / Recently, the social media is becoming more and more popular, especially Facebook. In Taiwan, there are 15 million Facebook users from celebrities to the general public. Receiving information every day from Facebook has become a lifestyle of most people. These new information-exchanging platforms contain lots of meaningful messages including users' emotions and affiliations. Moreover, using the social media data to predict the election result and political affiliation is becoming the current trend in Taiwan. For example, politicians try to win the election and predict the polls by means of Internet and the social media, and every political parties also have their own fan pages. In this thesis, we make an effort to predict the political inclinations of the posts of fan pages, especially for KMT and DPP which are the two largest political parties in Taiwan. We filter the appropriate literal and interactive features. We use the posts of the two parties to predict the political inclinations by constructing the classification models .In the end, we compare the performances of different classifiers .The result shows that the literal and interactive features work the best with KNN classifier, whose accuracy and F1-score are 0.908 and 0.827, respectively.
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輔助社群媒體打卡研究之分析工具研發 / Development of an analysis tool to facilitate check-in research in social media梁芷瑄, Liang, Chih Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
打卡(Check-in)是Facebook平台上使用者經常使用的功能之一。過去關於打卡的研究大多採用質化的方法,而質性研究者在訪談使用者之前,為了解使用者的資料,往往需要手動查看使用者的Facebook塗鴉牆,收集、整理資料,費時費力。另外,使用者在Facebook上的打卡方式具多樣變化,許多的打卡不具有即時性與適地性。為了了解使用者的打卡動機,我們尚需取得使用者在手機上的操作與位置等資訊,方能還原打卡時的情境。為了了解打卡研究者的研究歷程與需求,我們讓質化研究先行,以進行需求分析,再依其開發一個協助研究者的分析工具,收集整理來自Facebook打卡資料與手機Log的資料,透過視覺化與列表的方式呈現,提供研究者能快速、深入分析、探索使用者在Facebook上打卡的行為與動機。本實驗邀請5位受試者扮演打卡研究分析者的角色,透過系統教學讓受試者學習使用系統,最後讓受試者自由探索使用者的資料集,並記錄下探索歷程與發現。實驗的評分結果使用5分量表,有用性向度的平均分數為4.6,受試者認為本系統能協助他們分析使用者的打卡行為與進行後續研究;易用性向度的平均分數為4.1,系統的操作方式對有的受試者需要時間來學習,但大部份受試者仍對本系統的易用性表示同意,證明本系統兼具有用性與易用性。另外,我們也發現受試者在探索過程與探索結果中展現了對此系統的創用性,是在設計者的預期之外,可見本系統的工具本質。 / Check-in is one of the functions that users often use on social media systems such as Facebook. In the past, most of the researchers about check-in use qualitative methods. Before interviewing users, qualitative researchers often need to manually check the user's timeline on Facebook to collect and sort out data, which is time consuming. In addition, the ways of a user's check-in’s on Facebook are diversified. Many check-in’s do not synchronize in time and place. To understand the motivation of a user in doing check-in’s, we need to collect more data such as the actions and location on user's mobile phone to restore the context. In order to assess the need of researchers, we use an interdisciplinary approach, in which qualitative research and tool development run in parallel. We develop a visual analysis tool aiming to help qualitative researchers to analysis data. Our tool collects check-in data from Facebook and synchronizes them with the user log on the user’s mobile phone. By visualizing the data in various forms such as bubble chart, timeline, map, and table, we hope to provide researchers with a quick overview of user behavior as well as in-depth studies of specific events. We use a 5-point scale to evaluate the system in our experiment. The average score of usefulness is 4.6, and the subjects think that our tool is very helpful for them to analyze check-in behaviors and the follow-up qualitative study. The average score of ease-of-use is 4.1. Although most of subjects agree that our system is easy to use, some think that practice is necessary to master the system. In addition, some subjects have found creative uses of our system that were not thought of by the designer, which reflects the nature of our tool in data exploration.
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臉書引言框架對科學新聞理解之影響 / Framing Effect: The Influence of "Facebook Lead" on Science News Comprehension陳姵如, Chen, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社群媒體的熱潮持續延燒,許多科學新聞機構也開始透過臉書的粉絲專頁來發佈自己的新聞以增加新聞曝光率。過去有關於媒體粉絲專頁的研究多探討行銷行為,鮮少針對新聞機構的臉書專頁做研究,對於粉絲專頁社群編輯的引言所形成的框架效果研究也付之闕如。本研究包含兩個實驗法,將兩則不同主題的科學新聞(基因改造、奈米科技)各自配上三種不同框架的臉書引言-技術性框架、爭議性框架、和人情趣味框架,來探討臉書的引言對於科學新聞閱聽眾的影響。 結果發現,人情趣味的臉書引言只會增進讀者想要點擊新聞全文的慾望,卻不會對新聞主文的詮釋造成影響。爭議性臉書引言除了增進讀者閱讀新聞全文的慾望之外,也會再強化讀者對新聞全文的認知。然而這兩種框架對於讀者的新聞注意度、理解度和議題相關性沒有影響。 / As social media continue to gain popularity, scientific news agencies also adopt the trend to increase online presence and fuel exposure because of the growing need to strengthen the communication between scientists and the general public. This study investigated the potential power of the current most popular social media- Facebook in fostering public understanding of science by employing two one-factor between-subject web-based experimental factorial designs. Experiment 1 used genetic modification news and experiment 2 used nanotechnology news. Each piece of science news had three different Facebook framed leads: technique, conflict and human interest. Research results found human interest frame only served to arouse reader’s situational interest to click on the news feed to access to the full story but didn’t affect how readers interpret the main theme of the science news articles. On the other hand, conflict frame not only enhanced reader’s intention to click on the news feed but also reinforced how they perceive the main theme of the news story. However, the two soft news frames have no effect on reader’s perceived news attention, understanding and relevance. This study aimed to contribute to the literature as one of the first studies on the use of the social media in the realm of the public understanding of science.
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社群網路服務在大學圖書館之應用研究: 以 Facebook 和噗浪為例 / A study of the applications of social network services in the academic libraries徐心儀 Unknown Date (has links)
Facebook與噗浪是近年國內最多人使用之社群網站,其將朋友圈突破為開 放式之架構,成為最具影響力之傳播平台。在眾多企業與組織皆利用其作 為服務與行銷工具的同時,圖書館也順勢推出了社群網路服務,希望
本研究之目的在提供大學圖書館社群網路服務未來經營內容 與方向之具體建議。首先利用「內容分析法」對三者進行功能、訊息與回 應多面向之服務情形分析,其次採用「問卷調查法」瞭解使用者之經驗與 想法,共回收727份問卷,最後再經由與館員們的「深度訪談」確認館方 之想法與態度。
研究結果發現: 一.社群網路服務對圖書館深具重要性,因其擁有以 下特點:(一)提供了圖書館主動出擊的機會、(二)圖書館可以將 Facebook 視為圖書館滿意度評估的工具、(三)與圖書館其它服務管道做結合,截 長補短,為圖書館服務加做加值;二.使用者期許圖書館社群網路服務更 有系統之經營;三.大學圖書館館員對社群網路服務應抱持著積極正面的 經營態度;四.大學圖書館 Facebook 與噗浪之經營策略與重點為:(一) 經營初期需要策略,宜讓更多館員參與且定期維護、(二)需要全體員 工共同經營,而非僅由少數館員把關、(三)了解平台特性與具備經營熱 情遠比平台選擇重要、(四)提供隱私權相關說明,讓使用者能安心使 用平台。
最後,提出未來圖書館社群網路之經營建議:一.注意「訊息最佳化」, 以活動、公告為主要發佈類型,內容以簡單扼要為宜,並應附上詳細連 結;二.建立「圖書館社群訊息守則」,建立館內發佈訊息之一致性與共識; 三.社群網路需要主動宣傳才能有效達到「曝光管道最大化」;四.鼓勵使用者的參與、五.定期做使用者意見調查;六.持續更新與即時管理。 / In recent years, Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking sites in the world. It has not only made it easier than ever for people to connect with each other, but is also a great influence on this generation of youths. The method of marketing library services through Facebook without intrusions into peoples’ privacy is worth pondering. The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents of university library Facebook/Plurk page and to explore it from viewpoints of librarians as well as readers.
The research used content analysis to analyze the user activities on Facebook and Plurk among both National Taiwan University and Providence University students. In addition, a questionnaire was designed to understand readers’ experiences and viewpoints on the use of Social Networking Services by libraries. The questionnaire was sent over the internet and 727 responses were received and processed. Furthermore, the study interviewed library staff to investigate viewpoints of librarians on the social networking use by libraries. Based on the summarized results of the data, suggestions were made for university libraries regarding how to use Social Network to promote library services.
The results of this study shows that National Taiwan University and Providence University use different management strategies on social networking. National Taiwan University has a social networking team with established standard operating procedures, as such, most of NTT’s postings are
university activities and announcements. For Providence University, social networking is managed by one person and as a result, the posts are more personal, active and dynamic.
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