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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

我迷我打卡?台灣K-POP迷妹的打卡實踐 / I Fan Therefore I Check In? Taiwan K-pop Fans’ Check-in Practices

蘇湘棻, Su, Hsiang Fen Unknown Date (has links)
迷文化從1990年至今一直是文化研究的寵兒,新科技與跨國文化的加入豐富了迷文化的實踐樣貌,也帶出了新的研究方向。本研究探討喜愛K-POP的迷妹如何利用Facebook的打卡功能,展示自己的迷身分,透過研究深入了解打卡當下的脈絡與實踐心態,進一步探討迷的各式資本是如何在打卡動態上呈現。 本研究使用資料觀察分析法與深度訪談法。針對7位受訪者,利用打卡資料抓取程式濾出Facebook打卡訊息,事先審視其打卡資料,確保資料的完整度與真實性,再透過深度訪談,更加了解迷的打卡實踐心態與過程,期以兩種研究方法交互參照,擁有更豐富的研究資料。 研究發現,迷打卡出現的場合非常多元,除了迷活動相關的地點,生活打卡也可看出迷實踐的蹤跡。迷打卡種類繁多,展現的資本也非常複雜,除了一眼就能看出的資本呈現,更多時候是必須搭配打卡的情境與脈絡才能知悉。除此之外,這些不斷增生、轉換、積累的資本,透過迷在打卡的展演,進而成為迷獲取象徵資本的籌碼與管道。迷展現資本,同時也會暴露自己的階級,但在網路場域,除了讓資本呈現不同的特色風貌,階級的呈現能夠被隱匿,低度資本也有翻轉的可能。 / Studies of fan cultures have been discussed since 1990. However, influenced by new technology and cultural differences, fans have a variety of media use that leads to culture consumption. This study tries to find out the media use behavior through K-POP fans’ check in practice. In order to be informational and accurate, the study contains two methods. First, seven participants share their experiences of Facebook check-in behaviors, and then data crawling is used to get all check-in data. My findings indicate that fans use check-ins on Facebook to perform fans' behavior in fan-activities and in the daily life. The capitals displaying on check-ins are multifarious. Some of them are easy to see but some hidden capitals will be found by understanding the context behind check-ins. In addition, fans emerge, transform, accumulate and display different capitals on facebook check-ins and those displaying capitals are the factors to obtain symbolic capitals as well. Fans show capitals they have on Facebook, which will expose their social classes in the mean time. However, on the internet, fans can hide the clues of classes consciously, and show more capitals than they have.

輔助社群媒體打卡研究之分析工具研發 / Development of an analysis tool to facilitate check-in research in social media

梁芷瑄, Liang, Chih Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
打卡(Check-in)是Facebook平台上使用者經常使用的功能之一。過去關於打卡的研究大多採用質化的方法,而質性研究者在訪談使用者之前,為了解使用者的資料,往往需要手動查看使用者的Facebook塗鴉牆,收集、整理資料,費時費力。另外,使用者在Facebook上的打卡方式具多樣變化,許多的打卡不具有即時性與適地性。為了了解使用者的打卡動機,我們尚需取得使用者在手機上的操作與位置等資訊,方能還原打卡時的情境。為了了解打卡研究者的研究歷程與需求,我們讓質化研究先行,以進行需求分析,再依其開發一個協助研究者的分析工具,收集整理來自Facebook打卡資料與手機Log的資料,透過視覺化與列表的方式呈現,提供研究者能快速、深入分析、探索使用者在Facebook上打卡的行為與動機。本實驗邀請5位受試者扮演打卡研究分析者的角色,透過系統教學讓受試者學習使用系統,最後讓受試者自由探索使用者的資料集,並記錄下探索歷程與發現。實驗的評分結果使用5分量表,有用性向度的平均分數為4.6,受試者認為本系統能協助他們分析使用者的打卡行為與進行後續研究;易用性向度的平均分數為4.1,系統的操作方式對有的受試者需要時間來學習,但大部份受試者仍對本系統的易用性表示同意,證明本系統兼具有用性與易用性。另外,我們也發現受試者在探索過程與探索結果中展現了對此系統的創用性,是在設計者的預期之外,可見本系統的工具本質。 / Check-in is one of the functions that users often use on social media systems such as Facebook. In the past, most of the researchers about check-in use qualitative methods. Before interviewing users, qualitative researchers often need to manually check the user's timeline on Facebook to collect and sort out data, which is time consuming. In addition, the ways of a user's check-in’s on Facebook are diversified. Many check-in’s do not synchronize in time and place. To understand the motivation of a user in doing check-in’s, we need to collect more data such as the actions and location on user's mobile phone to restore the context. In order to assess the need of researchers, we use an interdisciplinary approach, in which qualitative research and tool development run in parallel. We develop a visual analysis tool aiming to help qualitative researchers to analysis data. Our tool collects check-in data from Facebook and synchronizes them with the user log on the user’s mobile phone. By visualizing the data in various forms such as bubble chart, timeline, map, and table, we hope to provide researchers with a quick overview of user behavior as well as in-depth studies of specific events. We use a 5-point scale to evaluate the system in our experiment. The average score of usefulness is 4.6, and the subjects think that our tool is very helpful for them to analyze check-in behaviors and the follow-up qualitative study. The average score of ease-of-use is 4.1. Although most of subjects agree that our system is easy to use, some think that practice is necessary to master the system. In addition, some subjects have found creative uses of our system that were not thought of by the designer, which reflects the nature of our tool in data exploration.

藉由地緣情感關係連結之群眾打卡資訊建⽴立個⼈人⽣生命記憶 / Construct Personal Lifelog by Check-in Information from Location-based Emotion Connected Crowd

王怡婷, Wang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
生活於行動網絡與社群網站發展快速的今日,人們逐漸依賴利用隨手可得之行動裝置紀錄生活,打卡儼然成為生命紀錄的方式之一。本研究致力於提供使用者個人化之打卡系統,讓使用者在選用群眾所推薦的地理標籤名稱之餘,同時保有個人化情感傾向特色之地理標籤名稱。透過基於地緣情感關係連結之群眾推薦地理標籤名稱,我們提供更貼近使用者個人情感偏好之地理標籤,讓使用者在省下自行建立個人化地理標籤名稱上的繁瑣程序的同時,還能同時保有個人化特色,更能夠作為未來回憶時之線索。在實驗設計上,我們邀請共二十八位受試者使用本研究所開發之打卡系統,利用三週的時間真實模擬生活中的打卡情況。我們分析受試者進行打卡時所選用的地理標籤名稱來源作為評估之依據,透過實驗結果顯示基於地緣情感關係連結之群眾推薦地理標籤名稱模型,能夠推薦較適合的地理標籤名稱給使用者使用。因此本研究有效利用特定群眾之力量協助使用者建立個人化之地理資訊。 / In the present, people used to have one or more mobile devices. With the mobile devices thriving, the social network is also getting more popular. People rely on the mobile devices or social network to record their lives—“Check in” is becoming a kind of “lifelog”. Our research provides user a customized check in system, which can free users from the troublesome procedures, naming the geotag by their own, meanwhile; they can still have their own style. Furthermore, this customized name of geotag will be the hint to their memory in the future. When it comes to the experiment, we have 28 users experience our check in system, and we spent three weeks to simulate the situation of check in in the real life. We analyze the users’ name of geotag and use it as the result to estimate. According to the result of our experiment, the Location-Based Emotion Connected model can recommend a better name of geotag to the users. Consequently, our research the effective help people to construct personalizes geographic information.

日常生活的科技社交角色—— 以Facebook打卡為核心的媒體實踐為例 / Technologies’ Social Roles in Everyday Life: A Case Study on Media Practice through Facebook’s Check-ins

石婉婷, Shih, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要討論在日常生活中,以智慧型手機和社群網站Facebook打卡為主的媒體實踐所扮演的社交角色以及實踐者的空間經驗感受,試圖描繪科技帶來社交網絡的連結,並且透過現代科技漫遊者的實踐,混淆日常性和觀光凝視的界線。從媒體實踐取徑,觀察生活中各種實踐行動,試圖勾勒媒體實踐如何定錨社交關係,以及人為主體的媒介消費複雜性。 研究以民族誌法為研究方法,結合線上觀察、線下田野、深度訪談,研究三個身處不同社交圈位置的個案;研究者以參與觀察的方式進入研究對象的生活、工作、休閒場域,期以從實踐者的生活方式,理解日常生活中細瑣行動的動態關係。 研究發現,作為新科技的Facebook打卡和智慧型手機,身處社交圈不同位置的實踐者在近用之後能發展機會,包括鞏固意見領袖地位、晉升為領導者、創造與他人的連結;而Facebook的標籤功能、打卡時機的調整、省略打卡位置等實踐,成為實踐者挪用以建立社交關係。 實踐者是為現代的科技漫遊者,在漫遊城市時透過打卡找到新空間經驗感受,這些經驗包括:(1) 日常生活與觀光凝視的界線流動,實踐者凝視平凡的日常找到非比尋常,將之轉化為打卡題材;(2) 打卡實踐是實踐者既地方性又全球性的文本生產,讓地標賦予了既真實又虛擬的混合空間意涵,實踐者於其中觀展表演而自我揭露;(3) 打卡鞏固了觀光凝視的空間經驗,實踐者的空間感受並非固定,而可能既溫暖有情感又陳悶的儀式,打卡實踐添增了生活中面對鏡頭的觀光客姿態。實踐者面對科技物質特性、社會關係、監視構成的結構性限制,能找到方式因應,但其能施展的自由與機會也有局限性。 / The aim of the research investigates Facebook’s check-ins as a media practice that plays a crucial social role in everyday life. While walking in the city nowadays, a practitioner can convey his/her feelings, uploading stories and photos to social network websites through mobile technologies. A practitioner’s gaze upon spectacle of the city brings him/her complicated media experience in the media-drenched world, which turns a practitioner into a tourist and a flâneur. The study explores practitioners’ media consumption in everyday life. My empirical study focuses on three cases, who are heavy users of smart phones and in favor of check-ins on Facebook. The three cases situate in different social status and develope different social relationships through Facebook. By choosing ethnography as my method, I am a participant-as-observer who immerse in on-line and off-line field work. My findings indicate that smart phones and check-ins on Facebook provide opportunities and resources for practitioners. A keen adopter of technologies becomes an opinion leader, and her practice of check-ins brings her a fashionable image. The person who owns ordinary fellowship becomes an opinion leader in his peer group by acquiring technology skills. The practitioners use tagging and adjust the timing of check-ins to create social connection with friends. A practitioner, who is also a tourist and a flâneur, finds new feelings through mobile technologies when walking in the city. (1) The boundary between everyday life and tourism is not fixed, but weaves in a flow instead. (2) Geo-tagging symbolizes a hybrid space, in which contains virtual and physical information. (3) The practices of check-ins embody the tourist gaze. The sense of place is a flow, and practitioners may find warm or chill places through different media practices. However, the tension of interaction between people and technologies brings several unexpected troubles. The practitioner combats these problems by using tactics with agency, while he/she faces the power of structure which limits agency at the same time.

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