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La téléphonie mobile. Regards croisés entre la France et le Brésil sur la diffusion de contenus à propos du développement durable / The mobile telephone as seen from France and Brazil. The circulation of sustainable development content on phone applicationsBarros, Regiany De Almeida 17 January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la relation entre production médiatique et pratique citoyenne dans l’industrie des applications mobiles (et notamment dans celles portant sur le développement durable) développées en France, au Brésil, et parallèlement aux États-Unis entre 2009 et 2011. Elle cherche à cerner les contributions « réelles ou potentielles » du téléphone mobile, objet technique intégré dans l’espace public et désormais mis au service de l’intérêt général. Dans ce cadre, le thème du développement durable a été sélectionné en tant qu’espace de discussion, dans la mesure où il illustre la notion de bien commun. Et c’est à travers une étude de la construction de l’innovation technique et de la production des contenus qui y circulent, en l’occurrence les applications mobiles dédiées au développement durable, que nous essayons de répondre à ce questionnement. Nous faisons apparaître les intérêts véritables des acteurs engagés. La notion d’intérêt, fil conducteur de notre étude, nous a conduit à privilégier différentes typologies qui président à la production, typologies que nous avons appelées ici les logiques d’intérêt. Ressort de cette analyse le rôle important des professionnels de la production, intermédiaires spécialisés, assurant l’interaction entre les intérêts en présence et précisant la visée (intérêt général, citoyenneté) des contenus proposés. Peut-on y voir, d’une certaine manière, une implication citoyenne plus au moins volontaire de ces professionnels qui hésitent encore à mettre en adéquation leurs compétences techniques et créatives et leur responsabilité sociale? C’est le questionnement sous-jacent de cette thèse. / This thesis studies the relationship between media production and citizen practice in the mobile applications industry concerning sustainable development contents in France, Brazil, and - to a lesser degree - in the United States between 2009 and 2011. Within this framework, sustainable development was chosen as a basis for discussion as it illustrates the notion of the common good. We study the construction of technical innovation and digital content production. We highlight the interests of the relevant players - operators and stakeholders. The notion of the various interests involved is the central theme of our study. We focus on the role of professionals as specialized intermediaries, who ensure the interaction between the interests involved. Do we detect a civic involvement of these professionals torn between their technical and creative qualifications and societal responsibilities? This is the underlying theme of this thesis.
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電影產業智慧財產權管理研究-從製片觀點分析詹婷怡 Unknown Date (has links)
尤其是,創意產業由於具有無體性特質及外溢效果,在流通與應用本即具有多元化面向與特質,不能以傳統意義上的單一產業視之,而是藉由跨越多個產業多樣平台的價值實現過程,將相關產業連結在一起,包括動畫電影、影視與數位內容、數位影音、數位典藏、行動應用、表演藝術、流行音樂、品牌授權、甚至文化創意園區發展、閒置空間再造、文化觀光、城市及國家行銷等,將是跨越領域與界線的融合。 / In the transition from a Knowledge-Based Economy to a Creative Economy, we see the advent of a new industry mode. What dominates present-day economic development is Creativity, which is able to be regenerated, applied and developed in a sustainable fashion.
In the age of the creative economy, the creative industries are centered on intellectual property rights, and are a union of culture, art and commerce. In order for them to become real industries, generate profit and create output value, we need to further explore the establishment of an industry value chain, and create, protect, circulate and apply related intellectual property.
The film industry is the driving force of all creative industries. Film is an extremely complicated synthesis. The process of making a film involves the most sophisticated creativity management expertise, while the process of protecting, circulating and utilizing a film requires the most complex intellectual property right management skills. Through the contract negotiation process within the film industry’s value chain, the value of intellectual property rights as economic goods are maximized. With multiple channels and repeated use of application platforms, film-making is a complex multidisciplinary integration process.
In recent years, Taiwan has begun to pay more attention to the study of the theory and practice of intellectual property. However, this study has so far been limited to applications of the high-tech industries. With regards to the creative industries, whose forms, contents and operating modes are rather different from those of the high-tech industries, little study has been conducted due to their different industry characteristics.
To investigate the film industry from the angle of creating, protecting, circulating and applying intellectual property rights, one needs to first understand the history, current status and trends of the film industry as well as analyze the industry’s characteristics and value chain before investigating issues concerning management of the industry’s intellectual property rights and revitalization of the industry.
Modern-day business concepts and management mechanisms are equally important to the film industry. The producer is charged with this creative management task. The producer is like the entrepreneur of a newly established business, who endeavors to turn all the elements a successful film contains into a business plan, raise sufficient funds and coordinate efforts to complete the film and release it.
From economic and market perspectives, this study examines the film industry’s historical background, trends, value chain and characteristics. In addition, from the producer’s viewpoint, the study analyzes the industry’s management of intellectual property rights and contracts, and introduces business and management concepts into creative industries in order to form a concrete industry development model. At the end of the study, it puts forward its research findings and suggestions for future research.
With the film industry, a relatively complicated industry within the creative industries, as the subject, the study hopes to promote integration of commercial and artistic aspects, as well as aspiring to set an example for other creative industries.
As a result of their intangible nature and spillover effects, the circulation and application of creative industries possess diverse facets and qualities and therefore cannot be viewed as a single industry from a traditional perspective. Rather, through a value realization process spanning several industries and a variety of platforms, relevant industries that include animated features, visual and digital content, digital videos, digital archives, mobile applications, performing arts, popular music, and brand authorization are linked. Creative industries even include development of cultural parks, rejuvenation of disused spaces, cultural tourism, and city and national marketing. They are a fusion of different fields and boundaries.
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