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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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沈亦元 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文撰述之主旨乃意圖藉由弗蘭克(Viktor Frankl)意義治療理論(logotherapy)之研究與詮釋,觀照當前台灣教育場域之所是與所現,並期許為生命教育應然之轉化方向有所裨益與補充。有別於精神分析理論與個體心理學對本能驅力論及地位驅力論等心理動力觀點之強調,歷經納粹死亡集中營體驗之弗蘭克認為,人性應然面貌之基礎應為意義之獲尋與性靈之提升,生命意義感之定調方為支持存在邁向未來之核心動力。因此,不同於佛洛依德與阿德勒之本能化約論與社經成就化約論之論述傾向,意義治療理論著重人性於意志自由、意義意志與生命意義開展過程中所能獲致之精神穩定與自我超越。 意義治療理論建構之目的,在於探尋人性如何於極限環境之苦難與命運無可預期之斷裂中藉由生命意義之追尋以跨越於外並邁向生命之制高點;如何於絕境中克服深層之焦慮與恐懼使自我性靈得以提升至另一種更高之心境。重視人性精神維度的弗蘭克認為,探尋生命意義之解答為人性源初之指向,茫然於生命意義之存在將因「存在空虛」而墮入絕望泥沼,反之,生命意義得以確立之存在將稟其堅決信念橫度一切苦難,由是,主體跨越生命頓挫與精神危機之道以弗蘭克立場觀之即為藉由自由、抉擇能力與責任之覺察以獲致此生之價值與意義,然而弗蘭克作為一名心理治療之開業醫師,也為獲致人生意義之途徑建構其方向性之建議。意義治療理論指出,存在當能於創造性活動、真愛感受與轉化態度中實踐存在價值之唯一性與獨特性,要之,透過內在自由之指向與個人使命之肩負,存在應能於人性本有之創造性、感受性與轉化性精神活動中獲致生命之目標與意義。綜上所述,精神上之自由與抉擇能力為存在自我意識、尊嚴與良知之基礎,更為生命實存之核心,如何珍視並勇於開展其間所內蘊之意涵即為意義治療理論為生命教育所昭式之蘊義。 由弗蘭克思想出發,研究者認為生命教育能藉由意義治療理論而觀照之啟示應為: 1.生命教育應鼓勵學習者正視生命歷程中之無可預期性,接受生命有其無可規劃、無可控制之不確定因素。遭逢命運頓挫之存在應敢於面對無可改變之事實並以泰然之心境思考其間所內蘊之轉機。 2.生命教育應為一種喚醒存在自由意志之教育,鼓勵學習者於與外在世界之邂逅中展現其能動性、主動性,願以後設立場反思、批判自身所質疑之價值,且能於拒絕仰賴、依附外在判準之情境中敢於邁向自我抉擇的道路。 3.學習者於生命教育歷程中,應學習肩負責任之重要性,理解自由與責任間之辯證相關。鼓勵學習者願為自由意志展揚下所定位之抉擇負起全然之責任,並視實踐此一抉擇為此生無可旁貸之使命。 4.生命教育應為一種鼓勵學習者關懷外在世界之教育,學習者於生命教育歷程中應能理解自我完成之基礎係奠基於他者之整全,以真誠之心為他者無求回報之奉獻方為獲致終極價值之唯一途徑,以往過於強調零和競爭之教育模式易使生命內蘊之群性側傾並瓦解存在關懷生命、同理他者之天賦能力,由是,呈顯關懷、真愛、奉獻、犧牲等他者倫理之教育信念即為還原於過度競爭教育氛圍中扭曲人性之根本動力。

大學生的生活壓力、社會支持與生命意義之研究 / The study of life stress, social support, and meaning of life among college students

江穎盈, Chiang, Yiing Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討大學生的生活壓力、社會支持與生命意義各層面的相互關係,最後瞭解生活壓力、社會支持對生命意義的預測情形。本研究採問卷調查法的方式,以台灣北部地區576名大學生為研究對象,邀請大學生填寫「生命意義量表」、「大學生生活壓力量表」及「社會支持量表」三種量表。資料蒐集完畢後,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、皮爾森積差相關、逐步迴歸分析、階層迴歸分析進行資料分析。研究主要發現如下: 一、大學生普遍具有追尋生命意義的動機,但約有四分之一的學生對個人的生命意義主觀感受是欠缺的或不確定的。 二、不同性別大學生的生命意義感、意義追尋動機無顯著差異。 三、有宗教信仰的大學生其生命意義感較無宗教信仰者高,且信仰越虔誠則生命意義感越高。 四、大學生的生命意義感與意義追尋動機為正相關。 五、日常困擾、重大負向生活事件兩者的發生件數、影響程度,分別和生命意義感呈負相關。 六、社會支持、日常困擾影響程度與意義追尋動機為正向關係。 七、大學生的社會支持、日常困擾程度、重大負向生活事件發生件數、是否有宗教信仰,對生命意義感具顯著預測力。 八、大學生的社會支持、日常困擾程度、日常困擾發生件數,能夠顯著預測意義追尋動機。 九、有宗教信仰的大學生,信仰虔誠度對生命意義感預測力高於生活壓力。 十、大學生的社會支持並沒有產生調節生活壓力對生命意義之效果。 根據研究結果,建議可藉由協助大學生探索其生命意義、發展個人的靈性或宗教信仰、建立個人的社會網絡、學習因應日常困擾之能力、嘗試從苦難中找尋生命意義,以獲得較高的生命意義感。最後提出對未來相關研究的建議。 / The study examined the relative contributions of life stress and social support to the prediction of life meaning among Taiwan college students. This study employed three questionnaires to collect data, including Meaning in life Questionnaire, Life Stress Scale, and Social Support Scale. The participants of the study were 576 college students of northern Taiwan. The descriptive statistic, t-test, Pearson’s correlation analysis, stepwise multiple regression and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used to analyze data. The main findings of this study were: 1. College students generally had the motivation of searching for meaning, but about 1/4 students had deficient or uncertain subjective experience to the presence of life meaning. 2. Male and female students had no significant differentiation in the presence and search for the meaning in life. 3. College students with religious beliefs had higher presence of meaning in life than those who didn’t have religious beliefs. Moreover the higher the dedication in religion a student had the higher meaning in life. 4. There was a positive correlation between the presence of meaning in life and the search for meaning in college students. 5. Daily hassles, number of major life events, and the degree of influence had negative relationship with the presence of life meaning. 6. Positive relationship between social support, degree of influence of daily hassles and the search for meaning in life were found. 7. College students’ social support, degree of influence of daily hassles, number of major life events, and religious beliefs could significantly predict the presence of meaning in life. 8. College students’ social support, degree of influence of daily hassles, and number of daily hassles could significantly predict the search for meaning in life. 9. The dedication level in religion had higher prediction than life stress on the presence of meaning in life among college students who had religious beliefs. 10. The college students' social support had no buffering effect between stress and the meaning of life. According to the findings, researcher suggested that college students could obtain higher levels of life meaning by exploring their meaning of life, developing spirituality or religious beliefs, learning the ability to cope with daily hassles, and finding meaning in sufferings. Finally, suggestions for further research were proposed.

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