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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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朱婉寧, Chu wan-ning Unknown Date (has links)


林書廷 Unknown Date (has links)
「社區總體營造」之基本理念,乃是希望透過社區居民的參與社區公共事務,引發社區意識達成社區生命共同體的認同感,重新建立人與人、人與環境的關係,以共同營造一個和諧的社區。 本研究採訪談法與調查法,選擇以九十三年度台灣地區營運績優之公共圖書館被評選為「卓越獎」之埔里鎮立圖書館,及評選為「特別獎」的台中縣神岡鄉立圖書館、台南縣歸仁鄉立圖書館、屏東縣長治鄉立圖書館、宜蘭縣壯圍鄉立圖書館等共五所「鄉鎮」圖書館,係假設該五所鄉鎮圖書館能於眾多鄉鎮圖書館中脫穎而出,必有值得學習之處,於是從這幾所圖書館著手瞭解其對圖書館參與社區總體營造之想法。問卷對象與受訪者包含:圖書館工作者、社區工作者和文史工作者,共計15人。 本研究目的旨在探討鄉鎮圖書館能在社區總體營造中扮演的角色、應有的責任及可發揮的功能。欲探討的研究問題:(一)鄉鎮圖書館推動社區總體營造的經驗為何?(二)鄉鎮圖書館從業人員對社區總體營造的想法為何?(三)社區工作者與文史工作者對於鄉鎮圖書館參與社區總體營造有何期望?(四)鄉鎮圖書館可以在社區總體營造中有哪些著力點?(五)鄉鎮圖書館服務與社區總體營造結合後可以有哪些具體作為? 本研究就社區總體營造「造景」與「造產」的過程,及「造人」之目標,與本研究之社區工作者與文史工作者認為圖書館可以「扮演提供資訊與媒合角色」,及圖書館應該「對社區有更深的認識」,且需要「結合社區」等意見,將之與圖書館的「社區資訊服務」、「地方文獻服務」與「圖書館推廣服務」等服務項目融合,從中尋求圖書館與社區之間的關係,據研究結果歸納整理出鄉鎮圖書館參與社區總體營造之營運模式。 針對研究問題提出之研究結果為:(一)在社區總體營造施政政策未被提出之前,圖書館已經在做社區營造的工作了。部分圖書館更是積極參與「社區總體營造」施政計畫中之文化相關計畫,充分展現文化累積的活動力;(二)圖書館從業人員多瞭解到圖書館的服務應結合社區,針對民眾的需求設計服務內容,如能具備社區總體營造知能,更能落實圖書館各項服務於社區總體營造施政計畫中;(三)社區工作者與文史工作者認為圖書館的優劣和館員之服務熱忱有很大的關係,鼓勵圖書館人員對社區有更多的了解,認識社區更多的人;(四)鄉鎮圖書館可成為社區特色,創造閱讀氛圍,引導民眾走入書香世界,與民眾共同規劃與執行圖書館各項活動與服務共同推動改善家園環境之力量。圖書館可結合社區創造各種產業活動與服務,以活絡地方生機;(五)若能加強圖書館的「社區資訊服務」、「地方文獻服務」和「圖書館推廣服務」這三種服務項目,應可以引起社區的共鳴與重視。 最後為鄉鎮圖書館參與社區總體營造之未來發展提出下列建議策略:(一)圖書館應確認本身所扮演之角色,訂立明確的願景與任務;(二)圖書館從業人員應參與社區總體營造人才培訓,使自身擁有深入瞭解社區之能力;(三)圖書館成為社區總體營造人才發揮能力之舞台,使更多人願意投入參與公共事務;(四)圖書館成為社區資源中心,避免社區調查資料繼續散失。


李家源, Lee Chia Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
原住民部落重建是一個漫長的調適、妥協與合作的過程,除了外在政治社會經濟環境的侷限外,原住民本身的知識與能力不足、部落不夠團結、部落組織動員不佳、政策制訂者及執行者對原住民部落環境及文化脈絡的不熟悉、其與部落的溝通不良、外來團隊過於強勢的主導等都是部落重建所面臨的層層阻礙與困難。九二一震災的發生,造成部落原有之社會聯繫與互動模式的毀壞與解組,因而也導致部落內部關係及與外部群體關係型態的變遷。潭南在經歷了與外來團隊間參雜合作、競爭、衝突的災後重建歷程之後,部落本身也應該有所自覺與行動,並非一味地依賴政府單位及外來團隊,在經歷過許多挫敗與成功後,能自己尋找出適合部落重建與發展的方向與途徑。筆者便以「合作、競爭與衝突:潭南的災後重建與社會關係」為論文主題,進行相關之研究與分析。第一章是本論文之相關研究回顧,依據所收集之文獻資料並針對本論文研究之主題,筆者擬分為本論文主要探討之合作、競爭與衝突三種社會關係的相關研究與理論、災害相關研究、災後社區重建與原住民災區重建、原住民部落發展與社區總體營造、布農族社會文化相關研究等五方面來進行討論。第二章則是研究地點-潭南村的各種基礎資料與重建過程的敘述。 第三、四章分別論述潭南村在重建過程中內部社會關係與群體互動,及各外來重建團隊在重建過程中的實際運作,及與潭南當地居民的互動關係。第五章則立基於前二章的論述基礎,將潭南災後重建過程中所展現之社會關係概略性地區分為「合作」、「競爭」與「衝突」三個主要型態,以進行更深入、更全面性之分析與探討,以期能對潭南村在災後重建過程中複雜之關係行為及現象提出適當的詮釋與析論。 筆者經由本論文的研究與分析,及2年多來在潭南進行實際參與觀察之經驗,在此特針對潭南部落未來的重建與發展,提出以下三點建議:一、人類學觀點涉入的必要性;二、部落草根性組織與中介、整合機制的建立與發展;三、其他災區原住民部落重建的經驗學習與分享。此三點建議不僅只適用於潭南部落,更可將之擴大並應用至所有的災區原住民部落,希望能提供部落/行動者在行動時可依循的一個理念與原則。

學習型組織理論應用於社區總體營造之研究-以大溪和平老街為例 / A study on how Organizational Learning Theory is applied to the integrated Community Development—An example of Her-Pyng Old Street in Dashi

蔣玉嬋, Chiang, Yu-Chan Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣近年來因為經濟快速發展,農村人口大量移往都市,造成人口過疏、產業沒落;另一方面,在都市生活中的人群,普遍抱著過客心態,不關心周遭生活事務,導致人際關係冷漠、疏離。為使社區重構起來,再現生機與活力,重建「人與人」、「人與環境」的和諧關係,行政院文化建設委員會參造日本「造町」的經驗,提出「社區總體營造」政策,期以文化藝術的角度切入社區,激發社區居民自主參與公共事務,透過協調、溝通、討論,建立共同願景,營造人性化的家園。 另一方面在全球的競爭風潮下,人們發覺「持續變革」將成為組織未來生存的方向,學習型組織的概念因勢而起,強調建構學習型組織,以因應未來的時勢。其所提出的建立共享願景、轉變心智模式、系統思考、自我精進、團隊學習與社區總體營造所標榜的「營造新的人、新的社會與新的生活價值觀」的精神內涵一致。 因此,本文期經由文獻、觀察、訪談、比較及質性研究法,研究日本案例及大溪和平老街的社區營造過程與學習型組織的關連,建構學習型組織理論應用於社區總體營造的模式,並提出結論與建議,做為相關單位進行社區營造工作的參考。 本論文的結論為:(1)社區總體營造是極富創造性的文化政策,必須經由居民、行政部門、專家學者及地方企業共同參與、學習來實踐。(2)社區總體營造改變了以往的思維及操作模式,推動學習型組織可以克服困境。(3)如果各社區均能推動學習型組織,則社區總體營造工作順利推動,臺灣的社區均有其特色,建立公民社會,國家根基穩固,永續生存發展。 相關的建議為:(1)社區居民:應關心、愛護社區,發掘社區議題,積極參與社區事務。(2)規劃團隊:應認清自己是教練的角色,協助社區並向社區學習。(3)地方行政首長:要有永續經營的理念,進行組織內部整合,並建立民眾參與制度。(4)承辦人員:肯定自己的能力,以服務的心態協助社區進行營造工作。(5)文建會:加強內部工作規劃,並積極進行部會的協調整合工作。 / It has been growing fast in the economical development in Taiwan in the recent years. A large number of people in the rural areas have moved to the urban areas. It results in a phenomenon of low density of population and descending agriculture in the rural areas. On the other hand, people who are from the rural areas and living in cities often see themselves as passerby. They do not care the living matters around them. It results in poor relations between these people and their communities. In order to rebuild active communities to reshow activity and to redevelop the harmonious relations of “people and people” and “people and environment”, CCA (Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan) proposes a policy of “Integrated Community Development”(ICD) to achieve the above goals by referring to Japanese Machizukuri. From the view of culture and art toward communities, it is hoped to inspire residents to participate in the public affairs automatically. Through negotiation, communication and discussion, residents who live in the same community can have a shared vision to build a humane hometown. Under the tide of global competitiveness, people realize that “sustainable revolution” will become the surviving direction of organizations in the future. Thus, the concept of “Organizational Learning” has been proposed and is focused on how to build organizational learning to fit in the possible situation in the future. The organizational learning includes “building shared vision”,“improving mental models”,“personal mastery” and “team learning”. These points have the same ideas as ICD which points out a central idea of “building new people, new society and new living value”. This research tried to build the model of how “Organizational Learning” could be applied to ICD by documentary method, observational method, interview survey, comparative study and qualitative research. It is also including integrated community development case study of some Japanese cases and Her-Pyng Old Street in Dashi. Some conclusion and suggestions will be referred to be the reference of other related sectors in the future. It concludes here that (1) ICD is a kind of creative cultural policy and must be carried out by the corporation of residents, public sectors, experts and local private sectors.(2)ICD changes the previous thinking and operating models. Promoting organizational learning can overcome difficulties.(3)If all communities can promote organizational learning, ICD can work smoothly. Then every community has its unique characteristic in Taiwan to build a citizen society. Our country can develop stably and sustainably. Other related suggestions are:(1)community residents:who should care and love their communities, find out community issues, and participate in the community matters positively.(2)planning team:which should realizes itself as an instructor to help communities and learn from them. (3)local magistrate:who should have sustainable idea to proceed organizational inner integration and develop a rule of public participation. (4)staffs:who should confirm their own abilities and help communities to proceed ICD with sincere service.(5)CCA:which should strengthen planning contents and proceed the integrated work between the different sectors positively.

生態博物館與社區互動之研究—以北投溫泉博物館為例 / he Study on the Interactions between Ecomuseums and Communities--A Case Study of The Peitou Hot Spring Museum

周仕桓 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近年來周休二日政策的實施,人們有更多的時間從事休閒活動,休閒活動的增加也造就了觀光產業的發展,文化觀光是其中一種型態,以博物館來吸引文化觀光的人潮更是世界的趨勢。人們對於博物館的認知大多侷限在一棟建築物內,展示著過去及靜態的歷史文物,這樣的模式卻阻礙了當地現址文化的保存,博物館與當地社區之間也無任何互動。 為了能夠推翻過去封閉的文化展現,開始出現了以「人類學」、「大眾化」、「地方化」、及「多元化」等為基礎的「新博物館運動」,藉此拆解傳統博物館的核心權威轉而強調當地社區的文化,並以生態博物館、社區博物館、民俗博物館和社區總體營造等理念來建構出一個「活」的博物館,增加博物館與周邊社區的互動。 本研究共以五章的內容來分析生態博物館與社區的互動,並探討北投溫泉博物館的興建營運與所遭遇到的挑戰,以做為未來經營生態博物館的借鑑: 第一章:以說明本研究之背景、動機與目的為起始,其次為本研究所採用的研究方法,並界定研究範圍、限制與名詞概念,最後回顧國內外相關文獻資料。 第二章:將國內外博物館相關文獻資料整合出博物館以及新博物館運動在歐美與台灣的發展歷程,並從中分析出生態博物館的興起、演變及對地方的影響。 第三章:探討台灣社區總體營造政策與博物館的結合、博物館走進社區的關鍵因素,以及探究生態博物館與社區的連接與互動形態。 第四章:以北投溫泉博物館做為個案研究的對象,分析其經營管理現況,並經由地方重點人士、館方人員與義工訪談,以及遊客參觀行為的調查,找出北投溫泉博物館與社區的互動和所面臨的挑戰。 第五章:結論與建議。研究後發現北投溫泉博物館符合生態博物館的理念,並對北投溫泉博物館的經營管理做出改善建議,研究發現期望可以作為日後生態博物館經營管理之參考。 / The ‘two-day weekend’ policy has been promulgated in Taiwan and people have more time spending on leisure activities. The increases of attending leisure activities create the developments of tourism among which the culture tourism is one of the most popular patterns. Using museums is a new trend throughout the world. However, the knowledge of understanding the functions of the museums is quite limited, where is bounded with attending indoor activities, historical and cultural exhibitions that not only impedes the patterns on sites seeing at the local level of cultures, but also lacks the interactions between the museums and communities. Based on “anthropology”, “popularization”, “localization”, and “diversity”, “New Museum Movement” is widely adopted to enhance the knowledge of using museums. It focuses on the deconstructing the existing concept of the traditional museums activities and highlights the communal heritages. A “living” museum is built under the ideas of eco-museums, community museums, folk museums, and community empowerment which increase the interactions between eco-museums and communities. There are five chapters in this study to analyze the interactions between eco-museums and communities, in addition, to discuss its construction, organization, and challenge of the Peitou Hot Spring Museum. The results of this study are expected to serve as the base for further research on the eco-museums in the future. In Chapter 1 the background, motivation, and purpose of doing this research are described. The methodologies relate to this research, regarding its area, limit, and the main concept would be explained in detail. In the end of this chapter, I review the related literatures. The Chapter 2 attempts to integrate the related literatures, New Museum Movement in Europe and United States, with the development of Peitou Hot Spring Museum in Taiwan. The literatures of how the rise and evolutions which impact the local community due to the development of eco-museums are also analyzed in this chapter. The Chapter 3 will discuss the community development combined with the development of museums in Taiwan, the key factors of the museums to blend with the interactive between eco-museums and communities are illustrated. In Chapter 4 this study aims to use Peitou Hot Spring Museum as a study case to analyze its current operations. Through interviewing local key persons, museum staff, and volunteers, as well as the assessment of the visitor’s interactions between Peitou Hot Springs Museum and communities are explored in this chapter. The Chapter 5 is the conclusion and suggestion. This study finds that Peitou Hot Spring Museum is accord with the concept of eco-museums which would provides the related suggestions to improve its further operation and management.


王本壯, Wang, Ben-chaung Unknown Date (has links)
自1994年開始推動的「社區總體營造」,可謂台灣近十年來最具朝野共識的政策方案之ㄧ。研究者在長達十餘年的實際參與執行過程中,觀察到有兩項未曾間斷且持續操作的社區營造重點工作,其一為社造人才的培育,其二為社區環境空間的改造。而這兩項工作其實就是社區總體營造在台灣推動這十年來,亟欲達成的階段性目標,也對於往後社區營造的永續發展有著關鍵性的影響。 本研究嘗試從參與主體互動關係的角度切入,探討在「社區培力」的觀點下,在民眾參與社區環境空間改造時,所產生的政府、非政府組織與社區民眾,三個參與主體所扮演的角色、定位、功能與任務,以及各參與主體在人才培育的工作中,如何在學習成長的過程中,運用培力的方式以達成有效益的成果累積。 研究者採用行動研究的方法,以苗栗縣為研究場域,並透過對於社區營造、社區培力、民眾參與、社區環境改造與國內外多個案例等的課題分析歸納,並結合苗栗縣推動社區總體營造與社區規畫師等計畫的執行過程中,探究各參與主題的互動關係變化,進而影響其各自的角色、定位、功能與任務的網絡結構,以及有效的社區培力機制。 在經過2001-2005五年間的行動研究歷程,研究者發現三個參與主體間的關係應是由最初的「上下互賴關係」,轉變為「水平互動關係」,方有可能達成「三角互補關係」的理想社區總體營造網絡結構。而在不同的階段中,三參與主體的也應動態的變換不同的角色與相對應的功能與任務,以因時、因地制宜的推動社造工作。尤其非政府組織除了必須具備有「中介、潤滑與形塑」的功能外,還要能「提升社區民眾公共參與層級」的能力。因為,民眾對於公共事務的決策能力並非由其他主體移轉而來,而是在有效的學習成長過程中,創發出來的。而透過本研究引入「契約學習」的學習方式,更確認有效的學習過程應提供「提問式的教育環境」,教學者與學習者在一定的知識基礎上,於動態的互動過程中調整所扮演的角色,進而將所習得的知識內化為生活的一部份,再透過行為外顯呈現。 本研究在苗栗縣的特定情境脈絡下,探討民眾參與社區環境改造此類與生活密切關聯,但又需要專業知識與技能的社區營造面向,如何藉由參與主體間的關係轉變與互動過程,以及學習成長的社區培力機制的運作,應可提供相關研究人員參考,並作為政府、非政府組織與社區民眾彼此互動的依據,進而共同攜手打造社區願景。 關鍵詞:社區總體營造、民眾參與、社區培力、契約學習、社區規畫師、行動研究 / Community building can be seen as one of the most common understanding policies in Taiwan since 1994. Author of this research has been participating in the practical operation for over ten years, and observing two key points. One is talent cultivation; the other one is community space transformation. These two achievements are de facto the staged goals of Taiwan community building through these years. Most importantly, they have potentially influenced the sustainable development of community building. With the angle of interaction of participants, this research tries to discuss that under the view of community empowerment, government, NGOs and community residents become the three main participants when the public takes part in the community space transformation. The roles, position, function and mission of the three participants will be examined here. Besides, for talents cultivation, how do they exert empowerment to accumulate the efficient achievement in the learning process? Action research method is used in this research. MiaoLi County is the research area. Through analyzing the subjects of community building, community empowerment, public participation, community space transformation and overseas cases, and combining the executing process of the community building and community planner plans promoted by MiaoLi County, this research is to study the interacting changes of the above subjects. Furthermore, these subjects are to influence their own roles, position, function, mission network and effective community empowerment mechanism. After five-year action research from 2001 to 2005, this research found that the relation of the above three main participants has changed from “Top-Bottom Dependent Relationship” into “Balanced interaction Relationship”, and been finally moving to “Triangle Inter-complementary Relationship ”, an ideal net structure of community building. In the different stages, the three main participants should also shift different roles, related function and mission to promote community building timely and properly. Especially, except intermediary, lubricating and molding, NGOs should have the capability to promote the level of the public community participation. For the public’s decision ability toward public affairs is not transferred from other objects, but created from the effective learning process. This research introduced “contract learning” to confirm that an adequate learning process should provide an “asking- question education environment ”. Based on certain knowledge basis, teachers and learners have to adjust their roles during interacting, internalize the new knowledge into part of their lives, and behave properly. Under some special situations in Miao-li County, this research talks about the close relation between daily life, professional knowledge and skill of community building while the public participates community environment building. It also examines how these main participants transfer their relation and interacting process, and how to learn the operation of a growing community empowerment mechanism. These related findings and conclusions could provide some positive reference for other researchers. More importantly, it is hoped that government, NGOs and communities to cooperate to accomplish a concrete community vision in accordance with this research in the future. Key words:community building, public participation, community empowerment, contract learning, community planner, action research

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