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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉雪瑽 Unknown Date (has links)
當代排灣族的藝術作品、文學作品都十分豐富多彩,尤其藝術作品更是異 常繁盛、絢爛,在十六族中顯得十分獨特。滋養了如此燦爛文化的排灣族擁有 怎樣的底層文化,族群的精神世界是由怎樣的宇宙觀、生命觀構成的?而傳統 宇宙觀、生命觀在當今時代又被賦予了怎樣新的意義? 本文帶著這樣的問題意識,回到排灣族傳統的口傳敘事中尋找答案,通過 文本分析釐清了族群傳統文化中對宇宙結構、人類生命起源、生命形式如何在 宇宙中轉化的看法。繼而,文章整理了四百年來排灣族文化中的神聖世界崩壞 的過程,並通過文學藝術作品整理了族人面臨此危機時的焦慮與憂心。最後, 討論了作家與藝術家是如何通過與神聖傳統對話而創作出優秀作品的,他們在 創作的同時也在重塑族群的神聖世界,傳統宇宙觀與生命觀在與當代社會結合 時被賦予了新的意義。


蔡孟芳 Unknown Date (has links)

佛教志工生命觀、關係圓融之研究---以助念志工為例 / The search of the perspective of life and smooth interaction in Buddhist volunteers---The case of volunteers of End-of-Life chanting

林妙霙, Lin, Miao Ying Unknown Date (has links)
我們的生活中免不了會有身邊親友去世的經驗,甚至每日的報章媒體也都隨處看得到有人因天災、意外、疾病等原因而死亡的消息,故說死亡的陰影是如影隨形跟著每一個人,既然每人或早或晚都得面對死亡這一關,那麼對這個人生的重大課題,值得認真去面對它、瞭解它。 而本研究採取深度訪談法,主要以正德社會福利慈善基金會的「西方蓮社」臺北分社助念志工為主,以助念經驗逾兩年以上者挑選五位作訪談之研究;另外訪問兩位承天禪寺蓮池共修會助念志工,至於其他四位受訪者各隸屬於法鼓山、諾那精舍、靈巖山念佛會、圓山念佛會,合計本文之訪談助念志工共有十一位。而本文所謂的助念,係指對臨終者的開導佛理與幫助亡者提起正念,專心念「阿彌陀佛」佛號,祈求集合眾人專心念佛的力量,幫助亡者蒙佛接引,往生西方極樂世界。 研究結果發現如下:一.助念瑞相,不可思議;二.寂滅為樂,不再輪迴;三.深信切願,念佛要深;四.風不止而樹茁壯,親不待而勤助念;五.肉體幻滅,神識仍在;六.莫存僥倖,平日勤修;七.助念志工,不與人爭;八.提起正念,安定亡靈。 關於助念志工的生命觀,為藉假修真、修行往生,生死何重、死為重矣,深信切願、必能往生。其關係圓融之研究,則分為志工團體合作默契、家人關係的圓融、鄰居關係的圓融、工作單位的關係圓融、人生觀之關係圓融等研究向度,總歸其看法為「人生如過客,有何好計較」、「修行要緊,不與人爭」、「別人都對,抱歉我錯」、「面對現實,明辨真假」、「富貴在天,不怕吃虧」。 本文並依據研究發現,對助念志工的建議為:至誠懇切、念佛要深;參透生死、自度度人;發心在剎那、恆持到永遠。對死者與家屬的建議為:生前要預立遺囑,交待後事。對社會大眾的建議為:每一個家庭最少有一兩位成員要懂得助念。對醫療體系的建議為:培訓更多志工、義工來從事臨終關懷的工作。對佛教道場的建議為:加強宣導助念的方法與功效,讓「助念」普及化。對政府機構的建議為:培訓更多宗教師等專業人士。對葬儀社的建議為:避免打斷助念流程,協助讓助念工作圓滿、助亡者往西。 關鍵詞: 助念、助念志工、生命觀、關係圓融 / We cannot avoid encountering and experiencing the death of loved ones around us in our lives. Even through media or newspaper, we read about people dying of sickness, accidents, and natural disasters, just to name a few. We can say that everyone is coupled with death. Since facing death is something one must deal with sooner or later, we can say it is one of the most important studies in our lives. It is worthy for us to think about it and understand it seriously. This study applies the in-depth interview of qualitative research. There are eleven volunteers of End-of-Life Chanting as the research population in this study, including interviewing the main study group, five volunteers from Cheng Te Western Lotus Society, Taipei Chapter, who have more than two years of End-of-Life Chanting experience, the other volunteers from different five groups. In this study, End-of-Life Chanting refers to the process of the Buddhist Chanting Assistance, including both the counseling and the last rite ceremonies, and by uniting the full will power of the End-of-Life Chanting group, chanting Amitabha’s name to help the deceased be escorted by the Buddha to reside in Western Pureland. This study concludes the following: 1. The corpse has a peaceful appearance, which is simply amazing 2. At peace with being dead, not returning back to the life of being human 3. Recite sutra sincerely and believe deeply 4. Worship the deceased parents by reciting sutra and End-of-Life Chanting 5. The spirit of the dead is still alive although the flesh no longer exists 6. Recite sutra diligently and regularly 7. Don’t argue or compete with others 8. Calm the soul of the dead The life philosophy of End-of-Life Chanting volunteers include weighing in the importance of life and death in order to know to take death seriously, reciting sutra sincerely and diligently, believing that it will bring life after death. The studies of the harmonious relationship includes researching the team spirit and team work among End-of-Life Chanting volunteers, relationships among family members, neighbors, and colleagues, and the attitudes toward life. In short, it concludes that, “life is short, why arguing with others?”“the cultivation of oneself is important, competing with others is not necessary”, “others are always right, I need to work on my mistakes”, “facing with the reality of facts, telling the right from wrong”, and “regards the wealth as a gift from God, and not being afraid to be taken advantage of”. . Based on the research findings, there are some suggestions: 1. To End-of-Life Chanting volunteers : recite sutra sincerely;believe that life is unpredictable and chanting is a good deed benefiting others and yourselves;do a good deed at one moment but maintain and support it till forever. 2. To the surviving family members: Have a will made before death in order to set up everything and let your wishes be known 3. To the society:Every family should at least have one or two members who know the work of End-of-Life Chanting ceremonies. 4. To the hospital and medical field: Educate and train more volunteers to engage in the End-of-Life Chanting ceremonies. 5. To the Buddhist temples:To publicize the method and effectiveness of the End-of-Life Chanting, make End-of-Life Chanting more popular and wide- spread . 6. To the government:Educate and train more religious professionals. 7. To the mortuary: Avoid breaking the process of End-of-Life Chanting,and assist the End-of-Life Chanting ceremonies to help the dead reach the Western Pureland. key words:a) End-of-Life Chanting,b) volunteers of End-of-Life Chanting, c) the life philosophy, d) the harmonious relationship

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