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1945年後泰國華文教育之發展 / The development of Chinese education in Thailand after 1945陳惠玲 Unknown Date (has links)
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泰國行政發展之研究吳復新 Unknown Date (has links)
二次大戰後,政治與行政學者開始鼓吹以比較的方法研究公共行政,因而產生了比較公共行政(或稱為比較行政)這一新的學科。比較行政的研究對象,主要是發展中國家的行政制度與行政行為,並且更特別注意行政與國家發展的關係。在這一研究取向(orientation of research)中,個案研究成了不可缺少的一環,因為這是獲得比較資料的唯一來源。
泰國是東南亞各國中,在十九世紀遭受西方勢力入侵時,唯一倖免於「難」而仍保持其獨立的國家。這一項不平凡的事實顯示,泰國在面對這種力量的衝擊時,必然曾經有過重大的變革,使國家獲得一種有效的回應能力(responsive capability)。這項變革就是政府行政的大改革。改革的結果,使泰國君主專制下的傳統官僚治體變成了一個現代的行政制度。然而這個現代的行政制度,在一九三二年建立君主立憲政體後,卻沒有什麼大的發展。泰國這種不尋常的行政發展歷史程與事實,正好提供了比較行政研究的寶貴資料。
第一章 緒論:先陳述研究的動機與目旨。從比較行政研究的的觀點,說明個案研究的價值與貢獻;並進而解釋泰國行政發展之研究的主旨。其次闡明本論文所採取的研究方法-行政生態研究法。所謂行政生態研究法,簡單地說,就是採取生態學的觀點來研究行政與其環境的相互關係。生態研究法對發展中國家行政的研究,助益甚大。最後,將泰國的概況做一簡介,以幫助對本文之主題的瞭解。
第二章 傳統泰國的行政:本章敘述傳統泰國的行政,這是以後泰國行政發展的基礎。傳統泰國的行政制度與社會制度幾乎不分。其特徵在於以一套精緻的層級制度,使社會上的兩種成員--統治才與被統治者一一結合在一起。國王及其下治理人民的少數官吏為統治者。他們形成一個以國王為首的官僚治體(burreaucracy)。其餘為平民與奴隸,他們是以農為生的被統治者。兩者的關係很鬆懈。小乘佛教是全國人民的共同信仰,它賦予個人生存的意義,也維持了社會的安定。官僚治體與一般人民,基本上,是分離的。其組織並不複雜。在理論上,雖然國王具有絕對的專制權力,但是,官僚治體卻是仍具有高度的獨立性。然而,官僚治體的功能卻很有限。其工作只是替國王治理人民與收稅,並維持自身的存在。總之,傳統泰國的行政制度,主要乃是以社會制度基礎,履行維持社會安定的有限功能而已。
第三章 泰國行政現代化的開展:從十九世紀開始,泰國遭遇了西方勢力的入侵,國家的生存面臨嚴重挑戰。本章即敘述,泰國在回應這種挑戰戰時所採取的主要措施--官僚治體的變革。首先,敘述西方勢力對泰國的衝擊及泰國行政現代化的奠基。其中最值得一提的就是,泰國國王對西方勢力之「侵襲」所具有的正確認識。由於這種認識,國家乃能在他們的領導下,邁向現代化的途徑。其次,論述泰國在朱拉隆功國王領導下,所實行的一連串重大的行政變革。其中第一階段主要是從事於行政現代化所需的「基本建設」,這也是國家發展的基礎。第二階段才真正是行政的大改革,包括政府結構的重組與發展。內政部的建立與發展乃是其中最重要的一環。因為它負起了創建一個全國地方行政體系的重責大任,這是維持國家領土完整的必要手段。此外,內政部與其他的功能發展也有極密切的關係,因而促成了國家官僚治體的產生。如果用現代行政學的術語說,內政部的建立乃是一項「制度建立」(institution building)的過程。總之,十九世紀中葉,泰國在面對西方勢力的衝擊時,由於行政的變革與發展,不但打贏了一場漂亮的「防衛戰」,保持了國家的生存與獨立,同時還使國家更邁向現代化。
第四章 君主立憲政體下的泰國行政:一九三二年的革命推翻了持續近六百年的君主專制政體而建立君主立憲政體。泰國的行政也因而進入了一個新的紀元。本章即在探討泰國的行政制度在君主立憲政體下的「所做所為」。首先,略自十九世紀建立現代行政制度以來,其所歷經的發展,並藉之比較革命前後之行政實況的異同。最後,從官僚治體與國家發展之關係的觀點,檢討現代泰國的行政,期能對它的未來發展有更深刻的認識。
第五章 影響泰國行政發展之生態因素的分析:本章乃是依據前述生態研究法,對影響泰國行政發展的生態環境,做更詳細的分析。首先,陳述行政生態因素的涵義。接著再分別從歷史文化、社會、政治和經濟等因素,分析這些因素與行政的關係。最後,論述環境與官僚治體的溝通,以明環境對行政的反饋(feedback)能力。
第六章 結論:首先敘述行政發展的涵義,以作為評估泰國行政發展的基礎。其次回顧泰國行政發展的歷程,以求獲得一個泰國行政發展的綜合印象。最後,以這個印象為基礎,就行政發展的現化涵義,瞻望泰國未來的行政發展方向。
另外,旅居泰國曼谷的孫維忠(韋中)先生、泰國國立發展行政研究所的Phalibul changrien博士,以及本所泰國留學生基拉沙學長等提供實貴的資料;尤其是孫先生還生泰國,不辭煩勞地替我搜集資料,此種恩情更使我終生難忘。如果沒有他這麼熱心的協助,本文恐難如明完成。對於這些異國的友人,我也要在些表示由衷的謝意。
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泰國女性的政治參與:菁英與民眾的觀點 / Women’s Political Participation in Thailand: Perceptions of Public Perspectives李書淳 Unknown Date (has links)
Historically, Thai women were excluded from political participation either in national or local levels. The 1997 Constitutional reform led to fundamental changes in Thailand’s political system and strengthened women’s representation in high politics. The proportion of seats occupied by women in the national parliament showed less than 10 percent. Recently, the advancement of Thai women in political participation has extensively inspired through discussions and studies of gender politics. In other words, a number of prominent Thai women in decision making processes –female politicians have been encouraged to access to the political sphere. Meanwhile the male political enactment has still been dominant towards their experiences and background characteristics.
Not only did aim to review the role of women’s participation in Thailand, this research also analyzed the factors either supporting or obstructing female political empowerment. So mixed method was designed as the research tool. As the quantitative methodology, 1,500 survey questionnaires were distributed to respondents throughout the country. The Linear Regression (RP2P) was used to analyze the relationship between the dependent variables and independent variables regarding women’s political participation in Thailand. As the qualitative methodology, the data from the interview questions were collected to cover the details of the main research questions.
The findings revealed that both Constitution and political processes were the most crucial factors for Thai women’s empowerment. Accordingly, the non-institutional factors were also the major supporting elements for women’s participation and empowerment; those were, personal leadership, the acceptance from citizens, the context of society, family background, motivation, economic development and the cooperation of the related organizations. Although, the gender stereotype and prejudices had remained the most important barriers for Thai women in politics, the religious belief becomes beneficial in those situations. Regarding the quota system, most interviewees strongly agreed that this measure became a major temporary measure to increase a number of Thai women representatives whereas many respondents focused on the potential of the candidates instead of the gender.
In conclusion, the promotion of Thai women’s political participation requires determined efforts not only by women themselves, but also governments, political parties, mass media, and NGOs. As a result, all levels of the political participation should be concerned by all parties through cooperative working in appropriate measures.
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泰國勞工輸出及勞工適應問題之研究---以泰國勞工在台為例譚華德 Unknown Date (has links)
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生活:有機零售商店 / Green Life: The Natural Retail Shop劉英杰, Saran Oonuareekhun Unknown Date (has links)
With the economic growth in Thailand in the recent year, Thai people have enough money to concern about the healthy product. Now a day, in Bangkok, Thai people are now aware more on organic food, as consequence, there are a lot of organic food shop opening. Therefore, this is a good time to extend the organic line of product to some products that will give them a better health like natural detergent, soap, shampoo, etc.
Green Life will be the retail shop, located in Sukumvit in Bangkok, that sell the natural product or organic products such as shampoo, soap, detergent, etc. We will focus more on the daily use products, instead of focus on selling food or raw foods ingredient. We will bring the international brands from all around the world to sell in Bangkok helping the customers in Thailand be easier to access these healthy products. We plan to bring 9 brands including Dr.oraganic, odylique, O'right, Natu, John master, LUSH, Palmer's, ECOS, and Greenshield, in total of 82 products. Our target is the middle income people in Thailand.
With the initial investment of 5,808,550 THB without any debt, we expected the payback period of 1.5 years. Our gross margin would be approximately 15% in the third year. If the first shop works well, we would consider opening new shop, bringing more brand or products to our shop, and buying license from the brand and manufacturing in Thailand.
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二次大戰後泰國與印尼華人社會地位之比較楊國駿, Yang, Kuo Chun Unknown Date (has links)
透過各指標比較分析中可知,各指標之間的關係確實有著極大的相關。如歷史文化因素中,兩國原住民對待華人的態度,亦時常深深影響著戰後至今的兩國社會,在對待華人的相關政策中,更見印尼華人所處社會地位之不平等。而社會經濟因素中,華人們在經濟上所佔有的實力,時常被過度的誇大來強調,此亦由於華人在經濟活動中多數以商業為主的原因。由於華人資本的累積,使戰後在兩國中均能夠見到少數崛起的華人富商,這些華人富商的出現,在人口比例相對少於當地國總人口數的情況下,更讓人感到驚奇,以致於放大來看待整體華人在當地國的表現。其結果一方面反映出海外華人在泰國與印尼兩國所獲得的傲人成就外,一方面卻也讓人誤以為所有的海外華人均十分富有。這種誤解,對於一向寬厚看待華人的泰國而言,雖然沒有造成排華的情況,在印尼則反而被當地原住民做為排華的藉口,使多數僅是小資本經營的華人商店受到嚴重的傷害。 此排華暴動的擴大(如一九九八年之排華事件)雖然與印尼政府消極的作法有關,從上述諸因素之分析中亦可知,其仍與歷史文化及社會經濟因素有關。
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在泰國曼谷開設有機超市之商業企劃書 / Organic Supermarket Business Plan in Bangkok, Thailand林秀銀, Chalermchaichan, Oranee Unknown Date (has links)
Currently many city dwellers are getting sick because of unhealthy city lifestyle such as living a night lives, being surrounded by a polluted environment and consuming contaminated food. As a result, healthy and green lifestyle is becoming a mainstream popular trend in Bangkok. People started to participate in extreme sport and especially purchasing organic food, and yet they still get even more sick. It is because they have wrong perception of organic food, so they still buy products such as hydroponic vegetable, injected hormone meat, and GMO harvest from normal supermarket. Although there are some green stores in the market, they still provide non-organic products, especially hydroponic vegetable.
Modern Earth is a pure organic supermarket that satisfies health-conscious city dwellers’ hunger for authentic organic food and products as an ultimate tool to live a healthy enjoyable modern lifestyle. Modern Earth offers English literate staffs who can inform and answer both Thais and expatriates about organic agriculture understanding as well as our products. Organic bakery and coffee shop, bookstores, and organic-related product store are also available in our supermarket. We believe our supermarket is one of the solutions for todays unhealthy modern lifestyle.
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台灣、泰國與馬來西亞金融改革的政治分析:制度透明化與問責 / The Politics of Financial Reform in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia: Institutional Transparency and Accountability陳尚懋, CHEN, Shangmao Unknown Date (has links)
台灣、泰國與馬來西亞這三個國家分別在1997年與1998年遭受到了嚴重的金融危機,這三個國家也都分別採取了相關的政策進行金融改革。但是在危機發生五、六年的時間之後,這三個國家的金融改革成效卻出現了差異。因此本論文最主要的問題即在於:這三個國家金融改革成效出現差異的最主要原因為何?為了有效分析與解答這一問題,本研究透過三研究層次的建立:制度(治理結構)、組織(監理架構)與市場(金融體系),以及四個主要概念的釐清:自主性(autonomy)、職能(capacity)、透明化(transparency)與問責(accountability),建構出所謂的「ACTA理論」(ACTA Theory)。
本研究主要論點為:台灣、泰國與馬來西亞這三個國家金融改革成效出現差異的原因在於,這三個國家治理結構與監理架構的ACTA不同所導致。泰國在危機之後,有了一部新憲法,並啟動大規模的政治改革,大幅提昇了治理結構與監理架構的ACTA,使得泰國的金融改革成效為這三個國家中最好的。馬來西亞在危機發生之後,並未進行政治改革,治理結構與監理架構的ACTA與危機發生之前相比,並未有明顯的改進,也因此其金融改革的成效為三個國家中最差的。至於台灣雖然在危機發生之後,出現了首次的政黨輪替,順利啟動了相關的改革工作,治理結構與監理架構的ACTA也有些許的提升,但是改善的幅度不如泰國,也因此台灣的金融改革成效位居三個國家之中。因此,若要有效進行金融改革,相關的政治改革是必要的,只有當治理結構與監理架構的ACTA獲得提升,金融改革才得以發揮其效用。 / The thesis focuses on the domestic institutional arrangements and relationships among key political and financial actors in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia after the financial crisis. As we know, Thailand and Malaysia were attacked seriously by the Asian financial crisis in 1997. Meanwhile, also affected by the 1997 Asian financial crisis, many Taiwanese enterprises have reported serious problems in their financial structures and suspended their payments of loans to the banks.
What happened in Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia after the crisis? Though these three countries were all attacked by the financial crisis, but with different hurts. Thailand seemed to be the worse, and Taiwan was better than Malaysia. In addition to, all these three countries adapted financial reform policies after the crisis, but still with different degrees of recovery. Malaysia had a fast recovery, but short-term and unstable. Thailand recovered slowly but strong and stable. Taiwan speeded up the reform after the first party turnover in 2000.
What are the causes of the financial reform differences in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia? Why did these three countries go in different ways on recovery? In order to answer this question, I develop a theory, called “ACTA Theory”. I use these four institutional variables: autonomy, capacity, transparency, accountability (ACTA), and three analysis levels to analysis the financial reform in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia.
The first level is the governance structure, including the bureaucracies, politicians, political parties, conglomerates, and local factions, etc. The second level is the regulatory framework, including the financial regulatory agency, like Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, or other financial restructuring authority, like FRA, CDRAC, TAMC in Thailand, Danaharta, Danamodal, CDRC in Malaysia, and Financial Supervisory Authority in Taiwan. The third level is the financial system, including the banks, finance companies, and merchant banks, also the performance of financial consolidation plan.
In conclusion, the ACTA of governance structure will influence the ACTA of regulatory framework from the top, and the institutional relationships between the governance structure and regulatory framework will influence the financial system jointly. Therefore the ACTA of governance structure and regulatory framework are critical for financial reform.
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日本對東南亞國家公眾外交之比較:以日本對泰國與越南的文化交流為例 / Japan's Public Diplomacy to Southeast Asia: The Comparisons between Japanese-Thai and Japanese-Vietnamese Cultural Exchange梁瑩騏, Liang, Ying Chi Unknown Date (has links)
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重新審視泰國民主:論社會媒體對政治運動的影響 / Rethinking Thai democracy: the impact of social media on political movements in time of political conflict那培農 Unknown Date (has links)
N/A / Thailand has experienced political instability since 2005 until present.
The political conflict has divided people into two factions, the supporters and the
opponents. First faction is the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD).
On the other side, the political movements of the anti-government faction are led by the
People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and People’s Democratic Reform Committee
Social media such as Facebook, Line and YouTube have become the
new tools for communication which are used to create change in social movements and
political movements around the world. The new tools have revolutionized the social
movements’paradigm and theory.
This research thus aimed to study social media by focusing on the
relationship between Facebook platform and Thai political movements. Both qualitative
and quantitative methodologies were applied in this research as the tool to find an
answer of the main question. The total amount of 1,500 survey questionnaire samples
were distributed to respondents nationwide, and Pearson’s chi-squared test was applied
to examine the relationship between social media (Facebook) and political movements.
Finally, a result of the study showed that Thai people had different
democratic ideologies, and that conflict of ideas had been accumulated and turned into
the bedrock of political turmoil in this era. Moreover, it was found that Facebook was
an amplifier, connector, and accelerator for political movement. Having Facebook as
the new communication tool, Thai people in the society were encouraged to participate
political movements rather than individual group or class movement presented in Thai
history before. Social media such as Facebook linked cyber space and public space
together through the new method of idea and information distribution and people
mobilization. This motivated citizen to demonstrate on stress occupying government
buildings and department stores. Therefore, political reconciliation should be concerned
with democracy from the Thai society perspective rather than the Western one.
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