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台灣溫泉渡假村服務品質提升方法設計-以谷關某溫泉渡假村為例 / Service improvement of Taiwanese hotspring resort-using Resort in GuGuan area as example劉伯彥, JERRY LIU Unknown Date (has links)
為提升台灣溫泉渡假村服務品質,本研究提出一套內外資源分析方法。針對台灣溫泉度假村及溫泉旅館之服務品質,包含:內部硬體、外部硬體與經營環境等層面,分析溫泉渡假村之服務需求與改善機會。本方法設計以台中市谷關區某溫泉度假村為例,自消費者廣泛蒐集溫泉旅館服務需求、自溫泉業者瞭解溫泉旅館成功案例滿足服務需求的條件,首先整理出在消費者的心中,對於台灣區溫泉旅館的服務條件,由整體環境面、旅館內外部硬體設備面,以及旅館軟體服務面的標準需求滿足為何。接著透過積分評比的方式,整理出一套用來協助個案公司各項服務需求的評分標準,並交叉比對台中市谷關區兩間成功案例個案公司的服務經營方針。進而了解個案公司相對服務品質與優缺點,並提出改善建議。期望這一套消費者需求分析與服務經營比對方法及企業轉型的建議,可以作為台灣溫泉產業未來發展提升服務品質的參考。 / In order to improve the service quality of Hot Spring resorts in Taiwan, this research analyzed internal and external resources and proposes a methodology to help Hot Spring resorts in Taiwan understand their customer needs and evaluate their competitiveness. The resources for service offering in Hot Spring resorts include internal hardware (building structures and facilities), external environment (geographic locations). Using case company A, this study collected service needs from customers, evaluated and organized the data to build customer insights. Then, by cross-case analysis on competitors the study learned success factors of service provided. Finally by consolidating customer needs, competitor strategies, and evaluation of company competitiveness improvements were initiated. It is hoped that the proposed methodology can be a useful quality improvement approach for Hot Spring resorts in Taiwan.
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生態博物館與社區互動之研究—以北投溫泉博物館為例 / he Study on the Interactions between Ecomuseums and Communities--A Case Study of The Peitou Hot Spring Museum周仕桓 Unknown Date (has links)
第五章:結論與建議。研究後發現北投溫泉博物館符合生態博物館的理念,並對北投溫泉博物館的經營管理做出改善建議,研究發現期望可以作為日後生態博物館經營管理之參考。 / The ‘two-day weekend’ policy has been promulgated in Taiwan and people have more time spending on leisure activities. The increases of attending leisure activities create the developments of tourism among which the culture tourism is one of the most popular patterns. Using museums is a new trend throughout the world. However, the knowledge of understanding the functions of the museums is quite limited, where is bounded with attending indoor activities, historical and cultural exhibitions that not only impedes the patterns on sites seeing at the local level of cultures, but also lacks the interactions between the museums and communities.
Based on “anthropology”, “popularization”, “localization”, and “diversity”, “New Museum Movement” is widely adopted to enhance the knowledge of using museums. It focuses on the deconstructing the existing concept of the traditional museums activities and highlights the communal heritages. A “living” museum is built under the ideas of eco-museums, community museums, folk museums, and community empowerment which increase the interactions between eco-museums and communities.
There are five chapters in this study to analyze the interactions between eco-museums and communities, in addition, to discuss its construction, organization, and challenge of the Peitou Hot Spring Museum. The results of this study are expected to serve as the base for further research on the eco-museums in the future.
In Chapter 1 the background, motivation, and purpose of doing this research are described. The methodologies relate to this research, regarding its area, limit, and the main concept would be explained in detail. In the end of this chapter, I review the related literatures. The Chapter 2 attempts to integrate the related literatures, New Museum Movement in Europe and United States, with the development of Peitou Hot Spring Museum in Taiwan. The literatures of how the rise and evolutions which impact the local community due to the development of eco-museums are also analyzed in this chapter. The Chapter 3 will discuss the community development combined with the development of museums in Taiwan, the key factors of the museums to blend with the interactive between eco-museums and communities are illustrated. In Chapter 4 this study aims to use Peitou Hot Spring Museum as a study case to analyze its current operations. Through interviewing local key persons, museum staff, and volunteers, as well as the assessment of the visitor’s interactions between Peitou Hot Springs Museum and communities are explored in this chapter. The Chapter 5 is the conclusion and suggestion. This study finds that Peitou Hot Spring Museum is accord with the concept of eco-museums which would provides the related suggestions to improve its further operation and management.
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