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胡錦濤時期中共對台和平發展戰略之研究王美蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
中共自1949 年建政以來,對台戰略的演進過程概可區分為「武力解放台灣」、「和平解放台灣」、「和平統一、一國兩制」三個階段。2003年胡錦濤接掌黨政軍領導要務以來,國際社會興起負面的「中國威脅論」,認為中共的快速成長,將威脅到其他國家安全與發展。為避免此一論調惡化中共發展的國際環境,故2003年11月中共中央黨校前副校長鄭必堅在「博熬亞洲論壇」提出「和平崛起」論,然該論述在如何面對美國制約等課題上受到挑戰,故中共高層於2004年3月底轉而以「和平發展」論代替「和平崛起」論。
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中國和平崛起的戰略意涵及對台灣的影響陳海彬, CHEN,HAI-PIN Unknown Date (has links)
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國家形象再造之研究:以中國設立全球孔子學院為例 / The research of reconstruction of national image - a case study of China’s Confucius Institute鄒雨濃 Unknown Date (has links)
國家如同商品,需要量身打造最適的計畫及管道來定位及行銷,本文透過結合學者Kotler及Olins的行銷理論,使用文獻分析法、歷史比較研究法以及內容分析法,配合國內外主要報業對於孔子學院之報導及評論作次級資料分析,(資料蒐集區段自2004年孔子學院成立以至2010年7月)探討國家形象建構之重要性及中國選擇孔子學院為扭轉其國家形象之途徑因素及成效。 / In recent year, blooming of globalization catalyzed the change of international situation. As an up-and-coming country, China realized the competition and cooperation among the globe should have the common goal of working toward a healthier development. China also recognized that the need of transform its stereotype image of being the over expanded hard power would be the solution to create platform for steady growth of national power.
As soft power becoming the trend of today, how to create a positive national image is one of top priority policies for China. By studying China’s stream of well-planned marketing events for its national culture, we could see how the mild and mean culture of China in the past thousand years materialized. Out of all the events, the government managed Confucius Institutes organized expansion globally is the most followed event.
A nation is very similar to a product, which need customized plan and channel for marketing. By combining Kotler and Olins’s marketing theory, this research paper discuss about the importance of constructing a national image. This research also discusses in detail about the process and the result of China using Confucius Institutes to modify its national image. Read more
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兩岸和平協議可行性之研究 / Peace Agreement Feasible Study Of Taiwan and Mainland何維國 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:和平協議、和平發展、和平統一、一個中國、結束敵對狀態 / Taiwan and Mainland had proposed to sign a peace agreement over 10 years ago. At that time, the Communist Party of China (CPC) held a tough attitude, stressing that Taiwan is a part of China. In 1995, the Mainland declared both sides could negotiate for reaching a peace agreement on officially ending the state of hostility under the “one China principle”. The then-president Lee Teng-hui firstly made such a response that both sides could launch preparatory negotiations, but finally rolled out the “two states theory”, which ended up both sides’initial proposal for a peace agreement.
After the Democratic Progressive Party successively held power, Chen Shui-bian pushed for Taiwan referendum to draw up a constitution, and immediately the CPC proclaimed the Anti-Secession Law, which brought both sides into more intense confrontation. However, in recent 10 years, the situation and development across Taiwan Strait have appeared different changes: the Chinese Mainland is rising rapidly, while Taiwan’s comprehensive strength is on the decline due to internal political friction and closed-door policy. This thus forced Ma Ying-jeou to take the signing for a peace agreement across Taiwan Strait as his political view during the 2008 presidential election. After elected as president by a majority of votes, president Ma, in his inaugural speech, further announced: Taiwan would launch negotiations with the Mainland on the issues of Taiwan’s international space and both sides’peace agreement.
As the signing of peace agreement will cause significant impact on the future development of cross-strait relationship, this paper conducts analyses on the peace agreement’s concept and nature, as well as the influencing environmental factors, subjective and objective stances, strategic attitudes, scholars’ proposals, methods to resolve conflicts and both sides’efforts, in order to evaluate what kind of peace agreenent can be compromised, reached or accepted by both sides under the background of changed times.
Keywords: peace agreement, peaceful development, peaceful reunification, one China, ending up hostility state Read more
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中國和平崛起外交戰略之研究 / On China's "Peaceful Rise" Diplomatic Strategy黃奕龍, Huang, Yi-lung Unknown Date (has links)
針對外界流傳已久的中國威脅論,中國於2003年底開始推出「和平崛起」論述,主張中國以和平的方式崛起,並且旨在維護和平、以和平為目的。除了基於國際環境給予的動力與壓力之外,中國決策者對中國崛起的自信,以及期望建立一套新的國家發展論述促使和平崛起戰略的出台。中國建立了以和平崛起為目標的國家發展戰略,其中對外建構了一套和平崛起外交戰略,具體落實在大國外交、睦鄰外交、與發展中國家關係及多邊外交上。本研究自中國崛起的背景著手,從國際環境、國家實力與決策者認知理解中國提出和平崛起的原因、目的與特色,並觀察中國相應而生的具體外交作為。最後,本研究指出和平崛起外交戰略面臨到中美權力競逐與矛盾問題、中日安全困境與衝突利益問題、領海與資源爭議以及台灣問題的嚴格考驗。 / This dissertation focuses on the “peaceful rise” argument brought by China in the end of 2003. By contending that China will rise by peace, for peace, and peacefully, the so-called “peaceful rise” argument tried to counter “China threat” argument, which distributed for a long time. The making of China’s “peaceful rise” national strategy is motivated and forced by the international environment. On top of that, the confidence of Chinese decision-makers for a rising China provides power to the formation of the new national strategy as well as the expectation for a new national development discourse. Following the national development strategy which aims at a peacefully rising China, the “peaceful rise” diplomatic strategy was built by a series of concrete foreign policies, including “Big-power diplomacy,” “Good-neighboring diplomacy,” “Relations with developing countries,” and “Multi-lateral diplomacy”. This dissertation starts from the background of a rising China, comprehends the reason, goal and character of China’s “peaceful rise” by international environment, national power, and decision-maker’s cognitive approaches. Moreover, concrete foreign policies accompanying its national strategy are analyzed. Finally, this research finds that the peaceful rise diplomatic strategy needs to deal with certain challenges such as Sino-U.S. power struggle with conflicting issues, Sino-Japan security dilemma with conflicting issues, peripheral territorial sea and land disputes, and last but not least, the Taiwan problem. Read more
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中國周邊外交戰略之研究(2001-2009) / China's Strategy of Peripheral Diplomacy(2001-2009)楊宗鑫 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國對柬埔寨的影響:新現實主義的看法 / China's Influences in Cambodia: The Neorealist Point of View范雷, Boris Freso Unknown Date (has links)
第一個目標是檢視中國為了增強政治實力而建立對外政策—和平發展計畫2.0。第二個目標是試圖釐清中國是否可以藉由『Emily Goh』的理論轉化成實質影響。以中國於柬埔寨建設的水力工程為考察目標。除此之外,調查結果是以一些新現實主義的論點來找出兩者之間的相關性。結論證明了中國對柬埔寨確實有相當的影響力,且此樣的外交政策是有效用的。此外,現實主義者也藉此證明了自己的價值;然而,也彰顯了中國與柬埔寨雙方互動的缺點。 / The thesis seeks to evaluate China’s influences in Cambodia by relying on the neorealist account. The first goal is to examine the China’s foreign policy of ‘Peaceful Rise 2.0.’, as the tool of gaining political power. The second target is to find out whether China is capable of transferring such power into actual influence by adopting the theory of influence by Emily Goh. Research on such ability is tested in the case study of China’s involvement in construction of hydro-power facilities in Cambodia. In addition, findings are examined through the optics of several neorealist theories, to find out the relevancy of this discourse on this topic. The results prove the existence of China’s effective leverage on Cambodia, and also the capability to yield this kind of impact from the outcomes of the China’s foreign policy. Also, realist accounts proved their merits; however, also their shortcomings regarding the dynamics of Chinese-Cambodian interaction.
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