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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中國和柬埔寨關係 (1989-2010) / The Sino-Cambodian relations (1989-2010)

菲力普克勞玆, Kraus, Filip Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis aims to chart the historical development of Sino-Cambodian relations from 1989 to 2010; analyze the external factors in Sino-Cambodian relations; highlight the PRC’s main strategic interests in the region; analyze the measures and instruments that the PRC is applying in the region to achieve its objectives; highlight the possible impacts of Sino-Cambodian relations on the region; and chart the possible impacts on the integration process of the Southeast Asian region; predicting the course of Sino-Cambodian relations in the foreseeable future. Historically, the PRC government supported the Democratic Kampuchea (DK) and Sihanouk’s royalists in their struggle against the People’s Republic of Kampuchea. The PRC government approach changed after the elections in May 1993 and Sino-CPP relations were further strengthened to such an extent that they ranged from political, economic and military cooperation, to cultural exchanges. External factors such as the Southeast Asia integration process, the Chinese Community living in Cambodia, and the CPP’s close historical ties with Vietnam are currently playing important roles in Sino-Cambodian relations. The main strategic interests behind China’s relationship with Cambodia are to maintain and reinforce the PRC’s strategic position in the region, counter US influence, strengthen its own position and security within Southeast Asia, and create a peaceful and stable environment in the region that would enable China to focus on its economic development. The PRC is using diplomatic, economic, military and informational means to achieve objectives that contribute not only to its own national security, but also to its economy. Recently, the PRC government has relied on a bilateral rather than multilateral approach. China’s “peaceful growth” will create a stable, peaceful environment in the region, and its economic engagement in Southeast Asia will have a positive impact on the regional economy. It is likely to be that Sino-Cambodian relations will remain good in the foreseeable future.

東協對柬埔寨問題之政策研究 / The Study of ASEAN's Policy to the Kampuchean Problem

林宗輝, Lin, Tcung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
諸多原因使東協成為區域主義成功典型的範例,但無疑的其中最大因素當歸功於柬埔寨問題造成的結果,柬埔寨的衝突使東協各國之間建立緊密的凝具力,為東協帶來區域主義的基礎,本文研究目的即運用歷史與文獻分析法,探討東協是如何群策群力,建立共識,首先予柬埔寨問題對東協之不利影響層面減免至最小,最後並化此危機為轉機,促使其得以早日解決,東協此等靈活婉轉的外交手腕,是在何種背景下孕育運用達成的,也是引起吾人興趣,撰寫本論文之動機所在。   緣於柬埔寨問題係歷經冷戰與後冷戰兩段時期,在不同國際環境,東協有著不同的因應對策,因此,本人遂大膽將東協對柬埔寨問題之政策區分為三個主要階段,第一階段為柬埔寨問題事起的一九七九年至一九八二年,此時期適逢美、蘇重新展開冷戰對立,配合此種情勢,東協尋求西方國家和中共的援助與越南從事強硬的外交對抗。第二階段為東協對柬政策的持續與轉變時期,從一九八三年至一九八五年止,此階段雙方仍呈現僵持敵對的局面,唯在對峙的背後,雙方出現若干彈性的作法。第三階段為一九八五年至一九九一年,柬埔寨問題邁向全面政治解決的僵局突破時期。據此分期架構,全文計分六章十八節,茲摘述如下:   第一章:緒論,概述本論文之研究動機、目的、範圍、方法及限制。   第二章:歸納凝具東協對共識之根源,分三節述之,為維護東協傳統之安全構想,地緣政治與骨牌效應之考量,及難民問題之嚴重衝擊等。   第三章:論述東協對柬問題之強硬政策,分析東協在何種國際背景下,展開外交出擊,其次說明東協外交運用實例與獲致之成果,再則剖析東協對柬政策之制約因素。   第四章:敘述東協對柬政策之第二階段持續與轉變時期。   第五章:柬僵局突破時期,為因應國際環境之劇變,東協於柬問題中扮演之角色與功能亦有變遷,本章即歸納影響東協角色變遷之因素,並回顧角色轉變後之政策作為。   第六章:結論與展望,將東協對柬政策作一評估,並由東協對柬政策的經驗中,展望東協於冷戰後時期如何因應與調整其安全政策。

中國對柬埔寨的影響:新現實主義的看法 / China's Influences in Cambodia: The Neorealist Point of View

范雷, Boris Freso Unknown Date (has links)
第一個目標是檢視中國為了增強政治實力而建立對外政策—和平發展計畫2.0。第二個目標是試圖釐清中國是否可以藉由『Emily Goh』的理論轉化成實質影響。以中國於柬埔寨建設的水力工程為考察目標。除此之外,調查結果是以一些新現實主義的論點來找出兩者之間的相關性。結論證明了中國對柬埔寨確實有相當的影響力,且此樣的外交政策是有效用的。此外,現實主義者也藉此證明了自己的價值;然而,也彰顯了中國與柬埔寨雙方互動的缺點。 / The thesis seeks to evaluate China’s influences in Cambodia by relying on the neorealist account. The first goal is to examine the China’s foreign policy of ‘Peaceful Rise 2.0.’, as the tool of gaining political power. The second target is to find out whether China is capable of transferring such power into actual influence by adopting the theory of influence by Emily Goh. Research on such ability is tested in the case study of China’s involvement in construction of hydro-power facilities in Cambodia. In addition, findings are examined through the optics of several neorealist theories, to find out the relevancy of this discourse on this topic. The results prove the existence of China’s effective leverage on Cambodia, and also the capability to yield this kind of impact from the outcomes of the China’s foreign policy. Also, realist accounts proved their merits; however, also their shortcomings regarding the dynamics of Chinese-Cambodian interaction.

越南之外交政策(1976-1995) / The Foreign Policy of Vietnam (1976-1995)

陳永豐, Chen, Yung-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


藍天虹 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要探討聯合國在維護國際安全與和平目的時,由原先所構思的集體安全概念,來確保不再發生世界大戰,到發展出維持和平行動及預防外交的前因後果。   聯合國於一九四五年成立後,由於東西雙方兩大集團採取對抗方式,冷戰於焉形成,集體安全概念除了在韓戰及波灣戰爭發揮維護國際社會安全與和平應有的功能外,面對其餘各項衝突均無法發揮其功能,維持和平行動乃因運而生,並延伸出預防外交的概念。   聯合國於一九四八年第一次實施維和行動,開啟了維和行動的新頁。在冷戰的四十幾年間,維持和平行動及預防外交確實發揮穩定國際安全與和平功效。隨著冷戰於一九八八年結束,國際間採取以合作代替對抗,同年聯合國維持和平行動獲得諾貝爾和平獎,及美國於一九九一年在聯合國安全理事會授權下組成多國聯軍,將伊拉克從科威特逐回其本土,以及蓋里秘書長在一九九二年向安理會所報題為和平議程中,重新賦予預防外交新的定義及做法,因而引發國際間對於聯合國在維護國際安全與和平上的厚望,預防外交頓時成為當時流行的口號,而受到國際社會的重視。   聯合國對於國際間的期望也確實給予具體的回應,維持和平行動從冷戰前四十三年間執行十三項任務,激增到冷戰後短短十五年內的四十三項任務,介入處裡的衝突,也從國際間的衝突到國家的內戰等,範圍較前廣泛;而其所執行的任務更從早期監督停火及擔任軍事緩衝者到維護人道救濟及人權,並進而協助國家重建工作等,不一而足,可說加大了預防外交的廣度與深度。維持和平行動及預防外交實施以來,雖有長足的進步,但本身仍有問題需要去面對及克服,聯合國因而成立小組研擬改進之道,逐一加以解決,然仍有部分問題未能完全解決,尚待克服。雖然聯合國仍有待精進,但是其作為國際及國內爭端的最佳仲裁機構,是無庸置疑的,這也是為何在海地任務中,由美國領軍組成的多國部隊仍須經聯合國授權,才具正當性。目前維和任務及預防外交仍是聯合國維護國際社會安全與和平的最佳方法。

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