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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

品牌涉入度、品牌社群認同度、社群意見對品牌延伸評價之影響 / The impact of brand involvement, brand community identification, and group opinion on brand extension evaluation

范綱典 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著網路的普及,也有越來越多的企業開始在網路上建立自己的品牌社群。根據台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC)發佈的2011台灣寬頻網絡使用調查報告,目前台灣的上網人口已經達到1695萬,較去年增加了73萬。在這樣一個趨勢下,Facebook、Twitter等社群網站更是成為新一波數位時代的重要媒體。因此有越來越多的企業開始在Facebook或是Twitter成立線上的品牌社群,並希望透過社群的力量來企圖影響消費者。 然而,目前國內外關於品牌社群的文獻中,鮮少探討當品牌社群面對產品契合度低的延伸產品或是品牌負面新聞時,品牌涉入度和品牌社群認同度對延伸評價或是母品牌評價差距之影響。因此,本研究乃以國內品牌社群為研究主題,並參考國內外相關的研究,以星巴克和漢堡王之品牌社群為研究對象,針對前述議題進行較深入的研究。 研究結果顯示,品牌社群認同度高的消費者對品牌延伸的評價會比品牌社群認同度低的消費者高,品牌涉入度高的消費者對品牌延伸的評價會比品牌涉入度低的消費者高,品牌社群認同度高的消費者對母品牌評價的差距會小於社群認同度低的消費者,品牌涉入度高的消費者對母品牌評價的差距會小於品牌涉入度低的消費者。最後,品牌商可參考本研究結果,採用正確的方法和對策,提升品牌形象、市場佔有率與獲利能力。

以3M階層模型探討消費者個人特質及動機 / The influences of online brand community users’ traits and motivations on behavioral intentions—based on 3M hierarchical model

林佳怡 Unknown Date (has links)
Facebook全球使用者相當於世界第三大國,目前台灣有超過六百萬會員,其中粉絲專頁為Facebook提供企業或個人成立的社群專頁,粉絲專頁便於聚集相同嗜好的粉絲,特別是企業可利用免費的社交網站空間建立品牌社群,提高知名度與維繫顧客關係;台灣Facebook使用者也紛紛加入各種粉絲專頁,因此本研究以Facebook粉絲專頁使用者為研究對象,應用Mowen(2000)提出的3M層級模型,探究人格特質、動機、消費者創新性、社群認同感、價值意識,對使用者利用粉絲專頁接收資訊及發表意見意圖的影響。除了瞭解研究架構的層級關係,也以結構方程式驗證整體模型的適配度。 本研究結果發現:社群認同感對接收資訊意圖與發表意見意圖皆有正面影響,使用者的價值意識,對接收資訊意圖有正面影響。社群認同感與價值意識,來自人際需求、活動需求及資訊需求。本研究亦在研究架構外,延伸探討粉絲專頁使用者的接收資訊及發表意見意圖,接收資訊意圖是使用者瞭解該品牌並持續購買該品牌產品的重要因素,而發表意見的意圖則影響品牌喜好程度、採用該品牌其他產品,以及通路造訪頻率。以上研究結論可作為粉絲專頁之經營參考。 / Facebook has six million members in Taiwan and the global members have expanded as large as the population of third largest country. Based on the membership, various Faceboook applications have great potentials in advertising and marketing. Fan Page, one of the applications, functioned as an online brand community for the worldwide corporations to promote their new products/ services and manage the customer relationships. The research is based on Mowen (2000) 3M hierarchal model to investigate the influences of fan page users’ traits and motivations on their behavioral intentions. The purpose is to discover the hierarchical relationships of the conceptual framework and then provide the fan page owners with practical suggestions. The research findings including community recognition and value consciousness will positively influence the behavioral intentions. And community recognition and values consciousness are positively influenced by the needs of interpersonal relationship, information, and activity. Therefore, the fan page owners should meet the needs and then increase users’ community recognition and values consciousness by providing information and encouraging users to express their opinions on fan pages.

社群商務流量變現過程之關鍵成功因素探討 / The key successful factors of traffic monetizing process in social commerce

王孟筠 Unknown Date (has links)
平台的興起改變了傳統消費模式,因此無論是在學術界或是實務界,強調互動的社群商務在近年來都漸漸受到重視。然而,從社群中內容經營者的角度出發探討社群商務經營狀況的相關研究不多;此外,社群商務與網路外部性的連結也相對缺乏,故本研究欲以台灣影響力最大之社群平台Facebook的粉絲專頁為例,探討社群商務「使粉絲變成消費者」的流量變現過程,供未來社群商務經營者參考。 本研究以學者Hagel & Armstrong(1998)提出的會員發展四階段作為研究架構,採個案研究法,選擇「傑利帶路 玩世界」與「I’m 布布媽咪/Chic KimBlake」為個案,透過深度訪談探討選擇個案從內容社群至社群商務的經營過程中,每一階段形成正向網路外部性的關鍵成功因素以及做法,並同時分析不同的訴求類型於粉絲專頁上的影響與效果。 研究結果顯示,在社群商務的整體經營中,人格力、社群力以及產品力為三大關鍵成功因素,並且依序在吸引會員(製造流量)、增加參與(集中流量)、建立忠貞(鎖住流量)三階段扮演關鍵角色,最終實現價值獲取(流量變現)的目的;除此之外,感性的訴求在社群商務前期扮演相對重要的角色,而訴求的有效性與社群商務提供的產品與服務類型並無直接相關。 / The new economics of platform changes traditional purchase process and reconstructs value chain, giving the market new business rules. Thus, social commerce which emphasize interaction between customers and operators has been widely discussed in recent years. Numerous studies focused on customer behavior in social commerce but barely discussed business operation of social commerce from platform operators’ perspectives. As a result, this study is aim at exploring the traffic monetizing process in social commerce operating. This study applies case study method, analytic frame is adopted from the Four Phases to Developing Sustainable Virtual Community of Prof. Hagel and Armstrong published in 1998. “JerryWalker” and “Chic KimBlake” on Facebook fanpage are chosen as the research targets. Start by in-person interview with each targeted cases and supplemented by second-hand sources, inspecting the process from solely content operating to social commerce operating, also analyze key successful factors in each phase; moreover, this study will also discuss different types of appeals’ influence in social commerce. The results of this study shows that “personality”, “community operation” and “product and service” are the three main key factors while building up a successful social commerce. Besides, these three factor correspond to Phase I-generate traffic, Phase- II concentrate traffic, and Phase-III lock in the traffic in order, through this process can monetize community traffic and reach positive network effect. Furthermore, emotional appeals show better effect in social commerce regardless of different kinds of provided product and service.

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